

Posted by Stephen Cook
Transcript: Sierra Neblina on The Light Agenda – Part 2/2

This is Part 2 of the transcript of my interview with my friend and colleague Sierra Neblina on The Light Agenda. You can find Part 1 here: http://the2012scenario.com/2012/08/transcript-sierra-neblina-on-the...

It’s a revealing interview with Sierra, who is both an editor here at The 2012 Scenario and a presenter on Inlight radio, where she co-hosts Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond with fellow editor Dave Schmidt. She talks candidly about her difficult life and how she became a Pleaidian walk-in.

You can listen to the full The Light Agenda interview here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/08/02/the-light-agenda

Stephen Cook: It’s funny you say that now, because you’ve got lots of friends these days! [laugh] So, okay, so, so, you left, you went to college?






Sierra Neblina: I did. I went to college on a basketball scholarship to Adam State College, in Alamosa, Colorado. And the reason why I went there, because I could have gone to an NCAA Division One school because of the talent that I had in basketball, but I followed a really good friend of mine, again, a very competitive basketball team. And I ended up becoming close friends with a rival school teammate, and we were picked to go to Sweden and Finland to play their Olympic basketball teams, when … the summer between my junior and senior year.

So I became very good friends with Lisa. She was my very best friend. She went to Adam State College because she wanted to go be coached by Doc Cotton, who was an original Laker.

SC: Was Lisa a girlfriend?

SN: No, actually Lisa wasn’t a girlfriend, but I was deeply and madly in love with her. And I didn’t realize. I didn’t understand what those feelings were because I had never had a crush on a boy, I had never had those feelings towards anybody whatsoever. But not only was she my best friend but I was in love with her, and I didn’t realize that. So I followed her to Alamosa! [laugh]

So, I went off to college and roomed with Lisa and started hanging out with a girl named Shannon on the basketball team. And we were just inseparable. And I didn’t have any idea I was gay until she kissed me. And it was sort of like the sparks flew, and oh, my god, this was it, and I had no idea. And so that’s how it happened.

SC: Wow. So then, later on in 1994, when you were 24, you had like three massively major events all happen within the space of a few months.

SN: Yes.

SC: Now, you found your biological mother. So, how did that happen? And was that also when you were reunited with your other two brothers and your sister as well?

SN: I had found my brother and sister the year before.

SC: Um-hmm?

SN: And we all were like, well, how are we going to find mom? What are we going to do? I said, I don’t know, I don’t know.

Well, when the social workers came in to take us away, they had given her, I think it was like a week. I just remember there were several nights in a row that she stayed up and she made us scrapbooks. All of us, made us scrapbooks. Okay? Pictures of us and different things. Put it together. Each one of us had a little letter from her, and we weren’t supposed to open it until we were 18 or something like that. I don’t remember what it was. But we weren’t supposed to…

SC: Okay. So she’d done that when you were kids for you for when you were older?

SN: That’s correct.

SC: Right.

SN: And then it said, Grandma, and her last name, just Grandma, and her last name. And that was her mother. And then it gave an address, okay?

Well, I just looked up and down, I didn’t know where to go, what to do. And I came across a woman in New Hope, Pennsylvania — because that’s where … I was living, in Perkasie, Pennsylvania at the time. I just happened to strike up a conversation with her. She said she helped people find their biological families. And I said, “Oh, great! Could you help me?”

And she started asking me questions, and then, finally, no, no, no, no, no! I don’t know, I don’t know. Finally she said, “Do you have anything from when you were a kid?” And I said, “Yeah, I have a scrapbook.” And she was like, “You’re kidding me!” Because most people don’t even have that.

And she was like, “Bring me the scrapbook.” So I brought her the scrapbook, and she she said, and it’s in the very back, it’s like Grandma, and then the address. And I said, but, would, you know, “Just short of driving down there to find out if that person’s there, how do we do this? I don’t want to just show up.” You know, I have all these fears and concerns and …

SC: And it was before the internet and Googling and all of that stuff that you can do now.

SN: She said, “Call information.” I said, “I’ve called information before. I’ve tried … I’m telling you, I’ve already asked for this last name person, and I don’t have a first name, and they turn me down every single time.” And she said, “Listen,” she sat me down and she goes, “tell them your story. Tell whoever answers the phone for the nation thing, tell them your story.”

So I did. I went and I got the woman on the phone and I told her my story. And I begged and I pleaded with her, and she said, “I just can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t give you this information. You don’t have the first name,” blah blah blah blah blah, and then I heard this click. And I almost hung up, but something told me to stay on the line.

And then you know how it used to be where … in the States anyway, they would … they … it would click?

SC: They’d connect you. Yeah, connect you to the call.

