
An Hour with an Angel

Linda Dillon – Channel for the Council of Love

Steve Beckow – Interviewer

SB: Linda, you’re on vacation – you’re up in New Hampshire, I believe.

LD: Yes, I am broadcasting live and in living color, from New Hampshire, from a little town in the mountains on a pristine lake – it is absolutely gorgeous.

SB: Recharging your batteries or getting out in nature, or what are you doing?

LD: Recharging my batteries, most certainly. Having completed the Core Issues webinar series, which, Steve, you know was pretty heavy and grueling.

SB: Pretty intense!

LD: [laughing] But, resulting in wonderful results and refined balance. But part of that balance, I think, is really taking into account that we all need, in our balance and in our lives, time to recharge, to refuel. And so, what I’m doing is settling in in a place where, because it’s before July, there’s virtually no one on the lake other than the mother ducks and the loons and the herons, and taking walks in the woods, and swimming, and spending time sitting on the dock, watching the sun come up and the sun go down, and spending time with my sisters – it’s just wonderful. And it brings a whole new level to meditation.

You know, this has become my annual sanity retreat. I was sitting on the dock with Mother Mary and she had me paddling my feet in the water. And it was one of those times when the lake was just like glass. And she said, “Go ahead and make a ripple.” And I did. She says, “Now, you don’t see when that ripple hits the other shore across the lake. But that doesn’t mean it’s not there.” And it was such a simple, simple explanation, and such a confirmation for what we do. You know we do things and we don’t really know the outcome, and we don’t really need to know the outcome.

But yeah, I’m just taking time to refuel – which everybody has to do, whether it’s sitting and staring at the wall, which you and I, Steve, do a lot. [laughing] Or riding your bike – how’s that coming?

SB: Oh, very well! As a matter of fact, I love it. I’m now going everywhere with my bike. So yes, I agree – take time out!

LD: Just taking time for ourselves. And, what I find with this time that I do take out is that I am more in my body. Probably than at any other time of the year, and getting reacquainted with actually being in physical form. I think it’s kind of important!

SB: [laughing] Yeah! You think? Well that’s great. I think you have, what, another week left of vacation?

LD: Yeah, I’m counting the days. One week to go.

SB: One week to go. I’m sure the list is joyous and I’m hoping you have a very relaxed and fulfilling retreat!

LD: Ah, thank you.

SB: So I’ll allow you to kind of make your transition here. And, after that we’ll welcome Archangel Michael.


Archangel Michael: [laughing] Greetings, I am Michael . . .

SB: Greetings, Lord.

AAM: . . . Archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of news. And yes, I bring you the peace and the harmony, the green of the pines, the black of the lakes, the blue of the sky. For even Archangels take time to renew, to paint, to listen to the music of the spheres, to sit with the Mother, and to remember the truth of what is important.

So I welcome you all, my beloved friends, my dearest family. And I welcome you to this time of renewal – whether it is taking five minutes with my beloved brother Raphael, or taking a long sojourn to the corners of the Earth, the galaxies, the planets – with me.

Give yourself the honoring, not merely the gift, but the honoring of your sacred self so that you may continue this mission. Not only in commitment, in diligence, in fortitude, but that you can complete this mission in joy and laughter, refreshed and ready for the next chapter, dear hearts.

Sweet angel of light, dearest brother Steve, where do you wish to begin this day?

SB: Well, I think what we’d like to do this day, Lord, is to understand more about you and more about Archangels. So you’ve just said, for instance, that you take time out. But, I have also heard you say that you are present with, I think, maybe hundreds of people at once, maybe thousands of people at once, maybe even millions – I don’t know. When you take time out do you withdraw that presence from all those contacts that you’ve been making?

AAM: No dearest, I do not. Think of it in this way – and each of you in your own way. Dearest Steve, if you were to go, and I would encourage you to do so, if you were to go to a cabin in the woods and watch the eagles soar and the water lap the shore, would you have forgotten and withdrawn yourself from all those you love and cherish, from all those you serve? Would not a single thought for an article occur to you?

SB: [laughing] They would be occurring to me at a lightning pace, Lord.

AAM: That is it exactly. One of the things – I am happy to have this conversation, by the way, because most of the light workers do not have a complete, or shall we say thorough, understanding of what their various aspects and their inter-dimensional self, their multidimensional self, and the potential of multi-location, let alone bi-location, that what their capacity, their talent, their ability to undertake many things at once – what that potential is.

