The Company of Heaven is reminding us that we are in the midst of a 40-day intensified assimilation of Light that is more powerful that anything we have ever experienced. That means that every thought, feeling, word and action we express is being amplified in ways we have not previously known.

During the month of November, in order to remind us once again that we are Cocreating our Earthly experiences, we at Era of Peace were asked by the Beings of Light to replay Vlogs 10, 11, 12 and 13 from our Bigger Picture series. These Vlogs clearly describe how our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs have caused the good as well as the painful things we are witnessing and experiencing at this time. The Vlogs also reveal what we can do to change the things we want to improve.

(If you have not signed up to receive our FREE Weekly Vlogs and Monthly Newsletter you may do so on our website The vital information being given to Humanity at this time by the Company of Heaven is an essential part of our Ascension process. Please do not let this Gift from On High pass you by.)

Today, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are asking us to stretch our Consciousness and to listen to the inner guidance of our I AM Presence, so that we will fully comprehend the magnitude of the awesome shift that has just occurred for Mother Earth and our entire System of Worlds. This Sacred Knowledge will help each of us to realize that even in the face of the horrific adversity manifesting in the outer-world, Mother Earth and all her Life are moving forward in the Light. That demonstrates the profound Truth that the Light of God and the Heartfelt pleas of the masses of Humanity invoking Love, Peace, Compassion, Healing, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life are infinitely more powerful than the fear-based and fragmented behavior patterns and distortions of our fallen human egos.

The 40-day intensified assimilation of Light we are now experiencing began on November 11, 2023 with a powerful activation of the 11 and 11:11 and 11:11:11 Divinity Codes in Humanity’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA. The Sacred Geometry of the Master Number Eleven reflects the TRANSFIGURATION FROM THE PHYSICAL INTO THE DIVINE. November = 11: November 11th = 11:11: November 11, 2023 = 11:11:11 – (2+0+2+3= 7) 11+11+7 = 29 = 11. Our 40-day intensified assimilation of Light will be completed during the December 21st Solstice.

On November 11, 2023, in the embrace of the fully opened 11:11:11 Portal, Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her reached a critical mass of energy, vibration and Consciousness that allowed the masses of Humanity to at long last align the AXIS of our individual 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Spines with the AXIS of Mother Earth, the AXIS of the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s Lineage and the AXIS of all of the Celestial Bodies in our Galaxy.

This alignment allowed us, for the very first time since our fall from Grace, to align with and to be Breathed into the full embrace of the System of Worlds associated with our Grand Central Sun which pulsates beyond our Galaxy. This alignment and this Cosmic Inbreath is something our Sisters and Brothers throughout the Cosmos have been waiting for us to achieve since our human miscreations formed the oppressive Veil of Maya. Aeons ago the weight of Humanity’s grossly mutated energy in the Veil of Maya actually bent the Axis of the Earth and caused Mother Earth and all her Life to fall into the abyss of separation and duality which tragically trapped us on the “wheel of karma.”

During the past several decades, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, the adverse affects of our fall from Grace have been reversed step-by-step. Now, we are moving forward in the Light at warp speed. The Company of Heaven revealed that the Cosmic Inbreath that Breathed our Galaxy through the 11:11:11 Portal into the full embrace of the Grand Central Sun in our System of Worlds amounts to a Quantum Leap up the Spiral of Evolution beyond anything that has ever been attempted in any System of Worlds.

The Beings of Light have joyously affirmed that the success of this facet of Mother Earth’s Ascension process has exceeded the greatest expectations of Heaven. Now, in the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun, Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her are able to Breathe through our Prana and Life Force higher frequencies of the Infinite Light and Patterns of Perfection within the Heart of our Father-Mother God than we have been able to previously withstand at a cellular level.

The gentle, but intensified, assimilation of the awesome Light of our Grand Central Sun is what we are experiencing during the 40-days and 40-nights leading up to the December 21st Solstice. During that Celestial Event this assimilation of Light will be completed and the incredible expansion of Light from the System of our Grand Central Sun will be permanently available to each and every one of us with every Breath we take.