SN: And they would say, “Hold please, the call is connecting.”

SC: Um-hmm.

SN: So I heard this click, and then I heard this voice, and so I held it back up to my ear, and it rang through to my grandmother.

SC: Wow.

SN: And so, we just had this wonderful conversation. And I, you know, ’cause you never know, “Does she want me? Does she want to talk to me?” And she was like, “Absolutely. She’s been looking for you all since the day she signed those papers.”

SC: Wow. So, then your grandmother facilitated a meeting with your mother and you all got together?

SN: Well, actually, she said, “Here’s her phone number. Call her.”

SC: Oh. [laugh] So you did!

SN: I did. I paced back and forth for like an hour. You know. To figure out what I would say. I mean, there was so much, just because, you know, I’m gay.…

SC: Yeah, but you didn’t dislike her or un-love her or any of that stuff?

SN: Right. You know, I had this, like, what am I going to say? Oh, my God, you know. You know. What is she going to do when she finds out I’m gay? Is she going to love me? Is she going to hate me? Does she have another family?

And I find out from my grandmother, she doesn’t have another family, so it’s not like she’s remarried and other kids. So, I was like, “Oh, she doesn’t have any …?” She’s like, “No, she’s not married.” And I said, “Okay, great.”

What she wasn’t telling me was that mom was living with a woman! [laugh]

SC: Oh! [laugh] Okay.

SN: My mother, my biological mother, says that she’s lesbian by choice. [laugh]

SC: Because she’s given up on men. [laugh]

SN: Hilarious!

SC: So, when you found her, it was actually an easy gathering. So you didn’t have any of that, “Oh, my God, I’m gay,” you didn’t have any issues, and it was a pleasant process?

SN: Absolutely. She is just like a good friend. She’s not my mother. She never really has been. She’s a good friend now. We’ve had to work through a lot of stuff. Like when I really started to have to deal with the fact that, “Oh, my God, this is what you did.” You know? She took it. She’s taken all of it. She … when I sat her down and I said, “There was abuse,” she was like, “You’re kidding me!” And she said …

SC: Well, you said that she said she didn’t know about that.

SN: Yeah. She said, “I really didn’t know. I didn’t see it.” And …

SC: Do you think she’s just saying that, though? Because how could you not know?

SN: Well, I don’t … I really believe she didn’t know. She was so preoccupied with her own thing. She was gone so much. You know. She knew that he had a, quote, “temper,” because one time I had to, you know, pull him off of her because he was trying to drown her. But, you know, to her she was just, you know, in a fight with him, that kind of a thing. It was just the kind of environment that she knew back then, and that was it.

SC: Ummm. Ummm.

SN: Of course she’s a different person now, but she just swears up and down she didn’t know about the bad abuse. So…. But she sat there, like a champ, and she listened to every detail. And she took it.

SC: All right. Well, that’s number one of the events of 1994. Number two was you suddenly found yourself pregnant.

SN: Yes! [laugh]

SC: And yet you’d never slept with a man.

SN: I won’t say never. I had a friend my senior year in high school, and I did sleep with him.

SC: Okay. Well, in the previous nine months to being pregnant you hadn’t slept with a man.

SN: Right. In the previous several years I hadn’t slept.…

SC: All right. So one day you looked down and you realized you were pregnant.

SN: No, actually how it happened is one day I woke up in the middle of the night and there was a Zeta in my room. [laugh]

SC: And was that the first time you’d ever been visited by a star brother or sister?

SN: No. But it was the first time it appeared like that. I was visited by light beings. And in fact there was a horrible time in my childhood where I was being kept in a closet, and I was brought out to be abused and then put back in. That was that one jaunt of physical abuse I was enduring

And I was kept in this dark closet. And I was just huddled up and crying, and just didn’t know what I would do. And I just called out, I said, “Help! Help me!” And a blue ball of light appeared in front of me. And it would come and be in there with me. And I never felt alone, and I didn’t feel scared anymore.

SC: But this time you were scared.

SN: This time I was very startled, because I couldn’t move. I didn’t like that. And I’d had other interactions with light beings and shapes of people being there, and it was almost like I could hear them and we would talk back and forth. But I could move around, and I would just … these light things, beings, would just be there.

In this particular case, I was in my bedroom with my partner Gina, and we had a friend visiting. And they were… she was staying on the couch literally on the other side of the wall of the headboard. And this is in an apartment in Colorado Springs, Colorado. And it was 12:36 a.m., and we were all awoken by this woman … let out this blood-curdling scream in the courtyard…

SC: Yeah. This is the lady staying with you. Yeah.

SN: Not the lady staying with me. Somebody out in the courtyard of the apartment complex just let out this blood-curdling scream.