Now, you tend to think – and it is a good thing, because it is a mental thing – what you do is you bring all your attention to this or that. ‘I am bringing all my attention to my meditation.’ And that is necessary. Or, ‘I am bringing all my attention to having this conversation, this moment. I am bringing all my attention to writing this article,’ because you are committed, you love your work, and you know that when you are engaging with another that it is necessary – yes, necessary – to be fully present. But that presumes a limitation in terms of what you are capable of.

Now, you are going to say that this is like a riddle. I am fully present with all of you, my beloved friends, this night. And I watch over, interact, work with, fly with, laugh with, my entire legion of blue, and then some, continually. But that does not mean that I am not also fully present elsewhere, fully committed at the same time, in the same moment, of what you think of as time and space. Now, seldom am I actually fully present with millions. But hundreds or thousands is not even a blink of an eye.

SB: It’s so hard for me to get that, Lord, to think of you being fully present with all those people. It’s just very, very difficult to imagine. It’s outside my frame of reference and world of possibility.

AAM: How can you not be fully present? Think of it as simply multiplying – not simply a thread or a fragment of your being – but duplicating your entire being. So that in a human – for example, you are writing an article or you are having a conversation, but you also know of someone who is ill, or grieving, or desolate, and you send yourself to them to heal, to comfort, to attend to them. And you do this consciously and unconsciously, subconsciously, all the time.

SB: Yes. But, I’m not conscious of the ‘me’ that has gone to the bedside of the person who’s ill. It may have gone there, but I am not conscious of it.

AAM: That is something that is growing.

SB: [laughing] Ohh. Okay.

AAM: It is a capacity that many of you have begun to know or to observe, and it is simply something that is growing as you raise your frequency. It is part of your extended or expanded self. It is a capacity that you came with. But you are asking about the archangels, not simply myself, for I would not wish to be seen as egoic. But all of us – and many angels have this capacity, even to think of your, what you have termed as human beings, as your guardian angels. So your guardian angel is constantly with you. And you say, “Well, I feel that they are not present.” Well, that is your perception. That is not reality.

But there are many situations when your guardian angels will be right standing there by your shoulder, and, at the same time, off doing various assignments that you have given them.

SB: Well, that does help me understand because I, from time to time, I think I’m monopolizing my guardian angel’s time. But now I think I understand a little better, he’s doing other things as well.

AAM: But they are doing other things for thee, my friend.

SB: Well, I’ve heard about that, Lord, that if you ask your guardian angel, or guardian archangel to help you out with something, that they actually do – and you’re saying that’s true?

AAM: That is most certainly true! That is the mission and purpose of the guardian! And so, yes, that is the very function. Even when it is what you perceive as a heavy, or heavy lifting, or a difficult assignment – it is never considered that way.

There is a celebration – literally – when you let go of your feeling of separation, of isolation, and yes, dear heart, the ego of self-sufficiency, to say, “Gee, can I have a hand with this?” Then your guardians are free to go to work. They do not interfere with you, and many of them complain [laughing] about being bored because their charges will not allow them to truly implement all the assistance that truly is available to each and every one of you.

SB: Wow. How far can I take this? I’ll give you an example: I was speaking with a young woman yesterday down in California who is housesitting just because she is just at the end of her financial rope. Can I ask my angelic guide to find her a house or find her the means to afford a house? Is that going too far?

AAM: That is not going far enough.

SB: Oh wow. [laughing] What would be far enough?

AAM: And I am teasing you, beloved one. You are asking for the job description, are you not?

SB: [laughing] Well, I’m not sure. Perhaps I am.

AAM: But no, let us answer this because this is a good example. And there are situations in which you can ask your guardian angels to assist someone else on your behalf – that is an important proviso and understanding. You are not giving your guardian angels to somebody else. You are asking them to work and to do an undertaking on your behalf. Now the first and foremost request to your guardian on behalf of this difficult situation would be for your guardian angels to speak to her guardian angels, and to her, so that she will allow herself – this is not a criticism – to get out of the way enough to allow the miracle to transpire. What we witness too often – and this is true in the seraph, the archangelic, the angelic realm – is that humans have a tendency, two-fold, to ask for assistance, and then to jump back in and grab the situation back because they are fearful that they will not be attended to . . . or to limit the timeline. Or, to also not understand that not all requests are granted. Simply because there is a deep level of learning that is transpiring about worthiness or the power to create – and that is a theme for your planet at this time. But it also is, there is something better coming.

