DNA IS A CONDUIT FOR NON-PHYSICAL ENERGYGN: David, give us your take, first of all, on DNA, before we take it out into the universe.DW: Well, DNA has been proven to be a conduit for a nonphysical energy. This is a very important point.If you look at the Einstein model of space and time, what we realize is that as you move through space, you also move through time. Space is not just this empty thing.If you go really fast through space up to light speed, you’re also going through time in a way that changes your perception, so that you might only think it’s a week, but on Earth it’s been a thousand years.That shows on a fundamental level that space is not just this empty thing; there’s something in there.Well it goes a lot further than that because, as I’ve said before, the Russians, specifically Dr. Peter Gariaev, did an experiment where he takes a piece of DNA, sticks it in a little test-tube where it can absorb light...You can measure the light that it absorbs. In fact, DNA will take all the stray photons in the area and spiral them through the molecule. It’s like a light absorber. It actually has a vortex-type of effect that pulls in all the surrounding light into itself.Then the thing is that you can take the DNA out of the tube and the light will continue to spiral as if the DNA were still there for up to 30 days. Even if you blast it with liquid nitrogen, it comes back within about six to eight minutes and shows up again.So, what is this force that’s holding the light in place when the DNA isn’t even there anymore?A PROJECTION OF THE SOULDW: If you’re sitting there right now listening to the show, and during the commercial break you got up and went to the bathroom and then you came back, this is saying that some part of your DNA is still there in the chair -- and it will on a very subtle level be changing the way that the light is moving through the room.It’s a very substantial discovery. What it ultimately shows us is that our physical body has an energetic pair that is very similar. It has the same structures in place. That [energetic pair] is actually more of who we really are than the physical body.The physical body is like a projection of the spirit. The spirit is, in fact, a holographic duplicate of the physical body, but that is actually where most of your thought processes are taking place. Anything involving real thinking or the higher intellect is happening in the energy body.That’s why when the energy in the solar system is amping up, as we showed you that it is, it simultaneously is amping up human intelligence. Human intelligence is based on an energy pattern. When the frequency, when the vibration of that energy increases, so will your thoughts move faster. So will you appear to become more intelligent.DNA, again, is a conduit for this energy of the soul, and there is an energetic pair to it that’s what we have as an “astral body”, as some call it.LIFE IS AN EMERGENT PROPERTY THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSEGN: So, you believe that this DNA travels throughout the universe – it’s everywhere – which then means that similarities may abound.DW: Oh, yeah. One of the guys that discovered the DNA molecule, Dr. Francis Crick, took a look at all the dust in the galaxy. He found that 99.9 percent of all the dust he could find had the light signature of bacteria in space. That means that most of the stuff that’s out there is actually living stuff.It also means that we now have an explanation for why bacteria have been found growing inside nuclear reactors, volcanoes, miles below the surface of the ocean, [et cetera]. Everywhere you look, you find bacteria -- and that’s because life is just going to form wherever and however it can. It’s an intelligent pattern. Matter is built to make life.The scientists that are finding this call it “The Goldilocks Principle”. They explain that all over the universe, the conditions are just right for life to occur -- like the Earth and elsewhere.THE ENERGETIC EVOLUTION OF HUMANITYGN: Let’s talk a little bit about what you believe is happening in the universe and the solar system as well. You believe that there’s going to be some kind of galactic wave or energy field coming in.Is it going to blast us? Is it going to knock out communications, David? What’s going to happen?DW: Well, that may occur. But to make it a clearer point here, I would propose that this is something that has been well underway for some time. It’s not like we’re waiting for something that isn’t already happening.You look at the massive, exponential progression of human civilization over the course of the last several hundred years. [Look at] how Benjamin Franklin basically was the guy who invented the closed stove -- just to have burners and not be cooking over an open fire.So we’re only talking about a few hundred years ago that we were basically cooking over open fire. We didn’t have electricity, and we didn’t have machines that made it easier to do all the basic things that we do, like washing our clothes, refrigerating our food, having electric lights so we can read at night, and being able to talk over the Internet and the telephone. This is all brand new stuff, relatively speaking.The threat is whether we have evolved to a level as a species where we can handle these toys without destroying the planet.The galactic wave, specifically, seems to be part of an intelligent design that energetically pushes us to the next level -- and it really is a question for everyone of whether you’re harmonizing with the change or not.CONCENTRIC, LAYERED WAVES OF MICROWAVE FREQUENCIES WITHIN EACH GALAXYDW: Now, I can go into science and physics and tell you very specifically about how we can measure these waves, where they are and what they are, so I’ll do that just a bit because that was the essence of your question.GN: Sure.DW: If you look at other galaxies... There was a scientist, Dr. William Tifft, who did what’s called a redshift study. And redshift is really nothing more than a frequency of microwave vibration.What he found was that, even though redshift is supposed to indicate distance in conventional astrophysics, he saw there were multiple layers of redshift within single galaxies.The values of the microwave frequency got much more intense at the center of the galaxy. [Then,] in even intervals, in layers that are concentric circles, they get less and less intense -- by mathematically precise [and equivalent] values -- as you go towards the outside.He demonstrated that those galactic fields are out there; he proved that they exist. And we have hundreds and hundreds of galaxies that have been observed – mostly by college students working on their Ph.D., because the mainstream is just stuffing this down – but it proves that [all] galaxies have these striated layers of vibration in them.TIFFT'S LAYERS ARE, IN FACT, 'DENSITIES' OF AETHERIC ENERGYDW: Then I turn you to the work of Dr. Harold Aspden, who basically has rewritten science and physics by using the original Maxwell electrical equations that everybody believes is true; nobody disputes them. Now, in the Maxwell equations, he basically postulates a sort of an aether -- this idea of a non-seen energy field that underlies electromagnetism, but is not electromagnetic.What Aspden was able to do was to retool the Maxwell equations, and shuffle them around in ways that are plausible. He tells you exactly how he does it. He found that this aether has different levels of frequency, and that [each frequency] would have certain microwave signatures we would be able to measure.Well, he was absolutely astonished when he looked at Tifft’s data, as he found that these [concentric layers within] galaxies are giving off exactly the same microwave frequencies that he mathematically discovered by monkeying around with Maxwell’s equations!That is an astonishing discovery; putting those two things together. It’s something