

Transcript: Let’s Dream Big! An InLight Radio Special Edition
Graham: On August 18, 2012, we opened up the switchboard and callers shared their wonderful visions and dreams for the new world. I also shared a creation formula I’ve been using with really great results. This is all in the transcript below. The show was quite a joy and what people shared was most inspiring! I want to thank Mary for all the hard work on the transcript.

Here is the show link if you’d like to listen: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/08/19/inlight-radio...
Let’s Dream Big! InLight Radio Special Edition With Graham Dewyea - August 18, 2012
Graham Dewyea: Hello and welcome to an InLight Radio Special Edition, I’m Graham Dewyea. You were just listening to Susan Boyle performing “I Dreamed a Dream” on a 2009 episode of Britain’s Got Talent. Wow, that was a great way to start our show tonight. Tonight’s show is all about giving ourselves permission to ‘Dream Big’ and create our current realities in the new earth that we’re co-creating together.

We are powerful creators, we have not been taught this. We create our realities with our thoughts, with our feelings, with our actions and as the light continues to build and build on the planet, the old paradigm and beliefs that so many of us have been taught, “that there’s not enough”, “that only certain people are lucky and get what they want”, “that we need to be modest and realistic with our desires.”

This is all falling away as we welcome in a new world where abundance, perfect health and freedom is the theme for everyone. We have freedom to pursue which makes your heart sing, to pursue what brings you joy and great fulfillment, whatever that may be.

So think of tonight’s show as an individual and collective ‘wish list’, if you will, that we are sending out to the universe to bring to fruition. If you think about it, how much time do we, in the course of the day, spend to really dream, get really excited about things that we want to experience for us and for our world, for humanity? And this is our opportunity to do that. So tonight I welcome your calls to join in on the conversation to share your dreams.

What is your dream for the new world? What do you want to create for yourself and the planet? What will you do for fun? Where will you travel? What special abilities and talents will you have? What will you do with all that free time? So let’s Dream Big! You can call in by calling 323-784-9697, press 1 and Suzanne Maresca, who’s running the switchboard tonight will receive your call and bring you on to have a chat with us. 323-784-9697.

I’d like to, at some point, talk about the practice of manifesting tonight. There’s a lot of information about how to do it, and I’ve been using a creation formula that’s worked really well for me and there’s a video link about this on the show page. There’s also a video link of Susan’s video, the performance on video as well and I encourage you to watch it after the show if you’ve not seen this already. Now here is a woman who does not fit the typical image of an international singer.

Many have described her as having a plain appearance, at the time of this performance she was 47 years old, she lived alone, she was unemployed, she had learning disabilities. Here’s a woman that clearly took that step, she followed her heart, she followed her dream regardless of the odds stacked against her, and there were many. And she went on to debut her first album as the #1 best-selling album on the charts around the world. What an inspiration, an inspiration for many, an inspiration for us as we think about and really open up the creative juices and our excitement about how we want to create this new world and create our new realities.

So, why don’t we go ahead and bring on our first caller. Jean, welcome to the show.
Jean: Hello, can you hear me?
GD: Hello, what’s your question or comment tonight?

Jean: OK, well right now I’m involved in a non-profit that supports an orphanage in Nepal but my dream would be, there’s millions of homeless children all over the world and my dream that would be that we would be able to take care of all of those children so they wouldn’t be sleeping in the streets and living in cardboard boxes. And you asked about different talents, one of my missions here on the earth is I bring in a sacred language of light which helps people clear their density to prepare for their moving into the next dimension.

And my dream is that I can share that with as many people as possible, so as many people as can can move into the next dimension with ease and grace. And I have that out as a book, Sacred Symbols of Light, and I would like to see everybody move into the next dimension with no problems at all who wants to go.

GD: Wonderful, wonderful and that’s where we’re headed, this new dimension, the 5th paradigm and beyond, this isn’t a place of struggle, this isn’t a place of have or have-not, this isn’t a place where there is greed and there is lack and there is limitation.

And I hear your vision and your dream for these children and others as you work to spread the light and absolutely we are embodying and creating this new earth where everyone has the comforts that they need, the safety that they need, the support that they need to really thrive. And so I just want to honor and celebrate that vision and the work that you’re doing. Thanks for coming on the show tonight.

Jean: Thank you for having me.

GD: Absolutely. Let’s talk a little about the creation formula; I think this is really important. I have been working on manifesting for years and years and years and I haven’t ever really felt like I have perfected it. We’ve all heard about The Secret, we’ve all heard about The Law of Attraction and it wasn’t until recently and we’ve talked about this on some of the other InLight Radio shows, that I feel like I really ‘got it’ and I want to thank Linda Dillon and the Council of Love for helping me get a key component to the creation process. And I have to say that the results have been really wonderful.

There’s actually a creation formula, it’s:
Intent + Stillpoint + Action = Creation
And an important piece of the creative process is holding it in love, joy and gratitude.

So ‘Intent’, I understand that, that’s about visualization, prayer and focus. And ‘Action’ I get as well, it’s following your intuition and taking action to help achieve the desired outcome. What I haven’t been including in my own practice or my own process is this idea of ‘Stillpoint’ and it took me a little bit to understand what it is. ‘Stillpoint’ is taking that ‘Intention’ and bringing it into your heart and letting it rest there, I like to think of it as bringing it there to germinate, and then pushing it out to the universe to bring it to fruition with your power, with your intention.

So I want to use an example to show how this has worked for me and this is something that I’ve tested out with really cool results.
About a month ago I was needing to find a new home and while I was looking, I was using a friend’s cabin, my intent for my new home was to find something bright, joyous, peaceful, private, open, in the country, and that the resources would be made available for it. I made it a practice every day to embody this vision of my new home, I pictured myself in the home as if I was already there, I felt the love, I felt the joy, the gratitude of being there as I visualized particular aspects of the home I desired. So I had ‘Intent’ covered.

For ‘Stillpoint’ I imagined the creation particles or codes of my home floating around like a cloud in front of me. Now understanding that in order to really experience something or have it in our life, we need to be it; one needs to be it. So I took these creation particles of this home with all the aspects about it that brought me joy and breathed it into my being so that I became the home; I was one with the home.

