note:  Part II of this paper is a contemporary, current summary update by Nahiska, Head of Defense, for the Andromeda Council.

by Tolec, Andromeda Council,

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Part I.  Tolec concurs & comments on David Wilcock’s 07.22.14 thoughts.

Part II.  A contemporary summary update by Nahiska, Head of Defense, for the Andromeda Council.


Part I.

With great conscience – I concur regarding David Wilcock’s dream interpretations & assessment of these current times, as well as acknowledgement of some of what Preston James & Gordon Duff are saying.  It is with great personal experience & insight into the ‘inner workings’ of the global financial ‘world’, and very recent meetings I’ve had on the Andromeda Council primary biosphere, I can tell you that change is happening, more changes are coming… and benevolent ET assistance, on the part of many people who hold a variety of roles including within the security & defense structure of the Andromeda Council… continues to happen.

Ridding the Earth of some really bad human ‘lieutenants’ at the top of the power structure [of a Reptilian ruled & operated “Cabal”] is a top priority.  It is also part of the higher frequency decision making & evolvement of Earth’s people.  For why this information is all relevant, please see the web link – “The Hard Reality & A Difficult Truth”… especially the part of this white paper titled – “The complete infiltration, infestation, corruption & control of our global society” – to learn about the global Reptilian infestation, manipulation, power control and abuse of the people of this planet.

Because of my own professional work in the 2000’s, I learned first hand about the kind of gross misconduct, lies, fraud, deceit, outright manipulation & theft of clients money by top global banking institutions [where Reptilian dominance of money, power & greed has had what is likely the worst effect among all top global industries] that has existed at the top levels of the global banking industry for years.  You’ve likely read about this kind of malevolent behavior verified over the past couple of years, including very recently, on the part of the top global banks with them incurring hundreds of millions & billions of dollars in fines due to their extensive, pervasive, corrupt business practices… practices that are mostly hidden in multiple layers of bureaucracy, foolhardy massive leveraging, highly complex trading algorithms, programs & schemes, “dark pools”, toxic securities… and the list goes on. And, because of my personal career exposure to this corrupt mess, and my own ‘high level’ contacts… I have some considerable amount of insight into what is happening right now.

     With the coordinated efforts of some aligned, very smart people in developing countries… people who want to help their own people & change the way things are done around the planet… people who are in positions of power around the globe who also recognize the need for change at the top of the power structure of the financial world;  because of these people & their commitment – these changes are happening at a incredible pace… faster than can be imagined in the past… as evidenced by the recent founding of the BRICS Development Bank, now formally named the: “New Development Bank”.  This new bank is an alternative to the World Bank / IMF / BIS ‘system’ whose obstructionist policies & protocols have dominated international banking for years… giving the U.S dollar a preeminent role, a hegemony, in monopolizing global money supply, oil & natural gas transactions… creating interest [profit] for & lining the pockets of people at the very top of the global power structure… when money could have & should have been used to help people in developing countries where money is so desperately needed for infrastructure development [ie. new electric/power sources & grids, clean alternative fuels, clean water, sanitation, roads, housing, schools, etc.]

It is believed that the organization of this alternative development bank is in fact a step forward in creating far greater balance in global finance… in saying ‘no more’ to the corrupt ‘powers that be/were’… who have so dominated global banking for years… where they actually restricted & retarded the growth of the very people they are supposed to serve. The creation of this development bank is just one more step marking the decline of the power of… the Cabal… who was not able to stop the establishment of this new bank… an alternative to the corrupt World Bank / IMF / BIS system.

       As David Wilcock said, “…I do believe some form of divine intervention is required to actually clean up this mess due to how entrenched the power structure truly is. …The Cabal banked for a long time (literally and figuratively) on the idea that ETs will only watch what happens but are forbidden to intervene. That may have been true in the past, but the rules changed as of late 2011 when the ETs started portaling out a total of 28 underground facilities that we know of.”

      David also said, “…So according to [Preston] James and [Gordon] Duffs’ [of Veteran’s Today] sources, the ETs have given the Cabal a final ultimatum. On the physical level I believe the creation of the BRICS bank not only creates an alternative infrastructure if the Cabal tries to torch the financial system — it also creates consent, on a spiritual level, for the ETs to intervene much more.”

    “The ETs need our free-will permission to act.  Until we were brave enough as a planet to step up and fight, and do something as tangible as to create this alternative financial infrastructure, the ETs couldn’t intervene as strongly as they can now that we’ve done the work. …It may still be some time before we understand the degree to which our extended family has assisted us through this whole process.”

