To marry the truth, to take her as your bride, means that you will stand by her, no matter what. You will support her and defend her, against all enemies foreign and intimate. It means if your closest friends, if your parents or your children betray her, you will stand with her, no matter what is lost, no matter what it costs.
It means conformity can no longer be in the driver's seat. It means ridicule can no longer be avoided. It means fidelity, loyalty to her, comes before all others and all other priorities. It means your dreams, your life, your greed, your hopes, your fantasies and lusts, your aversion to all that offends, disgusts and frightens you is willingly abandoned for her sake.
It means you are willing to be mocked, changed, humiliated and murdered if that's what it takes to remain true to her. Your heart belongs to her, totally and completely. There is nothing simpler than this kind of non-conforming allegiance to conscience...and there is nothing more terrifying.
Inside, we know when we sell out. We know when we lie. We know when we betray her. "Take this cup from me" has been the prayer of even the most devoted. But the weakness of a human mind, the imperatives of the body must be offered on the altar of freedom from the false. When freedom from the false comes before all else, there is only her. There is only the reality. Love is.
and your post is the living core of any real personal growth within the individual. to believe in truth is what belief in God actually is.