3/4/10 12:48:48PM
Astaria of the Seraphi
Hello all my Beloveds, I am Astaria. I have come this day in your time to speak with you on matters of the highest priorities. The Angelicpresence, as you who are awake are aware, has increased scientifically over theweek passed here of late. Thereare many waves of our light flowing into this world system, for the inhabitantsof this world as well as the planet herself, began calling for us,, “It isTime, we wish to bring heaven to Earth.” This is the Collective unison, whichsends non-incarnate Angels into action, for when the heart cries out for joy,amidst the pain, we are hereby ordered to respond with our full force of lovewe have available.
My precious human angels, I have loved every part and aspect of you all for all eternity since the inception of your race, across many moresystems and worlds than you remember now. I am with the one writing this forme, as well as with you all now. I have come to this plane as well as with mydivine compliment in which I am in a pair mate relationship with. This has long ago passed the point ofany feeling of separation with my mate, however we are merged as one be-ingfrom our highest point to our lowest point in all we are. When Two Be-Co-MeOne, there are two individuals which combine their energy in a relationship ofthe highest harmonies. There can be no full merge to remove the individualitiesfrom the two, while still able to remain in two different spaces whileincarnate. This is the nature of what it is to be an Angel in full radiance.One cannot attain the authentic self if not cannot be in full harmony with theother divine compliment.
WE, ALL Angels, are one family, one love, one harmony. WE only ever wish joy and peace for all in existence, however this is not alwaysthe case. There have been many wars, many battles, and still to this day youare experiencing, there is resistance to our loving guidance and gentle nudges.This is what we are in the process of un-creating, as well as new Co Creationsnever been experienced this far. This is the front-lines on the lowest levelfrom the source of all creation for a Father/Mother as well as all members ofthis lineage. The heavens rejoice for the love of all humanity, for the joy ofour dreams we share with one another, as well as illuminating the new earth,which is rising for you now. These changes are needed for the planet to sustainher new form, in which all things are honoured, respected, because love is omnipresent for all eternity in this world, as it has always been with in herbe-ing, the surface world has been the space which has been in a non harmoniousfashion. The surface world now comes into alignment with the inner truth of usall, love.
The Divine Mother has returned with all her BeLoveds for this. The Mother of us all is now assuming Command of this vessel to embody herselfin this sentient celestial body that The GodIsis Tara has so graciously and inintegrity endured for this to take place, most momentous and moving occasionfor us all. The Seraphi as well as the Seraphim, are now in the world andconsciously preparing the vessel of this planet for the full embodiment of theMother. She has come. I leave you with tides of Peace and Love. Astaria