
Several lightworkers wrote me today to suggest that I might want to read Greg Giles’ latest message. When I did, I was surprised to find a strong condemnation of those who won’t post their messages coming from beings claiming to reside in the Fifth Dimension and higher.

I’ve reproduced the offending parts of the message from Greg’s sources below so that you can read them. As I discuss below, I bear no animosity towards Greg, but I do disagree with his sources.
Let me contrast their words, given below, with those of Hatonn and Ashtar, given through Suzy Ward, in addressing questions about the reliability of other channels who purported to be channeling them. I think you can see the gulf between the ways that Hatonn and Ashtar speak and the way the “GFL” has.


Hatonn characterized himself as being forthright in his comments.
“Suzy was about to reply … and I told her, let me handle this. I’m more forthright than either my gentler-speaking colleague Matthew or my dear little friend Suzy.” (1)

And yet as forthright as he is, he confesses that he will not interfere with what other channels say or with their freewill to say it, including those who purport to channel him:
“I cannot interfere with this false information, which I’ll admit is frustrating, but the free will aspect of all involved can’t be infringed upon.” (2)

He repeated his unwillingness to intervene or infringe on freewill in a second letter.
“Hatonn here. … everyone is responsible for his or her choices. Sometimes, quite often in fact, those choices make my job of getting the truth ‘out here’ down to Earth extremely frustrating. There’s no way I can cut off the sources of false information-even when they’re attributing it to me!-or keep others from believing that information is true and passing it on.” (3)

In a third letter from Suzy Ward, Ashtar said he would not interfere with those who purport to channel him and don’t.
“Steve, this is Ashtar. … When I say something, it has substance, not the blathering she says [XXX says] she is hearing from me. But like Hatonn, I can’t put a stop to anyone attaching my name to whatever they wish.” (4)

Hatonn recommends that we consult our own inner messengers in responding to channeled messages.
“Now I’ll say what Matthew would - he does in all such situations - and that is, pay attention to your sensations, your intuition or instincts or impressions! You know that those come from your soul and are far better indicators of what is truth and what isn’t than any analyzing you could ever do. It is the time - past the time! - for separating the negative from the positive intentions, so follow your soul’s messages in using my information as the light warrior you are.” (5)
Hatonn concludes by decrying false information coming from unreliable channels.

“There’s no time for false information to keep getting bandied about, misinforming or at least confusing people who rely on ‘news from “beyond”‘ so they’ll know what to think and do. … It’s time for the truth to be known to all, and the truth is within each soul! How many times has Matthew said this, but how many of the people who know him as a trusted source are applying his words?” (6)

So Hatonn and Ashtar (both leading figures in the Galactic Federation of Light) will not interfere with our freewill whereas Greg’s “GFL” sources today do attempt to interfere with and infringe upon the freewill of others, which is one reason why I reject that message (not Greg, but the message) as not being genuinely from the GFL.
Now let me respond to what Greg’s “GFL” has written. And while I do so firmly, I don’t respond with rancor.
First of all, I don’t believe that higher-dimensional galactics would speak in the harsh manner that these purported representatives of the GFL spoke in Greg’s column today.

Secondly, no matter who it is that is speaking, as one of the people who has dropped Greg’s columns because I don’t honor his sources, I say without hostility but with firmness to the “GFL”: I will not be bullied by anyone, whether of this dimension or higher. I will not be silenced by threats or take up a course of action my heart urges me not to.
Thirdly, we here publish the GFL messages from SaLuSa, Blossom’s sources, Suzy Ward, the Arcturian Group, Mira, and numerous others. We are well covered and can receive messages from the GFL through channels other than this one if we need to. It is not as if we don’t listen to the GFL.

Fourthly, these other sources we publish not only do not predict the kinds of catastrophic Earth changes that Greg’s sources do; they deny that they will happen, as Archangel Michael has also said to me on several occasions.
I therefore find communications such as were released today to be inappropriate and uncharacteristic of the GFL in particular and higher-dimensional beings in general. We will not publish these messages. But people who wish to read them can do so quite easily on http://www.ascensionearth2012.org/.

Perhaps I can share the kind words that Archangel Michael has said to me about Greg. I do ask AAM regularly about channels to help guide me around who to post and who not to. I don’t post his words on this subject often, though I guide myself by them, but I will here.