I breathed it into my heart space, closed my eyes, I continued to feel the wonderful feelings of being in the home, I held it there, holding my breath for about 17 seconds, which I’ve learned is the recommended time to be in ‘Stillpoint’ and then I pushed it out with my breath, with my hands out into the universe to make it so. So that’s ‘Stillpoint.’

And this is the missing ingredient that I’ve not been including in my practice, which has been sure, thinking of something, dreaming about it for a bit but not really taking it into my being or letting it germinate with such a still focus on it. I used the creation formula daily and I still do it with other things and I kept myself in a state of joy and peace about the home coming to fruition.

When I felt inspired to go look at a home or check out the home listings I would, but I wasn’t frantic about it. And here’s the really cool part, here’s what’s interesting: I looked at several houses and my gut, my intuition, was telling me ‘no, this isn’t the one’ and ‘that’s not the one’ and that was the case even though I had only a week left to stay at the cabin. So it was a real test of trust and faith and I had my moments of worrying, thinking ‘geez I don’t have a place to go’ but I committed to holding my vision for what I wanted and not settling.

And if I felt a little fear or worry I would change that up, so I would be in a place of peace and calm. And it wasn’t until the day I needed to move out that I found my home. Talk about down to the wire, right? And I didn’t find it through housing ads or by driving all over the place to find it, it was through a friend that I learned that a place was available right away and it not only met my intention for my new home, it’s much better than I imagined.

I’ve tested this out in other areas as well and it’s really working and here are a few things I’ve learned: I would encourage you, for you folks, for those of you who are listening to share how you come to create things in your lives and what works for you and this is just something I’ll share if you find it helpful for some of the things I’ve learned, the big thing for me is to stay in the moment and stay present and when I put myself in the moment it’s so much easier for me to let go of worry and fear.

When I was in the cabin and I didn’t have a place lined up yet, I would remind myself that in this moment I have a roof over my head and my needs are being met, I’m OK. So worrying about not getting my ideal home doesn’t help to bring the home to fruition. I’ve also learned about staying in the peace and staying calm. It’s when I’m in a state of peace and calm that my creative juices really kick in and great ideas and possibilities flow.

And the other thing, this is about a joyful experience, a loving experience, an experience of gratitude and so if it feels like a chore going through this practice, don’t do it right in that moment, just wait until you can get to a place of feeling love, feeling joy and gratitude. And then letting go of expectations, that’s a big one. For me it’s really key about letting go of expectations around thinking about a desire will manifest.

So be ready to be surprised, I think that’s really key. I wouldn’t have come up with how my home came to fruition if I was only open to a certain way my home came to me. If I was I might have missed out and if I was overly specific about what my home would look like and where it would be, I would really limit my options. And then asking for the highest good of all. The universe is wonderfully expansive and full of possibilities, by asking for the highest good of all it takes us out of service the ego and ultimately brings out the best results.

Gratitude, that’s a big one right? So being in gratitude, being grateful for what we already have and what we already have now. The cabin I appreciated so much but it was dark, it was really small, I didn’t have a reliable internet or phone, it had mice and all the fun that comes with mice. I could have gotten really bummed about this, but instead I continually put myself in a place of gratitude about what was great about the cabin. It was in the woods, it was private, it was my own little place and it had lots of nature which I love.

No matter how bad it may seem I find there is always something I can be grateful for as I work for something better. My car is another example. Its 12 years old, has 180,000 miles on it and it’s actually really doing well right now. And I’m ready for something a little bit more reliable but right now it’s running and I’m grateful and I’m sending all kinds of gratitude to that car.

Asking for help is a key one. We oftentimes we are told go on it alone, do it your own way, self-made, especially men in Western culture, and I don’t prescribe to that. Share with those you trust and feel comfortable with what you’re choosing to create and let them help you and don’t forget about your guides and angels, we all have them and they can only help if we ask them.

Following your intuition is another big one. Follow your gut regardless how silly it may seem at some level. You may feel inspired to take a different route home someday, who knows and stop at a gas station and meet the love of your life.
Trust, that’s another big one right? Trust in the universe. For me it’s taking some practice and come to a point of having trust that the universe will provide and if I have doubt that creeps up and it does, I send it off and I hand it over to the universe.

Patience is another big one. We humans we want results now, but it may not be in our highest good to have the result we’re looking for right away. There may be something better a bit more down the road and that certainly was the case with my home.

And persistence. Don’t give up, be flexible and change your intent if you feel like you want to improve it or change it up a bit, but be persistence, don’t give up.
And finally, have fun with it and this is about what this show is tonight. We’re powerful creators; we create our reality with every thought, with every action, with every feeling. So tonight it’s about taking that and expanding it and I’d like to bring Arianna on. Arianna, welcome to the show, what’s your comment or question tonight?

Arianna: Hi Graham. Great idea for having a show, thanks for having me on. I’m trying to do this without crying but it’s such a great idea. I just wanted to say what I would like: I want everyone in the world to have access to food and shelter, including the animals. And I’d like my husband to be able to see again ‘cause he went blind a few years ago and I’d like him to not be in chronic pain anymore and I’d like for my legs, my back to work properly again so I’m not so crippled and I’d like my animals to live forever. So that’s what I would like.

GD: Beautiful, beautiful. You know it’s infinite, you can add to it.
Arianna: Yea, well there’s lots more and I’d like to start with that for sure.
GD: Absolutely and let’s add it to the wish list and let’s make it happen. I think, well you spoke to so many powerful and important things and I really get there’s a lot of emotion there and it’s so understandable. If we don’t already have it in our own lives we certainly know people that are struggling and physical ailments and disabilities and disease is a challenge for many.

And I just want to name that and recognize that and also recognize and name in the new paradigm, in this new dimension, that doesn’t exist because we’re at a higher vibrational state and that kind of physical experience, that level of physicality can’t survive there in the higher vibration of love and light. So I get really excited about thinking about being in that place and I hear your dream and your desire for your husband and yourself around physical comfort and ease and let’s add it to the wish list for sure.

And also we have these other really special beings on our planet, the animals, and oftentimes they’re very deep souls and worldly souls and they have much to share and much to teach us, so certainly extending the care and the peace for them as well is a big one. Thank you so much for your call tonight.