SB: Okay.

AAM: Now, when you are homeless, it is exceptionally difficult to remove yourself, to stand back enough from your sacred self to say, ‘I will allow.’ Because what happens in those situations, and we would acknowledge as dire straits, is the situation that people think, ‘I have not been vigilant enough. I have to take action.’ Or, ‘I am not worthy of receiving.’

So the core issue, the underlying issue, of worthiness has need to be addressed as well. So do the angels and we, dear hearts, it is the same when we are working on our mission to bring peace upon Earth. What we spend a great deal of what you consider time and space on is working on those underlying issues that prevent the fulfillment of the promise and the design of the Mother.

SB: Hmm. Wow, that is very helpful. Thank you very much. You once said to me that if I posted a certain article that might inflame a certain religious group, I would be protected, but you would be on full-alert. What does it mean and what does it look like for an archangel to be on full-alert?

AAM: I will give you a visual because you all know – and if you do not, I remind you – you all know of the sword and shield that I carry.

SB: Yes.

AAM: And you all know of the sword and shield that I have bestowed upon each of you long ago. If you wish to visualize, to picture, what it means to have an archangel on full-alert, it is that they are standing in front of you, next to you, behind you, all at the same time. Shield up, sword drawn, prepared for battle. What does it mean? Our field is so strong. Nothing is permitted to penetrate our field to get to you. It is that simple.

SB: Okay, well, that definitely does help me. I’m interested in your relations with the Mother. How do you experience the Mother? Is it just a voice, does she appear to you in a form?

AAM: First and foremost, we experience the Mother as Love. So, no matter how far we go out into the Omniverse, out into battle, out into celebration, her love is constant within us. Yes, around us – what you would think of as a knowing. But it is more than that, it is within our beingness.

But if we are to experience – and it doesn’t matter about proximity by the way – we experience her, how will I say this, in various ways as scent. Oh, yes, you are not the only one. And her scent is distinct and it is as Light. It is as Love. And when I say Love, I do not simply refer to what you think of as emotion. It is a state of being. It is a state of being that sustains us.

In human form, you are still in a realm, a beautiful realm, where you imbibe water or eat food. Our food and sustenance – not that we are not self-sustaining, we are by the way – but what sustains us, in the larger sense, is the love and the energy of the Mother. There are times, beyond measure, beyond words, where we do witness her form. [sigh] And you will come to know this.

Very often, there are times or situations when even the angelic realm or the archangelic realm feels discouraged, or we feel the pain – and it is not simply our pain or our discouragement. It is the pain or the discouragement or the disillusionment of the entire collective – and at times, the emotional beliefs of the entire galaxy or universe. We know your issues with time, and we know your questions of when.

But, think of it, when you have worked, toiled in joy for the Mother for thousands and thousands of years to bring peace, and still you see pain and suffering. Yes, we see the progress. Yes, we see the light growing – but I am giving you an example. It is in those times, not always, but most often, when we will tell the Mother, “Come to us in form,” that she will exhibit her magnificence. Not as an apparition, not as mist, or a shadow of light, but in form. What that does is that it elevates you, it restores you, it erases what you have been carrying, and it brings you the renewal to go for another few thousand years. It is such a gift.

SB: If you were a human being saying that, what you just said, and I would say you’ve had an experience of the Mother, you’ve had sixth chakra enlightenment – but what is that for an archangel? I mean archangels don’t get enlightened do they?

AAM: No. But they do get to go on a retreat and renewal. Not in the way that the human beings are highly recommended to.

SB: Yes. And just to repeat and confirm – when you go on retreat and renewal, just a part of you does. You’re still dealing with all the thousands of people that you would ordinarily deal with, right?

AAM: Yes. But, let me clarify. Also, you have a tendency to think – and we have not done a great deal to dissuade you of this understanding – you think that our beingness is static. And, of course it is not. We, like you, we are past what you think of as enlightenment. We have never departed to what – can we term – the ‘lower planes.’ But that does not mean that we are not evolving into greater, and greater, and greater light.

Now, you would think that it is inconceivable. Because we are, yes, the handmaidens of the Mother. Like you, we are the servants of the Mother, completely determined, committed, and in joy to the fulfillment of her design – which as you know, as soon as she has thought it, desired it, it is done.

