There is nothing there. There is no I. Just nothing.
That is the same as saying "I am everything" or "I do not exist" because there is no I !
It is mankinds FIRST and BIGGEST missconseption. Due to this ONE tiny error, we suffer, we struggle etc etc.
You can not reach a permanent hightened state of enlightenment were the I is enlightened. All that is rubbish!
Why? Because there is no one there! There is no were to go. Nothing to acomplish and nothing to find because there is no one there to find anything. THIS IS FREEDOM. The truth is before everything. If you start looking you will not find it. It is so SIMPLE that the word simple makes it complicated.
Every attempt to describe this will fail because that is like showing you signs pointing at nothing.
Were this is "I" was before, there seems to be just black space. Nothing. Empty.
When asking the question "Who am I" in this nothingness, there is no one asking it, so one attempt to answer this is that "I" is just a sound.