
violet fire

Heavenly Blessings: Saint Germaine, July 16, 2013, Part 1/2
Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to another offering of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and myself Suzanne Maresca. Linda has returned at last!
And we have as our welcome guest today the very popular and loving Saint Germaine.

Our topic is the importance of how we feel about and perceive ourselves and our ability to accept and embrace who we truly are. The energies are here and available to support this expansion. And I think Saint Germaine will have some guidance on the process in order to help us be more available to it.

I’m so excited to be welcoming Linda back to the show today with our beloved Saint Germaine. Good morning Linda. I’m so happy to hear your voice again.

Linda Dillon: Good morning, Suzi. Good morning, everybody, it’s good to be back. Before we go any further I want to make sure we thank those delightful guests who visited with us while I was away and offered such wonderful perspectives and expansion and insights. So, a big hats off to them before we get started.

SM: I appreciate them too.

LD: And you did a fabulous job, my dear.

SM: Oh thank you so much. It was a fabulous opportunity.

LD: I’m glad to say that I’m through the opportunity of having had this major, radical wrist and forearm surgery and I’m on the mend. As I was saying to Suzi as we were getting ready for this show, it felt to me that having Saint Germaine as our special guest was really fitting, especially those of you who have been through huge health challenges or who have chronic health challenges. Nothing challenges or brings out those issues of self-worth more strongly than feelings like “why am I sick?” or “why am I not perfect?” or “why am I not worthy of being healed, why why why…?” So, I think we’re in for a really interesting conversation today.

SM: I would say so. And we’ve spoken many times before of the importance of imagination, so I think it might be helpful for those resisting admitting their greatness to do a little sacred play and think of themselves as a character in a book, or maybe even a cartoon. We can create the character to be everything we wish to be, with all the Divine Qualities and plenty of superhero skills. Then if it occurs to us to cover our neighborhood with a peace blanket and we make it so in our imagination, who’s to say that it has no effect?

LD: Oh, it has huge effect.

SM: I think that we can start to assume those things and really look at the imagination as a manifesting tool. As the Arcturians said, imagination is a fifth-dimensional thought and by using it to create our reality, we do indeed make it so. So we need to trust a little bit and relax, chill out some. Our intentions to bring peace and healing with love and light, coupled with our imagination, surely can only help.

LD: Saint Germaine started talking to me about this subject, which has really been a big piece - clearing false grids - and a really big piece of the New You webinar work and the upcoming work that we’ll do together in September in Joshua Tree. And what was really interesting to me too was that he recently described his own journey of becoming.

We don’t tend to think of the ascending masters - and particularly the ascended masters who have been in human form, who we think of as fellow travelers - as having gone through a process similar to what we are going through right now. And granted it was a long time ago, but that doesn’t matter.

He talked about that process of surrender and of realizing that he really just wanted to be one with the ocean and the sky; and the realization that the ocean and the sky didn’t worry about whether they were worthy or loved, they simply were. They simply are. Because it was when he was on the ocean that that energy of knowingness and surrender just seeped into him.

So, it’s not as if we are talking to beings, and he differentiated between the beings who are shall we say “enlightened beings or divine beings” and those who have walked the earth. And it’s really comforting to know that the ascended masters who are our teachers and who are our path showers have already gone through a lot of what we’re experiencing now.

SM: Is their experience exactly like ours? Did they forget like we have or did they come in self-realized to live among those who’ve forgotten?

LD: No. I don’t know if that’s true for everybody but Saint Germaine - and maybe I’ll post this on the Council of Love website - did not arrive, and we’re talking a very long time ago, as an enlightened being. He came in like all of us and very rapidly adopted the illusion of being in the third dimension. And worked his way back. This is something that I either have never known or haven’t really thought about. Like where did Jesus and the ascended masters come from.

SM: And why did they incarnate onto Earth? Was it in preparation to have the experience so they could relate to us a bit better? It’s almost exactly what we’re doing right now, but we’re still forgetting.

