
Thanks to Erika for our transcript today.

An Hour with an Angel, March 5, 2015 with the Divine Mother

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You and The Great Awakening.

Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.

Our guest today is the Divine Mother. So with that, I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Graham. And I’ve been trying to think of a way to introduce the Divine Mother that’s not the same as what I usually say.

All I can say is that the Divine Mother is the active phase of God. She’s responsible for everything and she’s the level of reality or being that all of us relate to – the Father is silent and still – so she’s our everything.

So with that, I’ll introduce the Divine Mother.

Divine Mother: Greetings. Greetings, beloved ones, sweet angels, and earthkeepers. Yes, I am Mother; Mother of the ancients, Mother of the new, Mother of the eternal, Mother of the infinite, Mother of the all, Mother of the one, and Mother, beloved ones, of each one of you. Yes, each one of you and far beyond. Welcome. Welcome, you unique, wondrous beings, born of my heart, from the pool of One.

Dearest, you say, when you bow, that I am your everything. I wish to begin this day, this night, this week, this year, this eon, by saying that each of you is my everything.

I am not like some apartment building or rabbit warren where the space of my beingness, the space of my love, the space of my energy is divided up into tiny cubby holes and your are assigned to one space. That is not the way in which I work, operate, or exist.

You are my all. And I am your all. And we are One.

Now, we will discuss some of that this day. But also understand, there are parts of this, in the infinite and eternal – yes, even in the fulfillment of my Plan, even in what I have termed ‘New Time’ – that you may not fully comprehend.

Then you may say to me, “Well, Mother, why would you even speak of it?” I speak of it as I speak of many things. I plant the seed, not merely of knowing, but of remembrance within me.

As you water it with my clarity and grace, purity and love, it will sprout and it will grow, and you will come to know and understand, and expand in ways that are wondrous to you, to all, to me.

There can be no separation, no isolation. Now, this is one of the most difficult concepts and contexts for you to comprehend, for you to truly bring within your heart and your mind and your ego, and understand. And more importantly than the understanding or the comprehension is the acceptance and the surrender.

Often you wish to know – and I do not deny your query in any way, but let us start here – often you wish to know how I/We work – what is the operational framework, what are the systems within which we operate, how are we engineered, what are our structures?

But it starts with this very simple concept: that there is and there cannot be any form of separation, any form of isolation.

Now, in this you say to me, “But then Mother, why are we born individual and unique? Why in this realm of Gaia, in this Universe and this Multiverse within the Omniverse, why do we have this sense of uniqueness?

Why do we have, so often, this almost innate desire to be unique and special, to be seen and loved and acknowledged, not only in the uniqueness of our ray, our mission, and our purpose, but in the uniqueness of your love for us?”

This is a very good question. So as your Mother, not as a distant deity, but as the Mother that lives within the core of your being, in the same way that you live within my core and essence – let me address this.

You are an expression, a beautiful unique expression, by an act of choice, of your decisions and free will, of us, of One. Does that somehow make you an automaton or less than? Absolutely not.

Let us make it very simple: You are the embodiment of love. You are the expression of this unified force that you think of as Father/Mother One, actively birthed in what you have framed as ‘creation.’ I tend to use birthed, but use these terms cautiously but interchangeably.

I am of such an infinite and eternal nature, that I can have, beyond counting, beyond what you consider infinity – yes, your mathematics have a long way to go – but beyond that, as many expressions as I choose.

Now, that does not, in any way diminish [your knowledge?] – in fact, if anything, why I speak of this is so that you will realize your spiritual DNA, the truth of who you are.

There is much discussion on your planet about DNA and lightbodies, and people even having their DNA tested to see from whence they came. Well, is that not an interesting exercise? But from whence you came dear heart is I, is We, is One, is All.

In that acceptance and surrender, there can be no sense of separation. Have you gone off on an adventure, on a journey, of your making in concert with your guardians, with your circle, with me? Yes.

