
Recently Sue Lie offered to allow me to speak to the Arcturians about the divine feminine, gender equality, and Ascension.

Once formal work begins on gender equality, Sue has agreed to serve as a resource on how to approach people in other cultures in a caring and successful manner. Thanks to Erika for our transcript.

Steve Beckow : Hello and welcome. My name is Steve Beckow and I’m the editor in chief of the Golden Age of Gaia, and I’m here with Sue Lie who has agreed to channel the Arcturians, and comment herself, on the subject of the Divine Feminine.

And thank you, Sue for allowing us to talk about that subject.

Sue Lie: Thank you for speaking with us, with me!

SB: Would you like to say anything about your channeling before we begin?

SL: I was always talking to some being that as a child, I called, Jesus. Because I grew up in the church and it was a cool, goldeny/white being. So as I child I figured that it must be Jesus.

But what I have heard several places now is that Jesus is actually Arcturian, so I thought that was pretty funny. So I didn’t know what it was, and then eventually I was able to realize that it was the Arcturians. That was many years later.

So I didn’t know who I was talking to, but I was always talking to somebody – I had horrible nightmares as a child, and I just didn’t have a single person that I could talk to. So I made up my imaginary friend, which any good psychologist would have said, but the imaginary friend never went away. Thank heavens! Literally!

SB: Obviously they’re from Arcturus, but is there a dimension that they are from?

SL: Well the group that I speak with, they say they’re form the eighth through the tenth. And then as we all move up they’re going to move up too, into the eleventh and beyond.

They tell me that they have not been planetary bound in a very long time, of what we would call time. And that they see planets kind of as hatcheries, and that as beings evolve, then they hatch out of the planet and usually take to starships, which are very often as big as a planet, especially like the motherships, and then they travel around and do whatever that service that they volunteered to learn.

And the service for the Arcturians is to assist persons and planets, and star systems and galaxies to ascend into a higher frequency.

SB: Alright, they’re not planet bound, but at this point do they still have bodies?

SL: They’ll put one on if you want them too, if you like it. But I perceive them – it looks kinda like a cloud, a sparkly cloud. And I say “them” because it’s a unity consciousness. They don’t have any individuality like we do.

SB: Well, if I was on the starship would I see a silvery gold cloud standing in front of a machine asking for Earl Grey tea – hot? [laughing]

SL: [laughing] Well they would probably show us what we need to see. So it was always okay with me that it was a cloudy kind of vaguely humanoid shape. And so that’s what they showed me.

SB: And you’ve been doing this for how many years?

SL: Well my whole life, sixty-eight years. I was one of the Zeta people.

SB: What does that mean?

SL: I was abducted by the Zetas when I was a child, so therefore this is not weird, this is good. That was weird. This was good. It’s all a juxtaposition.

SB: Wow. Anything more you want to say about the Zeta experience or should we leave that for another time?

SL: Well I totally made peace with that and realized that the Zeta’s just wanted DNA, and the nasty stuff was really coming from the military. They are the ones that wanted to do all the experiments so that they could make better soldiers, a smarter person, etc.

SB: Yes. Of course they are the ones behind the cattle mutilations and various acts designed to scare us.

SL: Right. Exactly.

So the Zetas are not bad beings. They are fine. And it took me a long time to get to that. I would look back at it and I would always see this one face of this little Zeta – because we would go and we would sit around this learning tree, and I read every single book about abduction there ever was – and then one would come and take us behind the silver door, which I don’t ever want to go behind.

But he would always have this “I’m sorry” look on his face. And I thought, if they’re such evil beings, why die he feel bad when he was taking me there?

It took me a long time to get there. Actually, I understood the whole thing when Venus eclipsed between Earth and the Sun, and then everything came up and shortly after that I had a dream that was really vivid.

I was walking through the house. I could feel my footsteps on the floor, walking down my stairway, going down my street. And in the street was a scout ship. I walked down, with some neighbors not noticing and some kind of there, and there was a little Zeta standing there and he opened up a door and I went into the scout ship and he told me to sit on the chair.