I found in the year 2000.It’s hard to explain, but it is the smoking gun that shows that there are galactic energy fields, that they do refer to, for lack of a better term, “planes of existence”, because these different frequencies of this aether basically represent different levels of reality.THE SOLAR SYSTEM IS TRANSFORMING -- AND THE INSIDERS HAVE A RINGSIDE SEATDW: So as this energy comes into the solar system, what is it doing?We can see what it’s doing. It’s making the planets get hotter, brighter and more magnetic. There’s a lot more dust coming into the solar system. The sun’s magnetic field has shrunk by 25 percent from all the outside pressure [coming in on it from this galactic wave, or 'cloud' we are now entering into.]One of these insiders has told me that they’re actually out there with some of these spaceships they have – this is our guys, now, not ETs. They’ve gone out there and looked at this wave coming in.They basically are seeing a time window of 2012 to 2017, in which they believe there’s going to be some very dramatic changes on the Earth. They think [these] are basically unavoidable, and will be, for lack of a better term, cataclysmic.BREAKING THE SHELL AROUND OUR HEARTSDW: Now, again, this is not what I have been shown. This is not what I think is going to be happening. I think that these changes are more intended to break the shell that we’ve built around our hearts.The idea of Armageddon and Apocalypse is something that startles us into attention, so that we get back on track with what being human is really about. We are a projection of the Creator, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, and there’s only one of us here, ultimately.So, if you really get down to what the highest-level ETs are saying, the ones that are right before the level where they basically start to reunify with the universe and no longer deal with anything other than the One Infinite Mind, they’re pretty unified in their perspective.THE LAW OF ONE SERIESDW: The source that I consistently draw on the most, of course, is The Law of One. I’ve talked about this before; I have extensive data on it on my website, divinecosmos.com.What I can tell you is that this data really rocked my socks off. I found it in 1996. It was allegedly channeled. Usually I don’t put any credence on channeling. I think most of it out there is largely people’s conscious mind, with maybe a little bit of real stuff to just spice it up.But this source is different than that. This source actually leaked a whole bunch of stuff that we didn’t know in 1981, but now, with the benefit of time, has been proven scientifically correct. So almost everything I talk about in terms of galactic energy fields, the change of the Earth, 2012 and all that stuff, was in these books in 1981.LAW OF ONE VALIDATION: NUMBER OF CIVILIZATIONS VISITING EARTHDW: All these whistleblowers keep coming forward. For example, Sgt. Clifford Stone said that ETs are visiting us and crashing their ships, we’ve found 57 different varieties, and they all basically look human.Well, that also was in The Law of One back in 1981. They said there’s 53 basic civilizations visiting us. There’s also six more that are negative, [referred to as "The Unholy Six" in George Hunt Williamson's "Road in the Sky," which was vetted by Ra as being predominantly accurate,] that happen to be visiting us; and that’s right around the same number.So when you start combining all these things together, I’m left with the conclusion that we actually are being given accurate information. The Law of One is one example where ETs actually did get a nice clear station, and were able to speak for a few years and tell us what they really think and what’s really going on.THE QUARANTINE: ANOTHER VALIDATIONDW: What they’re saying is that our planet is being “managed”. They said there was a quarantine around the planet. We now know from whistleblowers that that also is true.In fact, it’s a very difficult problem because the Van Allen Belts basically have an impenetrable shield that prevents things from getting in, and prevents things from going out. You need very advanced exotic technology to be able to get through this quarantine.Apparently that quarantine was put in by high-level ETs to basically stop bad guys from being able to get in here. The Law of One series basically says that, on certain occasions, there are random windows where they can get in temporarily.Those random windows are only allowed to occur [by seventh density 'Guardians' at times sixth density entities do not know in advance] because we as a species, as human beings, have a certain degree of negativity in our own minds. That invites a certain degree of negativity to come in.CATACLYSMIC ACTIVITY AS A BYPRODUCT OF HUMAN DISTRESSDW: Also, they explain that the Earth changes are a projection of our own collective psyche: that when we are sick in ourselves, the planet has to mirror our sickness by showing us volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves, etc.GN: See, I always thought, David, that this was possibly the planet’s way of curing its own ills.DW: Yeah. If there’s too many people on the planet, I think the planet will take care of that on its own. We certainly don’t need people like the Illuminati or the New World Order trying to do it for the planet.GN: That’s true.DW: But on the other hand, as I’ve said before, I think that if there is going to be cataclysmic activity, it may very well be that [most of us] will not be experiencing the same frequency [or density] as where that cataclysm occurs. I think some people [i.e. the negative elite] might [still be here to experience it in physical form, hence explaining the future timelines they see.]UNDERGROUND BASES BUILT TO WEATHER OUT THE STORMDW: Now bear in mind, there are vast, vast facilities underground. Ever since the U.S. government started to hear about this around World War Two, and other governments as well, there has been a massive, massive subterranean construction project in place.[There are] multiple bases with all sorts of what they call sub-shuttle systems that connect them together. There are off-planet bases as well, on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere. And they are preparing for this big thing to happen.GN: According to Richard Sauder these are thousands of feet deep as well.DW: Oh yeah. They’re so far down that, if you’re on an elevator going top speed, you can jump and you’ll actually hover in the air because of how fast you’re moving down. They’re miles and miles down, in some cases, and they’re absolutely enormous.LOTS OF CIVILIZATIONS WITH LOTS OF TECHNOLOGY LEFT BEHINDDW: In fact, in many cases they found old bases that other ETs had put here long ago. They were able to break into them and basically refurbish them. That’s also what’s happened, apparently, with Mars, the Moon and other places too -- there’s stuff everywhere.If you start getting into the idea that humans are pretty common in the galaxy... In fact, The Law of One series tells us there are 67 million planets in the galaxy with people on them like us, at various times – right now, in our current present time. That’s a staggering number.Of course, many of these planets are probably somewhat primitive. They’re at various stages of evolution, but there’re still going to be a relatively substantial number that get past the crisis-point that we’re in now, and are able to achieve interstellar travel.And beyond interstellar travel, they’re able to achieve wormhole travel -- meaning that they can use traversible wormholes and basically travel through space without having to actually make any distance; they’d just go from one place to another.GN: Like the movie Contact.DW: Exactly.THERE IS SO MUCH TO KNOW... SO MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE OUT THEREDW: So, what we’re seeing now is a convergence of all these different