by Rev.Joshua Skirvin
When we go inside our heart of hearts where the soul resides and ask ourselves the big question,which is;...What do we want more than anything else in this world, what would make us happy? We all want to be in joy and in peace to have a peace of mind but the soul crys out for more, Happiness can be fleeting, so we want something greater and the greatest thing that we can have if we can find it, is Love. And Love is a mysterious thing. It isnot something that most of us are raised with, oh yes we say the words of Love and maybe we are lucky enough to be told we are Loved but without the feelings and emotion that goes with it we are only hearing the words but not experiencing the emotion of Love that must be felt. We sometimes see families or couples expressing and feeling this emotion of Love, but unless we feel it ourselves we can only observe and by observing we know its there. And the question is where does it come from. Where do they get it from to be able to share it. It is givin to others but to give it ,one must first have it themselves, the real thing, not just the words. This energy must be felt to be shared and that brings us to the question of what is its source?If we are not raised in Love and true spirituality,we set out to find this answer.
God the Creator Father is the source, it is his soul, his heart of hearts, it is his personality. But we hardly ever hear this in our Religions. Only in our true Spirituality are we tought this. All to often in the world the word Love is used written or said but without emotion or feelings it is then non experencential and has little meaning. For Love is Engergy, a energy that flows from Creator source to us and through us if our heart center is not blocked or closed by guilt or shame from the Religions belief that we are sinners. That we was born in sin and do sin regularly and that sin separates us from God and Heaven. The only thing that seperates us is this belief in sin. Most of us don't sin, we just make mistakes that we have to correct and were not born in sin we are born Holy, innocent of sin, we are mistakingly tought that our mistakes are sin and this mistake was tought to us by the dark side, who wants to keep us seperate from source. Forgiveness is the 1st key to Happiness , it opens the doors or portals that washs our mistakes away. By forgiving ourselves and all those who have hurt us, past and present, we reconize our guilt and shame, a burden that we are caring and that blocks Gods Love from entering into us. And in our Prayers and plea's to the Creator, we learn to ask for Love. For Love is the Only thing that can Heal our soul and mind. So one aspect of Love is about Healing.
Healing means to make whole,wholeness means to be complete, to be as God Created us. In Love we are as God Created us. For Love is all there is, God is Love, we are Loved, we are Love. We are an expression of Love as it flows through us. This Truth is the only Truth that all is Love, everthing else is a description of these Truths but for Love to be True it must be experenced. Even God who has and knows all truths does not have this one. This one he too must experence, to become experiential Truths and he does that through us his Creation, his holy son and doughters. We are all a part of God, a God partical and extension of himself. We are part of him and he is part of us. He experences his lower Creations and Dimensions through us as expressions of his Love. And when we become awake and conscious of him and his Love we seek and do find the energy of Love through him up into the higher Dimensions, from which we came. The place where we were born, were we were conceived when mind ,spirit and soul became one and soon after that we went forth on a journey of forgetfulness into each and every life that we can experience to learn to remember and to share that which we are, as a mystery and partical of Love. Knowing that we are not Seperate from Source, that we are part of Source. And it is this oneness that connects us to all the other Holy sons and reminds us that we are all one. And Love is the energy that bines us all together and with Prime Creator. For we are him and he is us. He attains experencetial Truth of Love through us and we share this mystery of Love through him.
So God becomes something more personal to us rather than the Dogma of todays Religion that was created in mans image, of a lower God. By going inside and asking for the truth from our higher self and from our soul. Our memory can be restored, the Dark ones cannot take that away from us, but they have caused much confusion of truths and division amungst us. For they refuse this light and Love of the Creator and must seek energy from another souce but all other sources of energy soon fade away, fleeting. Where as Love is eternal and we can have as much of it as we can handle. And the more we ask for ,the more we receive as we open the doors or portals to the Spirit realm and source of all Love. Love comes with light, Love and light are the first gifts that we ask for from the Creator. We then learn to ask for Peace and joy then happiness and health as we give thanks for these gifts that make us whole and one with all Creation. This affirmation if done regularly and correctly brings in the things that we are asking for. Affirmation Prayers are very powerful in that they are affirming that we already are and will receive these things, that it is true, its a fact as we open the doors to source, it is done. For the Father knows what we want even before we ask, but by asking we open the vortexes and allow them to flow in, for he has already givin them to us, we just must learn to except the gifts. The Affirmation that I use goes something like this; I thank you Father for your gifts of, Love and Light- Peace and Joy- happiness and Health for I am whole and as you created me, one with all of Creation, indeed.

