I'm sharing this today because everyone thinks itssimple. You see we go through trials to make us strong because there are storms and only strong pure love will remain.
My whole life has been a trial to strengthen me. I crossed deaths threshold 3 times I'm still here to tell you that you're not alone we all go through these trials but its what makes us when the storm blows over. Will you come out hitter and cold or strengthened in universal live and light...
Hatred is easy love is hard you make a choice to love someone even when they are unlovely.... Now I have had fallouts with people but does not stop the love I have for them...along the path of them fadeing from my life it brought some extremely wonderful ones in my life.... It all comes full circle get out your raincoats and hush puppies take a walk in that rain it nourishes your body and soul and watch the clouds part and make way for the sun and at the right time you will see a rainbow.... So enjoy the storm as it cleanses to make something new and more beautiful designed for just you by the creator. I posted a song at the top its been know and of my mantra song lol but the words ring true....
Love and light
Thanks guys I I he you all
thank you Lisa .
Thank you much mikeil you are such a great support