Based on my own prior, very detailed reports beginning in the late summer of 2011 –

   I first reported the destruction of a lattice networked underground base in the greater Washington D.C area [recorded as an earthquake on August 23, 2011] where the people of the Procyon star system, a senior member of the Andromeda Council, used pinpointed, highly focused, low frequency, sonic compression wave technology to collapse and destroy this underground base lattice networked facility.

         Further, I also reported in great detail direct efforts by the people of the Andromeda Council [each time, days ahead of when each action took place] to clear out, shutter, seal &/or destroy, at minimum fifteen (15) major facilities, large scale, Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea bases. There were other minor ones included in these 15 that were shut down as well.  As a result – specifically with the last base that was destroyed, tens of thousands of Draco soldiers, and over 2,000 high ranking military officers & officials were captured & sent off planet to face an intergalactic Criminal Tribunal on the primary Andromeda Council biosphere for crimes against humanity of Earth… crimes for which they were found guilty, and punished.

       So has there already been on-going benevolent ET ‘intervention’… directly addressing the problem at the very top of the “Cabal” hierarchy.  But those actions were specifically directed at the Reptilian’s communications, operations & infrastructure… undersea bases with a military hierarchy & high level officials.  Not human, Reptilian.  And the good news is – it had the net effect of ‘cutting off of the head of the snake’… which created a power vacuum, loss of leadership and extensive in-fighting. This was the beginning of the Cabal’s collapse.

These actions on the part of the people of the Andromeda Council were allowable because it was a direct effort to remove an alien species [Reptilian] – its intrusion, interference, manipulation, control & abuse of the human race on planet Earth… which is a clear violation of all universal spiritual laws.  The Reptilian actions are especially heinous because they have repeatedly, going back 1,000s of years, interfered with the natural evolution of humanity on this planet.

       The remaining problem now is with certain ‘lieutenants’ for the Reptilians – Humans, and/or human/reptilian hybrids who for all purposes look human, who have globally held positions of great power in all major sectors of our society, especially in finance, government & media… for years… likely hundreds &/or thousands of years.

However, now in 2014, things are changing. Finally.  Brave humans, employing their own free will, have decided that the long standing corruption of the Cabal run global banking system & the infrastructure that has supported it, needs change, an alternative, as evidenced by the establishment of this new development bank.

      Yes, David Wilcock is correct in his assessment & dream interpretations.  And, it is likely we will need continued help [intervention] from a benevolent, higher, “divine power”… to rid ourselves, to clean our global society, from years of an entrenched, malevolent power structure.

Even so, much is still yet to be accomplished.   We as a society must continue to push forward.  We must do more.  We must take added responsibility, initiative & actions to reclaim our freedom, our lives & our planet… for our people, our children & our future.  We must do these things if we are to evolve in a healthy balanced manner in all areas of our lives.  And we must do these things…  so that we may from a perspective of maturity & responsibly… be able to join a greater, intergalactic community of brothers & sisters across the cosmos.  Ultimately, it is up to us.   It is our choice, each & every one of us.  What will you do?

So, for now, please pay close attention to many other aspects of our global society…  as major changes continue to happen across our world, our home planet.  Earth.

