Vince | Last Updated: Mar 12, 2010 - 7:37:03 AM |
Our New World Order By S333 thru Vince Mar 12, 2010 - 7:30:56 AM
S333 - Our New World Order Hello Dear Ones, Soon will come the time described in some way as the ‘End of Times'. But of course that is not what it really is, and a better description would be the ‘Beginning of Times'. It will be the age of new civilisations, on Earth and other planets. Earth is a seed planet, and your present civilisation was sown there some time ago, and what you see around you is the end result of your hard work over many thousands of years. Disappointing, isn't it? Pick your highest rating TV shows where you live, and decide if you think that is the very pinnacle of many thousands of years work? Then focus on the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, and all the other military killing sprees; is that what you have aspired to? Have you healed the sick, fed the hungry, ended poverty? No you haven't; so what is there to be proud of? Not very much really, for the results are disappointing to the Spiritual Hierarchy. Even in the area of the great religions of your world, people are worshipping false idols, and their leaders are laughing all the way to the bank. What then of the charitable work carried out on your planet? The situation is pretty dismal here as well, with the majority of people's free-will donations ending up in the organizers bank accounts. There are many small scale projects which are of high spiritual ideals, but all of the big ones have a fraudulent aspect to some degree. I'm not going to name them here, as the list is so very long that we'd be preparing this text for weeks. Let us just say, "We know who you are". So, the crop of Humans who have reached the spiritual level required to become inhabitants of an upgraded, remodelled and ascended Earth; is quite small when compared to the present global population, and that is a pity. It has not been a waste of time, although we wished the elevated ones had been greater in number. We just have to be thankful for the numbers we have, as that will allow us to go forward with establishing our New World Order. Now, do NOT confuse our New World Order with the pathetic and evil creation of the Dark Elite, for they are not connected to the Source of All That Is. Their scheme is to rob you of all of your resources, both material and spiritual; so that you will be further enslaved by them. Our New World Order is based on Spiritual Principles and Divine Law, and is being created under a Divine Decree. Anyone who does not qualify to inhabit the Ascended Earth; will go to alternative planets to carry on further development aimed toward s further soul growth. Others have chosen further options according to their beliefs and /or their past activities. This will leave Earth as a much upgraded Seed Planet, and the jewel in the crown, where our New World Order will be built. It will take time to build this Spiritual Society, and a great deal of hard work over many centuries; but it will be free of the lies, greed, corruption and downright evil on Earth at present. Soon the people of Earth will see how they have been lied to, robbed and ill-treated by the Dark Ones; and they won't like it. Many of you will find that the truth is very far from the fictional construct of your present reality, and will wonder how it could have been made like that, right under your noses. Well, you looked the other way, Dear Ones. Only hard work will build a Spiritual society, and many of your people wanted an easy life. So the Dark Ones gave you an easy life, where you left the big thinking to them, and over time they took your reality away from you and gave you a Distorted Reality, where only they stood to benefit. Over the millennia they refined the process, because they took a long term view, where humanity only took the view of their own lifetime. Even now the Darkness is looking many hundreds of years ahead, and it is only as a result of this Divine Decree, that you will be free of this false reality. The time is here and now; the wheels and cogs are turning away behind the scenes, and then very soon my Dear Ones, nothing will ever be the same again. And so it is................ This is a message from David S333 of the Spiritual Hierarchy received and transcribed by Vince. Original Link: All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here Last Message of This Type By Ataelle thru Rubens Mar 13, 2010 - 5:51:51 PM
Candace: I have chatting with Esu off and on for days about the issues with Jupiter. It was pulled back behind the sun last year as you all know, and it is now out to far to just pop it back. We can't reverse the situation, as is being reported here for awhile now, the game is set in place. The energies from Jupiter, plus other energies are intensifying the situation in many ways, besides weather and earthquakes. There is likely to one or more volcanoes going off too. And my land contacts on the east coast say that Washington is quite a mess. There is another piece I will post also from somebody else about impending gloom, as they call it on other forums. We have often said, that ye ones who read here must be the Rocks for others, and so it is, remember that, you are a ROCK for those around you! Be calm as best you can, and offering that at some point the suffering will end, with stasis. YOu probably can't explain, just say God will help out when it gets too bad perhaps???? Trust in God, however people believe. If you are in an area where craft may descend to lift people, be supportive and encouraging. I am posting the French version, which Rubens translated to English in this piece and linking to the French section also. With our new update, we can post in more than one area! *************************** Last Message of