But we are traveling along a spectrum of completion, of what you think of as time, we think of as a spectrum of completion. But, as we travel we are gaining. Because we do not have the waffle affect that has sometimes occurred in the human. And the day will come, the time will come when I, in my complete radiance of Light, will not only choose, but be welcomed back to the Mother.

Now, you know – you know me, my beloved brother, my friends – I will probably reemerge and continue on, but we have all . . .do not think that we are simply static.

SB: What does it mean to say you’ve evolved? What does it look like for an archangel to evolve? Can you give us an illustration? Jophiel incarnated as Joseph. Did he evolve from that experience?

AAM: Yes, but, let us go prior to that incarnation. Jophiel was so evolved that he could incarnate as a human. Now let me explain – none of us, and you know that I have apparated many times and shown myself to you.

SB: I’ve seen you several times.

AAM: Yet we do not descend – and I use that in the term of motion, not energy – but we do not descend into human form. Although we visit, we do not assume the human form. Because the vibration of being in solidity of body, of your body – and even if we chose the holiest of beings – there would be an aspect of density that would be very difficult for us.

Jophiel was so clear, so purified in his light, and, yes, so committed to the Mother, that he could assume that form without concern of descension. He was able to maintain that vibration, that frequency, while in human form enough to be father, and spouse, and friend, but without an alteration in his frequency and vibration. He was that clear. Extremely evolved.

SB: Okay. You’ve given me another illustration of an archangel incarnating and that is Nonnus of Panopolis. What would have the archangelic kingdom choose that lifetime for an archangel to incarnate?

AAM: The only time that we will incarnate is when there is such a pivotal shift in the human awareness and frequency that the awareness of that individual is of such import that it literally affects the entire collective.

SB: Now, our listeners may not be familiar with Nonnus but I was most impacted by the story of him and the actress, Pelagia, out of which she became a walled-in hermit under his tutelage. So, taking this case of an archangel incarnating, what was the specific purpose that he incarnated for – to save Christianity at the time of the Nicene council . . . or?

AAM: To save Christianity, but also to demonstrate more clearly that humans do not have the right or the ability, in truth, to control or to rule over, to ward over, another human being. But also to demonstrate, very clearly, humans are not isolated. You can become a hermit. You can become Julian and live in a walled-in enclosure as well. But the point is you are not alone, and the connection . . .

SB: I think the Desert Fathers illustrated that as well.

AAM: That is correct. So there are times when it is important, because these stories, these biographies, live on. And it is important for humans who feel alone, lonely, separated, to know that even if they feel emotionally, or mentally, or spiritually isolated and separated, that they are not alone.

And another piece of this is that they do not need – you see, we do not have this need to be so front-and-center, in charge. Very often you have tended to think if we or the Masters come – as you have asked us to many times – that we will take up primary public positions. And that is not so. Very often what we will do is to take a position that is more remote or more supportive to the human realm, to be seen in some ways as ordinary people doing extraordinary things. As each of you, my beloved friends, do.

SB: Wow. The Mother, as you know, came in my last reading for the first fifteen minutes. One of the statements she made was, “Do not underestimate the power of my love.” I, in the first six decades of my life, I experienced a kind of what I would call ‘ordinary love,’ which wasn’t very moving. And I’m now experiencing transformative love, which is eminently moving and sweeps away things like anger and hatred. But the actual experience of the Mother’s love, that must be way, way, way beyond anything certainly I’ve experienced. How would you describe your experience of the Mother’s love?

AAM: As a complete unification. It is the, not the memory, but the experience – yes we have experiences – it is the experience of returning to Source. Even though you make differentiation, but we do not need to. In this case, it is as if Source is coming to you. It is that sense of knowing beyond knowing, of simply being.

You tend to think in terms of qualities, so in that time of being sustained, penetrated, enfolded in the Mother’s love, it is not knowing, it is in that moment – what you would think of as moments – of being all wisdom, all love, all joy, all creation, of simply being all energy, all things. And it happens in a moment that feels as if it is years or eons. It is complete unity. And it is because of that complete unity that we do not rush home, because we are able to have home within us.

And you my beloved friend, you say that you are experiencing transformative love. And you have seen for yourself, you have experienced for yourself, that this is different than what has been named love. And that is not to disregard or downgrade the human love, romantic love, filial love. But it is completely different because you feel, you are transformed, you are elevated, you are expanded, and – be clear about this – this is available to you.