– Tolec, Andromeda Council


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Foto: Message From Archangel Michael – Keys To Participating In The New Reality March 2, 2013 Learn to listen more deeply. Stillness and light are very compatible. In your quieter moments, as turn your attention to listening, you attract more light. The more you listen, the more facile you become with hearing your own innate wisdom SOUND throughout your being. This will appear to you as clarity and insight, as vision and knowing. The perspectives of your Soul, and your Higher Self are vast and more love-filled generally then your human based perspectives. The more you spend time listening to yourself in an aligned, relaxed way, the more these higher perspectives can inform your sense of purpose, mission, path, choices and decisions. It is important for you to realize you have many different ways of making decisions. And that decisions are different than choices, and both are different then preferences. A choice is the act of choosing among options and you may choose differently at another time. Decisions eliminate all other options, commit your energy and behavior to what you’ve decided where preferences are things you like more then others. You make choices based on your preferences. Decisions too can be based on preferences, but they also tend to be based on your values or beliefs. In all of this you are expressing yourself and in each of these kinds of creative acts you summon energetic support from beyond this sphere. Invite higher frequency energy into your life. The alignment you create by being in accord with the higher frequency aspects of your being, summons an expansive and nourishing energy into your life and fuels your creation with the momentum of the Cosmos. When you create from these higher perspectives, your preferences are inclined toward choices and decisions that are in harmony with Divine Will, or the Unified Field. These harmonics, in turn amplify your creative acts. All of life is extended by these kinds of collaborative, resonant focus. To take fullest advantage of your Higher Self and then through your Higher Self, your Soul’s Presence in this life, you must give permission and draw these energetics more and more into your field of being. You have grown and are growing in your capacity to carry light and this will continue as your focus in form unfolds. Allow yourself to fuel this process with the conscious companionship and elevation provided by inviting and giving permission for your Higher Self to join you. You may do this simply by calling upon your Higher Self. Just turning your attention in this way, draws you into a communion of light with your Higher Self and then you can continue to summon your Higher Self asking it to come closer, to come deep into your energy and your body, to merge with you, to flow into all your cells, to entrain your energy field with its energy and light. The more you do this the more you prepare to merge with your Soul Presence. Your connection with your Soul Presence is made possible through your Higher Self. There is a frequency hierarchy within your continuum of being. Beginning to work with this consciously is of great benefit to your life. You notice when you do this that you feel more peaceful, more whole, more confident, more clear, and your life becomes more available to grace. Re-orient to the true source of personal power. The ability to listen to yourself and hear your inner wisdom and know it’s guidance is the source of self-confidence and real personal power. The power of life is love. Power comes from love — from being connected to your own self and from allowing yourself to open to the love available in every moment and every kind of life experience there is. Many of you have issues with ideas of power. Realize that things you think are “bad” or “evil” are mirrors of where you are still entangled in the illusion of duality; the idea that one thing is better then another and the construct of duality. To be empowered feels more comfortable to you then the idea of being powerful. Ask yourself why. These words are not actually different. They simply have different associations from your prior experiences and the beliefs and paradigms of the old reality. Release the idea of protection. I wish now to speak about something very important to me, the idea of protection. Many of you associate my presence with protection. This is something I would like to revise so that I may more clearly participate with you in your life. My intent is to support you and to be available to you as together we move toward the fullest expression of the divine plan. This guides all my activities and all my focus. It is, the standard for my focus and my attention. To increasingly access the power of love in your life, each of you will learn to shift from ideas of protection to ideas of the truth of energetic standards. Standards are the true way that you create what you typically think of as protection. The problem with the idea of protection is that it takes you out of alignment and also feeds fear. To access the fullness of love from within this beautiful life on Earth, you must be in alignment with yourself and be open. This means you will gradually find ways to “let your guard down.” In human life many of you develop resistance to love because the focus instead, is on shielding yourself from potential pain in relationships because of fear. This idea of protection is a construct within the illusion that prevents you from knowing the fullness of love! It does not serve you. It also does not keep these things from happening–as many of you have noticed. Understand protection is essentially an extension of your energy based on fear. Of course it is wise not to drive your car into a tree. {Smile.} Caring for your body by working the the nature of life and making good decisions to perpetuate your life is simply wise. But caring for yourself is not the same thing as being protective. Being protective in essence is being “on the defensive” and being on the defensive means “steeling yourself” or even being aggressive. Being protective, or wanting protection take you out of alignment. This does not empower you, or your joy! Decide to learn to open so you may discover the abundace of love on Earth. This may seem obvious, but often when you are not feeling love it does not occur to you to open up more fully. In fact, you tend to constrict your energy which pinches you off even more! In order to feel the love that is available in each and every moment, you have to open yourself perceptually and energetically to the fuller spectrum of energy you are capable of assimilating. There is an abundance of love everywhere in your world, but many of you do not feel this, or not consistently as you would like to experience love. There is electromagnetic energy available from the Earth, there is energy in the food you eat and the air you breathe. There is energy in sunlight, and there is Cosmic Energy available directly through your crown chakra and through all your chakras. The more open you are, the more relaxed you are, the more you are able to access the full spectrum of energy available to be assimilated. All of this energy is love! Much of your focus along this path of awakening has been working with the healing frequencies transmitted to Earth, summoned by your collective desire to awaken. You have used these energies brilliantly, learning to ride the cycles of upliftment and to more and more confidently take place in your own healing with presence, patience and love. Now in the New Reality you are gradually becoming aware of the more subtle energies present and as you do, these energies actually are drawing you into higher frequency expression. They are energetically triggering you as an invitation to soften your “guard” so that you may open more fully to all that is presenting in your world. To notice these energies and to allow yourself to stay open may take practice. Many of you are very sensitive and as such have developed strong methods of keeping energy away from you that you felt (or shall I say “feared”) might impeded your joy. Of course, you are wise to want to feel joyful, it is simply that pinching off yourself energetically also tends to result in amplified fear and resistance, less availability to feel love, which then creates more fear, and also impedes the full spectrum of love-energy available to you … you can see how this can become a downward trending energy cycle. Replace ideas of protection: learn to set standards to your liking. Many of you are noticing the differences in life. You are feeling more at home. You are noticing your own awareness of unity is more prevalent. You are drawn toward experiences of love and upliftment. Your lives have changed. You have left much behind and this has been hard, but you are gradually learning that you can come indeed out and play! That is part of orienting to the new energies — realizing that it may indeed be YOUR time. To discover that it is indeed your time, you have to soften up these guards you have created so you can let more love in. It’s important for you to know that you can do this safely and still have standards to create your experience. Standards are established by the way you relate to yourself. This bears repeating {Smile!} Standards are established by the way you relate to yourself. The way you relate to yourself sets the standards for how you are willing to have any others relate to you. All experiences mirror your standards, so use the experiences in your life to discover your standards and then revise them if needed. Once you begin to use standards to create your experiences, along with decisions and choices, you can then entirely release the guard(s)! Then the abundance of life can be more fully received and if you make room to perceive and notice, experienced. Keys to participating in the New Reality. These are the very subtle ways of mastery that will give you the greatest benefit at this time. These are the milestones to understand and master, the Keys if you will to participation in the New Reality. The New Reality is an inner game. You intuitively know this, but now you must apply yourself to learn to live fully this way, as a sovereign expression, an extension into physical form, of your own Divine Being. Learn to listen to yourself. Invite higher frequency versions of your energy to elevate your perspective. Use choice and decisions to create based on your preferences. Use standards as guidelines for what you are willing to experience. Use the mirror of reality to see your standards, and as a feedback loop as you revise them to your liking. Let yourself be a beginner. It’s simple and clear to live this way. But it’s very different then how many of you lived for most of your lives. Which means these are new habits, new ways of being that must be patiently, devotedly created to become natural and for you to confidently utilize them as your process, your way of being. Love yourself enough to be a beginner. To relate to the New Reality as truly new! To innocently and joyfully, learn the ways of the New Reality, with no shame that you do not already know them, and with appreciation for the fundamental design of your world, so that the ability to see clearly and make changes is so beautifully made possible. You have summoned a new version of Earth into being. Now you must meet that with a new version of YOU. I am with you always. I AM Archangel Michael. Channeled by Meredith Murphy