And is that sometimes chaotic, sometimes delightful, sometimes been painful and other times ecstatic? Yes. But that does not change our unification. Now, let me stop there, because this is meant to be the fullness of a discussion, and I know you have many questions when I pose such absolutes.

SB: Oh, I’m totally enthralled listening to you, Mother. I love hearing about the absolutes. So let’s turn to another absolute, perhaps, and in doing So we’re simply turning to another aspect of you.

You said that everything is created from love, that love is the only essence, substance, fiber there is. So love is the building blocks of the universe.

But others, like SaLuSa and the Arcturian Group, have also called it the glue of the Universe, and others say love is the solvent – love dissolves various things and plunges them back into voidness.

We here have a great deal of difficulty in thinking of something doing such seemingly different functions. How can love both build, preserve and dissolve? What is it about love that allows it to do so?

DM: It is a multipurpose tool. It is a multipurpose energy that can be whatever is required. So there are times when it is the dissolver, there are times when it is the building blocks, there are times when it is the glue.

There are so many expressions, or what you would think of as elements, of the love, the joy, the sweetness, the nurturing, all of the divine qualities; hope, purity, chastity, charity. All of this is unified in the love.

And you say, “Well wait a minute, what is love? Is it the joy? Is it the nurturing? Is it the creation?” Now, each civilization – and I mean upon Gaia and far beyond. You have mentioned the Arcturians for example.

Do I stop and correct them? If course not! Does this matter? Is this a critical element? Not as long as they are using and being the love.

But let us be very basic. My essence is love. The Father and I are conjoined as One, our love. And it is from this union that all is born.

This is part of what Sanat Kumara has been teaching you: The transmutation of that essence, of my being, can be a building block, can be a glue, can be a skin, can be a heart, can be a limb, can be a building, can be whatever is required.

And what I do – and this is the heart of the discussion that we have this day – I give you again and again and again and again, my essence. I am part of you. Inseparable.

My essence is love. Now, in many cultures and civilizations, they call that love by many names. That does not matter because the knowing, the feeling, the experience, the energy does not change. I am a part of thee, each and every one of you – and this has been reinforced by my Tsunami of Love.

But, beloveds, you are also a part of me, of us, of One. And that is the piece that oftentimes is forgotten. And that is why I say there is no separation.

So think of it in this way – if you are an energy healer, a healer of the Violet Flame, one of St. Germaine’s best friends, you send the love from your heart, from your hands, and you flood the person with healing energy, and it is a flow of color and richness, seen and unseen.

And what would St. Germaine say to you? You are sending the love – his expression, Archangel Raphael’s expression, Lao Tzu’s expression, Sanat Kumara’s expression. So you would have variations of that healing energy. But if you scratch the surface, it is the wondrous expressions of love.

Now, if you are a wordsmith, then your tool and what you choose to create are words, sentences, paragraphs, and space between the letters and words. And it is brilliant, and it is challenging, and it is insightful.

But what is it? It is a transmission of love, whether it is from Gabrielle or Michael. It is love – It is the substance. It is the form. It is the energy. And it is the message. So which part of it is the love? I suggest to you, all of it.

If you are a bricklayer, and you are building a home for your beloved family, is it the brick or the stone, the mortar or the foundation that is the love? Or is it the energy that the bricklayer puts into them? It is all of the above.

So the answer to your question – and I am pleased to address this – is that all of it is my love. And I can take a billion forms, and I have just begun.

So do not take your time, my sweet beloveds, trying to count the number of angels on the head of a pin, because they are all expressions of love just like you. Does this make sense to thee?

SB: Well, it does, Mother. But it leaves us with another quandary and that’s between “is” and “is not.”

You’ve said that love is everything there is, yet there seems to be in the whole scheme of things, something that love is not; for instance, hatred or anger, or killing somebody, or blowing up a nuclear bomb and destroying people. We say these are not of love, and in fact Archangel Michael will say over and over again “This is not of love.”

What does it mean in a world where everything is love that there could be something that isn’t of love?

DM: In the blowing up of a bomb, in racial, gender, or national hatred, in hatred of your child, hatred of your next-door neighbor, in cruelty, in anger, and fear – What are these except desperate deviations?