Archangel Michael has consistently said of Greg that he is sincere, hard-working and clear. At the same time, he has denied that some of the messages coming through Greg are accurate; specifically those that predict disaster. So in my eyes, the problem does not lie with Greg but with his sources.
Finally, I also know that this is all illusion. While it’s necessary to “play the game” and play it honorably so as to evolve, I don’t give these events any more reality and credence than as matters being played out to develop integrity - on both Greg’s part and my own.

So Greg, I bear you no animosity, even if I disagree with your sources.
Namaste (I bow before you).

(1) First Letter from Hatonn, April 6, 2012.
(2) Second Letter from Hatonn, July 30, 2009.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Third Letter from Hatonn, Aug. 3, 2012.
(5) Second Letter, ibid.
(6) Third Letter, ibid.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/11/12 ‘Addressing the Boycott of these Messages’
We wish for more of you to take these communications more seriously, to take them to heart, to trust in them, for what we are presenting to you is truth and is advanced and often critical information that all of you would do well to understand and to apply some of these teachings that we are offering to you into your daily lives.

We do not wish for any of you to read our words and scoff and say to yourselves that this is all ‘baloney’, as you say. Again, we used a metaphor here and our channel Greg may elect to put the word baloney in quotations as he wants you to understand that the use of this word was metaphor.

We certainly are not talking about a loaf of baloney here. What we are saying should be clear to most of you that we do not wish for any of you to read our messages and laugh them off thinking they are some kind of joke, a hoax or a lie or an attempt at disinformation, thus the metaphor ‘baloney’.

We just wish to make ourselves clear on this, that this is why we use metaphor and not for any other reason and not to trick you or to mislead you in any way, but to actually make clearer our points so you would better understand them.

Now that we have made ourselves clear on this point we shall move on today to more important and pressing matters that concern you and your world alike….
The source then returns to this line of commentary later in the message.

We say one of [the] ways [to respond to our warning messages] is to run from them, is to hide from them, is to deny them, which is to live in denial and pretend or convince yourself that these challenges will not come your way. This has been the choice of many of the people of your world who have been reading for several months now our warnings and our predictions that rising sea levels would cause shortages, outages and even flooding in several areas around your planet.

Our warnings on a large scale have been denied, refused, scoffed at and laughed off. Our messages that we share to you have been banned, have been ‘outlawed’, if you will, on more than a few Internet communities, including some of your more popular and informative Lightworker and extraterrestrial communities.

We do not appreciate this, as our messages to you are not crafted to flaunt our writings or our poetries. Our messages to you are to inform you, our brothers and sisters, and also our Lightworkers who are members of our organization, to inform all of you of what you shall be experiencing in the days ahead and how best to proceed through this challenging period of your journey as smoothly as is possible and as unharmed and unscathed as possible.

When our messages are refuted in this way, when they are blocked and banned from certain channels of information because there are administrators or members of these communities who do not personally agree with our messages, who feel that they are untrue and that our channel is either a liar or a fake or a phony or is completely incompetent at his job, we see this as a shame, and we also see this as some sort of violation, for who is violated is not us, but it is you, the people of your world, the people who are members of these communities and deserve to have this kind of information made accessible to them, for that is the task that these administrators and these owners of certain web sites have taken on.

They have begun these communities to openly share and make easily assessable uncensored information for all those who feel these subjects are important to them and their world. When these pipelines of information are cut off, where are these individuals going to receive this information?

Yes, there are other sites on the Internet, including the webpage of our channel Greg where these individuals can access this information, but our monitoring services have concluded that since these ‘boycotts’, we will call them, these bans of Greg’s work have begun on the Internet that only a fraction of those that were reading these messages are now accessing them and the information they contain.

Do you realize what we are saying here? What we are saying here is your actions as administrators and owners of these websites have cut off many individuals from this information, including our own employees or members of our organization who live amongst you as incarnated Lightworkers. They are no longer accessing this information whether it be due to the fact that this information is no longer presented on certain web pages, or it is due to the influence of some of you who have slammed our channel and have ridiculed him and have spoken out against him and who have condemned him and his work.

It is either one or it is the other, for there is no other reason, there is no other third choice as to why so many of you are no longer reading these words we share through our channel Greg and we say this is far and away more than a shame and a pity, we say this is more a ‘crime’.

Not in the legal sense, but in the metaphorical sense. We feel this is a violation. We feel those of you who have taken part in this ban of these messages and our channel we say shame on you, and especially those of you who are members of our organization. What you are doing is against the oath that you have taken when you became a member of our organization and when you signed up and were selected for this particular mission here in this world.

