The two articles by Tolec in the last couple of days echo the recent channeling I brought in from St. Germain, that indeed a shift in the financial/monetary systems of the world is coinciding with a shift in consciousness, the raising of the frequency of everything in our world, and our planet’s transformation into becoming a higher dimensional world. – Goldenlight
Important - Critical News Story
Update – The Importance of this “Critical News Story”.
March 28, 2014
Many of you are asking me Tolec -
why or how are the many articles on international banking, the change from the USD to the TRN [no longer under the control of the "Federal Reserve"], the rise of China as a global financial superpower, and the ‘global financial reset’ all relevant to… this planet’s transformation into becoming a higher dimensional, 4D world?
The answer is detailed, but simple. If you remember, during many of my earlier interviews – I spoke about a time period during the transformation of this world into becoming a higher dimensional one… where there would also be a transition period of about 10-12 years [based on how we measure time today] when we as a global society would transition from a world economic system based on money, oil & power, which we have today… to new system whereby we as free sovereign Earth citizens, in a open, cooperative global society… where the remaining countries, regions & communities of people would willingly share energy, resources, goods, services & food… with no agenda except to help other [in the old days known as "barter"]; well, this step of “fiat”, debt based, fractional reserve, ‘paper’ “money” [which is not money at all - it is simply debt compounded, payable to the Federal Reserve. Look up, research, the legal definition of "note" which is found on a U.S dollar bill, it means "debt"] + the “Federal Reserve” - is not - part of the United States of America, “…government of the people, by the people & for the people”.
This economic, financial, social & ‘spiritual’ evolution of fiat “money” going away is being demanded all across the globe, by good people in high levels of power, in a new balance of global power… this evolution is a huge change. It represents a change in consciousness. It represents a change of awareness. It represents a change in the balance of power. It represents a change in tolerance. As in, ‘…we will no longer tolerate… .’
It is a statement by a new growing majority, all across the globe, that we good people, we free sovereign citizens of Earth have had enough. We have been been controlled & manipulated long enough. We have been abused enough. We are rightfully setting boundaries. We are taking our power back, and we are saying, with help & conviction, “… no more.”
We will no longer be controlled by the power & fear mongering, ruling Cabal [with Reptilians at the top of this power structure] who have had their way with us for far too many years. No more.
“We shall have a new birth of freedom”. The future belongs to us. And it starts now.
This global change to - all - asset based currencies in every country across the globe, including the U.S, with each currency backed by some gold & each country’s national treasures ['priceless' artwork in its museums, sculptures, precious gems, etc.], – and – in combination with each country’s combined natural resources [other precious metals & minerals in the ground including oil & natural gas, etc.]; this change is one of the major first initial steps… of the transition from a “money” based global economic system… to one completely based on the open sharing of resources, and; it is also one of the key ‘social’ consciousness issues in this process of change… of this world transforming from a 3D world… to a higher dimensional 4D world. One of open sharing, cooperation & love.
March 27, 2014
The following article, “China currency liberalization to be a ‘seismic event’: Australia”, is huge in that: a.) it is one of the first from a major global news media outlet [Reuters] that alludes to the coming change of the ‘global reserve currency’… and the continued rise of China as a global financial superpower b.) the source quoted is the – Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Deputy Governor Philip Lowe. To read, click here: