I may not always be that great with words, but, theirs something all you people here need to know, and today, I may not always exactly be a light worker myself per say, I perhaps have another position/task of help that I recognize, yet this is how all of you have always secretively looked like to me, as the spirits that you truly are. . . especially today
if I could dance with you
. . . for light workers
I wanted to make a small thankyou for your dedication to life and love, to all in this world, even when all seems for naught, and I easily noticed that you always, just simply, stood forward in the face of such things anyways, also in minor note, you have always been an ongoingly relentless, unstoppable, secret force of help for me : ) and I felt you should know as I can be a quiet and closed learner at times
cheers everybody,
today is a special day. . . as their truly now is a new day coming