And then he said that this is mine, and he told me to put my hand on the little flat space, and I put my hand and I took off. So that was like, “We’re sorry and here, we’re going to give you a little scout ship.”

SB: [laughing] Wow.

SL: That’s how I took it. [laughing]. And then I don’t remember what happened after that. That was enough for my 3-D brain to swallow.

SB: Boy, what an exciting kind of life you’ve led!

SL: Yes, it’s been pretty interesting that’s for sure.

SB: Well, why don’t we turn to the Divine Feminine?

SL: Ok great. I will explain for anyone that hears this. I’ve been doing this so long that sometime I’m just the Arcturians; sometimes I’m just me. If it’s psychological or something then I’ll get called in as just me, and sometimes I’m some sort of a blend. So I’ll be doing all types of things.

SB: Having talked to you and the Arcturians before, my recollection is that you’re voice changes when you’re speaking for the Arcturians and then when Sue comes in, there’s another change in the voice.

SL: Yes, that’s correct.

SB: Ok. Let me begin then with a question addressed to the Arcturians.

Many of the concepts we have, we’ve gotten from celestials like Archangel Michael and galactics like yourselves, we don’t or may not have preexisting meanings for them.
The notion of the Divine Feminine is one of those concepts, so could we begin today by knowing what the Arcturians mean when you use the term Divine Feminine, if you do that is?

SL: When we use the term, Divine Feminine, we usually are relating to the in-flow and the Divine Masculine is the out-flow. So the feminine is the inflow of energy and the masculine is the outflow of energy.

And then there are some planets that hold more of a feminine energy and others that hold more of a masculine energy. And we perceive humanity – we will see those two, but we usually cannot even connect with those that are that separated into their sexual qualities. There needs to be a bit of bonding with each person in order for them to be able to receive us.

SB: Ok. There’s also a conventional way of talking about cosmic male and cosmic female in which metaphor the cosmic male as seen to be still and silent and the cosmic female as seen to be active and sonic. Is that a distinction that you use?

SL: Not for us, no.

SB: To distinguish something called the Divine Feminine – now I noticed that you haven’t distinguished through the use of divine qualities – is there a tie-in between the Divine Feminine qualities at all?

SL: We perceive the divine qualities such as qualities that humanity brings into their awareness as they move into higher and higher states of consciousness. To us gender is very insignificant and very often we will see the Fifth-Dimensional version of the people.

So even though they might believe that they are only resonating to a male body or a female body, we are perceiving that higher frequency in which they are androgynous and blended into their oneness with their divine complement.

SB: Where you are there is no gender, is that correct?

SL: No.

SB: Well, you know how my mind works. I automatically say that therefore you choose one or the other and that the other is missing. I can’t conceive of there being no gender, but I hear you that there is no gender where you are.

SL: Well, one of the things that we have said is that a major component of Third-Dimensional thinking, thought and speaking is that there is an either/or quality; you are this or you are that, whereas within the higher frequencies we are both, always.

SB: Both. Very interesting. The way I’ve heard Divine Feminine used is that we are aiming for some state that is more integrated, more whole, more loving than we are, and we call that the Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine but you’re not using it that way.

SL: No. We see that many men are just as loving and caring as our women. That once you are wearing a male body as opposed to ones that are wearing a female body, we see their essence, which is not of a certain gender. Their essence is multi-dimensional and of the One.

SB: Right. Now one of our editors, Andrea Scully, has asked a question here for your attention. She says, “I’d be interested in addressing the warrior spirit of women and what I view as the ‘incorrect notions’ held by modern society that women are supposed to be only soft and fuzzy, yielding and receptive, also the nonsense that we should be quiet and willing to accept every kind of nonsense smiling and all the other stuff, while being everyone’s mummy all the time as if this is a good thing.

“I feel like this fierce aspect of womanhood is also extremely divine and gets burned on the pyre as being a bad woman. Do you care to comment on the stereo typical ways that we here in perhaps the fourth dimension or Fifth Dimension look upon men and women? Do you have any council for us on that?”

SL: Well by the Fifth Dimension that perception is no longer there. That is a limited perception and a perception that depends upon which gender happens to be in control of the species within that moment of the Now.