What you are now doing is putting lives in jeopardy. You are putting individuals and entire families and even entire communities in the ‘line of fire’, as you say, as now there are many of you who will not be adequately prepared for these outages and shortages and electric power failures in several of your worldwide communities.

What do you think of this? Do you think that we or our channel Greg is filling you with more lies, more inaccuracies, more disinformation? If you feel you are so sure that these messages are untrue and that Greg is completely making them up or he does his work so incompetently that you can completely disregard our messages to you, messages that promote safety and well-being, than we say to you continue on with the choice that you have made, but if you are not completely sure and you feel that there may be a certain level of truth to these messages no matter what this level is, then we say to you to lift these boycotts and these bans of our channels work immediately and allow our readers to be able to access this information, and we ask you to put an end to your condemnation of our channel and these messages we share with you, as your influence is causing so many of your brothers and sisters to ignore, to laugh off, to completely disregard these messages that are sent from us directly to them in some cases, as they are representatives of our organization incarnated in your world and they deserve access to these messages and they deserve to read them without your negative influence, your condemnation and your misguided opinions, in this case which is to advise others to completely disregard Greg’s work and these messages, as we have noted you have done.


You know who we are talking about. There are those of you who are going to read these words who are the precise individuals we are talking about here and we want you to know that we do not approve in any way of your behavior and the choices that you are making, although we say we will honor and respect your choice, but we say to you this is not the choice that you assured us you would make when you agreed to be a part of our mission here and even when you became a member of our organization the Galactic Federation of Light, a membership that is now in question and is, we inform you, in doubt, as we will when it is the appropriate time have you sit down in our offices and there will be what you may call a ‘court-martial’ or a trial or hearing and you will have to discuss openly in front of your peers why it is you chose this ‘mutiny’, if you will, this total disregard for your mission and your directives and our policies as a member of the Galactic Federation of Light or another alliance as well that is here that also have members that have completely disregarded their directives and their mission here and the promises they made to uphold the integrity and the duty and the honor of our alliance.

We will leave you with this thought today; there are those of you who may have very strong opinions about others and about yourself, and we say to you that these strong opinions will get you nowhere, for you cannot have any idea from your perspective who these other individuals may be. They may be Commanders; they may be important figures or esteemed colleagues in our organization.

They may be high-ranking officers; they may be the officer that oversees the fleet that you are a member of. How do you think this looks for you when we see you condemning your own commanding officer and ridiculing him and mocking him and banning his work from your websites and advising others to follow your lead and totally disregard his work, slamming him, accusing him, insulting him and making him look so bad in the eyes of so many of your contemporaries?

You will have to answer to him, for in many cases there are those of you who are under his command, for he is the Commander of an entire fleet and there are many smaller fleets under his watch. We just wish you to know this, and we wish you to think about this the next time you so easily choose to ridicule him and mock him and do what you can to make him a laughingstock around the Internet, for in many cases this is the case. These are the actions of so many of you. We have not seen this kind of behavior any time at all throughout every one of our entire missions and these go back, yes, millions of years. That is how outrageous your behaviors are at this time.

There is a growing number of you that are joining this ‘lynch mob’, this posse, and have put a noose around our channel’s neck, and we say to you that you are disgracing your own organization, for how many organizations do you think are here right now, and if you are indeed a Lightworker, what do you think the odds are that you belong to the very organization that Greg belongs? We say to you the odds are just about 50-50. There are smaller alliances here, but for the most part none of you that are Lightworkers are member of those organizations, although they are here and here in support of our mission and of the light.

We say to you, our Lightworkers, if you believe that you are either a member of the Galactic Federation of Light or you are a member of the Ashtar Command, we say to you Greg is a Commander in one of these organizations. We will not reveal at this time which one, for this is not the point, but we say to you which ever organization he belongs to he is supported strongly by the other, and it is the other that you may be a member of, but you may not be a member of this organization for long if you continue your rhetoric and your slander and your boycotts of he and his work and our messages we share to you through him.

That is all we have to say to you for today, but we advise you to take into consideration strongly our words to you, for we feel you will be making what will amount to you a career decision. This is not a threat. This is truth. Take it any way that you wish, for this is another choice that you are free to make.
We are your fellow crewmembers, your team members, and remember what team stands for, of the Galactic Federation of Light.


Source: http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/threats-are-inappropriate/

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