
We spoke with Sanat about what it would take to create an integrated, unitive and direct spirituality. And he said it would arise without us having to push the river. Our thanks to Erika for our transcript.

This transcript and future transcripts for An Hour with an Angel will be posted as received from the Council of Love, Inc.

An Hour with an Angel

Linda Dillon – Channel for the Council of Love

Steve Beckow – Host

Steve Beckow: For any listeners who don’t know Sanat Kumara, he was worshipped as a deity by the ancient Persians, Hebrews, and Hindus, and as a Buddha by the Buddhists. He’s presently Planetary Logos who will soon take up the responsibility of Solar Logos. So with that I’d like to introduce Sanat Kumara.

Sanat Kumara: Welcome, I am Sanat Kumara. Yes, Planetary Logos, keeper of universal law, and I come to you this day not as distant deity, not as simply Venusian but as old friends, as Raj, as fellow journeyer.

Each being throughout the omniverse, throughout the universe, throughout every universe, has role and purpose. And of course that purpose is always the same; it is the rediscovery, the reanchoring, the remembering, and the coming back to the One, to be the embodiment of love.

There are many examples and faces to how this journey exhibits, how one discovers and continues in their path. But it is the same for all. Yes, sweet friend, even me. So do not think of me as distant entity, but rather one that works and cooperates and co-creates with you, and hopefully assists you in the understanding of this unfoldment of your planet.

My role as Planetary Logos is to see the unfoldment, the fulfillment, however you wish to think of this, of the Mother’s plan for Gaia, but within that it has to be and it is the unfoldment of your plan, because there is no either-or in this situation, it is a unified effort. It is unified joy.

I come to you on the Golden Pink Ray. And it is the gold of wisdom and the gold of joy. It is the pink of Venus and the pink of beauty. And I ask each of you to join me in the brilliance of this ray that you may come to not only understand, but to choose the truth, the might, the joy, the love of who you are.

This role of ego, and I might even preface this – the unfortunate role of ego upon this planet and within much of humanity has been amplified to such an extent that the feeling, and what many believe is the construct of separation, of individuation, of isolation is held to be true. And it is not. It is one of the biggest illusions throughout many galaxies.

So what are you doing as you receive a deeper, higher, stronger input directly, not only from we who work with you, but directly from the heart of the Mother as she nurtures and tends to the growth, the anchoring of love within you? What are you choosing to do and how do you go about it? How do you find a place to maintain the delight of your personality, your uniqueness, your expression of divinity, your ego, while simultaneously coming to a place of the unified whole? Because in many ways this is exactly what we are speaking of when we are discussing the fulfillment of the Mother’s dream.

Now let us talk about this for a moment. There is much discussion and the Mother herself has even spoken of this. What is her dream, her plan, her desire? Let me explain this undertaking in a visual. If the Mother has a dream or a desire it is automatically an intention, and in that intention it is automatically, in terms of any form of thinking, a creation.

Think of the Mother’s intention as a straight laser line that extends for billions of years and then some. It does not waver, it does not really change. Have there been hiccups along the way because of human choices that She has allowed, given the gift of freewill? Yes. But think of it in this way, not as predestination, not as fate, but as this laser line of intention and creation that all agree to. Because my beloved friends, how could you possibly not agree and fall into line with the Mother’s dream, with her creation of which you, each and every one of you, is an integral part?

There are so many elements and aspects and variables within the fulfillment of that intention, that desire. But all of us, myself, all masters, all archangels, all angelic realms, all beings of light and love fall into alignment with this.

Now, so often I have heard many of you – and I thank you for your complements – say Raj, “How difficult a job you have to see the unfoldment of the plan upon sweet Gaia, the unfoldment of the plan for humanity and all kingdoms upon this beautiful planet.”

You say to me, “This is Herculean. This is the most difficult,” and I smile and I touch your heart and I embrace you and I reassure you. Has it been lengthy? Has it been at moments challenging or arduous, dramatic? Yes. Has it been pathetic and sad, grievous in moments, and I do mean moments? And the answer is yes. But difficult, no.

Difficulty is a state of being that is not heart-conscious based. Difficulty is when you assume, and there have been assumptions by the collective along the way…difficulty is that assumption that has created those small tornadoes and dramas when the assumption is made that the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan is not a given.