Arianna: Thank you Graham, thank you Suzanne.

GD: It’s interesting and folks I certainly encourage you to press that #1 to join in on the call because we are active participants in this effort, we are co-creators in this effort and to chime in to share “Hey, this is what I’d like for the world.” Let’s put it out there and if you don’t quite believe in that, you know, what the heck, it doesn’t hurt and if you’d like to share something personally feel free to do that as well and if you have an experience of how you‘ve gone through your own manifestation process and you’d like to share that for others because it really helps.

This is about inspiring other people, it’s about sharing ideas, it’s about building the energy and building the excitement, that’s really key.
I want to just think about for a minute, in this paradigm, in this 3D dimension we’ve been taught lots of things and one of the things we’ve been taught is this notion of limitation. We are on the heels of the Olympics, right? And limitation, the word limit, rarely I’m sure enters into an Olympian’s mind as they’re training for years and years and years, often times most of their lives, to accomplish a goal.

And while our individual goals might not be physical and maybe we have other dreams, other desires, that focus and that dedication and that desire and that heart which is often the case with these Olympians, boy, they don’t factor in limitation into their dialogue, into their thinking.

They’re thinking ‘success’, they’re thinking ‘I’m going to make this dream manifest’ and I think with Susan Boyle who opened up the show with her song, talk of courage, talk of going for the dream and also I’m thinking about our Olympic athletics and again we’re on the heels of seeing some really amazing stories and experiencing some really wonderful moment of people realizing their dreams, folks, what a great model for us. I know for me, at times, and this has happened more in the past I would think in the midst of struggle and trying to feel kids and trying to pay the mortgage and feeling exhausted at the end of the day, the idea of thinking about and giving myself permission to really dream big and to really get excited about something, it didn’t even factor into my day.

And yet I realized I wasn’t happy, I realized I didn’t have the joy I wanted in my life and so I started to take even a couple of minutes a day to give myself permission to think “Hey, you know what? I want something better, I chose something better.”

Alright folks, I’m going to put out an appeal here, I don’t want to be rambling tonight, I don’t want this show to be just about me and there are a lot of folks in the queue and I would like to hear from you and I’m sure others would like to hear from you as well because this show isn’t about me, it’s about us as we’re creating this new earth together. But I’d like to get our creative juices flowing a little bit more here and think about what’s down the pike.

So I’m encouraging you, that’s my call to you and my request and my invitation to go ahead, press #1 and if you’re already in the studio and listening on your phone and if you’re not, give us a call 323-784-9697. Suzanne will greet your call and bring you into the chat room, let’s hear your ideas, let’s hear your dreams.

Some of my dreams and some of what’s coming for the world, if you don’t know about it already, we have an abundance economy that is ready to roll out and change can be difficult and I recognize and honor that change can be difficult for a lot of people. We’re going to be seeing, if you haven’t seen it already, we’re seeing some changes in the global financial system. Yet when that comes to a crash, or when that starts to falter more and more, it’s already happening even though the media isn’t sharing it as much, we’re going to see coming out, rolling out, an abundance economy.

Get your head around that for a minute; that’s phenomenal in this current economy where debt is the theme and struggle is the theme with that. People are struggling just to put food on the table, right, if we’re not there already we all know a lot of people who are. And the idea, and I’m just talking just about America right now, this idea of fostering and supporting the American dream for us is challenging enough, but for our kids, that’s even more challenging.

And we can get into a place of really feeling disheartened about that pretty quickly. The abundance economy, and this was originally introduced through a number of tools but one tool, the National Economic Security And Reformation Act, otherwise known as NESARA, this is actually a piece of legislation that was signed by President Bill Clinton and the idea was to and is to relieve debt and to take all the vast wealth that’s available, and while I’m talking about just the United States, this concept and this intent is for the world.

NESARA came out of efforts out of the good earth allies working for positive change in the United States; the idea is to relieve debt, the idea is to distribute in a fair and equitable way the resources that are available on the planet so all people thrive.

Starting with that, and this is right around the corner folks, because the end of the year is coming quickly and with that comes Ascension and with that comes a new paradigm where we are living and embodying a theme of peace and love and we can’t have struggle in this paradigm. So the abundance economy is helping to get us out of a place of struggle, get us out of a place of debt, get us out of a place of this kind of challenge so that we can be in a high vibrational state and we can start experiencing that which really makes our heart sing.

We can go after what really, really fulfills us. So what is that for you? What do you dream about? When you think about your day today, how is that going to be different? What kind of home are you going to live in? Where are you going to travel? What do you want to do? So folks, come on and have a chat with me and let’s share our dreams, let’s have a discussion and see where this goes.

The other thing I’m thinking about is, I’m thinking about the new technologies that have been in the wings for a long time and we’ve heard about zero-point energy and free energy. Folks that’s been around a long time but it’s been suppressed, and it makes sense right, because if we’re paying gobs of money to support energy systems and infrastructure that is not free energy but it’s petroleum, naming one, there’s big money and there’s big corporate influence and interest to maintain that.

But we have free energy. If you can imagine and think about your paycheck today, where it goes, a lot of it is about sustaining and maintaining a comfortable home and a lot of it is about putting gas in the fuel tank. Well, what happens if we don’t need to do that anymore? What happens with those resources? That’s pretty exciting. And if we have an abundance economy then, oh my gosh, we have all this opportunity to not slave away at jobs that we don’t want to do anymore, right?

Well, I’m going to bring on some other callers here and Alia, welcome to the show.
Alia: Good evening Graham, so nice to be speaking to you. I had the good fortune of being laid-off from my job just before Christmas last year. And I had heard the rumors and I was kind of prepared either way and so when I got released I said “Well ok, I guess there’s something more for me and I’m going to find out what it is.”

So I hung out on a paid vacation i.e., unemployment for a couple of months and my former employer called me back for a 6 week interim assignment replacing somebody who was on medical leave and I did that and it wasn’t very much fun. And at the beginning of the year I just decided I am going to really try to live my life in as much joy as possible.
GD: Beautiful, beautiful, I love it.

