Viruses throughout the dimensions
We think that viruses are biological invasions of microorganisms, which are a
threat to the physical body, and they are contracted from forces outside of
ourselves. We think that viruses are body orientated and third dimensional
only. However this is not entirely true, not all the viruses and sicknesses that
you are experiencing are sourced from the third dimensional. Even the milder
viruses that manifest as colds and flu do not always originate from the third
dimension. The third dimension is the final dimension where you will see the
manifestation of a virus occurring. Viruses can and often do originate from a
higher dimension, such as the fourth.
We are locked into the third dimension in our awareness and therefore we
perceive the virus as being a third dimensional physical manifestation,
however in truth the body is the final resting place of the virus and the virus in
truth is sourced from a much higher dimension. It is only when we see
physical symptoms manifest in the physical body do we come to realise that
we are sick. However the energy of the virus has been on a long journey
through many of our other bodies affecting us on many other levels, way
before it finally arrives here in the third dimension and manifests in the body
as illness.
The physical body is the last expression of the Soul to manifest symptoms of
being infected by a virus, the virus does not originate in the third dimensional
physical body, but has come about by passing through a long line of
imbalanced thought processes on various levels. On a higher level an
imbalance occurs and this imbalance is then filtered down through the
dimensions to finally manifest in the physical body. It is then tangible and
recognised by the medical professions and treatment occurs. Whether this
treatment is successful or not does not depend upon the medication
administrated, it depends on the intent of the Soul. All viruses are chosen on a
higher dimensional level by the Soul consciousness, in order to learn about
the manifestation of imbalance. There are many levels to the flu virus for
example, the fever in itself can change your consciousness, open up your
dream states, open your perception to other beings from other dimensions,
deep and meaningful thought processes are often triggered, allowing a
change or transformation to come about.
The physical body is used to contracting cold and flu viruses and manifesting
them in the body with the usual symptoms of runny noses, sore throat,
headaches and changing temperatures, however not all of these symptoms
are the result of contracting a tangible, physical virus. When a foreign element
enters the body, the immune system will recognise it as an invading element
and trigger the body into a defence, to attack and destroy the invading
element. The symptoms that often accompany the invasion of the body by a
foreign element are the body’s way of defending itself and ridding itself of the
foreign element. This is an automatic response of the body to its invasion.
The body more than any other expression or form of the Soul, is held in the
idea of separation. It has developed over thousands of years a consciousness
that says that it is separate to any other form or being. It is easy to accept that
on the higher levels we are all one, yet in the confines of the third dimension,
the body has been created under the strict and defining laws of separation.
The body holds the belief that it is separate and therefore has also developed
an awareness that supports this fundamental belief. It has developed complex
survival defence mechanisms, to ensure its protection from the other,
(whether that other, is a another human body, a predictor or virus).
The immune system is the body’s defence system, protecting it against
invading elements. It is a complex and intricately designed system that is
often on red alert. The body has become so finely tuned to the detection of
invading elements that it can often become triggered even when a positive
element has entered the body. The integration process that we are all going
through is putting a strain on the immune system, as it is triggered over and
over again, as it is convinced that it is being invaded by a foreign element.
This can result in the immune system becoming hyper sensitive and even a
little paranoid. There are many of you that are developing allergies to food,
pollen, house dust and the like. These allergies have not been with you since
your birth and have developed as you have progressed along your spiritual
path of integration. As you integrate the various soul aspects, the body
detects them and believes them to be foreign elements entering its form, the
body then becomes over defensive and creates allergies as a reaction against
what it thinks is an enemy. The body also can create flu like symptoms and
virus like illnesses to express the idea that it is being invaded.
Are these symptoms of an allergy or illness created by the actual presence of
biological visitors, or are the symptoms because of a body's innate belief that
the presence of a foreign element is creating a danger to its survival?