Now, I have prefaced what I have said today because you are spiritually mature enough to understand or at least begin to understand what I am saying.

There are many upon your planet [who hate, etc.?], and yes, is it an expression of love? Well the answer would be no. But let us qualify what I say – no, not to juggle, but literally to clarify.

There is not an aberrant action that is not a desperate gesture to get back to the love.

Now, this is going to be very hard for many of you to understand. There have been many instances in your history, which is lengthy, of even your universe, where such aberrations have taken place.

Is it an aberration on the free will and the surrender? Yes. But when one acts in such in way, it is a pathetic, desperate plea for love.

Let us dig deeper. When one comes from a place of hatred – and let us take some of the worst examples.

So when one is in a place of hatred, of cruelty, of control, and power as in the use of force, and one is exhibiting and exercising that hatred, that cruelty – the question that you as lightworkers, as love holders, as spiritually cognizant and aware ascended beings is, why? What could possibly be the reason, the rationale?

It is that individual’s sight, and it appears that it is a sight of struggle and outright war to gain power and control. But why, why, why the urge for this power and control and the exercise of brutality?

Now, not all these people have been brutalized, not all these people have experienced hatred, so why? Because they have forgotten, or they are not experiencing any love within them.

They know it’s there, and they are a child acting out desperately, in the most desperate of ways. And that is the only reason.

You may have forgotten why containment was introduced in the first place, and we have been very, very mild on containment in the last couple of years, other than my blue topaz box. But let us suggest to you, they are seeking the love.

Are they going about it in the wrong way? Well, there is no question about that. But what are they really doing?

They are seeking acknowledgement of their value, of their essence, of the fact that they are worthy, that they are loved and lovable, and that somehow in their aberration they will prove themselves, not only to themselves – because that in fact is quite minor – worthy of the love, but they are going about it completely wrong. They are trying to bring up that essence, that essence of love that is their core.

So then you say to me, “Mother, how can we tolerate such behaviors, actions, institutions, that have destroyed so many?” Well, you are doing it, and you have been doing it. Yes, through your exercise of anchoring peace, but also of accepting your love, which is my love, which is Father’s love, which is the essence of All.

And yes, by sending, bombarding with the entire Company of Heaven and far beyond your [galactic] brothers and sisters, who are currently hovering.

So this definition, this delineation of have and have not, love and not of love, has been wisely used to describe a sector that has forgotten who they are. And it is important to this unfoldment, to your unfoldment and to my plan, that this be rebalanced.

Now, let us explain – during the time of the intergalactic wars there was massive amnesia, and in many quarters, hatred and control and force reigned, and entire planets and civilizations were destroyed.

What transpired was the acknowledgment by all the beings involved that such behavior – a demonstration of that hatred and that yearning for a sense of worth and a place within the universe – that the way in which they were proceeding didn’t work because it was not of love. They were not getting what they were seeking.

Now, I know that you look at your sweet Gaia, and you think that this planet or, shall we say, masses of humanity, that things are in a terrible state of affairs. That is why I am speaking to you in this way.

And even though those who are aberrant – shall we say, the ones that are so yearning for love that they have forgotten it is in the cupboard of their heart, they do not listen to this radio show, yet.

But this message, my energy cannot be halted. And so it travels to those who suffer – those who suffer at the hands of those who create devastation and those who are the devastators.

And I say to thee, remember – you are loved, you are me, and I am you. And, there is no difference and you are cherished.

SB: Thank you, Mother. Here we are on the road to Ascension, the gradual climb to Ascension and it’s said that the achievement of unconditional or universal love was next to impossible in the dimension we’ve come from, the Third Dimension. As we rise through the Fourth, how are we to proceed so that we can achieve universal love?

DM: By waking up every morning and opening your eyes. [She explains in a minute what she means.]

And I am not being facetious. Now let us, if I might, digress a little. Sweet children, when your planet and the experience of humanity, the Plan, was formulated, the Third Dimension was bright and beautiful and extraordinary.