And there were definitely times when there were very strong female warriors that did everything that the male warriors did. The male warriors were the ones that were blamed for just doing it, and the women have done it too in different eras.

There were eras where it was the female era and they did all the warrior stuff and the men took care of the business and the children, and then there was other eras where the men did all the warrior stuff and women took care of the home and the children.

SB: How long ago was that? You probably don’t think in terms of time.

SL: No. But there was a time that was a female world where they worshiped Baal. And this is not a time that we are happy about as the female women would actually sacrifice any infants into this burning pit of Baal.

So women have definitely gone to the same lengths that men have, it’s just that it has been in a patriarchal era for quite a while and therefore those roles have become stuck in Third-Dimensional thinking.

SB: Hmm. Wow. That’s pretty chilling to hear that. Can we discuss the leadership of women going forward in this consciousness shift that we are all going through, what roles will women play that will matter the most?

SL: They will be in every role that they desire to be in. As you all move into your Fifth-Dimensional consciousness, you will no longer be gaged that you are good at this or are good at that because of your gender. Your gender is merely the gender of the body that you are wearing; inside you are all multi-dimensional beings. Inside you have chosen before you are born to participate in this beautiful moment of Gaia’s recovery to self. And you have pulled together all the lifetimes in which you have practiced; and some of these lifetimes you have been male, some you have been female, some you weren’t even human.

SB: [laughing] Does that mean that I might have been an animal or something altogether different?

SL: Yes, all of those.

SB: So all of the above?

SL: Yes.

SB: Now we are kind of in a time of corrections. One could think of it as the pendulum swing, and the pendulum is swinging in the direction of integrating women into the power structure and the economic structure. How can men best support this ceding of power and influence? How can we assist women best?

SL: Well, we perceive it not as a pendulum swinging, but as a pendulum being still within the center, within the core, where who you are within the core is of the greatest importance. The gender of the body that you are wearing is not of any importance.

So therefore if a man could just look at a women as a person and if a women could just look at a man as a person, and look beyond the physical body that they are wearing within that now, and look into their heart, their mind, their aura, and if they look into their own heart, their own mind, their own aura, there will be a beautiful merging in which you will know exactly how to proceed with your relationship with that person.

SB: We probably will still be entering into relationship with each other. Do you have any words of counsel to us on the new forms of relationship that will be opening up?

SL: Well as you move into the Fifth Dimension and beyond, people will be able to gain intimate relationships with their divine complements. The fulfillment of their self for as they came into a physical body, it could only hold one gender or the other.

SB: Right. When you say physical complements do you mean twin flames?

SL: Twin flames, divine complements. Yes, the same.

SB: For a lot of us, our twin flames are on the ships. So you’re saying that we’ll be brought into contact with them and I guess what happens after that will be different for every person, is that correct?

SL: Well, what will occur is that you will bond again with each other, and time and space will no longer be a separation. So if one is serving on the planet and another is serving on a ship, they will be able to go into just a slight bit of meditation and to commune with each other as if they were actually sitting together at the same table.

SB: Wonderful. And is that coinciding with the entry into the Fifth or does that come after?

SL: That is one of those things that is dependent upon how much individuality each person is attached to. If one of the members is attached to feeling that they are an individual and they must have this individual service that they must give, then they might feel that there needs to be a degree of separation.

Now if their divine complement feels the same way then that will be the choice. But being together – there is not separation within that state of consciousness and so therefore they can always just raise their consciousness to a slightly higher level and they can commune and be together all the time.

And just as couples on Third-Dimensional Earth, one will go to work, or maybe one will take an assignment for awhile, but they will Skype each other and talk and text each other and meet each other when they fall asleep. So therefore it will be much like that.

SB: We’re also told about various circumstances that will arise and oftentimes it just shows up like a very general notion for us. For instance, we’re told that we’re rebalancing the male and female energies within ourselves, but I don’t know what it means to balance male and female energies – can you explain that to me, please?