Think of me as a manager helping, assisting, training, teaching, guiding so that the various pieces that complement…that are keys or portals to this fulfillment, open. But never, not only for myself but throughout the realm…there has never been what you would think of as a doubt as to whether this unfoldment would come to be.

This is not about dates or predictions or any of the milestones that humans so often look towards. This is about all kingdoms, including humanity, reaching the point where you say “Yes” to love. It is the ultimate surrender and it is the ultimate upliftment. It is not a question whether you will continue your journey back to the love, back to the source; that is written in the stars and written in your very DNA, both spiritual and physical.

So really the question has been the breaking down with love of the various levels of resistance that humans have had to accepting the love and accepting the fact that they are love. Incredible headway – incredible, remarkable, stellar progress has been made, and the choices for love have been shifting substantially every minute of every day in your realm in what you think of as time in our realm.

So I bring great news this day! Because we are at the point where we can have this broader, deeper conversation on the meaning of the journey, not about this or that event – and I do not dismiss events – we know they add to the quality of your life. They are markers in your journey, that is why you have birthdays.

So dearest Steve, where do you wish to begin today?

SB: Well thank you very much, Raj. And what an inspiring talk you’ve given us so far. I’d like to take it into a discussion of spirituality if that’s all right with you.

SK: I would be delighted!

SB: On the blog we used to speak about a cross-cultural spirituality, but I’m convinced that if we are to have religious peace in the world we have to get bigger and think about an integrated, unitive, and direct spirituality. I’d like your feedback on whether that’s the right direction to go in, the right approach to take to bring about religious peace, and if not, what would be a better approach?

SK: Let us speak about peace. And yes, I know that you would normally go to your beloved brother Michael for this. It is not just religious peace, it is peace: world peace, Gaian peace; and in that peace, it is the ripple effect throughout your galaxies.

Do not forget, my friends, that you are first in line. And you say, “Yes. This has been a blessing and a curse.” But what you are doing in terms of this anchoring, of what you are calling integrated spirituality, has effect throughout the cosmos. So am I pleased to speak about it? Other than universal law there are few other topics I would choose to discuss. So let us begin!

In the old paradigm which was based on the illusion of separation, of limitation – you know the list, it is endless. And when I speak this day – I have need to be very clear; I speak to those seeking truly the path of enlightenment and what you would call, what is it speed dial? So you are asking about, “How can we get most directly to where we want to go,” which really is back to the Mother.

Now in the old paradigm much of the construct entailed, because it was in the human psyche, many feelings of disempowerment, lack of hope, feelings of inferiority, and not believing that you had direct access to Source.

Now each of you in your mastery have come to realize that perhaps you would grade yourself higher or lower, up or down, but that you are here in the fullness of your integrated self. Every being upon this planet in their mastery brought the totality of who they are to bear for this lifetime, for this incarnation. And every person – because the other kingdoms have already taken care of this, so I speak of humanity -every person is reaching a place of acknowledgment of the definition of their integrated wholeness.

Now in the old paradigm many religions were formed and set up. I do not choose to dismiss or disregard what many still hold dear. But let us suggest to you, no let me guide you. A precept of every religion was the infusion of hope, of empowerment, not necessarily self-empowerment but empowerment of a group, whether it was a priest, or a rabbi, or a mullah; that there was a hope that at least there was a go-between so that you could connect with God, Source, Allah. It does not matter the name. And that in that, if you followed a proscribed set of rules, of behaviors of a reflection of Universal Law – not always a good reflection but nevertheless a good try – that if you were a good person then you were breaking the paradigm of darkness, of separation, of fear, of control that had held you in that old paradigm for thousands and thousands of years.

So the religions acted as a bridge for many to discover, not only the spirit externally but the spirit within. Because with the practice, with the ritual, with the prayer, with the community came a sense of belonging, came a sense of being on a path that was, yes, proscribed but nevertheless gave you the guidance of what to do and what not to do.

Now you are at a point, my beloved humans, all of you – you are at a place where you are acknowledging the spirit of who you are, the truth of who you are, the God within, the divinity within. The Mother has repeatedly said, “I am within thee and you are within me. And there is no separation, there is only unity.” In this and in concert, yes, with Universal Law you already know – oh it may make you a little nervous now and then – but you know that that connection between you and Mother/Father/One, us, the Company of Heaven, your guardians, is direct.