SC: Oh, okay.

SN: And in the morning, we … our friend that was staying with us said, “Did you hear that woman scream last night?” And then she told us what she experienced. But, you know, I woke up to Gina getting up and walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. And I could hear the toilet seat cover raise and her sit down, and I thought that was really weird, because we always had this ongoing debate about her getting up every night, walking in, turning on the light, you know, shutting the door, opening the door, and the light’s just beaming me in the eyes, and she … I mean it was just the most ridiculous thing. She just wouldn’t, you know, close the door and then turn on the light.

But this time she gets up in the middle of — after, right after that. She doesn’t say anything, she walks in, she shuts the door, never turns the light on and sits down on the toilet. And I turned to face the bathroom, on my left side. I’m laying on my left side, and I’m looking towards the bathroom. And I thought, huh, that’s really weird, and I fell asleep.

And then all of a sudden, you know that feeling on the back of your neck, your hair kind of stands up and you know you’re not alone? [laugh] kind of feeling? And standing towards the bathroom door was this Zeta. And when I went to move, I couldn’t move, and I didn’t like that.

SC: And then what happened?

SN: Well, I — against — I had an enormous amount of adrenalin that was rushing through my body. And I was, you know, kind of a bad-ass in the military. I taught men how to fight hand-to-hand combat, I specialized in knife fighting, I was a sniper. So being … having something in the room physically and being unable to move did not make me happy.

So I had all this adrenalin running, and in the middle of having all this adrenalin running, which would normally keep, you know, take me about, you know, about an hour to calm down from, when I would do all those other activities, I would be jazzed up. Then my eyes started to close and I started to drift back into unconsciousness again.

And that happened several times. And at one point when I came to — because I kept panicking…. To be quite honest with you, it’s a very unsettling feeling not being able to move. And it was like this claustrophobic feeling, and it was just panicky feeling, and I just wanted to be able to defend myself. And it was so unnerving that I couldn’t move my physical body, the instrument that I relied on so much to at least be able to sit up and confront whoever it was in my room.

And at one point I awoke, and I opened my eyes, and I heard something in my head, “Please be calm. We’re only here to check on you.” And then … because the first time that happened I panicked and I passed out again.

SC: Umm. And what did they look like? Did they look like the typical Zeta, the sort of five foot, four foot nothing, large eyes, gray color?

SN: Large dark eyes and grayish color. And the time that I — the next time — because it happened several times, to be quite honest with you. I’d wake up and I’d pass back out again. This time …

SC: But this is all in the one night?

SN: It’s all in the one night. Because I ended up … this ended up happening for a total of four hours. And so, this one time that I woke up I could keep my mind, my wits about me, and I thought, “Okay. Who are you, and what are you doing here? What is happening?” And that’s when I heard again, very clearly, “Please do not struggle. Please do not panic. We’re only here to check on you.”

Well, check on me for what? And then I realized there was this sensation of this, almost like the feeling of when a cool breeze blows over your body? You know, it’s just this definite feeling, like in a hot … hot …. And I started to focus on it, and I had to focus, really give it my attention. And then all of a sudden I opened my eyes and I realized I wasn’t in my room anymore, and I was on ship.

Well, I say I’m on ship. But I’m in a white room, and I’m laying on a table and there’s zetas around me, and they’re … all got their attention all around my mid-section area. And so that was very unnerving for me, too, I nearly passed out, you know, was struggling. And during that time I can move. And they were restraining me, and that wasn’t very fun either.

And then I was out again. Conscious… I just went out, like as if you were to pass out. You know, consciously.

SC: Yeah. Yeah.

SN: And then I awoke. This time I was able to sit straight up. I sat straight up in bed. The door flies open. The light comes on. Gina comes crawling out of the bathroom because it’s been four hours on the toilet, her legs are …

SC: [laugh] Sorry, the thought of that! Yes, go on.

SN: Oh, my goodness! She is cursing and carrying on. But she jumps up and stumbles over to the bed when she sees that just sheer shock, look of shock on my face. And I’m just staring at the wall where I saw the Zeta. So.

SC: So then you found out … well, you realized you were pregnant because you actually started to show, and you could feel that something was growing in your womb.

SN: I had actually called … I was a part of the psychic community there, in Manatee Springs, and I called a friend of mine over. I said, “Something happened last night. You need to come over. I need to talk to you.” And I stayed until almost the next day. I was so out of it. I, I was — I said, I was acting as if I was a person that was — was acting as if they were in shock. So I didn’t go to work that that day, but I called Morgan over to come talk to me.