SL: Well the balancing is basically a Third-Dimensional way of looking at equality. However, when the thinking is multi-dimensional it is more thinking of, perhaps one will go on assignment to the Eighth Dimension and the other one will take assignment on the Third Dimension, and they will meet and communicate inter-dimensionally.

But there is not a word called “balance” because it is. It is the Now of the One, so balance is an extraneous word. Do you understand what we are saying by that?

SB: I do.

SL: There will be much change in vocabulary as your consciousness moves well into your multidimensional self. There will be whole sets of words, manners of thinking, concepts, reactions, actions that will just disappear from your reality.

SB: I can imagine it would be so. There will be a concerted campaign after the Reval happens, whenever that is going to happen, to end gender inequality and gender persecution on the planet. Can you give us any counsel as lightworkers on how to approach that kind of work, please?

SL: To see each person as a person and not as a gender. To look at the woman that has always been a woman and to say, now you are a better woman or a more evolved woman – that’s still being a woman.

To her, being a woman is not something that has many redeeming graces. So you look at her as a person and say, “Dear one we see your glory. We see your power. We see your courage, and we thank you for taking on a body in which you had to play out the tail end of which was a form of domination and unfairness.”

SB: What about the actual work involved in achieving this goal of gender equality and achieving an end to gender persecution? D you have any counsel for us in how to go about achieving that goal as lightworkers, as woman’s groups, as legislators, etc. We may encounter some resistance from representatives of the male power structure. How should we go forward?

SL: Well, you will also encounter resistance from the female.

SB: Yes, I can imagine.

SL: Yes. And so you just have to wait and see who comes to you. And they need to know that they have free will. When someone has been dominated and then someone else comes in and says, “Here, we’re here! We’re going to fix you! We’re gonna help and we’re gonna make you better!” Well, they don’t want to hear that. That feels dominating as well.

They want to know that someone has opened a portal to complete safety and they can begin to explore the possibility that maybe everything that they have ever been taught in their life and for many generations is not correct.

SB: Uh hunh.

SL: This is very shocking to people. It will take them some of their Earth time to accept that someone will actually help them. But when people are placed in a situation that is untenable for generations and for their entire life, they cannot perceive it as a bad situation or they would not be able to survive.

They survive the situation by looking at what is good, by looking at what they can gain for it, how it works for them, how they can participate, find some dignity, find some power. And now if someone comes and says, “That’s over. That’s over now,” well they are not going to instantly change anymore than the people that are the dominators are going to instantly change. These are long-term structures that have gone on for thousands of years, and, as long as they are in a state of Third-Dimensional consciousness, they will have a very difficult time.

SB: I expect Ascension at some early point in the future. I hope I’m right in that. Will it take some time to bring about these changes even though we will have ascended to the Fifth Dimension?

SL: Once the frequency rate of a consciousness of the beings has ascended into the Fifth Dimension and beyond everything will be different.

SB: Ok so what you said earlier just applies to the time up to that, is that correct?

SL: Yes.

SB: Ok. Now we have some instances on the planet of criminal behavior. We have acid attacks on women in Bangladesh. We have women in Eastern Europe who are being captured and taken into the slave trade. We have female genital mutilation going on in some predominantly African countries. In regards to this criminal behavior, how should we approach that?

SL: Delicately.

SB: Can you expand on that please?

SL: While you are within the Third-Dimensional state of consciousness these people will be very resistant to change. These women have been brainwashed from the time they were babies. Their mothers were brainwashed. Their grandmothers were brainwashed, and they participate in brainwashing their children. So therefore they will need to feel safe. They will need to feel unconditionally loved. Unconditionally loved.

So any sense of pity or feeling sorry for, or, “Oh, I’m so sorry you had to go through this,” is not what is going to help them. They need to know that you are seeing them in the manner that they need you to see them, not in the manner that you want to see them.

SB: Okay. Thank you for that.

Now one of the things that is going to happen after the Reval is that various lightworkers will have funds at their disposal to create change with, in regard to the effort to end gender inequality and gender persecution on the planet. How would you see the best use of this money that will be available?

SL: Education. Education. Education. And health and welfare.

SB: Alright. Can we start with education? How would you see the appropriate education?