 Part II.  A contemporary summary update by Nahiska, Head of Defense, for the Andromeda Council

“Planet Earth, and this whole solar system of which the Earth is a part, is currently under the monitoring & protection of a variety of multiple, cloaked, Andromeda Council flagged scout craft which monitor the perimeter of this solar system, and this planet, as they look for energy ‘signatures’ of Reptilian, &/or Reptilian aligned enemy ships, that approach the corridor of the various outer space portals or ‘star gates’.

As Tolec stated, the area of space this solar system is currently going through is very dense, dynamic, highly magnetic & highly charged, and also full of remnants of a planet that was destroyed centuries ago. As a result the scout crafts monitor and report back to the primary AC biosphere pending locations where much debris is located. The goal is to remove & clear the larger debris by an ‘engineering team’ and to guide this debris away from the path of Earth to an area of space that is void of any planetary bodies or star systems.

      The Andromeda Council cloaked scout craft can also detect the cloaked ships of the enemy [Reptilian] scout craft and/or large-scale starships, battle cruisers, etc. There have been observations by our scientists concerning the current timeline watching for anomalies in space that includes the physical manifestation of any Reptilian ships approaching this solar system. The variables of this current timeline have been kept in a continuous monitoring state in order to catch the potential entrance of these enemy ships that wish to overtly & openly control this solar system, particularly planet Earth.

Earth is a planet that is home to many of our relatives from different star systems incarnating in what is now a 3D, organic, physical human existence. The Earth human is, in a manner of speaking, just a toddler that has yet to explore not only “outer space” & other worlds… but also outside the realm of their own 3D density / dimension.

      We, the member planets of the Andromeda Council, are responsible for this solar system as a protector of planets in need of benevolent assistance. We are aware of the awakening that has increased due to the incoming higher frequency. This is a cause for celebration among us.

There is still much work to be done in our own literal approach to humanity. We are careful not to interfere with the free will of all people including those souls who choose not to be awakened for their own learning experiences. We abide by all Universal and Spiritual laws in operation… humanity’s freedom in action to choose for yourselves what you want to see and not see in the manifestations of our presence.