And she walks in the door, and she looks at me, and she scans me up and down and she goes, “You’re pregnant.” And I said, “Morgan, I’m not in a joking mood.” I said, “Something very traumatic happened to me last night and I need to talk to you about it.”

And she goes, “Okay, well, I’ll just shelve what I just said, and you tell me what you have to say.” And I told her. And she said, “Well, that makes sense.” And I said, “How does it make sense?” And she proceeded to tell me the entire history of the Zeta hybrid program with the government.

And I said, that is a bunch of nonsense. And I said, I can’t believe you’re talking to me about this when I’m trying to share with you something that happened last night. And she said, “I swear, it’s what happened.” And she said, “Listen, it starts from at least a generation before. They always prep …”

And she goes on to tell me that they tried it in the early thirties and forties and it wasn’t being successful, because they have to prep the mother to carry … the person, the female that would actually then carry the hybrid child. And they had a more successful rate at that.

And I was like, “Morgan, I’m really seriously doubting our friendship and your sanity at this point.” And she said, “I’m not joking. Here, listen. You just were reunited with your mother. Call her on the phone, ask her if she was ever thought, or she dreamt that she was, she maybe thought she saw a UFO.” I said, “Fine.”

And so, it took her quite some time to coerce me into doing it, but I got on the phone with her. And I said, “I’ve got a question for you. Something happened last night. But I need to talk to you. I need to ask you an important question before I tell you what happened.”

She said, “Okay. Shoot.” And she said, “You know, you can tell me an — ask me anything.” I said, “Okay. Go ahead. I’ll do that.” I said, “Were you ever, when you were pregnant with me, ever abducted, felt like that you maybe even just had in a dream?” I didn’t get the whole sentence out of my mouth before she said, “The entire time I was,” and her voice was shaking and it was cracking.

SC: Oh, my gosh.

SN: “The entire time I was pregnant with….” And she said, “And there were some good ones and there were some bad ones. I didn’t like the bad ones, but I didn’t mind the good ones.” And so she went on to share a bunch of her experiences with …

And so I hung up the phone, and I was gray in the face, and then I said, “Tell me again about what it is that you were just saying?” And I had Morgan tell me the whole thing all over again.

Well, I started to show, so I said, “What do I do?” I said, “Well, they can’t just do that.” Of course, my immediate … you know, they don’t have my permission to do this. Okay? I was quite angry. I said, “What do I do?”

And she said, “It’s a contract. You made a contract to do this.” And I said, “I don’t think I did.” But later on in life I did. Back then I was angry and …

She said, “Well, it was a contract. We need to break the contract. We need to surround you in a psychic circle. We need to get you….”

She set up this entire thing. “So,” she, she said, “Well, there’s several things we need to do. You can’t tell your military” — because I was still in the military; I was in the Reserves at the time — “Don’t tell anybody.” You know, “Don’t tell anybody about this.” And, “Because if we can….”

So we got together this circle of women, of psychics, okay? They helped me put all this plan together. “This is what we’re going to do. We’re….”



So, long story short, I’m into my fourth month. I am showing. I am definitely pregnant. There is something definitely growing inside of me. But they were saying, “You can’t go to an obstetrician. You can’t get an ultrasound.” Because the first, you know, the very first thing that Morgan and I did was run to the store. It swears I was pregnant, and — you know, the home kit, to see if I was pregnant. And I was. And I bought several different types, and I was pregnant on every single one of ’em.

SC: [laugh] It’s the girl with the.… She wants to test her pregnancy again. She’s not quite sure.

SN: Oh, my goodness. Ridiculous! You know, just every single time, and every single stick that I came out with, and it turned into the stupid whatever positive thing, I was just like, “Ohhhhhhh! What am I gonna do?” Anyway.

So. And then finally, my girlfriend at the time, she said, “Listen, this is ridiculous. Okay. This is a real baby. This is a real thing that’s happening to you, and you need to go see a real doctor. I know that you quit your job swinging a hammer doing construction, and now you’re driving the roach coach and you’re taking prenatal vitamins and you’re reading about all this stuff, but you need to go see a doctor.”

And so I called in the women, and I said, “What do we do?” And they said, “Well, you can’t know when the appointment’s set. We’ll just come get you.” [laugh]

So that, you know, there’s no … they were just trying to take every precaution they could. And it was probably about a week, maybe two weeks later. I remember it like it was yesterday. I just sat straight up in bed and I grabbed my stomach and it was completely flat. And I just screamed, no. I knew it. I just knew it. And the baby was gone. Gone!

SC: Wow. And you weren’t, but you weren’t injured or anything during that period?

SN: No.

SC: No?

SN: No bleeding, there was no nothing. There was nothing. It’s not like I miscarried, it’s not like any of it, just flat stomach and no bleeding. Gone.

