
Heavenly Blessings leap into sunsetSuzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to another offering of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness, and myself, Suzanne Maresca.

Today we’ll be starting a series of shows featuring Native American Indian Chiefs, starting with Sitting Bull and perhaps Cochise. They wish to speak to us of union, community, Nova Earth, and more; and I’m looking to hearing what indigenous wisdom they’ll be sharing.

It feels to me as though we’re at the end of the world’s longest transition, or at least the end of a major phase of our evolution in consciousness. I’m just focusing on going with the flow at this point, and being okay with whatever shows up personally and collectively. Good morning, Linda!

Linda Dillon: Good morning Suzi. Technical difficulties…Hey, you know what? There’s a lot going on technologically ~ says she who had a technological disaster for the broadcast that I had last Saturday. Fortunately we got it all sorted out and at least had the audio portion available…so I can relate to technical difficulties.

But today I wanted to share with our listeners a little bit about the background of my work with the Chiefs. For me to be starting on this series is so exciting because it’s like having these old friends come back. So, the brief history: this was back in 2006 when the theme of the Annual Gathering was ‘Honoring Mother Earth-Gaia.’

All of a sudden these Native American Chiefs started showing up: Chief Joseph, Geronimo, Black Elk, Seattle, Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, Pontiac, Tecumseh, Cochise; the room was full. And then, and they would apparate, like Isaac could see them. We were lying in bed and the entire bed was surrounded by the Chiefs, and they just kept coming and coming and coming.

So, our living room was full, our dining room was full, and then one day he says, “You know, where are the women?” Then all the women started coming. I mean it was part of the most delightful journey, and it continued for about 3 years.

Yeah, it was wild and it was delightful. They call themselves the Council of Elders and the Council of Peace, and what they were teaching us was really about anchoring many of the Native American tools within us, within our hearts, and within our everyday practices, to go forward. It was a real foundational piece for going forward, becoming the New You, and working with Nova Earth, et cetera. This was very much the beginning.

So, I guess about the last couple of weeks I started feeling my old friends again. I’m really jazzed, you know? In the meanwhile we’re doing a series, as you know, with Sanat Kumara and Universal Mother Mary’s Tsunami of Love, and Ascension. It’s like, “Wow!” These guys are showing up again and then they started talking.

Sitting Bull and I have a very close relationship, and he started talking about it being time for them to begin their communication with us again. The conversation fit perfectly with understanding Nova Earth and building community, and the different ways in which family and kinship take place, et cetera.

And so I suggested to him, you know how you do to spirit, “well that would be really lovely and it would probably be the perfect thing to start our new year series with, right?” Well no, he says, “No, we want to start talking right away.”

So, that’s it. That’s the very quick back story. Sitting Bull often is very silent, and so as I’m sitting here in meditation preparing for today, Cochise has stepped forward and he has said that he’s going to be the one that is the first to speak. So, who are we to try and organize the Chiefs, right?

SM: Ah, we are merely servants of the Light…

LD: Yes, we are…(Laughter)…are you ready?

SM: Wonderful. I am, I’m in…

LD: I think it’s part of a new beginning and I think it’s part of the old and bringing things to the closure of the circle as well.

SM: Yes, I’m feeling ready. I know many of us are feeling very ready. I just keep getting that everything is about to change. As I was saying before the show, we’ve been talking about that imminent change for what seems like forever.

I have a situation in my home that’s revealing a number of metaphors for me…there’s leaking pipes in the slab under my house and a more complete fix would be to re-route the pipes above ground. The insurance company will only pay for a repair involving a jackhammer and restoration, but it feels like the short-term fix is perfectly okay because we’re on the verge of a major shift in life as we know it…so long-term fix, not required.

LD: Yeah, I agree. And we did do this wonderful webinar on the weekend…12-13-14…on “Two years later, what’s next?” And one of the things that came through, as I shared with you Suzi prior to going on air, it was either Sanat Kumara or the Divine Mother who basically said the time of inertia is over.