This is a huge piece of what your ascension is about: While in form being able to access the Love. And, thereby, because when you are in the unity, you ARE the love, you ARE the wisdom, you ARE the joy. And even after what you term ‘experience’ in that energy, that presence is still within you, it does not leave you. It only leaves you completely transformed.

SB: Yesterday I had coffee with somebody, and I was describing transformed love to my partner across the table, and I entered that space, in the course of discussing it. And the remarkable thing was that she entered that space, too, and she already knew about this. Is sharing about transformative love one way to ease oneself back into that space?

AAM: Think of it as claiming it. That when you begin to discuss it, what you are doing is activating, calling in and activating, expanding – and, yes, sure… You cannot be in a state of transformative love, you cannot be discussing, because it is not an intellectual discussion, it is not your mental body that is involved – it is your heart consciousness. And in discussing this, in sharing it, you gift it, you expand it. And what we would dare say is that most people in your coffee shop had the same experience. Because it permeates the very air.

SB: Consciously?

AAM: Yes.

SB: Well, it does explain some funny things that happened when I go into the Safeway, and I’m watching the counter person fill up my vessel with tabbouleh and I can see her giving me the delectable pieces, right? [laughing] You know the olives, and the this, and the that, and the other, and I’m scratching my head saying, “Does it show?”

AAM: It is seeing on the subtle level. And this is the human being realizing, perhaps not consciously quite yet, but realizing on the subtle level that this is Love. And as soon as that is seen and acknowledged, then the response is – the auto response is – to act in Love. Because it is the core of what every being, whether it is on Earth, on sweet Gaia or Venus, or Andromeda, or CCC – it is what every being ever created wants.

So this is the commonality between all species, between the humans, the Andromedans, the tigers, the bears, the elephants – it is common. It is the common thread. It is the warp and weave of the universe.

So this is what ties us all together – even the most recalcitrant, upset, disparaging individual who is sitting in the corner doing nasty things, and saying that they do not believe in love. His heart, her heart, is yearning for love. They just simply don’t dare admit it because they are so a-feared that they will not receive it. And that they are not capable of giving it, of sharing it. And, of course, that is not of truth.

SB: Wow. We have 10 minutes to go and I’d like to turn to another matter. And if we get through that, then we can return to the discussion we are having right now. And that’s that I’m really impressed with the – I’ve been meeting a lot of younger people now, it seems to go in different groups, and many of them are house sharing, they’re couch surfing, they don’t have jobs, they’re scrambling like mad, they’re tired, they’re just hanging on, again, like so many other people.

And I wonder if you couldn’t address yourself to them and their tremendous faith, because they’re producing videos and healing technologies, and, oh, my gosh, this, that, and the other. Could you give them a message, perhaps, of hope? Because I know a lot of them are feeling so stretched, and yet continuing to do such good work without complaint.

AAM: And this is what I say to you, beloved ones – you have placed your priorities, your energy, your life force, your very beingness, you have connected, linked, grounded into what is vital to you. You have returned, in so many ways, to what, in your reference, would be the concept of tribe, of extended family, of community. You are living in community and in the understanding that, yes, you will sleep where you can, you will eat what you find. But what is most important to your very soul, to your very survival, is the creation, the fulfillment, not only of the Mother’s dream, but of your dream.

You are the creators of Nova Earth. You are not the first wave, the second wave, the third wave – let go of that. You are the Ones.

This generation that brings into form the beauty, the bounty, the love, of what humans have to bring forth. Not on behalf of Gaia, but in concert with Gaia. But you are creating what the new world, in terms of human participation, looks like.

Are you stretched? Yes. Are you stretched beyond your limits? No. Because you are flexible, you are inventive, you have the capacity to create in so many ways, and you will not be denied. Nothing will stop the fulfillment of your talent, your capacity, your dream because you know that this is the core of your life force.

Your life force is not dependent upon a home, because you carry your home within you. It is not dependency on a bank account because you carry your spiritual currency with you. It is not dependent on approval of institutions that would have nothing to say in a positive nature about you.

You are the revolution. You are the change. You are the hope.

Do I give you encouragement? Do I give you my hope, my truth? I give it to you, but let us reassure you, we also draw from you. You are one of the reasons that we celebrate. So often they say, ‘Show us the change.’ But my beloved friends, you are the change. You do not sit in a corner of darkness waiting. No, you put your head to the sun and you create. And that is the truth of the new tomorrow.