SC: And how did you feel?

SN: I was devastated. I have never felt so depressed and upset and violated and … even in the midst of my childhood. Nothing made me feel so helpless. It was just a feeling of helplessness, just … just total despair. You know?

SC: So that’s episode two, in 1994. Then episode three. You had some men in black who came and got you, physically picked you up, which terrified you; they took you to an underground military base, kind of abducted you, put you in a car, and then took you to show you this massive underground facility where you went like 25 stories underground. And they showed you, of all things, a spacecraft down there.

SN: They sure did. [laugh]

SC: And is that all they showed you?

SN: No. They showed me beaming technology. When they came to get me that day, I was coming home from driving the roach coach, because I just couldn’t get myself out of the funk I was in. And I had started calling guys in my unit asking if they knew about this hybridization program. I was just digging. I was looking everywhere I possibly could. Okay?

And it was probably a couple of months later, and I’d started to think maybe I’d had a psychotic episode. Maybe I thought this up. Maybe I created this and my body was just reacting to it. But I drove home and I pulled into the apartment complex, and there was a black, four-door sedan, and two men — kid you not — standing there in black. And this is before the whole Men in Black movie came out, before the whole phenomenon was really a big deal.

And I got out and I slammed the door, and I said, “It’s about time.” I just knew instinctively that they were for me, about this thing. They walk up, they open the door, I get in, they get in the front seats, and off we go, to NORAD.

And they took me through this one area. They showed me a craft first — basically more like looking out a window, black glass, really thick glass, looking down about four or five stories and out about four football fields, in the mountain with all different kinds of aircraft.

I spent a little bit of time trying to figure out, first of all, how they get all that aircraft down there …wh … I …

SC: And where was this place, though?

SN: It’s in the … in … in a mountain!

SC: But it was near where you were living at the time?

SN: Yes. Yes. It’s in Colorado Springs. Everybody knows NORAD, Colorado Springs here in the States. And I lived in Colorado Springs. So it was only about 15 minutes, 30 minutes. We did travel about 35 minutes to go around to this one northern entrance. But, but we were in this mountain, and I was trying to figure out, first of all, how do all these airplanes get in here?

And I’m just looking and looking and looking. They’re not saying anything to me. They’re just guiding … escorting me around all over the base … this underground facility. And all of a sudden I realized, oh, my God, there’s this saucer! … it looks like it’s levitating just out in this one area. I didn’t see any legs or anything like that. But it was off just a little bit, but very distinctly a saucer shape.

And then when I turned to be like, “Did you…?” — you know, sort of like, to the one guy to my left, “Did you see that?” You know, “Do you see that?” Off we go.

And they take me to this area where there’s this little geeky guy who was really sweet. And he takes me into a room, a room inside of a room. And he beams a Pepsi can. He puts it in this one machine and he beams it from one side of the room to the other.

Well, I was looking at him like he was crazy. I had no idea why I was there, and he was talking all this scientific talk. And he was so excited about something he wanted to show me that I missed the first that I missed the first go round. And so he goes, he gets frustrated with me, and he goes, and he’s, “You missed it!”

He goes in there — and I’m sure he doesn’t get to show his toy to very many people; he’s a very excitable man — goes in there, and he takes the Pepsi can out, and he shows it to me, and he puts it back in this thing. We come back out into this outer room again, and he says, “Now, don’t take your eye off that,” and he’s pointing as he’s fidgeting with his little control panel. Just like Star Trek, I kid you not, it dematerializes.

And then I went, I just looked at him like, come on, like it was some kind of trick. You know.

SC: So what do you think that was all about?

SN: I believe that it was their sick way of showing me that this is what they get for letting me be used as some sort of guinea pig.

SC: What do you mean, what they get?

SN: I believe it was an exchange of technologies. I believe that in their agreement with the Zetas they were able to receive technology.

SC: Okay. So in return for your physical abuse by the Zetas, they just were basically saying, “This is what we get.” You got that message very clear?

SN: Yes. And I got — we were — I was taken off into this section of the mountain and was shown a six-foot dead.

SC: Sorry, a six-foot dead…?

SN: Zeta.

SC: And where was that?

SN: That was, that was in a different section of the mountain. But it was in more like of a hospitally-type white environment. But it was on a gurney, covered in glass, behind glass. But with my ability to go into things, like go into things energetically, I went into that body. I just, my consciousness, I kind of felt in there. I was like … ’cause I was wondering if it was just an inorganic thing made to look like the Zetas. But it was definitely organic and it was definitely dead. And I have to be careful when I do stuff like that because I can actually pick up on the last moments of that being’s life. And that was not fun.