And yes, it was a place of physicality – now, not that other dimensions do not have physicality or forms of physicality, they do, and that is what is unique about this Ascension that you and we have planned.

But there were those, again who went on that aberrant path, very similar to what occurred during that time of the wars, so that the Third became – think of it this way – as a duplicate, a shadow of itself – and that was never the intention.

And it is in that realm that the true qualities of all twelve dimensions were not clearly experienced because it is as if you had built this enclosure that nothing was permitted to pass through. You were in prison camps.

Now, you have acknowledged that, and you collectively have said NO. No, we are not prisoners and we do not wish to be in prison camp, and we claim our birthright of love. And some of you call it joy, and some of you call it creation, and some of you call it divinity and your higher inter-dimensional selves. It matters not.

As you are making that declaration, you are already in flux. You are already in movement – and, sweet angels, do not assume that Ascension is a completely elongated process. Is humanity, of course in concert with us, timing this?

Yes. But that is a timing question and I will not insult my channel by going there.

But you are already in the love. Your hearts could not have absorbed the energy that I send to you this day, you could not have absorbed the truth of what I share with you in this moment a couple of your years ago.

Now, because I do not remove or declare that your freewill is null and void – it is part of this creation, and the restoration of love in its entirety of the experience of being Gaian.

So what you are doing every morning, when I tease thee and I say open your eyes, you choose the love, you choose in fact to be part and parcel – every action, every thought, every gesture, every interaction with others – you are choosing to be the love.

And for some of you it is in staying still, and in others it is writing and in communication, and in others energy. Each of you are builders of Nova Earth.

Sweet Steve, you have said to me many times. How do we build this Nova Earth?

SB: [laughing] Yes, Mother.

DM: And you build it, my beloved son, by claiming the love, by claiming the building blocks, the glue, the dissolving agent, and you use it as your creator self however you choose.

And I support those choices because when we are in harmony, when I am permitted to be acknowledged and loved within you as you are within me, then the choices are always reflective of this forward movement of Ascension.

SB: Thank you, Mother. I think a lot of us are also wondering if universal unconditional love and unitive consciousness are the same thing?

DM: I have talked about many expressions of the love and unitive consciousness. Unity, unity, unity is an expression of love.

Now let us explain why. Your greatest fear – and this is so for every being upon the planet – is that you are not worthy, and that you are not loved and unique and not special, and that is a very curious human theme is it not?

SB: Yes.

DM: And your greatest desire is to be in union – with us, with your guides, with your beloved sacred union partner, and with each other.

When you enter into unity consciousness – think of it as the implosion and explosion of heart consciousness – it is you surrendering and at the same time assuming responsibility for the truth and the totality of who you are, all aspects, all parts – integrated divinity.

In unity consciousness, the fear of not being unique and special disappears because the knowing, the wisdom, the sublime bliss of being love is enough to let down your barriers and joyfully, ecstatically, without defenses – without what you would call vasanas (1) – to join in genuine cooperation, admiration of each other, of the uniqueness of your gifts, of the unique expression you have chosen, and I have chosen for you. And so this sense that if I conjoin I lose something is gone.

And so is unity consciousness part of the Ascension, an expression of the higher-dimensional realm? Absolutely. And it is an expression of joy. It is the relinquishing of struggle.

When I look at each of you and the struggle that you have to prove your worth, your power, your talent, your capacities, the fact that you are lovable and can be seen in this way, it is sad, because it is already there. So often you say, “Am I in my light body yet? Am I there yet, Mother?”

And there is a part of me within and without, inside you and far outside of you that has to smile gently and chuckle if I had such features, (2) and I would say, “You have always been there.”

But it is the acknowledgment; it is that sense of surrender. It is that sense of being overjoyed that you are part of One.

Many of you as children have been part of a team – either a team with your family, a team with your cohorts, or a team at school. When you are in a place of employment or work or volunteer activity, you desire to be part of a team. You seek out your soul family.

That is what unity consciousness is – it is you acknowledging you are part of the team, you always have been.

