Marilyn Raffaele to Messageshow details Aug 16 (3 days ago)AUGUST 16, 2010Today we would like to explain to you all, who we are and why we are doing these channeled messages.We of the Arcturian Group are one of many assisting earth with the evolving energies now taking place on Gaia. She is a living soul and asks assistance in this shift to a higher dimension. We also hear the pleas of those on earth for help in rising above the old and heavy energies of the past; energies that many have now evolved beyond.We are a group from the planet Arcturus who has chosen to help the earth at this time. We are evolved beings of Light, but we have seen what you are now experiencing in our own journeys. Ours were not as heavy as earth has experienced, but we too evolved, as all Souls do. You must understand that not all beings evolve on earth, there are many planets on which evolving souls choose to live.What exactly does evolving mean? Evolution is simply remembering, a growing (through lifetimes of experiences) into the realization that we are the manifestation of Source and that all life is the ONE life. It is a gradual process, and is called evolution, but that is all it is.The mistake the people of earth make, is in the belief that they are the only ones, that they are already fully evolved, and that there is nothing higher. This was the error made by the scientists of Atlantis who in their arrogance believed that they could do whatever they wanted and manipulated energy to the point of destroying Atlantis.Mankind is a whole. Everything is connected. There is only ONE.Source manifests Itself in infinite form and variety, and to believe that you are the only ones, is ridiculous. We understand that this is what you have been taught by those who would prefer to keep you in the dark about anything that would awaken you because this is where they derive their control, from your unawareness.We say to you again that the Arcturian Group is only one small group of many who are assisting you with the energy shift at this time through our messages and our energy. Many ships from many evolved planets are around you although you cannot always see them. This is an important event in the evolution of mankind. You are moving into a new energy, and many are very interested to see how you are doing it.We Arcturians are not so much unlike you, although there are planets where the bodies are not just like yours; those who need less oxygen or those who require lighter bodies etc. However, all are ONE as we have said--infinite form and variety, but always ONE.The people of Arcturus are evolving in a peaceful society, where there is no war or crime. It is a planet where we have decided that the energy of peace (through the realization of oneness), is the energy we choose. We understand this message of ONE. We have never been a warring planet, but we have been evolving from the beginning of time. Arcturus is a very old society, and we are connected to the people of earth through our love for them and our awareness of their struggling journey. Many on earth now are actually from Arcturus.We come to offer our advice and help at this important time. Soon you will be seeing beings from many planets which will allow you to understand once and for all that you are not alone in the Universe and that you have nothing to fear. We say to you that in the past there were those who had not your best interests at heart, but they are not being allowed again to come to your planet. You carry their messages in your DNA, this is being changed as you evolve and the "Junk" DNA once again restored to it's original state.We have the technologies you need, not because we are smarter, but we have evolved into these things through peace and understanding of Oneness and chose to use technology for the good of the people instead of for weapons. We wish to share these technologies with you, but we cannot force them upon you as you are free will beings and we can only respond when asked.Many are asking now and you are quickly coming to a better place in which to accept our presence and the presence of the many others. We exist, and will make our appearance at some point, so do not believe the nonsense presented to you by you media, and those who because they are scientists by diploma say we do not exist. Even your great scientist Steven Hocking has publicly negated us. This is very sad, for it only adds fuel to the energy of ignorance on your planet.We are, we exist, and we will make contact with you soon, as your world is quickly changing.Much needs yet to be revealed to you, and it will be soon. With that, we say goodbye for now.Always in love and respect for you, our brothers and sisters of this planet of Light, Gaia.Thank you Arcturian Group 8/16/10
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  • Hi Agnes, I would reccomend you join a website at We have a great group of people there and we all comment on the Messages from Salusa, The galactic federation and many more. I am not affilitated with the site at all it is just a site to bring people like us together. Now a lot of people post great messages on that site and I think you would enjoy it. I dont believe all the chanellers and I have my angels guide me to the right ones and I also use my own discernment. Also another good site is Matthew died at the age of 17 and then some 7 years later started to contact his mothe Suzy Ward and deliver monthly messages about the ascension, our spirituality and the ET's. I will post a new Arcturian message here shortly. Man ya gotta love the Arcturians and that is channelled through Marilyn Raffaele
  • Hi Gunner,

    Do you have the 'behind the scenes' news besides the one from Nidle Sheldan about the contact mission? Thank you for your time and God bless the way...I'm asking Earth Angels to send you a laptop so that you can do God's work ...when you're at home...let me know when you've some possible news of getting it.
    Blessings and Light,
  • I received a cryptic message from our Arcturian extended family on 6th Jan 1995
    I have decoded them on 4 particular days where the intervals as expressed in days, months or years were part of the decoding
    DECODE 1 after 1116 days on 27th aug 1998 - found that the spokes within the chakras add up to 1116
    DECODE 2 5330 days after the original message (on 10th march 2010)- found that the corresponding rays are arranged in 2 groups the upper group in 3 sets of 10 and the lower group as 53
    DECODE 3 15years and 4 days on 10th august 2010 after message - found arrangement of chakras in 4 sets
    DECODE 4 15 years and 15 days after the original message - 11 days after Decode 3 (21st august 2010) - developed meditation with the chakras with 11 parts
    breathing target to chabe from the average 15 per minute to 50% of the normal breaths per min
    I measured my current rate at 30 per minute

    i invite someone to take the messages which are full of numbers and enhance them into a user-friendly article that can be easily accessible to everyone
    please write to me at
  • Thank you so much...this is very beautiful.
  • Yes I was a bit dissappointed in Stephen Hawkins remarks that only helped to spread fear amongst the masses. .
  • Wow! Stephen Hawking got a special mention in this message.
  • Agnes, i just posted a message from Hatton, I think you will find many of your questions ,on when this contact will take place , in Hattons message.
  • Wow Zera it seems you are well educated on this history of us humans. Cool
    Agnes I will blog a message from Hatton on the considerations they have to weigh for this contact event. It is not as easy as it sounds and there is so many things to take into consideration.
  • Agnes the aches and pains are what I label as ASS (Ascension symptoms syndrome) especially this month of august as the energies coming through are so powerful. Keep centered in love and drink plenty of water. And dont forget to bless your water. Also I know a lot of people cant wait but this event has been underway for so many years now. They have over a million et's ad humans working behid the scenes to get rid of the dark cabal. Thd cabal is fighting this tooth nail and claw. The word now is patience as actuall contact has already happened but I know what you mean. Can you remind me of this tommorrow as I could posts some considerations and what is going on behind the scenes in this contact mission. I dont have a home computer and only have access in work and it is time to catch my espress train home. Have a great night everyone and watch out for the ASS
  • When is the 'Contact' going to happen? It would be good for all of us to have this 'Contact' very soon. Wish I know which planet I'm from ....... besides knowing that I'm from God, with God in God and with all of you.

    Have been having aches and pains and all the 'nonsense' which I've not had before. All of us have to be very patient with ourselves...and allow our 3D energy to 'evolve' out of system so that we can journey forward and fly.....
This reply was deleted.

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peter daley posted a status
Mulling over the hidden events which are on my website,
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