threads of information that I’ve been collecting for so long. Finally some of these insiders are actually sitting down and talking to me, sometimes in person, sometimes over other methods, and I have learned so much. [laughs] So much more that I know now than I’m allowed to talk about.But everything you can imagine is out there. Every type of human you can imagine is out there: good, bad, and indifferent. There are artifacts everywhere. It’s just staggering how stupid we are compared to what there really is.Our guys have found so many pieces of technology that they’ve either just burned, or buried, or dumped into the ocean, or locked up in warehouses -- and any one of them could be the “Rosetta Stone” that would completely change this planet if they were investigated. But there’s so much redundancy that they just can’t even spend the time to look at this stuff.There are so many different compartments within the cover-up -- and each of these compartments are working on technologies on their own, in many cases without access to other programs working on the same stuff. It’s really quite laughable, but there is a level at which everybody has [knowledge of all these different compartments]... and this is the people on our planet, now.GN: Right.THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE 'IN THE KNOW' IS EXTREMELY SMALLDW: Now bear in mind, it gets smaller and smaller. We’re literally talking about only some 90 people who know most of what’s going on [and are in positions of control and influence here on Earth]. Then there’s a subset within those people of maybe another 15 to 25, and they’re the ones who really know what’s going on.But they’re only the managers on Earth, working with many other people who have since moved off-planet -- and are involved in ships that are in space, bases on other planets and bases under the ground.There’s tons and tons of people that are working in these other programs -- many tens of thousands of people that are no longer in any type of conventional society as we would think of it. They were born here and are working in these other programs. And they’re working with other human beings.TIME TRAVEL MEANS YOU MAY WORK IN THE FUTURE -- OR THE PASTGN: When remote viewer Ingo Swann said he saw structures on the Moon, what do you think he saw, David? Do you think he saw alien or do you think he saw ours?DW: Well, they could be ours -- from people of our future, who were able to time-travel and then went back in time and built things back then.The funny thing is that when you get into this technology I’m talking about, some of the bases that our guys are working on are actually in the future. They actually travel to the future to do their job, and then they come back to what we would think of as the present.Like, for example, Henry Deacon actually went and looked for where he was working on Mars -- on the Mars map. He found that the base wasn’t there where he knew it would be. He knew what it should have looked like, and it wasn’t there.Other insiders I’ve talked to have now validated everything that Henry Deacon is saying as true. There’s even more than what he said is true.Of course, the Henry Deacon testimony is something I’ve written about extensively. I’ve had more contact with him than anybody else. I’ve actually spent some 80 hours in conversation with him now. He’s told me a lot of stuff that I haven’t said, but a lot of his testimony has been put out there.And again, there’s hundreds of different human species that our guys are interacting with out there. It only is 57 that happen to have crashed on Earth and are showing enough interest in us to actually be zipping around.THERE IS A WAR GOING ON -- ANUNNAKI AND OTHERSGN: What do you think of the theories of Ed Grimsley?DW: Please explain.GN: Ed believes that there is a war going on and he claims to see them with night-vision goggles.DW: That’s absolutely true. Infrared and ultraviolet will allow you to see things that are just outside the range of our physical senses -- and there is definitely a war going on.In fact, one of the groups is the so-called Anunnaki, which appear to be reptilian humanoids. And again, this is probably going to make a lot of people laugh, but some of the species that evolve on some planets do appear to evolve through a reptilian lineage. It does seem that most of those species tend to be more inclined to dominate and control rather than to be cooperative and service-to-others oriented.GN: Well, as David Icke has always said, some of those probably are here. Some of our families, our very elite families, have a lineage from the reptilians.DW: Well... [sighs] Boy, I don’t know how much I can say here. I didn’t believe any of this stuff. I don’t even like talking about this, because I didn’t want to believe that reptilians existed.Now, Henry was always saying that he did meet the Anunnaki and they’re very tall -- they’re like 14, 15 feet tall, but they wear masks.GN: Let’s pick that up... Why do they wear masks? Because they’re reptilian! Let’s talk about that and take phone calls next.[We have no evidence to believe, and do not support, the idea that the world elites are shape-shifting reptilian creatures. They are people just like us. They do have an ET lineage they are proud of, but that doesn't make them any different than the rest of us in a physiological sense.][COMMERCIAL BREAK]ENHANCING YOUR INTUITIVE ABILITIESGN: Okay, let’s get some of your thoughts, David, on what people can do to enhance their own intuitive abilities.DW: Well, I think this is a very important question. As we’re going through these changes as a planet, we’re also seeing that there is a need to be prepared for potential disruptions to our continuity of life. I’m not saying there are going to be catastrophes. That’s one of the areas in which I differ with probably a lot of people who study this.But I do feel that there are going to be a lot of localized problems. I mean, if you were in Hurricane Katrina, for example, you very much had a local problem. So I do think it’s good to have your stored food, and to have some of your money in a solid asset like gold or silver.I think it’s important, though, to be able to have conscious contact with your intuitive ability, because that’s how I’ve been able to get to where I am; I use that guidance consistently.MEDITATION ALLOWS YOUR MIND TO MERGE WITH THE UNIVERSALDW: So, as point of fact, the most important thing to remember is that your mind is the Universal Mind. You do have access to this universal consciousness within your conscious mind. Your conscious mind is not something separated from the Universal Mind.But in order to allow the Universal Mind to be the predominant force that is thinking, you have to quiet down the mind that is created by your body and that’s best done by seeking for the quiet point in yourself through meditation. So mediation is and always will be the central bottom line of how best to approach this intuitive faculty.DIVINATION: TAROT CARDS AND BIBLIOMANCYDW: Now, there are a lot of methods that you can use if you’re getting started, various forms of divination such as cards that you can use, you know, Tarot cards.You can basically read the cards by charging them up with energy. You hold each card and you look at it and you study its meaning, and then that card will carry your energy signature so that later on, when you ask your subconscious a question, you can pick the card that feels right to you. It will be the one that you pick because it has the charge on it.Another trick that you can use is bibliomancy, particularly if you have a book that is loaded with inspirational material. You can hold the book between your hands and ask a question and then, with your eyes closed, open up to a particular page, and even put your finger on a particular spot, and then just see what’s there when you read it. You may have some very surprising