We’re moving now into this time of action and we are all being asked to step forward, each in our own particular way. The one thing that stuck with me after the broadcast was that Gaia said she wants us to stop thinking of ourselves as American, Canadian, Dutch or Indian. She wants us to think of ourselves as Gaians.

SM: Yeah, exactly…I would have said Earthling, but you know…

LD: I know! This is her term, and she wants us to call ourselves Gaians. I love it! And I’m sure that’s going to be part of the theme from the Native Americans as well. So, with that are we ready for a meditation?

SM: Yes we are!

LD: So, let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath of the clearest, purest air you can ever imagine. It’s that morning air just before sunrise, and it’s crisp and it’s clear and there’s a slight dampness in the air. And remember, right now, the Universal Mother has infused our air, every molecule of air, with the pink/gold of Grace. So, sink into your chair, the floor, your bed, your car seat, wherever you are, and just breathe this beautiful clean, clear air.

Now, breathe the rich red clay of Sedona, the beautiful red mud of the Mississippi, and the deep black earth of the Dakotas, deeper into your heart. And how about the fragrant night jasmine of the south, or the orange blossoms? Breathe it in and go deeper into your heart and into your tri-flame, and let’s breathe in the pine forests and the pristine lakes of the north.

And feel that variety, that diversity of nature all around you, and take another breath of that crisp morning air. And feel yourself anchored into the mother planet, into Terra Gaia; feel yourself connected deep into Mother Earth and anchored by her heart and by the Council fire. Feel that connection to this mighty Archangel who has chosen this format of being a planet to hold and to guide us through our Ascension; not at some distant time, but right now. And trust and go deeper.

Cochise: I am Cochise.

SM: Welcome.

C: And welcome to you, to all of you who gather in this sacred circle and in this medicine wheel, for that is where we call you back, that we may have this sacred ceremony and this sacred conversation. I am a warrior of the rising sun and in your understanding, I am a warrior of peace. And we return again because it is a time for all the peoples of this Mother to come together. Yes, there have been many prophecies of the different tribes and it is so because we all knew and had greater understanding of the Mother above’s plan, of the Great Spirit’s plan. Why have you lost your way? There are a million reasons and not one of them is true. Oh, they all feel true to you, that you do not lie or deceive either us or yourself, your family or your friends.

But when one loses their way it is primarily because there has not been enough attention paid to where you truly wish to go. Or on a more subtle level, you wish to exert your independence from the tribe or from the family and to go exploring on your own to see what is out there without always having it be directed. It matters not. It does not matter whether you have wandered into a place of misunderstanding or even of violence, delusion, or purity. If you have settled somewhere where you have found great peace, that is wonderful.

We do not come, and yes there are many of us, but we do not come to judge or in any way to make comment on the journey that you have chosen for this life. And so many of you in past times have been part of our various tribes, so you are known to us and your patterns of behavior. Some old habits die hard.

But the reason that we come as Council of Elders and Council of Peace is because we wish to show you, to share with you, to take your hand or your travois, or your pony in the throat and to show you the way to peace. And yes, I do not simply mean the peace in your heart, which of course is a necessary component, but to show you the way of peace amongst the people; the yellow and the red, the black and the brown, the pale whites. For what is that except an experiment of genes or the face of a different tribe?

When many of us have lived, we lived in peace in our community, in our tribe, in our families, in our circles. Now that does not mean that there were not wars and skirmishes at various times between rival tribes. There were. So I do not come as some voice proclaiming that the Native Americans have only known peace.

In fact as you know, like many of your black people in the United States and elsewhere, there is a history of war and oppression and a deep absence of what you can think of as peace. This is how we know what we speak of now, it is what you have learned and it is what we have learned: You do not ever arrive at a place of peace through an exercise of oppression. It is not possible.