Everything happens for a reason, nothing happens that was not asked for at some level,conscious or unconscious. Everything we do comes back to us, everything is connected, we are all connected to each other in one form or another. If its not Love and light, then it is anguis and darkness. We soon learn to decide which one we wish to carry along with us from life to life.And before we can enter into the higher Dimensions or attain Ascension, we must release the lower vibrations and karma. Forgiveness is the best and the fastest way to do that. It dissolves Karma almost instantly depending on how well we do the homework of forgiveness and deprograming. As we begin to awaken and remember who we truly are as Holy sons of God, we then start to deprogram the Dark programs that was feed to us, forced upon us by the dark ones who are feeding off of our negative emotions brought about by our guilt and shame, from our hurt and pain. As we learn to reprogram ourselves from the Light and Love from the higher spiritual realms that the angels and guides and ascended Masters are sending down to us. We learn to replace those negative emotions with positive ones of Love and light. And the Dark ones outside of us get pissed off and soon leave us to find someone else thats easier to feed off of.
Then we only have the one Demon inside to deal with, as JC said the Demons are within you. Its called the Alter Ego, our Nemesis, our lower self. The voice who is loud and falsly gives us info that gets us into trouble and then talks his way out of it afterwards, sorta like the DC & ET “Visitors” who make all those False Flag Promises to us and then when they don't come true, they blame it on us. Its the same prinsible they work from on the dark side. They have there own agenda and its not for our good. The Ego knows that when we ascend our spirit body, mind and soul that he can no longer come along for the ride, for when we reach this level, no Darkness or negative feelings or emotions can enter the higher realms. That the only thing that we can take along with us in all those future lives of light and life is our positive vibrations, the good things that we have learned in life that becomes a permant part of us as our personality and our Creators as we attain perfection in eternaity.
Slowly all that is not of the light and love will fade away, including our alter Ego. In this life I learned much aout the Ego especially through the ACIM- ( a Cource in Miracles) and with the help of the Holy Spirit I have learned finally how to deal with him or I ask the H.S. To deal with him when I can't, when he's presenting to much negative thoughts which are not mine, so I don't own them or images of the same negative vibes. One woud think that the closer one gets to the Light of Love the easier it would be but not so. He knows that he will die, that he is a creation of my mind from youth and was in a way a neccessary component of my personality. Just as Darkness must be allowed to exist for creation to be able to choose the light,(Free Will). But when we do choose the light of Love or God which is the same then the Darkness must fase away, as it was all an Illusion in the first place. So must the Ego fade away when we attain Ascension into the higher Dimensions staring with the 4th, then the 5th soon there after we hope.
Ones things for sure, the process I tried to use on the demon within and the Demons without, did not work. I tried, as a rebel Warrior to bring them to the light, the dark ones attacked me in many ways and my Ego fought all the way kicking and fighting until finally I realized that its better if I bring the light to the Darkness instead of trying to bring the darkness to the light. For instance if you are in a dark room and the room next to it is full of light and you open the door, the light will enter and dissolve the Darkness into light and according to how much light enters the room will the darkness recede. So the light is much more powerfull than the darkness. If the Darkness was more powerful then when you opened the door the Darkness would enter that room where the light was, but it cannot. So now I am learning to bring Love and light into a Dark world where the DC rule and Lucifer and Satan is supreme. Now as a warrior of the light I know that the light will dissolve the Darkness in time. And to do this I must get my Warrior strength from Source where all light and Love comes from, the Prime Creator, Michael of Nabadon. And by using contemplative medation ,I am able to reprogram myself in his image, sense I am part of him and he is part of me. I see the Spirit Realm through him and my Vision Quest becomes clear as I align with the light and he experiences the lower realms of his creation through me and as I learn this greatest mystery of all time “LOVE” .
As Peace and joy, Happiness and Health are all part of this light and Love, then it is this that we take with us, it is this that becomes part and particle of our personality and it is only this that we can take with us. For the world holds nothing that we really want nor that we can take with us. And what more is there to life than learning to Love in the light. This great Mystery penetrates all of Creation, Creation could not be without this Love that is forever growing and changing that fills all life ,when it is received. So as we learn to forgive the world, our brothers and our past we begin to learn to Love ourselves. Surrender is the next Key, after Forgiveness to help us access our Creator and the light and Love that we desire so much. When we surrender and Love ourselves, others can Love us. For like attracts like, positive attracts positive and Love attracts more Love. So itsa never ending chain. Spirituality in Truth is then learning about Love and the souse of Love and then how to tap into that source, so that we may sustain ourselves and be in the light and LOVE, be Happy, be in Peace, joy and Health. My Gods Love is your Gods LOVE. Therefore we are Love and Loved, indeed. Love and Light to all for we are all one family. Adonai