LD: That’s what he said. If he hadn’t had the experience of being in that place of lack and limitation, if he didn’t know what it was to feel lonely and isolated, then how would he ever be able to teach us how to get out of it?

SM: I think, just like with Jesus showing us the way, the ascended masters are doing the same thing and showing us the potential that’s already inside of us. If we can just uncover it. And I think uncovering it has to include the clearing of wounding and the false belief systems that went into our bones so that we can actually embrace who we are.

LD: Getting rid of the false grids of lack, limitation, debt, despair, etc. But it’s interesting; the other insight that I’ve had is, often we think of feelings of self-worth as also meaning that nothing will ever go wrong. If we’re worthy,

then everything is perfect. It’s utopian. And that’s not so at all. And in fact, sometimes these challenges come up because we are capable of dealing with it. And in dealing with it we’re teaching; not only reminding ourselves, but teaching others how to deal with it.

SM: Even though it’s something that in our physical reality we have to deal with, at the same time like you said, there’s a purpose to it and there’s something for us to learn from it. As we learn our lessons, that information ripples out into the collective so that other people can also get the same thing - the 100th-monkey idea.

So we’re a bunch of monkeys and we’re figuring things out. And as one figures it out, then a million other people will figure it out. And it just spreads out over all of us. However slowly it may seem, but it is happening.

LD: It is happening and it’s actually happening more rapidly than we assume. I think this time too that the increased energies I know we’re all feeling are one reason these challenges are coming up. Everyone feels right now that we’re right at the wire.

These challenges are emerging so that we break through, so it’s that final letting go of that old third hologram. And it’s to encourage us to draw upon and call upon our other dimensional energies in order to do so. So, if we’re not drawing upon the clarity or the unity of the fifth, or the magic and the alchemy of the fourth, and even the creative chaos of the sixth dimension, if we’re not drawing on that, if we’re only drawing upon what we think is available to us in the third, then we’re going to get stuck.

So it’s pushing us to expand and to pull in energies that we haven’t previously been working with to a greater extent. So it’s pushing us to expand.

SM: Yes, and I also think it’s a good time to open our perceptions to what’s already happened. These internal changes can be really subtle and escape our notice. If we do a little bit of recon, a little tracking, we’ll see that it really is different.

We get to that place and say, “I really understand that now and I like that feeling and welcome some more, so I’m allowing it.” We can intentionally go into that calling back of memories and skills that we already know but have just forgotten.

LD: And inviting it in. I know that one of the things that I find, and what I find with people that I talk to is that when we remember “oh I didn’t used to be able to do that” or “gee, that used to really bother me,” it’s like nothing now. No charge. Those are huge, significant changes. Those are more significant than the world tilting on its axis.

SM: Which we don’t really have that much awareness of. Things are happening with the planet that unless we’re really tuned into the world channel, we won’t necessarily feel.

LD: But the planet is changing and it is shifting. My goodness here in Florida we have had really violent, amazing thunder and lightning storms. Every single day for weeks. For about a month. This morning it was bright and sunny and thank goodness I took Eliza for a walk, because now it’s black and bad storms are coming again. And I live on a lily pad. Will this lily pad start sinking under the water? So, that’s a world change.
So, let’s go to a meditation.

(Starts at 15:45 and runs approximately 15 minutes )

Saint Germaine: Greetings. I am Saint Germaine. Keeper of the violet flame, brother of your heart and brother of your soul, brother of your journey. Many times I have said to you I will not reincarnate. I will not walk this Earth again. Will I assist you? Will I work with you? Will I guide you? Will I revel in your victory? Yes.

But, dear heart, I have walked the planet many, many many times for thousands and thousands of years. And as beautiful as Gaia is, which is often why I stayed so long, I do not return. One of the reasons I do not return is there is no need to. But I may assist you and sit and laugh and share with you.