SC: Umm. And so then basically you kind of just got taken home, and you got on with your life?

SN: No, actually, I was brought into a room, sat down and made to wait for about 45 minutes, which seemed like an eternity. And a very high-ranking official came in. He was wearing a flight suit, green flight suit, jumpsuit like the pilots wear, in the military, with no rank insignia, no nothing. He comes and he sits down, looks at me for a long time. I’m just sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what he’s going to say.

Because after I … after I saw the dead Zeta I thought that my life was in danger. I don’t know why I didn’t think my life was in danger up to that point? Seeing the dead Zeta and feeling those last moments, I felt as if my life was in danger at that point. So I was in my own mind saying goodbye to all my family — I’d just been reunited with my biological family; my adopted family — what was I going to do? And he comes in, sits down, looks at me, and after a long while he says, “Now that you know, stop digging.”

And I’m thinking to myself, well, what do … what do I know? And I, and I just looked at him, and I go, “Now that I know what?” He said, “Now that we’ve shown you, you need to stop digging. You need to stop looking. You need to leave it alone.”

And he proceeds to do that, you know, thing? Where you say one thing but you mean something different? He starts naming off the names and addresses of my adoptive family and my biological family. And basically was, I was told that I wasn’t to share anything that I saw with any …. And then I lost consciousness.

And I woke up in my apartment. Eight hours had gone by.

SC: Oh!

SN: I was gone for a total of eight hours.

SC: And then, after that? They then never came back, nothing ever happened?

SN: No. After that, they never came back and nothing ever happened. And… I kind of snapped in a way. It was this, it was this.… I believed that I was.… I think they did some subconscious programming. They did something. I lost time. I have bits and flashes here and there. I don’t think it’s important to try to go back and really … into that, you know. Because I do have the ability now to be able to go back into time and to really look at it with a much more higher consciousness.

But there was definitely drugs, because there just — it’s not easy to pull up. It’s not easy to bring to awareness. But I packed up my bags, I broke up with my girlfriend, and then I basically went underground for about 10 years.

SC: Wow. And then, you held all that together in that time and held all those secrets and just held them? You didn’t tell anybody at all?

SN: That’s correct. It, and, and here’s the most interesting thing. It’s almost like I forgot. It was driven so deep into my subconscious that … it’s not like I felt like I was on the run, I just had this insatiable need to run, to just be gone, to …I didn’t know if it was just a reaction to the entire thing or some other program I was running, but I had to….

So I just packed up my truck and I left. And I would show up where I wanted to. And I would show up in a coffee shop and start talking to people, and start doing remodeling. And I really delved into my spiritual awareness at that time. I was reading books and I was having conversations and I was seeking out Native American teachers. I did a lot of shamanic training during that 10-year period.

SC: Then in 2007 you suffered a series of massive, massive strokes. Do you think that they may have happened because you’d been holding all this stuff in? Or was there something else that you think triggered those strokes?

SN: Well, it was an accumulation of a couple of different things. I do believe that the military might have had a little something to do with it. But I did have a pre-existing condition of where I had a hole between my atrium and ventricle in my heart. And it tried to close itself. It was a congenital hole in my …

SC: Yeah. A congenital hole in the heart.

SN: Yeah. It created a valley and blood would get in there and it would coagulate, and it would be.… And I had been having migraines. I struggled with migraines my whole life, but they just seemed to get worse and worse and worse. But it didn’t account for the massive multiple stroke that I had on October 15th in 2007.

I believe that … I believe that there was a chip put in place, that there were some different things that were happening.…

SC: And so you had multiple, multiple strokes, and in fact you died.

SN: I did, actually. I did die.

SC: And how did they get you back? Or what happened at that point?

SN: Well, obviously they must have shocked my heart to bring me back. But on the other side time moves in a much different way than it does here on Earth. You know, just a moment here on Earth, a second can be a very long time on the other side.

And I was brought into a room with an extraterrestrial, a galactic and an angel. And I was sat down and I was told that I had just died and that I had a couple of choices I needed to choose from. That my body had suffered such extreme damage that I wouldn’t be able to recover without the help of the Galactics.

And so they proposed that I could either just be done with my mission, because I came down there as a Starseed to help the planet, or they could let a walk-in come into my body, let a galactic come into my body and finish my mission. But with everything I had gone through up to that point, I thought, I, I don’t … is there another option?

They said, “Well, there is another option. It hasn’t been tried very often. It takes an evolved being, which you fit, a skilled being, but it really takes something for a braided walk-in between the two souls…” And I said, “That one. That’s the one I choose. That’s what I want to do.”

SC: [laugh] What, with no thought whatsoever, just, “That’s the one I want”?