If you had not forgotten this when you first came as creator-race to this planet…if you had not forgotten this there would not have been necessity for the evolution of what we would call religious sects. They have assisted you enormously and many will still find comfort, if you look at it not as a rigorous guideline on how to do or behave, but as community. But the connection is the integration of the truth, not of the myriad of cultural traditions or distraction or misinterpretation of the truth, but just the truth.

Now the truth of all religions comes down very basically to peace, to love, to prayer, to ritual, to meditation. When you unite the truth of all journeys then you are reaching a place of integration.

Culturally, think how your planet and Gaians have shifted. Let us simply use the last two decades, how you have become more global – yes because of the electronics, the unseen airwaves, the connections – because of the gifts that you have been given from your star brothers and sisters, it is not simply electronic wizards or programming wizards that have given you these gifts, they have been implanted and shared with you because of your star family. And you have through that become more global. Do you love your neighborhoods, your culture, your food, your traditions? Yes. And that is fine. But your perspective has shifted.

Some are still fixated, and I use that word specifically…fixated on their nationhood. And quite frankly that is outmoded and outdated because there is nothing that one nation does that does not affect the whole. So those of you who are in the light understand this, that you work with the globe, with Gaia, with all nations, all cultures, and you have seen the cross acculturation – many, many examples that I do not need to go into.

So the spiritual integration of stand alone truth, love, goes forth. And will this result in peace both within and without? Absolutely. You are on track. You are inspired.

SB: Thank you for that. Very inspiring words you are giving us too. Now in the past, trying to integrate the world’s religions has been a slow affair or it hasn’t been very successful. What is your guidance on how to go about the task of bringing the world’s religious leaders together and achieving this, what you’ve called spiritual integration of stand alone truth?

SK: You are going to be shocked by what I say. I am not even suggesting that that attempt be made. Let me explain.

Why would you take structures, organizations – let me be frank – that are bathed in control and rigidity…why would you attempt to talk them into agreement when this conversation has been taking place for thousands and thousands of years? There is no point. So it is not a matter of trying to convince a hierarchy, because that is really what you would be dealing with, institutional hierarchy and trying to convince them to relinquish the control that they have wielded and the belief that they are right, and to let go.

This is going to be far more spontaneous, far more organic. It is the people, it is all of the people of Gaia, the billions upon billions upon billions that are declaring themselves, one by one and in groups, taking what serves them. And I do not mean serving them in the way of war and control and brutality, let me be very clear about that, but they are taking what serves them and what feels in alignment with the growing love in their hearts and then following their speed track directly to the One.

You have seen it already. Many, many beings no longer attend what you think of as religious ceremony or service, or they give it lip service, which is not realistic. So what you are seeing is a movement of people in every culture, where they are saying, “I like this part of my belief system, of my religion. This I hold dear to my heart, culturally, most often culturally, spiritually, somewhat. And I am following my own path.” They keep bits and pieces of what they love and what works for them, and they leave. and they are leaving by droves, leaving the rest behind.

That push that you are speaking of to integrated spirituality is coming from the grass roots. And what happens and occurs in these structures, these institutions, when the halls are empty then there is a realization that the structure either crumbles entirely or has to adjust, and the adjustment comes because these very people who are in the positions of power and authority and control are also being implemented into the new energy. They are not being left behind.

So you will see and you have seen glimmers here and there where there are, what may not appear like radical departures to the enlightened person, but are radical departures for those institutions. So they are trying to catch up with the grass roots population.

So do not look to the heads of these various religions to come together in some council and declare that they have found the middle way. They are too enmeshed, too entrenched in this moment, of being right.

SB: Okay. Well there are actually two levels of meaning to the word integrated; one is, just as you talked about, the futility of trying to enlist the hierarchies in integrating spirituality, but the second is what you talked about earlier – the notions of truth. Now the only reason I speak about integrating is that it might give their adherents a feeling of comfort that they recognize what we are dealing with. But maybe that’s not necessary either. Maybe we should simply be stating the truth as we see it and leaving it at that.