things happen when you do that.DREAMS ARE A TREASURE CHEST FROM YOUR SIXTH DENSITY HIGHER SELFDW: My personal favorite of all the various forms of divination is dreams. I think that we, as a general rule, are wasting a tremendous amount of useful information.In fact, I propose that every dream you have is like a treasure chest filled with wonder from your higher self. If you can go in and remember your dreams, then the key is to write them down, document them, and study them with the understanding that every symbol, every character, every situation, every environment, is yourself.So that’s why I tell people when you have dreams where there’s tidal waves or volcanoes or earthquakes, don’t believe that that means the Earth is going to have those things happen. It means that you yourself are going to be having a major disruption.TRANSCENDING THE EGODW: Now, all of the ancient mystery school teachings and all the ancient wisdom teachings and religions all agree that in order to get to a greater point of intuitive access, you basically end up transcending what you would call the ego, or the personality-self. This means that a part of yourself is very identified with the body; it wants to seek the comfort of the body, the security of the body, and as a result it is predominantly materialistic in its focus – and that’s okay. We all have to have some of that.But as you can expand your perspective and take in a more universal vision of what it really means to be yourself and what it really means to be alive, you’ll see that ultimately all the things I’m telling you are true, that there are many, many, many intelligent species in the universe because the universe is built of Mind, and consciousness is the underlying substrate for why anything exists.So that’s the great mystery, and when you can resonate with that mystery by approaching that still point within yourself, using things like cards or your own dreams, or any of a variety of means...SYNCHRONICITY IS ALSO VERY USEFULDW: Synchronicity is another one that you can pay attention to. People are starting to notice more and more, like they’ll see 3:33 on the clock or 11:11 and it will happen right when they were thinking about something important.GN: Absolutely.DW: People ask me all the time: “Well, what does this mean?” The answer is always the same.Basically what you want to do when you see one of those is ask yourself, “What was I thinking right before this happened?” and that will be the answer. It’s going to flag whatever you were thinking, and tell you that it was an important thought -- and you’re on the right track.These are just a few of the things I do have in my weekend workshops that I do... a whole dream-sharing circle that we’re now doing on Sunday. What I do is I have people from the audience actually give me their dreams and then I basically crack them down.Actually, I’d love to do a show like that on here at some point, George, where we just have people call in with their dreams and I’ll just crack them down and analyze them.GN: That would be interesting.DW: Yeah. It’s very useful.CALLER: WHY IS THERE A QUARANTINE?GN: Okay, let’s go to the calls now, David. We’ll go west of the Rockies, Kingman, Arizona. Sage is there with us. Hey Sage, you’re on with David Wilcock.SAGE: Hello George, hello David, how are you guys this morning?DW: Very well, thank you.SAGE: My question is: I had read a book by Barbara Hand Clow, and towards the end of the book, she was talking about what you had just said earlier, about us being under quarantine, about our planet being under quarantine?DW: Mm-hm.SAGE: And she was talking to the effect that coming up to 2012, depending on events that take place here on our planet, that the quarantine could possibly be lifted.DW: Yeah. You have to understand that there absolutely is going to be a shift, at which time there will be much more galactic diplomacy than there is now.I do think, though, that it’s also important to point out that, as the Earth moves into what the Law of One and other sources refer to as “Fourth Density”, there is going to be a prolonged period in which the planet is positive in nature, exclusively, and it will not permit those of negative orientation to be here.[In fact, once a planet shifts to 4D positive, it never again will host negatively polarized entities on its surface for incarnation.]Now, it’s my understanding that the reason why they’re kept out is because there are going to be people who are basically fighting on the front lines to make sure they don’t get in.Whether that means the quarantine will still be in place or not, I don’t know. I think it’s different than the quarantine, though, because the quarantine basically keeps everybody out. So I think this is going to be more like a battle that’s going to be fought to basically stop these guys from getting in.[The Law of One series explains that only a small number of the strongest members of our society will be engaged in these battles, and they rotate periodically becase the work is very draining, even lethal. They help protect everyone else and give them a good life. I have been trained for this work in many dreams, some of which can be found in our archives. It very much is a battle involving the use of light as a weapon, telekinesis, et cetera -- like a postmodern samurai fight.]CAN WE DEFEAT VIRUSES WITH OUR CONSCIOUSNESS?SAGE: Okay. And I also had another question and it kind of pertains to a lady that was on recently about intent.DW: Okay.SAGE: I‘ve been reading a lot of books by Sylvia Browne that we can create with our minds and our thoughts.DW: Yeah. Actually, Sylvia Browne is published by the same guy that’s publishing me, Brian Tart, Dutton Books. So you’re saying “create with our intent”. Now is there a particular question in regards to that? Would you like me to just talk about that subject some?SAGE: As far as like, you know, protecting ourselves from viruses and just negative... negative, um... Sorry, I’m a little nervous. [laughs]GN: That’s okay. Go ahead, David.DW: That’s quite all right. Yeah, it’s a very interesting point, actually, because we fundamentally learn that viruses are frequency-based. Most of the viruses have a geometric structure and that geometry can translate into a wave function.There’s a Russian scientist named Vlail Kaznacheyev – say that three times fast – and he basically found that he could take hermetically-sealed cells that were healthy and then zap them with energy, just on a light-wave, from cells that were diseased, and the healthy cells in the hermetically-sealed container would acquire the disease.Now there is something that stops that from happening to us because otherwise, we’d be getting every virus there was. The shield is basically the energy body, and what keeps that shield working perfectly and fully intact is when your mind is in harmony with the Universal Mind, which means that you’re in a state of uplifting gratitude for your life and for other people, and you’re in a state of peace and tranquility.It’s when we allow ourselves to get stuck in stress and anger that we lose that protective shield and we become susceptible to illness and to dis-ease, so to speak.So, intent is very important. Intent is the underlying essence of health and of how we actually experience reality. The more that we focus on a particular outcome, the more that is the outcome that we will meet with in our daily life.EVERYONE HAS ANUNNAKI DNA CHARACTERISTICSGN: David, before the break we were talking about reptilians...DW: Yeah. I didn’t want to drop that thread. Thank you for bringing that back.It’s very important to point out that I do not believe that these world elites are shape-shifting reptilian creatures. I didn’t get to say that at the end of the last break.However, what I will say is that it has also been explained to me by some of these insiders that all of us on Earth, everyone, has