Here are two most recent Point of Peace Messages. I hope you are feeling ever deepening peace in your lives. It's like The Masters have invited us to say "Open Sesame" and the peace is now pouring in for the receiving. Blessings and Love. Dawn Katar and Darryl
"Believe in the power of your breath to shift everything, to lighten your mind, to relax your body, to access Peace. Whenever you choose, you have the power of your conscious breath. Consider that you already know about letting go. Breathe in. Breathe out. Blessed Peace."
From: Ascended Lady Master Ariana, Goddess of Truth
"Wake up, my friends. This is your moment. Wait no more. Sleep no more. Each of you is the deliverer of Peace. Remind all the world that Peace is Now!"
From: Archangel Gabriel
For more info:
Recent Point of Peace Messages-channeled by Dawn Katar