When I returned to Earth previously to the collective to teach my armada of healers, to share the knowledge of healing, it was to assist you to lift up out of the old Third into the cleaner Third, the Fourth, the Fifth, the Sixth and so on. But my friends, you are already doing this. You do not need me in form to come and urge you along, to show you the way.

For you will see and hear and be with me as clearly in the other dimensions with the illusion of limitation simply gone.
It is a time of creation and co-creation upon the planet. It is a time of bringing your dreams to fulfillment in your form, in our timeline, in the realities that you are choosing to experience and create.

But the precursor to creation is the fullness of knowing of your worth. This is not something, an attribute or a quality that you create, that you seek, that you call forward.
It is the latent ember within your heart and that I choose to ignite with your permission this day.

It is part of your composition; self worth, the knowing of your mighty beauty, your power, your truth, your harmony, your peace. Each of you is carrying delightful aspects. This is as real as your hair, your face, your feet, your imagination, your sense of smell. This is not something to be acquired. This is something simply to say yes to and activate.

Now, yes, there have been times in my life and yours when you have said, “If I am so loved by Mother/Father One, then how can this trial and tribulation be real?” Well, dear heart, I suggest to you that now you are mature enough to hear what I say. You are a participant in the co-creation of dilemma - no, I do not mean things like anathema or world war, although there is part of that creation as well - but you will create challenges in order to take the quantum leap that your heart, your soul, your mind, your very being, your body desires to take.

So do not always see a challenge as some shortage of worth. If anything it is quite the contrary. That you and one and all have deemed that you are more than capable to undergo this transition of fire. Yes, to progress yourself but also to assist others.

If I have but one purpose in my sacred stewardship with the violet flame, and the I AM presence, it is to reach all beings; not simply on Earth but everywhere. But first on Earth. Because you are the first who are going through this process. And it is to ignite and assist you in the anchoring, the acknowledgment, the embrace of your I AM presence, which is a direct reflection and participant of the I AM.

This is my job. This is my mission. That is why I wish to heal you of all these wounds of war that you may go forward in the brilliance of who you are. The old Third does not fade. It is gone. So I invite you, my beloved brothers and sisters, my family, come and join me in the new realm of human existence. And if you feel you do not know the way, take my hand. I will show you.

SM: Welcome Saint Germaine. It’s a pleasure to speak to you this way and I thank you for once again joining us on the air.

SG: It is my pleasure.

SM: I’m wondering if you and the ascended masters are sort of the prototype for our mastery? The wayshowers for the wayshowers?

SG: That’s a very insightful understanding. And the answer is yes, but also understand we have been saying that you have come in your mastery. So what we are doing is really igniting the knowing of this. Is there room for expansion for you and for me? Yes. So, yes, we are the prototypes. I like that term.

SM: Last night I had an experience with my daughter. She came upstairs and she was crying and incredibly happy and she had this wonderful experience of seeing herself as light. Her body wasn’t hurting anymore, which I am so grateful for. I’m just wondering if it’s coincidental that she started to say the I AM affirmations that I’ve been saying.

In the beginning, she’d say “will you help me with that prayer?” And I’d say “I AM all love.” And then she’d say it. And then “I AM all power” etc. And she’s doing that for two weeks and last night she came upstairs just glowing and crying and so incredibly happy that she was in touch with her guides and she sees herself as a goddess. Is that a coincidence?

SG: No. It is not a coincidence. See, there is power in the declaration and the more that you are saying it, from a heart place, it anchors the truth of who you are. And it allows the sense of energy of what we would call “power” to fill you. And in that power is the ability to see and to be the totality of who you are.

So I do not say that I would in any way take credit. It is not about that. It is about the sweetness of a young girl, or an old man, or a middle-aged woman declaring. That is where the power is. We have given you the words and the energy. But when you choose to use them, all is possible.

SM: I so appreciate that. I can’t tell you what it means to me that my daughter feels the way she did last night. I just want it to last. I suggested to her that it’s the new you and invited her to assume that this is the way life is going to be now.