SN: Because that meant I got to complete my mission. The human aspect of myself got to stay and do the job it is that I’d promised I would do when I made the ultimate sacrifice to fall from the 7th dimension to the 3rd.

SC: Umm. So, in terms of a braided, though — okay, you’ve got the three types: A complete is obviously where one soul completely replaces another. Then there’s attachment, where one soul attaches to another soul for a period of time to guide it along and then lets it, kind of de-attaches and lets the original soul keep going because it’s actually been fixed or amended at that point.

But a braided soul’s where the two unite and come together. So in actual fact you’ve got two lives happening at the same time.

SN: That’s correct.

SC: And how does that feel?

SN: Complicated sometimes! [laugh]

SC: [laugh]

SN: Especially since my walk-in is highly active with the Galactic Federation of Light. And so it’s very … I’m doing … I’m … I’m living a lot of different … on a lot of different levels at the same time.

SC: And, I mean, that explains what you’ve been doing lately as well — going backwards and forwards, and you’re asleep, and your Pleiadian other half is up there doing its job. But that stroke itself, that physically took you almost two years to recove




And you didn’t realize straight away what your soul contract was with regards to the braided, or the decision you’d made about the braided walk-in. It took almost two years before memories, or recall started flooding back.

SN: That’s correct. Because my brain was so damaged, it was about a quarter of my brain that was damaged, both the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. And I was completely paralyzed on my left side and I couldn’t speak.

SC: And did you have to go through like that whole stroke rehabilitation stuff with speech training and therapy?

SN: Yes, I did, and I also had to have a heart surgery.

SC: Oh, so they did fix the congenital hole in your heart?

SN: They did.

SC: And that was all in this one period of two years?

SN: That’s correct.

SC: God. So when you came out of the two years, you started having memories flooding back of two different lives. And yet you seemed to remember your Earthly life quite well, and you then had this knowledge of your galactic role being a starship commander and now being a galactic ambassador.

So, do you like kind of [laugh] … at the moment like, do you wake up and you’re here on Earth in the morning, and then you go to bed and then you kind of come to and you’re on the ship at night, and then you come back to Earth by the morning?

SN: Very much so, like that. But there’s a lot of other … and it’s even more complicated than that, because I also can bi-locate. So basically another part of the mission that I’m doing right here is actually helping to build a bridge between the third dimension and the fifth. And so there’s a lot of things that I’m doing. And when … I literally could take a whole program to actually explain each one of the jobs it is that I’m doing down here.

So, I also time … I time traveled. I’ve actually physically disappeared and reappeared in front of people. So, there’s a lot of things happening now with what I’m doing.

And there’s been a couple of times that I’m not really quite sure where I’m at, whether I’m asleep or whether I’m awake. So, there’s very specific things I have to have around me to kind of clue me in to what I’m doing and where I’m at. And my space is extremely valuable to me. And the animals, and my cat, are so important to me.

SC: Well, I’m going to get to animals in a minute just briefly. But how do you know it’s all real?

SN: You know, that’s a really good question, because this could just all be happening in my mind, right? [laugh]

SC: It could. [laugh] And some people would say it is.

SN: Absolutely. You know, after … after constant validation by … like for the years that I was having those prophetic dreams, like I would dream I was at this place helping these people, I’d wake up the next morning and it’d be in the news or in a newspaper. Or I would dream that an event would happen, and then it would happen.

And the years that I did mediumship. I’m a registered psychic with the government in Colorado. I helped them …

SC: Um-hmm, because you worked with search and rescue for a while, too.

SN: Yes, search and rescue. So I’ve sort of developed myself as someone who could really navigate in the astral plane. And then when I start to have these other interactions, and I’m shifting in dimensions, where it’s actually shifting away from this, the constant validation that I keep getting is sort of the same kind of thing where I’ll get information and then it’s validated by a third dimensional source. Or I’ll see something and again it’s validated by a third dimensional source. Or I’m doing a reading for somebody or a consultation with somebody, and I hear or see something, and then it’s validated. So there’s …

SC: Okay. So, so the reality comes from validation that comes through each time.

SN: Correct. That’s correct.

SC: Now, you just mentioned animals, and I know you love your gorgeous cat Femi. But horses played a very big role, and, you know, you first came to horses when you were a child and they actually tamed and helped you with anger management. But now it’s a real focus for your life.

SN: It sure is. I care so much about a lot of things — not only human beings, you know, the great human family, but animals and plants and the environment. I really have a deep passion and need and want, drive, to aid and assist and save Gaia, Mother Earth.

SC: And what is it about horses, though?

SN: Oh, my goodness. When I was … when I was first taken to that first foster home, and we were all together, and I started doing those mandatory psychological testings, they were testing me for things I positively reacted to, and I reacted very positively to horses.

