I have a couple of odd concepts brewing in my head about what it means to be a part of the whole of foreverness......God or Prime Creator or maybe its just infinity of all possible infinities, to be a part of that foreverness of Divinity and Creation can only invoke Love. I mean i think about the almost countless generations we have lived in fear of the concept of begining and ending, makes me sick to my stomach thinking about the palpalness of the fear i've always lived in, the fear of blackness is the only way i can describe it, but the only alternative was fear of Heaven or Hell, yes i said Heaven because we are taught to think especially in western society the God is a vengeful God and lets face it who wants to go to Heaven where a vengeful yet all loving God oversees, would probably feel more like prison. So it seems that the path to righteousness has alway's been rooted in fear of not only whatever God might be involved, but of the opposing force involved as well.......
But the simple concept of being apart of the whole of Divinity and Creation and the foreverness of it all invokes a sense of peace and Love, to be apart of the Divine, which i wonder if it is some how seperate from creation in the sense of Divinty is the cause and Creation is the reaction.......Know doubt an entire race of Divine beings that we are will certainly bring change to the universe once we truly know what it means to be apart of forever of all things and possibilities. Creation can only happen in the midst of Love, think of the Love we will find once we find our way back to the Divine US and the creation that could spark in the midst of the infinite amount of Love....