Alia: It’s a very 5th dimensional quality and I decided that I was going to live 2012 as much in the 5th dimension as possible. So the assignment ended and I talked to my husband and said “Well, you know I’m really not enjoying this.” He said “Well, let’s crunch the numbers and see if you really need to work.” And we crunched the numbers I said “It’s going to be tight but it is on the plus side”, so he said “Great, don’t work anymore.”

So I started to stay home and do what I was called to do and a large part of what I’ve been doing all year, either by myself or with small groups of people is visioning our new 5D reality. And when you said you were having this program I said “Oh my gosh, this is my program.”

GD: Well this isn’t my program and so I invite you to share what it is that you’re envisioning. And I want to make a point here and it’s really key; the new earth starts now and you know that but it’s about living and embodying the 5th dimension right now. And so congratulations to you for doing that and it sounds like you’re doing some pretty good work. Tell me more about that.

Alia: Well in June, I’m just following my guidance actually. The first guidance I got was to create a women’s circle to manifest using 5D manifestation techniques, a lot of what you just discussed, excellent, excellent stuff. And how we did this was we first would look at what was the obstacle in our path to getting what we wanted, we looked at this as a group. Sometimes we worked on individual desires and sometimes we worked on community desires and sometimes we worked on global desires, things we wanted for our world.

But each time we looked at what is the polarity that is in between me having this and where I am now? And one really strong polarity of duality has been right/wrong, I am right, you are wrong and this has keep people separated and in lack and not being able to have what they want for eons. So we developed this exercise where we would actually emphasize the polarity, we’d actually start in pairs of two and we’d pull on each other like a tug-a-war and the first person would say “I am right, you are wrong” and then the other person would look straight at them and say “I am right, you are wrong.”

And we’d go back and forth and so we developed some energy with that and then we’d just drop our hands and look at each other and meet that whole spectrum from right to wrong, the whole thing because once you pick up one end of the tug rope you’ve got the other one, you know, or if you put it down then the other person’s holding, there’s no games. So it takes two to play, so we’ve got both ends of that polarity and then we just drop it and look at the whole thing, looking into our partner’s eyes.

And then we bow to it because it has been our worthy opponent and then we brought it into our hearts and transmuted it into light. And I got the idea for this from Lucia Renee who wrote an extraordinary book Unplugging The Patriarchy. And so I developed the exercise but I used her formula for reconciling those polar opposites. So then we had taken right and wrong and brought them into unity in the middle, there weren’t any extremes any more, there was all into unity consciousness. And then from there we created our vision statement about what we would want.

And so then, after that, we would get up and dance or we would do art or collage or drum or chant or, in some energetic, creative way we would weave the energies that would set the new energetic signature for that new pattern to come into being in our reality wherever that was, 5th, 3rd, 4th, you know, just as long as it showed up we weren’t really keeping track. So we did that over a 3 month period, it was extremely powerful and that was the first thing that I was impulse to do. And next my guides said “Start a weekly vision group.”

So I sent out a first vision 11 weeks ago to 80 people on my list and we’ve been holding visions together; visions for our world, visions for peace, visions for the up leveling of human consciousness. Then I was impulsed to start a blog, now I’ve got a blog where I’m posting my visions, reposting a lot of stuff I get off the 2012scenerio including your beautiful description of your home, thank you so much, videos that inspire me, all that kind of stuff.

But the thing that is really the most fun is that I have seen a City of Light that hovers over the west coast where I am on the southern coast of Oregon and I’ve been starting to describe that and so I spent all morning and part of the afternoon writing a description of how different ways you can enter this city which I call Aurora, the Violet Rose City of Light. So that’s what I’m doing and it feels like so much like what you’re talking about, really dreaming big, just going way beyond anything my imagination is here-to-fore been able to come up with.

GD: Oh, this is so perfect and I really appreciate everything you’ve shared and there are a couple of things I want to touch upon that I feel are really good points to make. And it’s this idea, it’s more than an idea, it’s about how important it is to come to peace with the 3rd dimension.

And I really loved your exercise of separateness with a partner and I didn’t hear from you in hearing that description that you were pushing it away or you were damning it or you were critical of it, you were embracing it but transmuting it and sending it out to the universe. And I think about all the things that we can name in our current dimension that we, I’m talking we as a collective, that we don’t like and there’s a lot there, right?

We can get ourselves in a place of huge lists, whether it’s physical challenge or whether it’s financial challenge or whether it’s heartache or, I mean the list goes on and on and on. And coming to a place of peace with that and transmuting it so that we can move on to the higher dimensions. And the other piece I really appreciated you speaking to is in addition to embodying the 5th now is unity consciousness and that’s where we’re headed, that’s where we’re going, absolutely. But like with our dreams and manifestations, like with creating, don’t wait, right?

Alia: No, you know about half way through the year it occurred to me, yeah we’re very much on the way and the 5th to me is not a place we’re going any more, it’s a way of being. So anytime that I find myself in a place of peace or inner serenity or compassion or non-reactivity, I know that I’m experiencing the 5th. And another thing that I will say then I will let you get on to somebody else, but I just realized that here in Oregon it’s pretty green until the middle of June but here it is August and we still have wildflowers that usually disappear by the middle of July or the end of July for sure.

And then I looked at the forest and the forest looks healthier and then it occurred to me that well Mother Earth is Ascending and her vibration is speeding up, so why wouldn’t the plants look healthier? Why wouldn’t the animals start to look more radiant, because they don’t resist it like we do, they just take that stuff in? I think we’re going to start seeing this.

GD: Love it, love it, yea. Thank you so much for what you’ve shared, your enthusiasm, your joy, I feel it, I hear it. Keep going, keep doing your great work. Thanks do much for calling.
Alia: Right back at you Graham, thank you so much.

GD: OK I’m going to bring on Kate from New York. Welcome to the show.

Kate: Hi Graham, I really like your vibrations.

GD: Oh hey, thank you, thank you, thanks for coming on tonight. What would you like to share?

Kate: Well I’m more down to earth here as far as my wishes, just plain getting around travel wise, I really hate the airplanes, I hate to have to go through that hassle, I’m so looking forward to a new way of travel so I can do all the traveling that I love to do. I don’t drive, I mean I don’t mind busses and so forth but there’s got to be a wonderful new way of traveling right, coming down the road? How do we visualize it?

