There Is No Own's Death

If death does not exist, then what is death? One may knee jerk that it is an idea. But when we zoom the lense, we find that own's death is not even an idea. Own's death is a misnomer that is worse than a myth. Does the future exist then? Yes! So how the hell will one circumvent own's death?A philosopher named Gotfried Leibniz once exclaimed: there are some things that we think that we have an idea of. However infact we have no such ideas. He gave an example of the fastest speed possible. He must have reasoned that we amuse ourselves that we have an idea when we perform some abstractions. We see the fastest snail in the field, the fastest car in the road etc. Then we hail, the fastest signal in the universe. He says that we simply put ourselves in the shoes of the fastest thing and then throw your fist foward to punch a fly.My approach to showing the pseudoconceptuall nature of own's death is similar to how Leibniz does for the fastest signal possible. Yes, we perceive other bodies dieing but we know that there is more to dieing than just dismantling of the body. The awareness together with inner experience must varnish. So to form an idea of death, we must put ourselves in the shoes of a dieing man but then at once, we find that we can still throw out some fists here and there!But one may think that it is easy to form an idea of a lack of own's awareness. Well, this is the gist of the matter. It is not even that easy to form an idea of own's awareness itself. A problem is that people confuse word with idea. Everyone can talk of a fourth dimension as a spatial axis othornomal to the 3 axi but no one can realy form such an IDEA in their mind. Fourth d remains as meaningless a word as the word yuck or even worse, bugaboo. It is the same also with the pseudoidea of one's own death.I can even make this claim formal by demanding that all words must lable ideas CONSISTENTLY. Then I show that the idea of own's death is inconsistent with the idea of a lack of own's awareness. Here it goes: we form ideas by contemplating on dualities. We form the idea of our awareness by close exermining our states at different moments. Then we find that at times we are asleep, at dream and wake. We define the word awareness as to resot to our wake state and we automatically thus understand the state of our own lack of awareness. This understanding is such that the wake state comes AFTER and not before the sleep state. When we try to form an idea of own's lack of awareness as a state that will occur in future, we must absolutely form an idea of our wake state at some moment even farther in future when we realise that we were not aware all along. This is not a surprise at all. It is necesary for the concept of a lack of own's awareness to be consistent. It is quite paradoxical that we donnot even need to understand how we may resurrect at some arbitrary moment in future in order to be acertain of it.Think again about what will happen when you die. Forget about the idea of soul, heaven or hell and ASSUME that death indead marks the absolute end of own's awareness. Then we understand the absurdity of the whole pseudoidea. You will get the effective reductio-ad-absurdum of the claim that death marks an everlasting end of your own experiences. This is the realy true reason why own's end is just a pseudoidea: time itself is part of your own experiences. From the point of view of own's experience, there is no meaning of time during which you are not aware. However, from bird's angle, there is no meaning of an end of time. From bird's angle, we cannot form an idea of the whole of eternity of any state even if it is a state of being a corpse. It is far easier to imagine a corpse surreptitiously rising at some moment in future than to form an idea of the entire eternity comming to an end. So we hit at a paradox. Time, even the future eternity is an idea formed in my awareness. The eternal lack of awareness of time that supposedly follow a state of own's death must not be time at all from the point of view of own's awareness. From the latter point of view, it would mark an ACTUAL INFINITE which is an impossibility from the bird's angle point of view. In order for the notion of eternity to be consistent, one must resurrect at some arbitrary point in future. Then he realises that an arbitrarily long duration has passed during which he was not aware of anything but time itself does not come to and end from everlasting to everlasting. Failure for that to happen cannot even be imagined as it demands an actual infinite to be possible.One can still attempt to object that we can form the idea of death as a potential infinite. Give me a moment in future, and I can imagine that during all this moment, one hasn't risen. However, this chase collupses when own's awareness is at the table. You don't perceive your state as a thing occuring for a potential eternity simply because by definition, there is no one to experience a duration of any sort. From your point of view the entire future eternity must come to an actuality right at the moment of own's death as an eternity of a lack of own's awareness. This is clearly an impossibility.To add bonus to the above argument, lets consider a symmetrical case in the past. As we know, time is asymmetrical so we espect an opposite scenario in the past. The christian philosopher, William Lane Craig has been finding it realy hard to grasp the idea of a past eternity. We had such problem even more when we were young. Actually it is caused by what I said: we can only form an idea of our awareness as a state that occurs after a state of a lack of our own awareness and never the vice-versa. It is part of the states that defines the time asymmetry. The reason why it can be hard to grasp the idea of a past eternity is that we tend to put ourselves in the shoes of a being who have been leaving forever. This is problematic as it demands the past eternity to be an ACTUAL INFINITE from the point of view of such an awareness. So the mirrors are very asymmetrical; it is impossible to form an idea of own's lack of awareness as a state that will occur for the whole of future eternity just as it is impossible to form an idea of own's awareness as a state that has already occured for the whole of past eternity.Light belongs to the futureDarkness belongs to the past.
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  • It is also worth noting that what is complicated to you may be very simple to another person. It depends on experience. When I was a newbie, I remember a guitar being too complex a thing. With time though, it becomes just like tieing shoe laces. You begine to play bass, rythm, pick tunes while singing and dancing, thinking, meditating and doing math ALL AT ONCE!! It is NOT too complicated for me.
  • Somptimes complexity is little bit cool.:)
    It is fun to solve puzzles.
  • Why do human beings have to make everything so complicated for themselves?

  • Interesting, though little bit mind bending. But its just like that actually we are 2 even inside our own bodies!! So multiply it by 6 to get 12. The way say the two brains does not thus form two personalities is quite amazing. But if the personality is due to a third entity that is not divisible, then it makes perfect sense.
  • In spirituality we are told that  there are 6 of us.  Each having experiences on different planets and all... perhaps one or 2 on the earth .  I think at some point we merge these back together.  Not sure the details on this, I figure I will understand when it is necessary.  This also might be what is called a ´´soul braid´´....when one of these aspects is merged or added.

  • Many physicists beleive that this very 3d realm is an infinite multiverse. In this multiverse there are all sorts of things. Everything imaginable exists, including myriads copies of your bodies!

    We can combine this physics idea of parallel 'selfs' with the fact that we apparently find ourselves in the same body always to suggest that there is something nonlocal that connects all places in the multiverse. This all pervading thing is a medium in which 'soul' exists.
  • True, Wings. We formed the pseudo idea of 'death' by merely observing the bodies and not realy contemplating on what happens to the awareness of the individual from experiental point of view. When we try the latter, we notice a proplem. We realise the incoherence in the idea of termination of what is there.

    Intuitively we know that that which exist donnot cease existing.
  • It only appears as death to those who view the body.  To the one who experiences it, it is more like rebirth...

  • There is no such thing as ´´death´´ is just a name for going to another ´´place.´´

  • Ok, in most cases when we fall asleep, awareness doesn't varnish completely. We may for instance dream etc. Might it be the same during death?? That would be an experience of death but it is still consistent with my point in this blog which rather object to the idea of death as a termination of one's experience.
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