They must have had a conversation with my foster family and said, “Get her a horse.” They got me a horse! Well, this wonderful, dear horse, she was … I think they said she was 12 or 15 years old. And her name was Chiquita — I called her Chiquita Banana — and she was a three quarter horse, and she was a bay, which is a brown, you know, a reddish brown body. And from the moment that I saw her, our eyes locked, and I just.… She saved me. I mean, I threw everything that I had, my whole heart and soul, into the care of that horse.

And we would ride together, and I would talk to her, and I swear she would talk back to me. It wasn’t until later on that I understood that I could … I’m an animal communicator, also. So, I just, you know, when I was a kid I just thought I heard her voice in my head, so I would just have these conversations with her. And … but really truly, it was her heart. It was the connection. It was … she was, she saved me when I was younger. She just saved my heart, she saved my soul.

And … I have a horse now. His name is Forest Sounds, and he is also a bay. He’s very beautiful. And so I’m kind to me and him, and I’m so happy to be reunited with him, with her, in him. And we have a very wonderful bond.

SC: And what other things do you do to relax, apart from play with your gorgeous horse?

SN: I love to get out in nature. I love to go crystal hunting. I just in fact got done doing that today. I was very, very happy. I’m up and pacing and wandering in the woods and looking on the ground for crystals. And I love to talk to people, I love having conversations with people. I love people, love animals.

But where I find my real — have my real solace is I find them in my crystals, and out in nature — going for a walk, hiking in a canyon, sitting by a river, talking to Mother Nature, just communing with Mother Nature. That Native American side of me runs heavily through my veins.

SC: So when you look to the future, what lies ahead for you? Let’s say the next week? [laugh]

SN: I will continue to oversee the meetings, I will continue to oversee containment, I will continue to oversee several of the other projects that I’m working with.

I am going to be bringing forth some more information, written information I’m going to post on the 2012 blog site with some of the other night time work that I’m doing. But in the near, very near, future, when this, when … um, oh, ….

I had a brain fart! Oh, my goodness! When disclosure happens, okay, will actually be working with the galactic emissaries in the physical form, in the 3D form, with agencies and different things like that. So, there’s just a lot of wonderful people that I’ll be speaking with and interacting with. Like yourself ….

SC: [laugh] Now, I asked you if you would choose a favorite music track today. And you actually have surprised me in some ways, ’cause I was not expecting that, firstly, you would choose a Disney movie, or song, or secondly that it would have the title Secretariat, ’cause you’re nothing like a secretary. So, tell me a bit about this song, which is “Who You Are,” by AJ Michalka, which is from the movie Secretariat. Tell me about it.

SN: I just … this song takes my breath away because I consider it to be my mission song. It truly is why I’m here. And, and the title is “It’s Who You Are,” and, and it says it’s not how much you have, it’s not the score, it’s not making one person be more than another, but it’s who you are.

And it just speaks so, so clearly about, if you were to say, “What is Sierra’s heart about? What … what drives her? What, what is her, what is her, like, motto?” It’s not who … what you have, it’s who you are.

And so it’s just a wonderful, wonderful song. I love the references, obviously, to the racehorses, and to the horse … to the horses in general. But it’s meant for everybody. It doesn’t matter what you have, it’s who you are. It’s what your mission is here on the Earth. It’s what you have to contribute to the world and to humanity and to the environment and to animals and to people — just the whole thing. It’s not what you have, it’s who you are.

We’re moving away from a society based in monetary gain to a society based on love and compassion and service.

SC: Well, Sierra, I have thoroughly enjoyed finding out who you are today, and I thank you so much for sharing your very personal light agenda with me and all the listeners right now.

And of course you can listen to Sierra on Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond, which she co-hosts with the equally lovely Dave Schmidt every Tuesday on InLight Radio. And you can also read her on the 2012 Scenario.com.

Now, next week I’m hoping my guest will be a fellow who’s been also bringing us galactic updates and news for quite some time. And that is Sheldan Nidle — yes, the man who wrote the book You Are Becoming a Galactic Human.

Meanwhile, this is Stephen Cook. And as always, in everything you do this week may you only serve the light agenda. And please thank my guest today, Sierra Neblina.

Sierra, it has been an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much.

SN: Oh, it’s been wonderful. Thank you so much, Stephen.

SC: And here is Sierra’s music choice, “Who You Are,” by AJ Michalka, from the Disney movie Secretariat. Thanks, Sierra!

SN: Thank you so much!

[music] “It’s Who You Are” – by AJ Michalka

Interview ends

tags: Sierra Neblina, The Light Agenda



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