GD: Well, let me ask you this; if you had your wand right, let’s just go for it, let’s just have some fun here, if you had your wand and you said to yourself “Alright, I’m going to create a way of travel that really feels comfortable, that doesn’t take 7 days to get across country or wherever we’re going, where my needs are met and it’s actually joyous and it’s not cumbersome and I’m not dealing with traffic and airline terminals and security.” What would that be for you, I mean what are the components of travel, the attributes of travel that you would resonate with?

Kate: Well, I would just like to be there, you know, just shut my eyes and here I am, I don’t have to go through all the packing, the worrying about the getting to the airplane on time, all of it. Just be there. How do we press a button and be where we want to be? Is that asking too much I wonder in the 5th?

GD: Well let me share with you what I understand about the higher dimensions. We have chosen to incarnate, it’s been a choice, to come as spirits, as souls onto this human plane to experience physicality. In a higher dimension our physical form, it’s an elective. We can choose to modify it, we can choose to leave it, come back, embody something else and here’s the real cool part, when it comes to travel there’s bi-location so we can actually be in more than one place, more than one location, instantaneously by the way. There are already ships in place, our star brothers and sisters have the technology with these wonderful ships that are organic being in and of themselves and can certainly travel very quickly.

Kate: Yea, little ones, the little guys, right, that we can get in and go all over the place. Yeah I’ve heard of that.

GD: Absolutely, so think about having your own ship for starters.

Kate: In other words I wouldn’t have to take the bus down to Cape May to visit my brother. It takes 5 hours travel time and it’s a big hassle and I always dread it. So if I could just…yea, that would be great wouldn’t it?

GD: Yea, I hear you. Thank you so much Kate for your call and maybe we’ll pass ships in the night someday.

Kate: Oh I look forward Graham. Thanks for all you’re doing.

GD: Alright, thanks so much. Have a great night. Alright Laverne from Virginia, welcome.

Laverne: Hi, hi Graham, how are you?

GD: I’m doing well, thanks so much for calling.

Laverne: Oh, thank you. My dream is being on a planet where part of it is cold, a part is warm and you had the four seasons and the individual or the human has a physical form but not really human because we can eat, and we maintain the consciousness of all our reincarnations, the ones that serves us. And we can think and have any type of food that we choose just by thinking about it. And we do not need a bath, should I say, because you would eat the food, get the taste that you’re requiring from it, but when you swallow you’re really not digesting, it dissipates. And when you think of wherever you may want to go, you’d do it just by thinking if you choose to and that’s how our transportation would be like, more like teleportation that you just think and you’re just there.

GD: Wouldn’t that be great? I’m excited for that. Are you excited about that?

Laverne: Very and as far as what we want, like I said, we can think everything into existence and when we no longer want it, you can just see it not being there and it will automatically disappear.

GD: You’re sharing some things that are really great and I’m sorry if I’m interrupting you but instantaneous fruition and the ability to de-create instantaneously and this idea of having food as an elective, because we will be light-bodied, we’ll be surviving on light and we’ll have the option to enjoy food thoroughly for the enjoyment of it. And we should talk about replicators in a minute, but go ahead and finish your thought. What else were you saying?

Laverne: OK and like for instance I had my dream home wanted a 5 bedroom home so enough for me, my kids, my grandkids and have a tropical island pool setting in the back, have a flower garden, Jacuzzi and just to be able to think that, to be able to put it in place and this is what every living soul or being that’s existing in this world, and they can choose to travel to other worlds or other planets should I say just by thinking. So we have really complete freedom.

GD: I love it, I love it, how wonderful. And the technology, the replicator technology will help us get there. Eventually we will be in a place where we can create instantaneously without technology, it’s already happening on some dimensions. But hey, it’s a nice step. How cool is that to go to a replicator, punch in or indicate with intension, put out your desire and have whatever you want, whether it’s a cupcake or a pair of shoes. Well thank you so much for calling.

Laverne: You are welcome. Thank you.

GD: Ginny of Santa Cruz, California, welcome to the show.

Ginny: Hi Graham, thank you. Because I’m right by the coast, my first wish, I saw dolphins this morning and so I can put into the wish collective that gorgeous feeling of what it is when they leap and how everybody could feel that and see that and anybody who wants to, of course, can swim right with them and feel their joyous erupting happiness.

GD: Oh, I love it, I love it, how great, how great. Go ahead.

Ginny: Because I do a lot of work with angels, one of the things I wanted to add into the collective is something that I’ve started doing is the first thing when I first wake up, and even before I open my eyes, I give the whole organizing of my day over to my angels so I’m not bothered with any of the anything, how the track lights work, I mean I know all of that this is only for the short term, but it really takes off all of the stress or organizing or planning or anything. And it’s just an amazing, gorgeous unfolding every day now.

GD: Oh, great. I love it and it sounds like you’re living and embodying this higher dimension right now and I really appreciate you’re speaking to the dolphins. The dolphins are pretty special high beings themselves and having a greater connection with the animal kingdom in general is a theme that I really welcome. Thank you so much for your call tonight.

Ginny: Thank you. Bye.

GD: Claude of Canada, welcome to the show.

Claude: Thank you Graham, good evening. I will try to express myself as well as I can because my first language is French. Well, what I want to share is, what I’m dreaming of is a world of freedom, of course, of freedom of war, free of disease and everybody living in abundance and with new technologies that will permit us to be in perfect health. And also what I’m dreaming of is a planet without frontiers so we won’t have to travel with a passport or anything like that.

We will be free to travel from one country to another and visit any country we’d like. And also what I’m dreaming of is that we interact with our galactic brothers that will come to earth and teach us new ways of living and they will help us also to restore our planet and make it look like it used to be, at the origin, a very crystalline planet. And also what I’m dreaming about is that our oceans will be completely crystalline, crystalline waters so when we will swim in these oceans and the sea we would feel really great and completely rejuvenated.

So the planet would be completely free of pollution, everything would be perfectly pure, the air, the soil, the food we eat, we won’t eat as much as we do right now, but everything would be biological and we would be able to manifest very fast a desire. We won’t have to wait for years before something happens and we can manifest anything we want and we won’t have any more possessions. You know we don’t have to drag them with us every time we want to move somewhere and take them with us.