SL: Well first, again, it has to all begin with a safe place that they can volunteer to go to. Within themselves they have to decide and they will send a emissary or two of their bravest women because they don’t know. All they know is that if they did this they would suffer horribly. So if you, someone from the outside, came to them and said, “It’s safe now. You can come out,” why would they believe that?

They have to have actual experiences that they are safe and that they can trust. And if they go to this school, what about their children? What if they go to this school and their husband says, “You can’t come home because you went to this school. And I’m taking your children from you, and there’s nothing you can do.” This is the reality that they know.

SB: Hmm. So if safety is key, what are the structure or services that we need to build that would translate into safety for women or translate into women having the knowledge that they are safe? What does that look like?

SL: Well, what it looks like is that one goes and listens and listens to the people they are helping, because men and women from the western world cannot begin to understand the situations that are there.

And they need to understand that situation. They need to listen for a very long amount of “time”, as long as there is time. When the people are ready to accept assistance, they will begin to tell them what they want.

SB: That’s interesting. Now in regards to health, what would you suggest that we consider doing to achieve this goal?

SL: Women will bring you their babies, even if it means that their husbands will beat them. They will bring you their babies to be healed and to be taken care of. And that’s where it will begin.

Women will say, “This is my baby and even if I get in trouble, my baby will be healed.” And some of the men will say that too if it is a first-born son. They will look the other way while that woman does that because they don’t want to lose that first-born son.

SB: Now it seems that if a person had a health station, medical clinic or something like that, that it would be a good idea to have another facility connected to it that the women could stay in that have been refused or returned by their husbands – is that correct? A medical officer would need to take that scenario into consideration. Is that so?

SL: Well, in a way. But remember, in many of these societies that you are talking about, if the women leaves, the husband takes the children and she doesn’t get her children. So you would have to have facilities for the women and the children, which would very much upset the man.

So therefore, again you will have to listen, because there is never a society of all one kind of people. There are also men that want to make this shift as well, and if you listen and you allow these men to come to you, they will tell you how men think in their culture, and what is the best way to go through this in a manner that feels respectful to them. It is vital that they feel respect. If they don’t feel respected, they will not allow you to help them.

SB: Hmm. Very interesting. In terms of welfare, what measures would you recommend that lightworkers considering funding things and getting new service online … what kinds of advice would you have to people approaching the area of welfare?

SL: Well, there are quite a few humans that have gone into areas and have helped people with building wells and making shoes and learning how to tend for themselves and assisting women.

And we think that a really good place to begin is to find these people and to ask them because they have had that first-hand experience. What they have learned by themselves with great courage and deep personal sacrifice is now immensely valuable and they will move beyond the helpers to the teachers of the helpers.

SB: Very good. Now one of these questions I’ve long had is my long-felt concern that people in what we tend to call the “third world” may be too depleted, too sick, too worn-out from the life they’ve had to lead to ascend.

And so I have this picture over and over again that we need to do something, and I don’t know what that might be, to assist them to be in a position, rested, well-fed, recovered from perhaps an illness to ascend. Is that true or is there no need to worry about that?

SL: It’s not exactly true because if you look at the Buddha for example, who meditated himself practically to death on several occasions, as did many other beings from that era, because they did meditate themselves, they had this higher knowledge inside of them.

Now the ones that are beat down from their difficult life will need to come back slowly as you say, and if they cross over they will find a great deal of help.

And so death will not be the terrifying thing because the veil will be very thin, and people will begin to be able to communicate more with their family members who have crossed over into the astral world.

And so crossing over into the astral world will give them that experience of recovery so they can move up into the higher frequencies.

SB: Ok. And they will ascend from the other side, is that correct?

SL: Yes.

SB: Our astral world is ascending as well, right?

SL: Yes. They will just spend a little more time in-between the Third Dimension and the Fifth Dimension and beyond. Within that transitional era, there’s a transitional zone.

SB: Alright. Now we’ve mentioned Ascension. Maybe we can talk about that a bit. There’s a domino effect apparently in the universe. Ours is the first Ascension as I’d like to believe, and then other worlds will be ascending I think including your own – is that correct?