This Type Saturday, March 13, 2010 Start of the message: 16:13 Rubens: I am ready to take notes. Anyone would like to pass a message? Ataelle : Yes, I would like to address those with ears to hear. Rubens: Do you speak English ? Ataelle : Of course, I do speak English but, I would like to talk to you in French. Rubens: All right, tell me, who are you ? Ataelle : I am Ataelle beloved, your guide. Rubens: Have we communicated before ? Ataelle : No, not consciously. Rubens: All right. I will ask questions later. Ataelle : All right. Let us begin I am communicating with you today, to tell that nothing could alter the divine plan. Everything is already in motion and remains very little time, a few hours, before you, earthlings, could witness the already announced events manifesting with force. We give you those messages as often so you would be able to remain balanced when the events unfold violently. Of course, it all depends but, you the earthlings won't be able to help but see them subjectively. Rubens: Could you speak about what happens to Candace's site server. Ataelle : We won't be able to tell you much except that it was a useless act from the thugs. They are becoming increasingly uncomfortable due to the intensity of the energies invading your planet, which was mentioned by the Creator of your local Universe. We, the celestial hierarchies, do our best to diminish the pain of our brothers and sisters but, what must take place can no longer be stopped. We want you to know that we love you deeply. Please, we urge you, one more time, to center yourselves as much as possible because you will not easily be able to stay calm relative to the coming events. Already many changes within your planet have begun and shortly, the resulting effects will be felt on the surface. As we are giving you this message, you are witnessing the violent wind that ravages your area, a harbinger of things to come. We know that you dislike our reference to time, but we guarantee you, we are currently talking about time as you humans perceive it. Ask your close-ones to meditate as much as possible so they can somehow be prepared. We urge you to listen to us attentively because what is about to take place on your planet is completely new for most of the inhabitants; that is the reason why we insist on repeating ourselves, through different channelers. Nebadonia : Our beloved son, this is the last message of this kind that you will receive under those circumstances. Beloved, that was Nebadonia, your dearest mother. So long. Rubens : Thank you Beloved Mother. End of the message : 16 :37 Original Link: All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here The days ahead will be fraught with uncertainty By Belbin thru Hazel Mar 13, 2010 - 6:10:11 PM
Dear brothers and sisters, one of my angels put me on notice yesterday that he wanted to send a message so I just channelled this. 13/03/2010 Blessed be in love and purest light. Who is here? It is I my beautiful child -Belbin. Are you sure? Yes. Do you come in the light-Yes indeed. What is your message? Belbin The days ahead will be fraught at times with uncertainty as you watch the calmness turn into storms. You must know that this is a natural precursor of the great event that the celestial realms have been preparing for, for many many years as you say in your world. There will be catastrophic events that will take many lives and leave fear and consternation in its wake. You who serve the real truth already know what to expect. There are so many dear ones that continue to live in ignorance and will see these events as a punishment and the ending of the world. There is no real way that you will be able to prove to them the reason for all the occurrences so you will have to do your best to allay their fears. There will be mayhem and disbelief so be prepared to be lashed out at. None of this will stop the inevitable. I suggest that calmness be the essence in these moments. It is easy to hear what is coming but harder to live in the moments of the experience so you must all prepare yourselves to remain in balance and harmony with your inner being. Feed yourselves with the gentle touch now and that will relieve your subconscious anxieties. The majestic moment that you have all been waiting for looms. The earth continues to grumble and soon she will spew. Her boundaries will be severely demarcated in places. To give you comfort over the coming days I want to paint a picture for you of your dawning world. Visualise the lushness of nature sprouting without fear of poison being seeped into her veins that she may mature in natural beauty. See the barks of every tree resonate the energy of life instead of the dullness that pollution has marred it with for aeons. See the freedom that will abound and the leisurely growth of all creation bathed in the suns of the new age. Feel the warmth of goodness and cleanliness breathe against your faces and the subtle tunes of nature align with your new vibrations. Feel the love which permeates all things and binds them in the beauty of oneness. Feel the freedom from the chains of darkness and revel in your true being as liberated children of the light. The bones of fear will be replaced by the flesh of knowing that only light shall frame your new experience. Soon there will be no obstacles to your progress. For every day that is left meditate on this scene and know that this will be your new reality. Children of the light, we in the angelic realm welcome you into our fold for many of you are angels dear ones. You are about to march home. Revel in the constancy of God's will for His will is always done. I leave you children with angelic light that you may be sustained. I am Belbin Original Link:" width=1> All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here |