So we’ll be totally free and galactic beings that are powerful with our divine power restored back to us and the traveling also, not only on earth, but inter-dimensional travel. So that’s about it.

GD: Well, what a wish list and it’s all happening and its right around the corner if it’s not here already. And I love your comment about not having passports or not having identification to go across borders. We will be galactic citizens, actually, and we’ll be part of the global multi-verse, the family of the multi-verse.

You know it’s really interesting, I’m in the states, you’re in Canada and we have the luxury to go from a Province or a town, certainly sometimes across borders from Canada to the US and back and forth without not too much hassle and there are a lot of humans right now, a lot of people on the planet that when thinking about getting across a border, it’s not only a desire but often times it’s to stay alive and getting across the border might be the most challenging thing that people might ever experience; so the freedom to be able to travel at will and be not only global citizens but citizens of the multi-verse.

Absolutely, and our galactic brothers and sisters are here, they’re present now, they are assisting us, have been assisting us, extending their love and their light, they’re here as family to assist us, to help us come into a new age and very soon they will have much more of a presence and their assistance to your point will help us get to this place a little easier, actually a lot easier. They’re family and they are here and they’re here in peace and I really love your vision of the new earth, Nova Earth, free of pollution, restored Gaia in her pristine beauty and so thank you, thank you so much for your vision.

Claude: Thank you so much Graham.

GD: Have a wonderful evening. Gary/Cary from Ontario, welcome to the show.

Gary/Cary: Thank you for this great idea for a show tonight.

GD: Oh good, I’m glad you like it. This is a lot of fun.

Gary/Cary: Yes. A lot of things have been covered already, there’s a lot more of course. My own personal aspirations would be remembering and uncovering the real authentic history of the human race as well as the history of all the unknown species and beings that have inhabited this earth since its inception. That’s something that’s very high on my list. And also interplanetary travel was something that a woman mentioned that is an amazing concept; travel freely without any restrictions, just on the earth, it’s a crazy idea now but it’s going to come and it’s beautiful.

GD: Absolutely, absolutely. I really appreciate you speaking to the reflection and the sharing of our true, authentic history of our world, of the human race because boy, we’ve been fed a boatload of lies and there’s been a lot of manipulation and that is something that I’m right there with you my friend, to help awaken humanity in terms of what’s been going on, the controls that have been put in place, the manipulation, the activities that have been, usually, most times driven by greed and the desire for power.

These are coming to an end; this paradigm is coming to an end. Not only will we be shown and we’ll be informed about our history on Earth but we’ll have access to the Akashic Records, which will give us much more access about our own lives, our past lives, our galactic brothers and sisters, other planetary systems, the multi-verse, and that, wow, that’s going to be pretty darn exciting, huh?

Gary/Cary: Yes, all the countless civilizations that we’re just getting bits and pieces of now. And one other thing I just wanted to say, this is a more personal aspiration; I used to want to become a diver when I was a kid, a professional diver and just an all-encompassing exploration of all the oceans and bodies and lakes of water on this beautiful planet, that idea to me is just, it’s so great. People have mentioned healing the planet, all the blight from pollution and waste and garbage materials, yes I think I’ve covered a lot of the topics I wanted to, so…

GD: Well, thank you so much for your call tonight. Have a great evening. Maria from Oregon, welcome to the show.
Maria: Yes, hello Graham and everyone. My picture here is something that can be done in preparation as well as I believe what will be happening in the actual 5th dimensional reality and that is, if we all remember the old saying “Variety is the spice of life”? And if anyone has remembered the Stepford Wives, how boring that was, all those women.

What I’d love to see is everyone really being able to see, not allowing in the sense of tolerating, but really being able to see the beauty and applauding the difference in everyone. Just seeing how fascinating it is, all the different points of view and everything and just essentially, like symbolically, clapping their hands and enjoying.

And then the other thing is I truly look forward to being able to communicate easily and quickly with all of life, with the plants, with the animals, so we can understand what each other’s saying and of course, all the people on the earth and our galactic friends, all of that. It just feels wonderful and I love what the various people who have come on before have said, that has been one of my aspirations, to have what I want when I want it and not when I don’t. That’s about it.

GD: Oh, well…

Maria: Oh, one more thing.

GD: Yes, please.

Maria: I’d like to acknowledge and feel the power of what we’re doing right now, because all of us bringing up these suggestions and picturing and focusing, we’ve all automatically created them on separate levels and now it’s just going to drift down and solidify into actuality.

GD: Bingo, bingo. Boy, you have shared some really key points along with all the other callers. I love what’s coming in and I really appreciate you speaking to this idea of diversity. And in tandem with that share what’s coming to mind is, in this paradigm where we’re headed, the theme is celebrating and honoring our uniqueness and also recognizing that it is a theme of unity consciousness, it’s not about ‘us vs. them’, it’s not about separateness, it’s really about honoring and celebrating our diversity which we’re not experiencing clearly as a theme on the planet.

And honing, developing, using, applying our skills of telepathy, a universal language which will allow us to communicate with one another, to your point of our star brothers and sisters, to the plants, to the animals, oh boy. There are people that are doing that right now that I know. I’m not in that position of doing that yet and I really look forward to that. And then finally, I love what you are saying, what we’re talking about right now is happening right now; we’re actively creating it right now.

That is why I feel so inspired about what we’re doing tonight as we’re pooling our collective energies, we’re pooling our collective vibrations and our creativity as we co-create this new earth. It’s not about down the road; it’s about creating it right now. So I so appreciate your comments!

Maria: Thank you so much, thank you so much for doing this. I appreciate it.

GD: Oh good. Have a wonderful night. Thanks for your call. David from Germany, welcome.

David: Hello, congrats to you and your new home Graham.

GD: Oh well, thank you, thank you so much it’s a real joy, I feel really grateful. What would you like to share tonight?

David: Yeah, first I send out my love to all intentions of the listeners and to you, Graham, and to Suzanne and especially to Arianna and her husband and her pet. I want to say that it’s going to be all great. If we are experiencing some disease so I think I’ve heard that it’s a great service for the planet and that we will also be rewarded after some point, Ascension.