And I know because I fought vigorously against such oppression for my freedom. And the reason I speak of this is these battles continue to rage upon this sweet Gaia. Even to this day the battle has not ceased, it has grown. And so I come as a speaker of peace because it is important for all to realize the folly, the mistake of such belief systems.

And that is what they are. They are erroneous, mistaken, misled, misguided belief systems. And we say this, not simply from our place in history, we say this as spirit, as leaders, who have learned and who wish to show the way.

Now, many have said that these battles, these wars, this taking of our land, was about that, was about greed and control and a avarice for land and for resources. It is the same in your time into which I speak. There is a belief and there is a practice of control and greed and yes, bloodlust.

So whether it is gold in the mountains or black gold in the waters or in the Earth, it does not change. But what was the true nature of these battles? It was the the complete intolerance for another culture, for another path, for another way of civilization.

Our people are ancient, and we have walked this land, not in ownership but in cooperation, knowing that Gaia would feed us and clothe us and shelter us and give us the gifts of the seasons, and the air, the bear and the elk, the deer and the fish. Why would that be so offensive to any being?

Why would the desire to be in harmony with the Mother and with the elements, to live in peace by our campfires, why would that be so disdained? It is the same today; it is this belief that somehow one has the monopoly on truth and that there is an arrogance, a superiority, that believes that one way is superior to another.

This is true in your political systems which do not work, in your religious systems which do not work, in your cultural systems which do not work, I can go on and on but I believe I have made my point.

So, I do not come to point out what is wrong. I come to share our knowing that these disputes, what you actually call a ‘small war’ or a ‘big war’, that it can never result in peace. All it results in is the children being hungry and being slain, the young girls being raped, the babies growing up without their mothers, the young men dying on the field, and the crops turning to dust and the animals disappearing. It is an abomination upon the land.

You do not understand that where there is bloodshed, a single drop of blood that is shed upon Gaia, not in a sacred manner to feed yourselves, to quench your thirst, or to do sacred ceremony, when there is violence and bloodshed it is an abomination.

Is Gaia capable of cleansing this? Of course she is. But she ascends. She does not choose to leave all the people behind, but you must make your decision. That is why we are coming back…to say, “Let us live as one people, let us live in community and harmony and love, and let us share the resources because there is an abundance.” Whether you are hiding in the mountains or dreaming in the desert or sailing on the big oceans, there is abundance.

It is only your greed that you think that you want to have more than you need. It is a time when the sacred values that you have learned from Gaia, that you have learned from your star brothers and sisters, that you have learned from the animal kingdom, that you have need to let go of this belief that you have need to warehouse or storehouse or act out of greed.

When you share there is always more because what you are sharing is good will. So if the time of a failed crop or a harsh winter comes, your neighbor will share with you. No, it is not that you are in for harsh winters or failed crops. Gaia herself is regenerating at a very rapid rate.

And so we come as her emissaries. We come on her behalf, to teach tolerance. We despised those who tried to take our freedom and who killed us when we refused to succumb to be restricted on our lands, the lands that belong to all. We hated and we despised and we disparaged your ways, yes, even in the knowing of the prophecies that one time, one day, that all people would come together.

And what did that hatred do for us? What did it benefit us? It did nothing for us. All we sought was peace, to be left alone. Now these have been hard lessons and as the most vigorous warrior, perhaps the hardest lesson for me to learn. But that hatred in the long run ate away my entire stomach, so virulent was it.

So why do I come? Do I come to say again that we hate you? No! I come to say that hatred and distrust and this believing in a superiority of any system, it does not serve. The path to peace is the path that the Wa’ka’na’taka has taught us. It is the path of tolerance and allowance and it is the path of nurturing each other and the families and the protecting of what is dear to you and the children and allowing the community to flourish, not through restriction but through freedom and liberation and equality.