To help us comprehend just what this means, we have been given a very simplified chart. I know it seems complicated, but our I AM Presence is fully aware of this information. The Company of Heaven has asked me to share these details with you because of the shift that has occurred within each of us. They said it will be beneficial if we know this on a more conscious level as we Cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Solar Earth.

The Sacred Geometry associated with our System of Worlds involves the number Twelve and the Power of the 12X12.

Our Physical Sun is responsible for Twelve Planets. The Solar Logos for our Physical Sun are Helios and Vesta.

Our Physical Sun belongs to a Central Sun. The Solar Logos for our Central Sun are Alpha and Omega. Alpha and Omega are responsible for Twelve Physical Suns, including Helios and Vesta, and each Sun is responsible for Twelve Planets. Therefore the Central Sun of Alpha and Omega consists of Twelve Physical Suns and 144 Planets.

Our Central Sun of Alpha and Omega belongs to a Great Central Sun. The Solar Logos for our Great Central Sun are Elohae and Eloha. Elohae and Eloha consist of Twelve Systems exactly like Alpha and Omega. Elohae and Eloha consist of Twelve Central Suns, 144 Physical Suns and 1,728 Planets.

Our Great Central Sun of Elohae and Eloha belongs to a Great, Great Central Sun. The Solar Logos for our Great, Great Central Sun are El and Ela. El and Ela consist of Twelve Systems exactly like Elohae and Eloha. El and Ela consist of Twelve Great Central Suns, 144 Central Suns, 1,728 Physical Suns and 20,736 Planets.

The System of Worlds beyond our Great, Great Central Sun of El and Ela has been pulsating at a frequency of Light that is beyond our reach. Our Sisters and Brothers in that highly advanced System have been waiting patiently for Mother Earth to catch up with the rest of our Solar System after our fall from Grace

Now that Mother Earth has Ascended off of the wheel of karma, transmuted the Veil of Maya, and aligned with the AXIS of ALL of the Celestial Bodies in our Galaxy, we have at long last reached a frequency of vibration that enabled us to reclaim our rightful position in the System of El and Ela. With that glorious achievement, on November 11, 2023, the entire System of our Great, Great Central Sun El and Ela was Breathed through the Portal of 11:11:11 into the Solar System of our Grand Central Sun.

Our Great, Great Central Sun El and Ela is now held in the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun. The Solar Logos for our Grand Central Sun are Sanat and Luz. Sanat and Luz consist of Twelve Systems exactly like El and Ela. That means that Sanat and Luz consist of Twelve Great, Great Central Suns, 144 Great Central Suns, 1,728 Central Suns, 20,736 Physical Suns and 248,832 Planets.

What our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want us to fully comprehend during the remainder of the 40-day assimilation of Light we are in the midst of is that when this facet of our Divine Plan is God Victoriously completed, which will occur during the December 21st Solstice, the Infinite Light and the full Divine Momentum of ALL of our Sisters and Brothers in the System of our Grand Central Sun Sanat and Luz, will be available to assist us in what will seem like miraculous ways during the remaining Ascension process we have been preparing to Cocreate for myriad Lifetimes.

An Interesting Observation

Interestingly, after the victory of this amazing shift into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun, on November 23, 2023 CNN reported that scientists have detected a Cosmic Ray that is almost as powerful as the “Oh-My-God” particle.

Space scientists seeking to understand the enigmatic origins of powerful Cosmic Rays have detected an extremely rare, ultra-high energy particle that they believe traveled to Earth from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy.

It rivals the single most energetic Cosmic Ray ever observed, the “Oh-My-God” particle that was detected in 1991.

This recently discovered particle was named by scientists Amaterasu after the Shinto Sun Goddess in Japanese mythology. The number of electron volts in the Amaterasu particle is 244,000,000,000,000,000,000. By comparison, the typical energy of an electron in the Polar Aurora is 40,000 electron volts according to NASA.

The source of these ultra high-energy particles is baffling scientists. They say that the Amaterasu particle comes from a region that looks like a local empty space. It is a void where nothing is supposed to exist.

Dear One, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are encouraging us to contemplate the magnitude of the shift that is now occurring within each of us, including the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. During this critical facet of the Divine Plan, we need to carefully monitor what we are empowering with our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs.

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

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