some of this reptilian genetics in our DNA. Because basically the Anunnaki reverse-engineered the existing humans on this planet and upgraded them with their own DNA to some degree, and there are some problems I can’t go into details about with the physical human body that are actually directly attributed to the reptilian genetics that we have.Now, what I can say on top of that is that these reptilians seem to think that, because they tinkered with our DNA and then other ETs have come in and given us various pieces of their DNA as well, they think that they have somehow designed us and that they are, therefore, the gods of us. What they don’t realize is the galaxy designed the DNA; the galaxy is still evolving us.THE ANUNNAKI ARE TERRIFIED OF WHAT WE ARE BECOMINGDW: One of the most interesting things I heard from these insiders in regards to the Anunnaki is that these Anunnaki are actually extremely terrified of us because we have the potential to be much more powerful than they are as psychics, and this is something that’s starting to happen.They do appear to be the secret group that is basically manipulating the Illuminati on Earth. You’ve got to remember, no matter how high-ranking anybody is on Earth, they are under the boot of others who are extraterrestrial in nature, basically. And those extraterrestrials, in turn, are under the boot of even higher-level negative extraterrestrials.MANAGEMENT KEEPS THE EARTH ON TRACK TO FOURTH DENSITY POSITIVEDW: Then, of course, all of those are just like children in the sandbox who can totally be stopped by what I call “Management”; the higher positive forces out there that are much more vast in their potential. These are the kind of guys that can basically move an entire solar system around just like we would roll a marble down the table.GN: [laughs]DW: [laughs] So you have to understand that the protective forces – or what I call “Management” – Management will not allow the planet to be destroyed. They will not allow the planet to fall into the negative. They are protecting us as we go though this evolutionary process.MANAGEMENT'S JOB IS TO KEEP BALANCE -- EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SEEK THE POSITIVE AS THE NEGATIVEDW: The game is this: They are here to ensure that the planet has an even balance between whether you want to seek the positive or whether you want to seek the negative, so that, at any point, wherever you choose to put your focus is what you will see.In order to keep that balance, they have to make sure that things never get too awful on the planet. That’s why they would stop a nuclear war. They would stop any attempt for mass genocide. They would stop a worldwide economic collapse.None of these grandiose doom and gloom prognostications will happen because we are here to have a spiritual experience -- and these higher-level ETs will ensure that that experience can proceed unmolested.DREAM OF A 200-FOOT TALL DEVIL ON THE ATTACKGN: All right, let’s go to Aaron in Chesterfield, Indiana. Aaron, go ahead.AARON: Namasté, everybody. How are you doing?DW: Very well, Aaron, thank you.AARON: Great. Okay. This is a dream I had about eight months ago. It’s probably the most prolific dream I’ve ever had. So...DW: If you can just give us a summary, because we don’t have time for a long dream, but I’d be happy to help you understand it.AARON: Okay. Pretty much I’m looking out the back of my window and I see a 200-foot-tall devil. And, you know, it’s pretty much like a train wreck; you can’t stop looking at it.So as I’m watching him walk down the interstate I hear a thump, thump. There is a larger demon walking my way -- and it’s saying the name “Jesus Christ” in the most truly blasphemous way I’ve ever heard anything said. So it notices me and then it says, you know, “Jesus Christ” again and just throws its arms through the window.I run back to the back of my room and I open the closet. There’s two of my best friends that I’ve been talking with the most about all this conspiracy theory stuff.But the weird part about it is about a month ago, I’ve moved to a house right now. I look outside, [in my new house,] and I notice that I am exactly as far away from the interstate as the devil was in my dream, walking down it.DW: [laughs]GN: What do you think, David?THE DEVIL IS A PROJECTION OF YOUR INTERNAL FEARS FROM READING CONSPIRACY ARTICLESDW: Okay. A 200-foot-tall devil in the dream. You said it was associated with a train wreck and that he was speaking about Jesus Christ in a blasphemous way. You said he noticed you, said it again, and throws his arms through your window. Then you’re at the back of your room, you open the closet and there’s two friends who you’ve been talking with about conspiracy stuff.Now, I would propose that since these friends are people that you talk about conspiracy stuff with... Remember the central premise is that every dream is some function of yourself. So, these friends of yours symbolize the part of yourself that has dwelled on the negativity by focusing on the conspiracies.So therefore what you’re seeing with this 200-foot-tall devil is actually the thought-form that has been created within your psyche of all the doom and all the fear that you’ve been focusing on.These things create thought-forms which you then have to face in your dreams.So basically the idea is that if you have a terrifying apparition appear like this in a dream, don’t run away from it.As you said, now you’ve moved to a new place. Your dream clearly prophesied the future because now you’re noticing that you’re as far away from the interstate as where this devil was.YOU CAN CHOOSE HOW YOU WANT TO THINK, FEEL AND LIVEDW: So what that’s saying is you now have an opportunity to face this fear that’s been created within yourself, symbolized by the devil, to decide on a fundamental level: Do you believe the Universe is a place of chaos, disaster, pain and fear? Or do you choose to believe that the Universe is a place of love and abundance and positive growth?If these prophecies that I’ve been getting in my dreams come true, which I do believe they will, then what we’re going to be seeing is an overthrow of all these negative forces that have been in control for so long.We’re going to see the breakdown of the Federal Reserve, the breakdown of some of the most corrupt elements of our society. These things are inevitably going to happen. This is only a matter of time.In fact, I’m going to be putting out a long, free, mp3 download on my website, divinecosmos.com, where I will be going into these dreams in more detail because I’m realizing I didn’t cover everything in this show. So that will be available; you can download that.[We are still compiling this dataset, since we want it to be complete -- but this data needs to surface fairly soon.]But again, the point is: let’s focus on the positive, because the Management ensures that we can have either option come true for us if we choose to focus on it.A DIRECT EXPERIENCE WITH THE REPTILIANSGN: All right. Let’s go to Detroit, Michigan. Leshan ... sorry for the Tigers tonight, huh?LESHAN: Oh, yeah, yeah. That was horrible. [laughs]GN: I know. I’m bummed out, but congratulations to Minnesota.LESHAN: Yes, yes. So, George, how are you doing?GN: Good, Leshan. Go ahead. We’ve got a couple of minutes.LESHAN: Okay. I wanted to speak about the reptilians. I spoke to you a couple months ago also, George, when Melinda was on the show.GN: Yeah.LESHAN: But I wanted to speak about the reptilians. Now, David did you say that you...? What are your feelings about that? You’re not sure if they actually exist?DW: No. I’ve been given information now that confirms that the Anunnaki are a reptilian humanoid species.LESHAN: Yeah, yeah, because I had an experience with one a few years ago. I had an experience.CALLING ON YOUR HIGHER POWER TO REPEL ANY ATTACK -- SUCCESSFULLYLESHAN: We had gone down to a meeting down in Atlanta, Georgia, to see this guy who knew about them and had experiences with them. When he gave their physical description, how they look in the physical, I said to my friend, “Are you listening to this? Are you hearing this?” And he said, “Yes.”But I had an experience. I was asleep and I felt this strange presence. I woke up all of a sudden. This man... he was very tall. He was strong like steel.DW: Oh, yeah.LESHAN: I mean just like steel, David.DW: Oh, I know. They weigh a lot more than we do. Very solid.LESHAN: Oh, my god! He was thin and tall and he had this long, blonde, beautiful hair down to his buttocks. His hands were around my throat. Okay? So I grabbed him.DW: Wow.LESHAN: I grabbed him and I was trying to physically fight him and pull him off of me, and I got so tired. Then I just let go and I said...You know, we all have a higher presence, we all have a Higher Self. I agree with everything that you said about intent and about spirituality. You know, if you call to that presence, you will get assistance, because I didn’t know what else to do.GN: Yeah, that’s the way to do it. You have to get that assistance. Back with final calls.