Yes, so that’s cool and my wishes for the new earth and my new life, I would like all these multi-dimensional abilities that we already talked about and I heard something pretty cool which is called Chrono-kinesis and it is like the ability to control time and that is something that I really look forward to. Like if you want to…I’m 20 years old and I like the movie Matrix and all the stuff with slow motion and the bullets, we don’t need bullets but it’s pretty cool and you can decide if you want to fly through the air and you want to see something in slow motion, like if there’s rain and you can see the rain drops fall down in slow motion, that is simply such a joy, like you can really see all the details.

That is why I love Chrono-kinesis. Secondly is all the power over the elementals, like you can have great fun painting a picture in the sky of fire or something or you can simply create stuff when you are with your friends, simply snap your finger and you have a nice fire place and where, it’s so much creativity and I love that.

And the third point, I want everyone to express themselves really freely like doing multi-dimensional music and painting multi-dimensional paintings because I think that life is expression, life is expression out of the singularity. So I think expression is something that we all need to do and to really feel joyous.

GD: Feeling the joy is so key, isn’t it? And that’s what it’s about. If we can master being in the joy regardless of what’s happening around us; now that’s not laughing if there’s a car accident, but it’s maintaining that place of calm and peace and joy regardless of the circumstances, or the situation that is presented to us because that’s where we’re headed.

It’s about being in a place of peace and joy and calm and I really appreciate how you spoke to people oftentimes on earth are choosing to incarnate in a body that represents or demonstrates a physical ailment or a disease, disability. Oftentimes to help others learn compassion and patience and to model what courage really is and so we have an opportunity to extend to these folks forgiveness and honor and respect. It’s not done enough is it?

David: Yea definitely, definitely and I think that compassionate love and when we send someone compassion you support them in every way and I know, you know I have my own challenges and I think if you have something like that, some condition, you look back really what you have done in your life and if you can trust that it was all worth it in the end and you’re truly a master of mastery, then I think it gets a lot, a lot easier. You tap yourself, is it called tap yourself on the shoulder?

GD: Yea I get what you are saying. David, thank you so much for your call tonight and taking the time to visit with us.

David: Yea, thank you Graham. Much love to you and much love to all listeners and to Suzanne.

GD: Much love to you as well. Thank you so much. Rebecca from Pennsylvania, welcome to the show.
Rebecca: Hi Graham, thank you for having me.

GD: Thanks for coming. What would you like to share tonight?

Rebecca: Everything that everyone so far has been absolutely amazing. It’s very heartwarming that we are all on the same level, it’s great. My thing is, I’m a single mother with two young kids and we have seen a lot of heartache in the past 6 years. And it’s been very humbling for me to go through what I’ve gone through and since my journey into the light and finding my place and figuring out who I am and who my little ones are I have dreamed that when the day comes and we are finally released and set free and no one’s held down any more that I would love to be there in the underdeveloped countries to be able to bring food to the families that don’t have the opportunities that we have in the United States. I just want to be there to give them their food and everything they need and say “It’s ok, it’s alright, we’re here together, we all have.”

GD: Oh, how beautiful…please go ahead.

Rebecca: Like I’ve said, I’ve gone through a lot and we’ve had our times when we’ve been at our lowest but we’ve had so many beautiful people that have come to our need and have got us to where we are now, that I love them for it, I could never have done it without them. So I would love…

GD: How old are your kids?

Rebecca: Four and five.

GD: Oh great ages. I have an eight year old son and I am so thrilled with the idea that he’s coming into this world, which is just around the corner, while he’s still a young age to really experience this and be present while we go through this Transition. And as a parent, and I know that you can connect with this, it gives me so much joy to know that he is going into a place, an experience, a new world where he’s not going to be struggling and he’s not going to be fighting and he’s not going to be dealing with so much of what our families and what our children are dealing with right now.

And I really find what you’re sharing so beautiful to be able to, especially with what you’ve gone through in your perspective, to be able to come to someone else’s aid and say “Hey, I’ve been there and hey guess what? This is going to rock, this is going to be so great and I’m so excited to be here and to share this with you.”

Rebecca: Yea, I can’t wait for that moment. That’s great.

GD: Thank you so much for your call. Have a great evening.

Rebecca: Thank you Graham, you too.

GD: Suzy of Idaho, welcome to the show.

Suzy: Thank you Graham and Suzanne for having me. I appreciate this call, it’s been wonderful listening. I want you to know that for the last 4 years now I’ve been a healer and my wishes are that everyone to be whole and healthy, I want love for all, no more hate or disharmony, I want each of us living in paradise, I can’t wait for the telepathic communications. I believe in all that we will be able to do that’s been mentioned tonight and I can hardly wait for all these wonderful changes to come about. I love to travel but being able to just be there will be awesome.

GD: Oh yea, absolutely. I really appreciate your call, especially with your experience and perspective as a healer. And I’m reminded of what Mother Theresa once said and she said “You know, if there’s an anti-war rally don’t ask me to come, but if there’s a peace rally, I will be there in a minute.” And when I think about healing or when I think about creation, I think about what we focus on, we bring into our lives, if we focus on our sickness or we focus on our dis-ease, regardless if it’s ‘I don’t want that disease,’ of course I’m not saying we do, we are still bringing that and sustaining that in our lives at some level.

But if we focus on health or in Mother Theresa’s case we focus on peace, that’s where the power is and so I think this is a really key part of creating our realities now and creating our new world together, would you agree?

Suzy: Oh that’s so true. Yes. But I don’t believe I’m the actual healer either. I believe I’m a conduit. And it’s also like you said what people believe; if they believe that it will work, then it will. So a lot of it is faith. I cannot wait for this wonderful new world that’s right around the corner.

GD: I know, I know, bring it on, right? Let’s do it. Thanks so much for your call, have a wonderful evening. Cody from Texas, welcome to the show.

Cody: Hey, hey Graham, this is my first time even listening to the show and I think the discussion’s great, I really do. And sharing all what people are saying, it’s amazing, I think this discussion is amazing. Actually what I wanted to say “ As a kid I’ve always wanted to be something to do with healing whether it is a doctor or something, actually is guess in pre-school people, the teachers there, they wrote little reports saying I was always messing with medical kits, I was trying to help people, but I guess mainly my question for you is “Every day I hear a high pitched noise and I don’t know what it is, it will go on for 15 - 20 minutes and the only time it actually stops is if I ask it to. And I don’t know what that is and no one can explain it to me.”