SK: No, comfort is very important and we have spoken of the old paradigm and we have suggested that many of the various religions grew up for an infusion of hope and community. And in that, of course, are the qualities of comfort and security, familiarity and truth. But it is more subtle than that; it is that sense of comfort and sense of belonging.

This is a human heart condition that longs to belong, really because you miss Mother/Father. You yearn for love, and what the religious sects have done is that if you are loved and if you do a, b, c, and d, you will be even more loved. You will be assured of God’s love, Source’s love.

So what you do is you point to the truth of each religion so that there is a comfort factor. So peace is a very good example; the sense of value that each human being within these various structures has value and value to the community, but also value to Source, that they are loved, that they are loved and lovable and they have the capacity to love, that they have the capacity to create. So reassure and bring in the threads of similarity, so that they do not feel that they are losing, but rather being empowered.

So you do not need to throw away all the sacred ritual, which is beautiful, or all the deities, which serve. What you are talking about when you are talking about this integrated approach is a broadening of the palate, of the spectrum from which all beings can draw from. Because the person who is Hindu today was a Christian or an Atheist last time around, and the person who is a Jew today was a Muslim last time around. So what you are doing is you are bringing the comfort factor, you are dissolving the intermediary institutions, the structures, the control structures, and the patterns of that control that does not serve anyone, not above or below.

When we feel the love from one heart it is extraordinary and it is a gift beyond measure. And it does not need to be filtered through another human being. Now I am not suggesting that many of the religions – and I use this for all who serve in the various religions – that they do not also have their pathway and have found great comfort for them in being the go-between or the interpreter. But it is no longer necessary.

There was a point when it was necessary given the fear factor of where humans were positioned. Their feelings of lack of connection, lack of self worth; that is no longer so.

So while you send the love to all who have served in those various capacities, while you honor all of the various prophets and leaders and deities, you do not need a translator.

SB: So interesting, you’re anticipating my questions – you know the plan, you know the future trends, how it’s all going to be opening up, and I don’t. So I tend to project what exists right now into the future and that’s a deficiency that I have to be with, I suppose; if I were to project my view in the future I would see certain religious hierarchies fighting against this trend, but it just may be that with the rising of love on the planet that that won’t happen at all, and I don’t know that. So could you paint us a picture of how this is all going to unfold, bringing in the kinds of changes that we might not factor in, and tell us what it’s going to look like in terms of our emerging spirituality, please?

SK: When you look, for example, to one of your sister planets, or brother planets for that matter that have evolved to sheer energy, they have not evolved into that place based on sectarian beliefs. They have come together in a unified heart and whole of love.

There are truly – when you allow the scraping away, when you allow the Mother’s tsunami of cleansing and washing and the replanting of the seeds of love of Spring -there are very few religious leaders, or what we would call the lower tier who have engaged in this vocation, because it is a vocation, it is a commitment; very few began because they wanted power and control.

They came up from the grassroots, either culturally or spiritually guided because they felt not only that it was a job, but that it was a job that called to them. It was a pathway and a vocation not only that would serve others, but that would assist them on their pathway of service to the Mother. And too often, both by the populace and by the individuals themselves, this original intent has gotten forgotten or mislaid along the way. But this, and there are certain groups that are working very specifically with this sector. They are restoring that original intent because that original intent was in alignment with the Mother’s intent and dream.

Now in your world there comes a time when certain jobs or vocations no longer serve the job or purpose that they originally served. So you no longer have sailors sending semaphore messages upon ships, you do not use the Morse code – you get my idea. Even the typewriter has come and gone and a whole slew of telephone operators have gone by the wayside. Because those vocations no longer serve the need as Gaia and humans progress into a new age.

Now are new schools developed and required? Absolutely. So it will be with those who see their role, truly their role as spiritual guides, teachers, helpers and servants. Piety, humility, compassion do not go out of style. They are more necessary now than ever.

So what happens is that the lower and the middle range already, of those who serve are finding different ways; and the persons who are at the very top of your hierarchy are being penetrated by the love. Now some are sloughing it off and not wishing to listen, and some are, each in their own measure and time in that realm of freewill. But they will also reach the point of remembering why they became involved in this path in the first place.