And the team, sweet angels, and human, and starseed, and hybrids, pillars, wayshowers, and gatekeepers – you have always been part of the team – above and below. You made it. You made it before you even took form. You made it eons ago.

You cannot – and this is what the aberrant forget – you cannot order me out. You can try, and many have. You can say, “I’m going to ignore you.” And many have tried, not one successfully.

You cannot order me out. You can try and forget me. You can try and ignore me. But I am not going anywhere – I am part of who you are, your spiritual and your physical DNA.

Where do you really think the totality of your DNA comes from? It is not merely from what you think of as your parents. It comes from your parents all right. It comes from us [Divine Mother and Holy Father].

SB: Boy oh boy, [laughing] that’s a lot to think about.

DM: So claim your light body.

SB: That’s very wonderful. Can you tell us how is it that density impedes love, light, and consciousness? We could take the example of our dense, Third-Dimensional bodies that we are leaving. What is the process whereby their density impedes love?

DM: Density is a term, and I will not go into physics, quantum or otherwise.

SB: Yes. You’d lose me if you did.

DM: [laughing] Yes, we would have to have Albert [Einstein] interview me would we not?

SB: Absolutely.

DM: Or perhaps Stephen Hawking. Yes. [laughing] But we are not asking to do that.

What is density? It is mass. It is what you think of as heavy matter. But it is not real. This is yet another one of the human illusions.

So you say, and I’m not suggesting you are not speaking truth, but truth as you’ve known it existing. And it is with great glee that I suggest this to you: Density of the human form is caused by unloving emotions.

Now let me clarify one more time. It means emotions that are trying to ignore, forget, or shove out the love – unloving emotions, self destructive emotions. You can equate density equals destruction, self-destruction, collective destruction.

The only time that density – and we use this in a very different reality, and yes, I will get into the physics then because it is a quantum formula whereby energy can assume form. The energy particles that make you up are not dense. They are as light as air. They are as sheer as clear water, as clean air.

So density is unloving emotion – petulant, self-destructive, heavy, hateful thoughts. And the most self-destructive, in terms of density, which then of course creates collective destruction, is the self-loathing, the self-hatred, because that is when you are trying to push me out.

And then what it does is it absorbs. It absorbs into the physical form so that you do not feel a lightness of body, you do not feel a lightness of intellect, and you do not feel a lightness of heart or emotion.

And eventually what occurs is that you do not feel. And that is very sad. And that is what you are correcting in this Ascension process. So the density is dissolved.

Now here comes the multipurpose love. That density is dissolved by love. It is dissolved by choice. It is dissolved by decision. It is dissolved by joy.

When you are in joy, when you are in love, when you are in purity, even if you are in the proper application and holding of compassion, there is no density – there cannot be in that purity.

Density is one of the creations of the humans to control – it is a complete illusion. And it takes this mental and emotional, and it will exhibit as disease and challenge, and institutions that are dense or nations that are dense, or practices that are dense.

So what do you do? I offer you a very simple solution. Just turn up the love. Turn to me. If you say, “Mother I am not sure if I know how to do that. I am not sure how to activate all these DNA bundles. I am not sure how to activate all my DNA markers. And I do not have twelve weeks with you to take this class.

So what I say to you is simply, ‘Mother turn up the gas.’” Can that be simpler?

SB: I don’t think it can be simpler Mother, and I can hear the music in the background. I’m afraid we’ve reached the end of our show. I wish we could go on for another hour.

DM: Invite me back. I am not going anywhere. I am with you. I am within you and I am outside of you. The Father and I give you our love.

SB: Thank you, Mother. Thank you.

DM: Farewell.

SB: Farewell.


(1) Vasanas was Ramana Maharshi’s term for archaic reaction patterns rooted in memories of past traumatic incidents.

(2) The Mother is not a person, does not have features, is not a woman (nor is the Father a man), etc. And yet she could appear to the devotee in whatever form the devotee worships. She appears to Linda, the channel, as Mother Mary (in whom she apparently incarnated).


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