[COMMERCIAL BREAK]THREE DIMENSIONS OF TIMEGN: Welcome back we’re with David Wilcock. We’ll take your calls as well.David, when you and Richard talk about hyper-dimensional physics... hyper-dimensional. Explain that. Give me the definition.DW: Well, actually, the way that I interpret hyper-dimensional is that time is not just a one-dimensional line like in the conventional Einstein model. Time, in order to actually function properly within physics, needs three dimensions of its own to move around in.So the basic idea can be traced back through various forms of physics in which, like for example, Kaluza-Klein theory shows that in order to unify gravity and electromagnetism as a unified field, which is what all physicists believe there must be, you need at least five dimensions to do that. So it’s a conventionally accepted fact in science that there are in fact higher dimensions out there besides the length, width, and height that we see.Now, the problem with this model is that, of course, no matter where you go, no matter what right turn you make, you’re still going to be in length, width, or height! So what does this really mean? There’s obviously no extra dimensions... it’s a mathematical construct.THREE-DIMENSIONAL 'TIME-SPACE' ALLOWS TIME TRAVEL TO BE POSSIBLEDW: What we do actually have is a parallel universe that co-exists with our own which exists all through space, all through the universe. This parallel universe, when you flip over there, time as we think of it becomes three dimensional. So this is how time-travel is accomplished.If you go into a realm where moving through space over there is like moving through time for us, that means you can travel a distance over there and over here you’ve actually time-traveled. So that’s where this kind of gets really strange.But the bottom line is that there is energy that we’re exchanging with this parallel universe all the time, and that’s the basis of all quantum mechanics. It’s a fluid-like energy.[As we always say, you can read all about this in the work of Dr. Dewey Larson at reciprocalsystem.com. His work was endorsed by Ra in the Law of One series as being mostly accurate.]PYRAMIDS HARNESS FLUIDLIKE ENERGY FROM 'TIME-SPACE'DW: The Pyramids actually are built as funnels to harness that fluid-like energy that’s going into all physical matter. They concentrate it and they put it into a tight beam.That’s why the Russians have discovered that, when people are put inside these pyramids, they have really remarkable healings -- cancer, diabetes, all these diseases go away. It stops water from freezing when it goes below 32 degrees Fahrenheit -- the ice is not able to form. There’s all sorts of very strange things that happen when you begin concentrating hyper-dimensional energy.And, of course, the planets have these various geometric upwellings, such as the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, Richard’s infamous 19.5 – and that’s very real. The planets do have this geometric hyper-dimensional influx of energy, which actually appears as mountains and shield volcanoes on solid planets and vortexes on gas planets.IS THE DEVIL GOING TO TAKE OVER? WHAT DID THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT THIS?GN: Okay. Now to the calls. Alexandria, Louisiana; here’s Cornelius again, a name I don’t forget.CORNELIUS: [laughs] George, you’re something else. I’ve got to tell you, your call screeners are the greatest, Gina and Tommy. Now, Mr. Wilcock, I’ve got something for you, I just... And you have a biblical name: David.DW: That means “beloved.” Yes.CORNELIUS: Yeah. And I don’t know, you know. I know you believe in one God, I know you believe that. I‘m a little bit different, like I said, and George knows me from... you know. I just believe like, you know, the devil’s going to take over and bad things are just going to happen, and there’s nothing...We can do certain things about it but there are certain things that’s just going to happen. I don’t know if the Rapture’s going to happen.DW: Are you reading... I mean, do you read the Bible?CORNELIUS: Yes, I do.DW: Okay. Have you read Revelations?CORNELIUS: Yes, sir.DW: So, you understand what it talks about with the idea of a New Heaven and New Earth, and that all the negativity in the beginning turns into the New Jerusalem towards the end.CORNELIUS: Okay, yeah, that’s what I’m saying. But we’re going to go through trying times and stuff like that.GN: Oh, yeah.DW: You’re phrasing it as if it’s a future event -- as if we’re not doing that now. [laughs]WE ARE ALREADY GOING THROUGH THE WORST OF THE PROPHECIES RIGHT NOWGN: Well, do you think we’re in the Apocalypse now, David?DW: Absolutely. I think that what’s happening right now is the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy. In fact, if you actually go into the Law of One, what the Law of One says is that the battle of Armageddon is this battle between positive and negative ETs that’s actually been fought since before Christianity came on the scene.They actually are saying the battle of Armageddon has been fought for 2300 years now.In terms of a 75,000-year cycle, Jesus kind of showed up at the last minute. [His mission was] to try to get everybody back on track and focus on a monotheistic vision rather than pantheism and polytheism, where you have the angelic beings seen as God rather than just as aspects of one infinite Creator.EXTRATERRESTRIAL TOURISTS WITH A PENCHANT FOR AIRPLANESGN: Okay. Let’s go to Washington, State of. We go to Tom. Hey, Tom, go ahead.TOM: Hi George, Dave. I’m something of an aviation enthusiast and I’ve had 40 minute-and-a-half or so, average, visitations by what I consider to be alien flight crew asking tourist-type questions. So I can confirm your statements about alien tourism.DW: You’re saying this was while you were in a plane? An airplane?TOM: No. This is while I’m in my workshop at home.DW: Wow. Okay.TOM: They’re interested in what I’m doing in the way of building home-built airplanes in the yard and large scale-models in the shop.DW: So you’re saying this is a full, waking, manifestation of a being in front of you.TOM: Yeah. I’ve had 40 of these. They come in groups of four and they ask the same dumb tourist questions over and over, so I know it’s different guys even though I can’t tell them apart.DW: How about that! Are you scared when this happens, or do you just relax?TOM: I was initially, but I took the viewpoint that I could use this for intelligence work to gather as much information that might be valuable to humanity as I could.DW: What does it seem that they want?TOM: Curiosity... they’re nuts about airplanes. They’re space cadets, literally.DW: How about that. [It is possible that these ETs are helping another third density