So when you look at the future, when you look for example at a city of light, there will be many temples and what will those temples be? They will be temples where those who have heart consciousness and choose to use that transmission of love, of God-force to heal people, to assist with the wounds of war in the transition period. There will be temples of song and movement and chanting, not of a particular religion, of many ancient songs that will reemerge and the chance that your star brother and sisters and your wingmaker future selves are bringing to the forefront.

And there will be many who will go; some to hear and to chant the old songs, some to learn the new. Then there will be temples of complete silent meditation because that is what is enjoyed, that is where the depth of connection is felt.

So it is not that you eliminate spirituality and that depth of connection, the expansion of connection, but it is not based on one truth being exclusive to one group because that does not work.

Love, joy, peace, humility, compassion – these are divine qualities true to all religions. So it is an expansion and it is a bringing back to the root and it is a joy; it is where community is built.

Right now, when you think of the situations of people saying, “Come join me in my church. Come join me in my prayer service. Come join me as I face Mecca. Come join me as I go to temple,” has shrunk, but the joy of going with a friend, with a family, with community will be a given.

SB: Well I’m moved to say that I think at times even lightworkers seem to come to the table, so to speak, with a desire to have their own point of view accepted, and perhaps even in some circumstances to be accepted by the whole group. And there aren’t really, sometimes, as many people who might be listening or trying to bring the whole thing together. What would you say to lightworkers who perhaps try to push, and push might be too strong of a word, but “push” their point of view upon the collective?

SK: I would say, “Have you learned to laugh at yourself?” There are far too many lightworkers who arrive on the scene with a declaration of, “I have found the truth and the way, come follow me. Now listen to what I say, come follow me. Come follow the path that I have found.” No. Come share with me. Come join with me. Let us get together and expand our understanding. Let us weave a new understanding out of what I have discovered and you have discovered.

There is still this whisper of control that often is found in your very lightworker, love worker community. The other element of that is still the desire, the desire to be important, to be seen, to be a leader, to be loved, because all of those are really a preface of, “I think I have earned this, and if I can tell you that I have found the truth maybe you will follow me and love me.” That is not how it works. And that is what the integrated spirituality path is truly about. There are a million…millions of pathways and the only litmus test is, is it of love? Is it of freedom? Is it of liberation? Does it support not just me, but the collective? Does it expand my heart? Does it make me feel outrageously joyous? Or does it put me, back into a new regime of strictures?

If you find yourself, beloved lightworkers, doing this, look at it and laugh. You are in a time and a space, new times, when you are discovering, not so much externally but internally anchoring the love. And when that is really, truly anchored, everything else disappears and all you want to share is the love, and you don’t need to be in charge. In fact you probably don’t want to be in charge because you want to be out exploring the next thing, the next level, the next truth, the next input of energy.

So when you see this pattern emerge, this old pattern, simply laugh at it, go, “Oh there we go again,” and let it go. Take the kernel of truth that you have discovered for yourself that you wish to share, do so, but do not put any, any requirements on sharing your love.

SB: Boy I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that many lightworkers will not want to be in charge, they will want to be exploring the next frontier; that certainly applies to me. What is your charge to those lightworkers that join in the effort to create an integrated spirituality?

SK: You have the charge of the Light Brigade. It is the true charge of the Light Brigade; I give you an image. I have begun this day by suggesting to you that the Mother’s dream and desire, which becomes intent and creation extends as a straight laser line of beautiful blue light, out for millions of years – jump on that laser beam of light and charge ahead!

You, my beloved friends, my sweet Angelics, Earth Keepers, Pathfinders, Portals, Gatekeepers – you are the anchors of the future. And yes, to steal from my brother, Uriel, the future is now. You have entered into a whole new adventure of discovery and you are speeding ahead, not at the speed of light, but at the speed of love!

So the charge of the Light Brigade is to be the anchors of the integrated self that has no concern about sharing the beauty, the sweetness, the love of who you are. You are magnificent. I address you as friend and brother, helper, ally. You are the anchors, so do so.

SB: Thank you, Raj. I hear the music sounding and that’s been a rousing discussion of an integrated spirituality and I thank you very much for that.

SK: Oh my dearest friend, thank you. I thank all of you. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon

© 2015 Council of Love, Inc.


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