One million years ago and when the experimend - Humanity prodject - started...
They arrived -incarnated - within the first wave the best of the best,in this Universe.
Within this first wave, The One Known as Christ,and most of the Ascended Masters,coming from differend systems and galaxies.Their mission. To lead and quide Humanity.
During the fall of Atlantis, most of the Ascended Masters were there.Either as high priests in Temples or in other assignements.Before leaving Atlantis,all the Masters gave a promice.That at the end times,all of them ,they will be back.And They are here!! All of Them.Saint Germain,Lady Portia,
El Moryia,Lady Nada,e.t.c
It seems that the Masters are not the only Ones,They are here.
Light Beings from still higher Dimensions ,and from all Universes,are presend for the grand finale.
Few years ago Earth was considered a ...lost case,pending totall distruction,as happened with other planets and civilisations.
With the asistance and quidance of the Assended Masters and other Higher Light Beings ,the opening of great portals, and the anchoring of the Devine energies directly from the Source,
we made the imposible..possible!Earth is in the final stage of the ascension process,and shifting to the 5th Dimension.
There is a Cosmic law in all Fields of Experience and the ascension process,which says that the first incarnating, are also the last ones...out !Watching,observing,and quaranteeing the outcome of certain Light missions, according to the Devine Plan, as is been defined by the Creator-Source.
So be patient...and have faith.If you are one within the first waves ,you have to wait untill mission accomplished,and listen to the final personal ...call.