planet develop airplane-style flight, and they needed to gather as much information about it as possible so as to help these people do it correctly. Most likely, the airplane builders only get this information in dreams and would have no idea they were ever being assisted.]TOM: Secondly, I’ve had five abductions and I’ve been to the Moon in a “Captain’s Mast”-type affair; and I won’t go into that, because there isn’t time. But I’ve asked them what they know about God, and God seems to be evolving races towards pure energy, which coincides with what you’ve been saying about the alien races. So I can confirm that.DW: Absolutely.EXTRATERRESTRIAL GENETIC PROGRAM: BACKING UP THE HARD DRIVETOM: And my last question to you is this: I’ve had a gorgeous female hybrid take a sexual sample from me and I’m 69 years old; and they’ve asked me to be an ambassador. And I want to know why would they do that?DW: Well, a lot of people have experienced contact, which includes sexual encounters. In fact, if you look in reports of demonology, you’ll see frequent references to incubus and succubus experiences people have, which seem to be historical legends of the same thing.Now, it does seem that there are some ETs that are basically backing up the hard drive, if you will. [This is done] so that in the very, very, very unlikely chance that there was some major problem with the planet they were not able to avert, that they would still have everyone’s unique DNA signatures on file. [This way,] they could, in fact, re-populate humanity on other planets.But again, it’s like taking the absolute precautions when you really don’t need to, because they are watching this planet very carefully. They will stop a nuclear attack, they will stop a world economic collapse, they will stop things that would really damage human life.People are being contacted. Most of the people who seem to be giving genetic samples – though it may terrify them and some of them may be very upset about it – it does appear that in most cases, and I will say “most cases”, they agreed to this, on some level, before they were born.LOVING CONSCIOUSNESS FORMS A SHIELDDW: So, if anybody out there is having this happen, recognize again that what the Anunnaki and other types like that are afraid of the most is your own potential. They like it if you’re angry at them. They like it if you’re afraid of them.What they don’t like is when you have the strength to stand before them and say, “No. You’re not allowed to do this”, but you don’t hate them either. You’re able to have the shield of loving consciousness that protects you from the negativity.SITCHIN IS LARGELY CORRECTGN: What do you think of Zecharia Sitchin’s theories?DW: Well, Zecharia Sitchin is on the right track. In fact, it seems that he has been given a lot more of his information than just by research, and there’s a lot of that that I can’t talk about. But suffice it to say that he’s kind of taken an abstracted view of what’s really going on.The Anunnaki are not all one race, they’re not all from one location. You cannot explain all the various ETs coming here [as being] the Anunnaki, but there are definitely elements of truth in what he’s said. There is a great deal of this stuff that can be found in the Sumerian scriptures.FURTHER UPDATES ON THE DEFEAT OF THE ILLUMINATIGN: All right. Next up we go to Table Rock, Nebraska. Hello, Stu. You’re on with David Wilcock.STU: Hey, George, good morning. I wanted to bring you guys back around to what you were talking about a little bit earlier with the Illuminati and the opposition to them. You guys were going to come back on it and you never did.DW: Is there a specific question you’d like on that vein?STU: I’d like an update. I heard a little bit about it with the reporter who was giving out warnings and that was the last I ever heard of it. I’d like to know if there’s anything new; what all you can say.DW: Well, I appreciate that question because that actually is what I feel is the most important thing for us to be talking about at this time.Because, again, what I’m being shown in multiple dreams – and I’m talking 20, 30 or more dreams which I’m in the process of putting together and I’m going to have that free mp3 on my website which you can listen to and download within the next couple days. [My apologies, of course... this did not happen as the work proved much larger than I thought once I really got into it.]The point is this: it appears that these guys are on the brink of a substantial defeat.NO MORE FIAT 'FUNNY MONEY'DW: I would like to point out, once again, that because of this ridiculous fiat paper money scheme that’s been going on...GN: For years!DW: ...for years and years and years.The wealth that has been created by humanity has been realized in many wonderful things. There’s hundreds and hundreds of spaceships we’ve built that are not NASA. [They are] much more advanced than that stuff.There are bases, some of which are built in conjunction with other people, meaning not from here. There’s lots and lots of stuff out there.These guys have basically created so much wealth for themselves that it’s on the order of the thousands of trillions of dollars that they claim as their assets. And again, this is all just bubble money.It’s ridiculous, but that’s the kind of money we’re talking about. We’re talking about THOUSANDS of trillions of dollars.A WORLD OF POSSIBILITY OPENS UP WHEN THE GREED STOPSDW: When you start thinking in those terms, and then you realize what will happen if there is a substantial reduction or defeat, for example, in the derivatives market which is where a lot of these paper games are being created, it could literally mean that the average person’s assets become worth a heck of a lot more than they are now.Once we get these technologies out there, it will lead to the average person being able to live like a millionaire.Again, once you start to take all the goods and services and make them produced by robotics and by free energy... The whole economy is based on scarcity and on the lack of energy, so once we have limitless energy, we can green the deserts. We can create much more food. We have the ability to allow a lot more people to live comfortably on the planet. We can create more water from desalinating ocean water. There’s lot of things we can do.THE PROPHESIED GOLDEN AGE IS RAPIDLY COMING INTO VIEWDW: So I really do feel that we are in the darkest moment, and I was thinking the turning-point was going to be in 2012. Now I’m being told the turning point will happen in advance of 2012.There will be some very inspiring things going on prior to that time. We can all look forward to a really amazing future, because this is where this galactic energy is taking us.It’s a managed process.The reason why we were given prophecies like the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which does say that this all works out for the positive – that’s what the new Jerusalem, the new Heaven and new Earth is. It’s showing us: “Okay, look, we know what’s going to happen. It’s not a prophecy that we gave you just to tell you everything’s going to be destroyed. That would be ridiculous. It’s a prophecy that tells you it’s going to be positive.”Most of the other prophecies outside the Bible really do focus on the Golden Age aspect of this. They show us that it’s going to be a world so much greater than what we have now that we would be brought to tears if we even tried to imagine what that world was going to be like.THEIR PLANS WILL BE STOPPEDDW: The glimmerings are there. Everybody’s waking up to the Illuminati / New World Order scheme. That’s why they’re scared. They’re doing end-game maneuvers; they’re getting really stupid.It seems that they have three major plans of how to reduce population.Number one: Economic collapse leading to anarchy and violence.Number two: Swine flu and vaccines that would actually be lethal.Number