Yes, those of you in the United States of America…is that not a big name…but you have written down these words of freedom. For us, it was an oral tradition and a given. But you wished to ensure that all the generations to come would know, and so you wrote and committed your hearts and your beings to this concept, to this practice of freedom and equality; and even a right to happiness, which is far more than we proclaimed. We believed that you made your own happiness, and particularly if you were lucky enough to have a good wife and a good fire.

But you do not practice or you do not remember why you forced us off our lands, why you shunned us so that you could have this liberty and freedom, and you continue to torture and maim. My friends, we know there are many kinds of torture and we have seen all of them. Yes, it does not matter if you do not think that as a Council of Elders we do not have communication with the Elders of other civilizations; you would be incorrect.

And so I speak to you on behalf of all of the indigenous people: Find the peace in your heart, the tolerance, the love, because that is the only thing, it is the only element, the only quality that is ever going to bring you joy. We have learned and we have much richness to share with you, not simply the terror of war, of loss, but the richness of the people.

So, we invite you, we ask you once again, “Can we reach this place of peace together?” This is why I step forward this day; it is a simple request made on behalf of all, in service to all.

My apologies, dear Suzanne, for taking so much of your time. Do you have questions for me?

SM: Well, thank you for joining us, and my question is that I would venture a guess that our listeners are all peaceful folk, actively working toward internal peace and doing the energy work to raise frequency for all of us, what else can we do to further step into unity, community, and world peace?

C: Yes, it is why I have chosen this venue to speak, because those of you who listen to these programs are, in fact, the peaceful warriors. So, I do not address them as the torturers or those who are intolerant. What I use this for is the platform to speak to all the people of Earth, and to invite them to join you and I as this tribe of peacemakers.

You have begun doing the work of internal peace, but there is still, within the collective mind and heart, there is still an element of that ‘there are those who are on the right path’ and that ‘there are those who are on the wrong path’, and that is why I have begun by saying. “Let us acknowledge that sometimes you simply wish to go on a journey and look around and explore your independence.”

Now, it is not that those who take the journey and veer off killing, whether it is one person or a million, are to be ignored or simply thought of as experimenting; it is not correct behavior. But when there is a harsh judgment rather than a turning around and bringing that being back into the circle to be healed and corrected, whether it is an entire nation or simply one person, it matters not.

So, what we are asking each of you, how you can do this is to etherically turn around and begin gathering those to your heart into this wonderful medicine wheel that we bring you this day.

So, it may be in the north or the south, the east or the west, it matters not; turn out, gather, bring in. And nurture those beings who have lost their way. Bring them to the center and let them warm themselves in the warmth of the fire of Gaia, of the One. Let them feel that they are not excluded and that there is room for them, not so that they can continue on their path of chaos and mayhem but because they are worthy of finding a better way that hatred is never going to get them.

It is like reeducating a small child who has been bad or been bruised; has it been a difficult challenge? Yes. Because what they have learned is that love means being hurt…and that is not the truth.

SM: Okay, thank you for that. I’m just feeling that, as you said, many of us have been indigenous all over the planet. My feeling is that those lifetimes for me were some of the happiest that I’ve had; and to be honest, I have never had community in my life and I’m really looking forward to it, and to creating it. At this point my community is kind of global, and it would be really nice to be in-person. I mean, we’re all connected by the internet, which is a wonderful thing, but to stand around a fire together would be such a wonderful thing. Can you see that happening?

C: This is what we restore and you are correct. Yes I know you have had many discussions about intimacy and love… But what about sitting around the fire, in person with your friends, with your beloved, with your family? There is much talk and much work that is being done for the Cities of Light, and these will be magnificent gathering places. But to you, Suzi, and to you, Linda, I invite you to the wild places where you still hear the whisper of the pine or the howl of the coyote, and where you can sit around the fire and bask in the warmth of the love, in person, or your community.

Yes, you are global, you are only here as one Earth, as one community. You are truly understanding that more and more; and that is what we wish to join you as, not as this tribe or that tribe; but around that Council fire let there be the yellow and brown and black and every shade of red and white. But let it be small or let it be hundreds, but let it be close and intimate, and let your star brothers and sisters join you at that fire.