The body has a consciousness of its own, and a mind with a set of beliefs
from which it creates its reality and expresses itself within. Over thousands of
years, the body has created a set of beliefs, which it has developed into the
complex immune and defence system that we see today. Whilst it was living
upon a planet whose directive was to create a reality of separation, it was
useful and correct for it to develop such beliefs. However now that we are
moving out of the confines of separation into the energy of oneness, it is time
for the body to change its beliefs to encompass the new ideas of oneness.
Just as you have had to re-educate your mind to incorporate the idea that we
are all one and that separation is only an illusion, the body too has to be reeducated.
Many of the virus symptoms that you are experiencing are the
body’s way of alerting you to the integration of a foreign element. This foreign
element may not be a biological invasion of a virus, but in fact the presence of
a higher dimensional soul aspect.
Many of these soul aspects are originating from the fourth dimension and are
often out of balance. The fourth dimension is a place of extremes, light and
dark, positive and negative. Many of the soul aspects sourcing from the fourth
dimension are out of alignment with the balance of the higher soul self and
are in need of healing and rebalancing themselves. When they enter the body
in their out of balance state, the body recognises them as a foreign and
invading element and sends the immune system into an alerted state. From
this alerted state all imbalance in the body is highlighted. That is to say that
any imbalance in the body, no matter how small and insignificant is
highlighted, exaggerated and illness is the result. The body is not really ill as it
believes, but showing symptoms of illness, this is the only way that the body
can express to you that it is out of balance, as the result of the integration of
an imbalanced fourth dimensional soul aspect.
It has been interesting for me to watch this occurring in my clients. Many of
my clients who have imbalanced reptilian soul aspects sourcing from the
fourth dimension, have skin allergies and complaints occurring on their
bodies, after they integrate these beings. Eczema and other similar skin
conditions often flare up with the integration of these reptilian soul aspects.
This has also been the case with the integration of many of the serpent races;
I have seen a skin condition, which is scaly appear on the body of my clients
shortly after they have integrated their imbalanced serpent selves. It seems
the more alien the aspect, the more of a problem the body will have with the
integration. Many of the so called viruses that super hybrids are having in
these times are not viruses in the purely physical sense but are other
dimensional imbalances that are occurring from the integration of imbalanced
soul aspects.
There are viruses that are entities in their own rights, they are the result of
imbalanced integration but are beings in their own rights, who are here on the
earth at this time to teach mankind a valuable lesson. As we are raise our
consciousness and become more aware in the fourth dimension, we are
become more aware of the origins of these viruses. Many of them are
collectively agreed upon by the species suffering from the infection. That is to
say that the Over Soul of the humans on Earth agree upon a certain set of
invading elements that are present on the fourth dimension that once infiltrate
the physical body are called viruses. The collective consciousness of
humanity upon the Earth agrees upon a certain virus to bring about set of
lessons that will enable humanity to learn and grow.
The Aids Virus is a classic example of a collective virus that enables humanity
to grow. The Aids virus has brought into the awareness of humanity a need to
be more responsible sexually. This virus does not only apply its lessons to
those who contract the virus but also makes all of humanity aware of their
responsibility to each other sexually. A cure for this virus will not occur until
humanity has reached a level where it does not need to learn the lessons that
the Aids virus carries.
The next time you have a virus, communicate with your body, delve deep into
the feelings that accompany the virus, find out the lesson that it is bringing to
you. Within every virus there is lots of wisdom, through your sickness you can
come to learn more about yourself. You may find that the symptoms you are
experiencing are because of an imbalanced soul aspect that is being
integrated. Call in the energy of your higher soul self and ask to heal the
imbalanced aspect. If your virus symptoms are because of an actual virus,
then communicate with the virus itself, as it is a living entity, for you are able
to communicate with it, just as you would a soul aspect or other dimensional
being. Ask questions like why you have contracted this virus, what lessons it
is going to teach you whilst within your body. And above all love your virus for
out of the perception of judgement, it as your friend.