As to the timeline sequence of our appearance among humanity, many of our people are working toward the goal of presenting ourselves small groups of people, one step at a time.

         Another idea is to materialize our monitoring ships, as well as scout crafts manned by a smaller number of crew members which have been utilized on many occasions. The physical manifestation & appearance of the monitoring ships & scout crafts are increasing because we wish to make ourselves known to Earth humanity in order to educate you so you may learn you are not alone in the Universe; so that you may also know we are not the enemy. We are showing up more in your skies, both day and night, in order for humanity to get use to our crafts… much like the aircraft of your world. It will become a normal occurrence. We will continue our current activities until such point in time when it will be necessary to make ourselves known out in the open, to the general public, as you might say.

     Your world has created many challenges that can be as challenging to all of us within our own dimension and timeline as well. Due to the Reptilian corrupted, elite powers that be upon your world, it has taken us thousands upon thousands of years to be able to get through the muck of the minds within humanity in order to open up the possibilities of our presence as benevolent and not malevolent people.

This era of time in earth’s history from this point forward is an exciting time for all of us to see that humanity finally getting the message that after all of the changes you have coming, we are here to help you get, as you might say, “back on your feet” and recognize that we are not a figment of your imagination. We are here for the long haul and we are not leaving this solar system until humanity is free from the tyrants of the powers who made slaves out of you, our relatives, incarnated star people in human form.

  As always, with each being on the ‘brink of change’… the birthing pains are very evident. It can be painful, but any pain you might experience should not be due to our presence as we seek to help inform you of so many truths during your transformation process. We will walk the Earth to help relieve the pressure of the birthing process from the old world into the new world… a new way of living life to the fullest without the enslavement by the powers who were only of self service to control, manipulate and blind you to false truths of your past within the societal, religious, education, political and working systems of your planet.

As Tolec has previously taught you, as the caterpillar moves to create a cocoon to encase its body, it then sleeps and emerges into a beautiful butterfly. In this demonstration, Mother Earth has been asleep to the actions of thought forms of humanity. And now, Mother Earth begins her awakening process to birthing herself in emerging with a new, more beautiful, higher frequency body to be enjoyed by all as a gift to the Universe by the Source of all life in existence. Therefore, it is time for humanity to embrace the change from within yourselves into becoming a new species.

 Many Earth humans fear change because of old pain you carry within yourselves and not wanting to experience the new. You need not fear change within your own DNA because the birthing process from the physical bodies that you currently inhabit into the higher frequency ones which will be crystalline in nature. Again, as Tolec has taught you, there will be no pain during the transformation process… that is to say during the actual moment of transformation. It will be as easy as turning on the light switch in your own home.

Go back in history and study the change of the human body as indicated by the hieroglyphics, religious scriptural writings, and archeological digs. Scientists of your world alongside with your own computer technology can analyze the biology, human anatomy, planetary environmental and climate changes that produce the changes within plants, animals and humans. Your geneticists have already begun to identify the chromosomes, nuclei and DNA/RNA components within human bodies that are not part of this planet’s DNA/RNA structures. Many of the ancient astronauts that came from other worlds have already had their ‘hands into the cookie jar’, so to speak.

        Earth humans, you are now on the brink of your bodily change in becoming crystalline in nature, structure & much lighter in presence. A side benefit is that these new bodies will easily be able to breathe in Earth’s new atmospheric changes as she changes as well.

As to the biological agent/”chem trails”, do not be concerned. With the higher frequency of your new crystalline bodies you will be fine due to the fact that the ‘missing link’, as you say, within your human forms is being activated. This will negate any problems within your new human form.

To the people of Earth, remain calm and allow the changes to flow through you. The physical form appears to be at its worst before it gets better. It will subside and return to feeling normal again. Seemingly, everything will get turned ‘inside out’, as you might also say, when it comes to the new positive changes within your bodies. So, it is with your body.

Many of the people who are now awakened, as you might say, who have already experienced psychological, intellectual, spiritual and physical changes years ago within their own bodies – they will be able to assist, teach and calm many of you who are going through changes yourselves, right now, as well as others who will also go through changes.

  Earth humans, you are graduating into a new species. We are with you as you move into your new change of life. It is all part of the Universal growth in all dimensional existence of life forms within the Universes, Omniverses, Parallel Universes, and Intra-Universes.

I am Nahiska, Head of the Defense, within the primary Andromeda Council flag ship biosphere. I send to you my honorable respect, love for humanity and blessings as a gift to humanity as well.

I end this transmission in peace.”

Copyright 2014.
Tolec and the Andromeda Council.

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