SM: All are welcome…

C: And we will drink the teas, and we will share the meat or the grain, or your wonderful invention of marshmallows. This is the way that community was meant to be. I do not say that in reference to our experience of hundreds of years, I say this: “When Great Spirit speaks to us, unless it is for a vision quest, we do not live in isolation, we live in small groups that love and support and nurture and work together.”

Yes, your creation powers have imploded and multiplied magnificently so there will be much more play and less work, and that is a gift directly from Gaia.

SM: Ah…well thank you for that, I’m really looking forward to the playing part.

C: We have many games that have been forgotten and many of our games involved playing with the animals or creating with the elements, or working with the flowers or the medicines. We loved to play. In fact, early we shared many of these games with the white people. They never quite understood, even then, our love of taking ease, of not always working.

There has been an obsession, and this has been part of the intolerance, of ‘work, work, work’. It is completely out of balance. Gaia herself teaches by the seasons that there is time for planting and sowing and time for resting and time to lay in the sun; this has been forgotten.

And when you come together in community, because it is harder when, yes, you are connected by internet or various communication systems, but that is not the same as sitting on the hammock with a friend, and that is what is missing. Too many people are isolated and they need a warm smile and a gentle touch. That is the way of community.

SM: Yes, and you know, many would say that in order to be with many people that I love, I need money to travel. Part of the issue is that many people are in survival mode at this point, and we’re all really looking forward to that major shift…that everybody is living in abundance.

C: But think of it in our way, this is part of the intolerance that I asked you to turn around and embrace, as well, because it is not that there is any such thing as scarcity, it is that a few have decided to hoard and the hoarding is destructive. Everything has need to be done for the collective, for the good of the tribe, whether the tribe is 10 billion or 5; it is for the good of the tribe. So, yes, of course, I am not suggesting you get on your horse and head out west. You have need of the resources for your time and place. And that hoarding which has become a very bad habit has need to stop.

So, the redistribution, think of it the way we would express it…everybody will have a blanket and a bowl.

SM: Beautiful, hopefully soon.

C: Oh, it will be very soon, it is much sooner than you think. Do you think that we are returning merely to have a sweet conversation? Yes, the conversation is delightful but I have told you, I am a warrior of the rising sun.

SM: Nice! Well, we have a few minutes left, have you got anything to say in closing?

C: Yes. Now I have pleaded with you to practice tolerance, and to turn around and embrace your brothers and sisters who have gone astray. Now, I do not mean that you need to go out and collect your neighbors; what I mean is in the sacred circle and in the center of the medicine wheel, whether you position yourself on one of the portals or in the center, turn around and spiritually, etherically, call to their spirits and invite them to come and rejoin the circle.

But I also have something, as we are talking of play and community…why do you not, well let me phrase it because I tend to be harsh sometimes and I do not mean to be…play with your animals and play with your spirit totems?

I invite you to choose your favorite Chief, and I hope that some of you will choose me. Choose your Chief and invite them to come and to join you in the circle, to play with the panther or the bear or the lizard or the snake, the hawk or the owl, ask them to come and join you and to help make peace with all the peoples of sweet Gaia. That is what I ask of you. Play, my friends, and remember your totems; they are all around you.

Yes, I know you have guardians. So do we. Even in this form we still have our guardians, you know. So call upon Gaia, call upon the elements, call upon your totems, and play. Let us help you. That is why we step forward. We are here not to chastise, not to rewrite history, not to drag up old wounds. We are here to create peace with you.

SM: Thank you! Thank you, Cochise, for joining us, and thank you to the Council of Elders. We look forward to the next conversation.

C: Oh, so do we. Ho!

SM: Thank you.

C: Go in peace dear friends and come and sit with me by the fire. I will be waiting.

SM: Beautiful. Thank you.

C: Farewell.

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