You are already inhabitants of the Cities of Light. You are the architects. You are the builders. You are the plumbers. You are the electricians. The most remarkable thing about the future Cities of Light that anchor in your now is the beauty, the clarity, the sweetness, the unity. That whether it is city, a metropolis, or a healing temple in the woods – it matters not.

You are bringing forth what you know to be your expression of your divinity, of your beauty, of your joy. Are you forgotten and by-passed? Not in the slightest.

We have begun this day by speaking about the limited ideation that so many have of guardian angels. Now, you are an independent generation and we love this about you. But you also understand about interdependence. And that interdependence, dear heart, extends to us. Ask your guardians for help. Ask them to pave the way – and each of you has a different way, a different meaning, a different understanding of what ‘pave the way’ means. That is what is so glorious and splendid about you. You are not going with previously defined ways. You are creating the new, and we are overjoyed to be in your company.

AAM: . . . We will come. Let us. Because you are the future.

SB: I’m sure there are some who think in terms of usual human ways of, ‘Oh, well, I am waiting to be discovered.’ How will they come into prominence, Lord? How does a light worker in California who’s not known to very many people, say, how does that person come into a position where they can make their contribution?

AAM: First and foremost, they have need to declare that they are already discovered because they have discovered themselves. They have need to get rid of what they think of as humility and piety, and begin to declare, in a very public way, who they are, what they are doing – and yes, ask your guardians to assist in putting the right people directly in front of you, of bringing you to places where you will have those conversations – if it works, yes. But, dear hearts, you are already committed to your work. So that is not the issue.

Allow the unfoldment. You think that you are having to push upstream because you are breaking the paradigm. Instead of pushing upstream, get to the top of the hill and roll downwards, it is much easier.

SB: Ok. Thank you for that. I would like to return now to one question which I think may have occurred to other listeners and may be as perplexing to them as it is for me. It’s trying to understand, trying to reconcile the fact of oneness with individuality. Even seraphim, who stand facing the throne of God, so to speak – I mean that’s the popular image – are still individuals, even though I think one could probably say that they are one with Source. Can you help us understand this seeming paradox of being One but individual?

AAM: It is the greatest gift of the Mother. You know, when you are insecure, you have a tendency to recreate yourself, and want to clone and to have replicas of yourself. And we have seen this time and again in dysfunctional family structure.

SB: Control.

AAM: It is the control. The Mother does not need, does not desire, does not contain the need to control. So what she says, what she gives, is this trust, this faith and this knowing that to be unique – whether it is a blade of grass, a planet, a star, or a being, a seraph – to have the experience of uniqueness, to be that incredible, unique reflection, participation, of who the Mother is and for her to set you free to do as you wish and choose.

Now, it is inconceivable to us. It always confuses us when anyone chooses to be less than who they can be, to be that reflection, that connectedness with the Mother. But she is so resplendent, that this does not enter into the creation because she knows – and we know – because of her, that sooner or later, we all rejoin.

So, are we ultimately all connected? It is only one tapestry. It is only one grid. It is only one pattern. But within that, you are each unique sparks of light. And that is the most profound gift of trust, and of knowing – an expression of her love.

SB: I’m getting my signal that we are to wrap it up, Lord, and I’m very sorry to say that. Do you have any words upon closing?

AAM: Do not hesitate to ask for help. And come and drift in your transformative love and higher. Let us help. Because we want to. That is our joy. Go with my love and let peace reign upon sweet Gaia now. Farewell.

SB: Thank you, Lord. Thank you very much. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2015 Council of Love, Inc.

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6 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"As we on ACC mostly realise, the dark elites seek to promote the use of EVs on a mass scale....However, I'm optimistic that people are now realising that this promotion is based upon the fakery of "climate emergency"...Moreover, rather than saving…"
6 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"I would always recommend a very trustworthy supplier of gold and silver bullion. Anything from China should always be avoided....My tried and trusted favourite bullion merchants, are Baird & Co of London....
"Baird & Co. is one of the UK’s leading…"
7 hours ago
Drekx Omega replied to Drekx Omega's discussion The Soul of Mother Russia Resonates With The Incoming Aquarian Ray - Like Attracts Like
"I would always recommend a very trustworthy supplier of gold and silver bullion. Anything from China should always be avoided....My tried and trusted favourite bullion merchants, are Baird & Co of London....
"Baird & Co. is one of the UK’s leading…"
7 hours ago
Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
9 hours ago