GD: Well I’ll share with you what I’ve learned; the ringing in the ears I’ve had since forever and now I’m getting this little hum and what we’ve been learning is that our bodies are going through quite a transition right now as we’re moving from a carbon based cell structure to a crystalline based cell structure. Our DNA is going from a 2 strand to a multi-strand

DNA. Our brains, as you know, we all have been taught that maybe the average person uses 10%, maybe if they’re lucky 15% of their brains; our brains are getting activated. So what we’re experiencing as we go through this Ascension process are what many are calling ‘Ascension symptoms’.

So our body is adjusting as we’re taking on more and more light and so people are feeling all kinds of things including buzzing and ringing. The other day I had a morning of vertigo, I just woke up dizzy, and then it went away. Other people are talking about aches and pains and going to doctors and not getting any real answers. Now clearly if there’s something that feels life threatening or if one feels that they would get comfort by going to seek medical help by all means do it, but I also want to also point out our bodies are going through major, major shifts to accommodate this new paradigm. So that may be what you’re experiencing.

Cody: Well maybe because every time I hear it, like maybe 5 minutes after, I feel this intense feeling of joy.

GD: Oh shoot, that sounds great.

Cody: Yea, I can’t really explain it, it’s like if someone were to do something wrong to me during that time it would just go right off my shoulders, right over my head and I don’t know how to explain the feeling.

GD: Well I would say that if you are feeling a lot of joy connected to this symptom or this experience, that’s probably a good thing. But I will share with you a lot of people have shared the ringing in the ears or the humming, some people describe the humming sound as the humming of the universe and it’s just growing and so I’m going with it, I’m just going with it and we can also ask, and this is for you or anyone else, we have guides and angels here to help us.

And if we’re ever in a position where we feel that physically, boy this is just not feeling good, we can call upon our guides and angels, whom by the way cannot intervene unless we ask because it’s a free will experience here, and they will help us. So we have that available to us as well. Thank you so much for your call tonight. Alright Maria from California, welcome to the show.

Maria: Thank you, thank you for the program and Suzanne is wonderful. It’s hard to say anything new because a lot people have covered about how I feel about Ascension and the happiness, the joy, just the thought about the world without war and abundance and everything, so I decided that maybe I wanted to share a very silly manifestation: my guides, how you say, they are very playful sometimes when they need to connect with me and this time I’m going to a baseball game and we went to the stadium and I find out, this time we were sitting out in the open.

And when I sat and it was my birthday and I said “Oh you know what, I might like to have a foul ball for my birthday.” And the moment that I said it I thought it was stupid, so silly that I disregard the thought. The moment I disregard the thought the ball just dropped on my friends lap, a foul ball. It’s an amusement manifestation, so I just wanted to share to the people that are looking into manifestation that sometimes it happens in the most amazing ways.

GD: And if we can get to a place of accepting that as the norm, of course that happens a lot with me and parking spaces.
Maria: Yea, I do that all the time but this time it was so amazing because I thought “It’s my birthday, why don’t I get a foul ball?” And the foul ball just dropped there and Jerry looked at me with this puzzled look on his face and he looked around and said “I’m going to find you a present” … you’re not going to do that, that’s my ball. So I have it and I have it sitting on my nightstand as a reminder that when I doubt I just look at the baseball and I know we can, we can manifest what we want.

GD: Perfect. What are your dreams for the new world?

Maria: Peace. Love. I want to see Gaia in her beauty. I want to see our oceans clean, the air. To me looking at the flowers is the biggest present. I want to see the children protected, the children running, happy. No distinctions between races; we will not look at somebody and see somebody as African or Chinese, we’re all going to be one. Oh my goodness, everything being beautiful and clean and obviously enjoying the company of our galactic family and the inner earth as well.

GD: You have a wonderful vision and I think it’s such a nice way to wrap up the show because you hit upon much of what we’ve been discussing tonight and more. And you’ve provided a concrete example of manifestation in action. I love that, I love that, especially on your birthday, how fun is that and how you use that to let go of doubt if that ever creeps in, because it does work.

Maria: It does work.

GD: Thank you so much for your call. Have a wonderful night.

Maria: Thank you and thank you for having InLight Radio programs, they bring so much beautiful and very needed information through these very hectic times and when the information is so big and takes so much time to go through what is bombarded to us and through the programs I find the 2012scenerio that we get enough information to keep ourselves up to date and hear all these wonderful things especially about the extra-terrestrials and their participation and their love for us. And every time that somebody says they love us, I feel it, my heart just expands, I can feel their love.

GD: Me too, me too. And I really appreciate your extending your gratitude for the programs here on InLight Radio and this Special Edition Show tonight, but we do have for other folks that might not be aware, we have pretty much a different kind of show with different hosts almost every day at InLight Radio. And we get into topics of Ascension and what’s happening with earth changes and the abundance economy and what’s happening with our star brothers and sisters, the progress with Disclosure and what’s happening and what the plans are as we bring in this new age and this new earth.

And Maria I want to thank you so much for your call tonight. And I want to also just follow up on something you said as well; the 2012scenerio website which also has an amazing team, they’re doing such great work and while we’re two separate entities, InLight Radio and 2012scenerio, a lot of the same folks work on both teams and the 2012scenerio is going equally just phenomenal work. So our goal here is to raise the awareness, it’s about raising the vibration, it’s about providing truthful information about what’s happening during these times. Exciting times indeed and folks, dream big, DREAM BIG, really go for it. The time to manifest our dream starts right now. The new world is being created by us and it’s full of possibilities.

I want to thank all of you for participating tonight and sharing your vision and sharing your heart and just listening to you was a heart opening, wonderful experience and I thank you so much. I want to thank Suzanne
for helping out with the switchboard tonight and I hope you all have a wonderful evening. Please join us again.

tags: InLight radio Special http://the2012scenario.com/tag/inlight-radio-special/, let's Dream Big. Graham Dewyea http://the2012scenario.com/tag/lets-dream-big-graham-dewyea/

Source: http://the2012scenario.com/2012/08/transcript-for-lets-dream-big-an...

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