three: Some sort of conflagration or war. Perhaps Israel and Iran is the latest one seems to be going on that would then lead to some sort of large amounts of death.Again, I think all of these plans will be stopped. I think that when you start getting desperate like this, and start trying to make these kind of things happen, people get smart to you. They figure out what you’re doing.It’s very possible that there will be Disclosure sooner, rather than later. If that happens, then the whole bubble pops and the game is over. We could be in a very, very different world than where we are now.WHY AFGHANISTAN?GN: Fascinating observations, David. Orange, California. We go west of the Rockies. Max, you’re on with David Wilcock.MAX: Hey guys. Hey, that’s really beautiful, your last little talk there, David.DW: I appreciate that. Thank you.MAX: No, I mean it IS. You almost brought a tear to my eyes, but I’m too old and kind of jaded.DW: Oh, I could get you if I had more time, believe me. [George laughs]MAX: No, you got me, man. I’m looking at your website as long as my browser doesn’t keep crashing. [Divine Cosmos will not work reliably unless you have the latest version of your browser installed.]Just a basic one for you: I mean, I don’t get it – why Afghanistan? Russia was there forever, the United States. Why there and in Iraq, too, other than oil and opium? I really just don’t get it.DW: Well, why would it have to be other than oil and opium?MAX: [laughs]DW: Isn’t that enough? I mean, that’s where the money...MAX: It’s a lot. Yeah. [laughs]THEY WANT TO BE WHERE THE ACTION ISDW: No, the bottom line is that the Middle East has been not only a theater of operations because of petroleum, but because it also is the Biblical Armageddon site.These guys in the Illuminati have a very curious “fun house mirror” inversion of Christianity in the so-called Luciferian tradition. They actually take the Bible very literally on some levels. But then they see themselves as basically the opposition to it, and feel that it’s created a lot of negativity. They feel Christianity suppressed science, suppressed freedom of thought and speech. Therefore they see themselves as opposing that constriction.Now, I don’t agree that religion is a constricting force. I think everybody has the right to believe how they want, and you can choose whatever you like.All that being said, the Middle East is where they feel that the battle of Armageddon must be realized in order to sort of jump-start the Golden Age.So, in some sense, they want to be where the action is -- and they want to have the troops there and keep control over this as it happens.WHY ARE ATROCITIES ALLOWED TO OCCUR ON THE EARTH?GN: We’ve got time for one or two more, David. Let’s go to Radiah in the city of New York. Hi there, Radiah.RADIAH: Hi. It’s [pronounced] 'Radeeyah.'GN: Close...RADIAH: Close, close... don’t butcher my name.David, you mentioned that the Management wouldn’t allow the Powers That Be to run amok, destroy the world and create genocide, because they want all the human beings on the planet to have a spiritual experience. Is that correct?DW: Well, I can see what you’re setting me up for. The point is they do allow a lot of things to happen, but there is a limit as to how far they will allow it to go.RADIAH: Exactly. Right, because there’s genocide going on, halfway across the world.DW: I’m aware of that. Yeah.RADIAH: Darfur and all these other places. People are dying of AIDS. You know what I’m saying? So it’s like, is this spiritual enlightenment and happiness for the whole planet or certain groups of people?Because I think that everyone deserves the same, you know, the same plan. So how is it that they can not allow certain things but allow other things to partake on the planet? It just doesn’t make sense to me.MANY SOULS CHOOSE ADVERSITY BECAUSE OF THEIR GREAT STRENGTH, AND HOW IT WILL BENEFIT THEMDW: Yeah. You’ve delivered the big groin kick that many people are not equipped to handle when they’re talking about spirituality, and defend this position in a way that’s going to make sense. It’s the basic bottom-line question everybody asks. Somebody always asks: “Why do bad things happen to good people?”It’s important to keep in mind that this is the End of the Age. The prophecies did speak about the fact that it would be very difficult. If you lose your life at this time in the planet’s history, that’s probably the last time you’re going to be here. You’re probably not going to reincarnate. You’re probably not going to come back in the physical sense again.So there is a lot of tumultuous stuff going on. There are places you can be born where you will have some very difficult experiences.I would point you to the works of Michael Newton, who wrote Destiny of Souls and Journey of Souls. What he did is to hypnotically regress people to the state they were in between lifetimes. What we find over and over again is that you know, [and specifically plan out,] before you ever come here, what the major experiences are that you will go through.There are many people who are very strong, and very compassionate, and very loving who will choose extremely difficult situations for themselves when they come into this planet. Including situations where they will die hideous deaths of torture and starvation.The reason why some people choose that is because they’re already very spiritually strong. Those experiences can, in many cases, build your strength. If you’re in a situation where people are dying...A SINGLE MOMENT OF SELFLESS COMPASSION CAN HEAL A LIFETIME OF KARMIC DEBTDW: For example, if you look at the history of Edgar Cayce and his past lives, there was a lifetime where he was essentially a very narcissistic, gambling, womanizer, alcoholic type. At the end of his life he was in a situation where there was a famine – it was a great disaster – and he gave food that he could have eaten to a starving child.In that one selfless act he was able to erase that entire lifetime of karma that he had created for himself.GN: David, once again, great job. David’s website: divinecosmos.com. Look for his work all over the map.THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!Now I can finally get to work on the next piece, where I will be tying together so many different pieces of data suggesting disclosure is imminent. I do not know when this will be finished. If I make estimates, things can happen that throw them off. Nonetheless, when you see it you will be very impressed!As of Monday, November 30th, I've now completed all the extra edits I planned to make on this piece. The whole radio show now has subject headings, making it much easier to read and follow. Whew! This was a lot of work.In the meantime I hope to see more of you in San Francisco in January for my all-weekend event. It's a truly mind-blowing group experience. I've only recently become aware of how important my guided group meditations are at these conferences. If you have someone who knows how to get to the deepest places, the meditations can go much farther into the trance space of true Unity consciousness.That's why people have such amazing experiences during those meditations. I hadn't realized until recently how important that particular skill is -- but most meditations do not go anywhere near as deep as I can bring people to. Come find out for yourself!We are also in the final stages, now, of preparing 2012 Event Horizon for free YouTube distribution. We may break it into two roughly equal parts, because there is three hours of footage and it seems too rough to try to cut it down by a third. Lots more is on the way... stay tuned!website:http://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start-here/latest-news/518-coast-disclosure-announcement-updates?start=4
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…I will give it a try…

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