SG: She has transcended from the old Third-Dimensional reality. And yes, why would she ever wish to return - her or anyone - wish to return especially to what is simply a shadow form.

SM: Would you speak to the imagination as a fifth-dimensional thought form? Like what do we create with our imagination. How real is that.

SG: It is very real and as Einstein and Sanat Kumara and many others, Archangel Michael, myself, have asked and invited you, think of imagination as part of the creation process.

Now let me explain. As you know, the creation process, the formula that we have shared with you, is intent which is prayer which is imagination which is formulation, plus stillpoint, plus action. Equals your creation, especially if you are living within the divine qualities.

We have said to you time and time and time again to let your dreams come forth to build them to allow the desires of your beingness of your heart, of your mind, of your soul, to flow freely. Now, there is a very close association between imagination and inspiration. And they are catalysts to one another.

So, for example, sometimes we are saying please dream what you want and then the inspiration is divinely embedded, yes in that Fifth-Dimensional quality. To give you the inspiration of how to put that into action. Other times you will have the direct inspiration and then you will imagine and dream how to bring it into action.

So, yes, it is part of creation, and it is part of - well, we say the f\Fifth, but in truth it is part of all dimensional reality. But because you are anchored in the f]Fifth at this time, we suggest to you that it is part and parcel of the Fifth. Is that clear?

SM: Yes. Thank you very much. So, is it only a matter of perception and belief for us to reclaim our skills or is there another piece missing?

SG: It is not simply a matter of perception or imagining, although that is a significant portion of it.

So, if you were thinking of it in terms of a pie, it would be about a third of the pie. The second third of the pie is the active anchoring into your physical form and then the practice is the third.

So, let us say: you are imagining and I use one of my favorite examples, that you can speak French. And so you are trying and you are imagining and you are visualizing and seeing yourself speaking French. And part of that of course is immersing yourself in the imagination within the French culture.

You see yourself strolling the streets, sitting in the cafes, perhaps even sharing a glass of wine with me. Then, what you do in the physical form is you also begin to immerse yourself in French. If you never pick up a French book, if you never listen to a French piece of music, if you never go to where French is being spoken, if you never open your mouth and say a French word, then the ability is going to remain dormant.

Once you have brought this into your physical body, and started to anchor the codes of this particular talent, then you have need to bring it out into your outer world, which is the actual practice and the speaking of French.
So it is not just imagining it; it is an anchoring of it in the physical reality and then doing something with it.

What was the dream? You see what was the dream of speaking French. Was it just to sit in your bedroom and quietly dream in French, or was it being able to actually engage with French-speaking people and recalling all of your lives, not the pain and suffering, but the richness of the experiences of those lives, of that culture and what is to come in that nation and culture.

Paris has always been called a City of Light. Is that not an interesting coincidence?

SM: So that would translate into any other thing we wish to re-claim. For example I have this dream of learning to play piano and it just feels like something natural to me, although I didn’t learn music as a child.

We’re told that there are neural pathways that need to be set before a certain age in order for the brain to really take on learning something like music or language. So now that I’m older, I did actually buy myself a digital piano but I haven’t acted on learning to play.

SG: Sit down and play. Do not think of it as something that you need to consider or imagine. You have already done the imagining part and you have brought it into physicality.
Now sit down and close your eyes and simply allow your fingers to move as they remember. You see you would not have the dream, the desire, if it was not already embedded within thee.

Now there is a side conversation that can also assist that. If you go to your DNA markers, which is within your central column, and simply turn up the marker, the flag, that has musical ability, and reactivate it. But it is already within you.

Do not go by the pattern that has been laid down by the old limitation, a paradigm of the Third Dimension which was saying that you had to have certain training by a certain age, do certain hours of practice, have certain conditions.
That is limitation. Let it go. And I expect a full report back for the entire audience on how this is progressing with you.

SM: That’s exciting! I can act on visions of singing and playing piano right now.

SG: That is it exactly.

SM: That would truly be a joyful experience for me. I’ll get right on that.

(Continued in Part 2.)

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