SL: Yes. Earth is a cornerstone. And she chose such a difficult task of being a strongly polarized reality that is ruled by time so that she would gain great strength and bring that strength into the fact that she’s a cornerstone.

SB: The Earth is the first domino in the Ascension scenario. Even the Arcturian world will be ascending as far as I know – is that correct?

SL: You mean the planetary world, for we do not actually live on the planet and habitate those types of forms.

SB: Why don’t you tell us a little bit about Arcturian society. To what dimension does the planetary world extend?

SL: Well, their planet is still visible to the Third-Dimensional eye and so therefore it is still visible. The planet is visible; most of us are not planetary bound and if we are on the planet we are in the higher dimensions of the planet.

SB: Right.

SL: Just as people, one can only see the dimension that your consciousness is calibrated to. So when you look through a Third-Dimensional telescope onto a Third-Dimensional planet, then you will just see the Third-Dimensional component of that planet.

SB: Yes. What other dimensions does the planet have?

SL: They all return to Source. They are infinite. They are multi-dimensional. There isn’t a limit.

SB: Yes, but at what point do the people of Arcturus leave the planet? I usually think of that in term of dimensions.

SL: Yes, somewhere usually around fifth/sixth dimensional consciousness, then they are ready to move on and to fulfill the purpose. And the beginning times, which is where Gaia is now, is building that unity consciousness of the planet, of what is that planet’s service.

Like Venus’s planet service is of love and of healing, and Venusians have been coming to Earth for quite awhile. It was quite well known in the 50’s and then as the Illuminati/Cabal moved more deeply in the people were too frightened. And we actually walk amongst you all the time and have our starships all around you, but you can only perceive what you believe.

SB: Right. I think you have a starship sitting over the top of Vancouver International Airport every night. Do you know that?

SL: We have many starships that are – some are projected holograms just because, there’s like an interference of their mechanisms of that frequency of communication, that frequency of light that runs through our starships, can be disruptive to some of the Third-Dimensional radio waves, etc. And so we will sometimes place a holographic projection. But it is a projection from that which is absolutely real.

SB: Right. Your planet or your planetary society, I believe, is guided by a high council, is that correct?

SL: We don’t really perceive ourselves as a planetary society at all, we have long since moved beyond that and we see ourselves as a galactic society. And we see our planet much like humans see the house they are born in and they moved out of when they were a baby.

And so we do love our planet and we do have holo-suites in which people can go into what looks like our planet. But largely our planet, she’s very busy. She is alive, and she is communing with us all the time. It’s not like we are not with her within our consciousness.

SB: Do you have governance amongst you? Is there a form of governance?

SL: When beings are completely united within the One and we all have the same thoughts, and we all know that whatever we do to ourselves ripples throughout all of us, then we don’t need a governance. We are loving and we are not separate. We are one.

Government is something that one person leads other people. We don’t lead. We are.

SB: Right. Now I think you sometimes say about yourselves that you are experts on Ascension, is that a correct statement?

SL: That is our galactic service. We have chosen that to be our galactic service.

SB: Can you tell me a little bit about what that entails? What does one do who’s committed to the Ascension of other planets?

SL: Well, our ships will travel to an area that is on the verge of Ascension, that is moving towards that. So therefore there are many of us around Earth. And there are many other people around Earth; the Andromedans, the Syrians, Talsentians, Centurians. It’s a party. We are all here watching and saying, “Go Earth.” It’s like one of your football games. [laughing]

Now we see that there is still a team. You have the black coats and the white coats still. We see that as a game and we see that inside the white coats and the black coats they are the same people. And the ones who are wearing the black coats just haven’t remembered yet that they are the same as the ones wearing the white coats.

And the ones wearing the white coats haven’t yet remembered that the ones wearing the black coats are not their enemies. They are components of their own beingness, and if they could just send them unconditional love then they would be able to help much more than being in that game of combat.

Now we understand about the protection. We understand all those Third-Dimensional rules and that is not for us to participate in. Third-Dimensional rules are their right. While someone is choosing a Third-Dimensional rule, then they are no longer choosing the path of Ascension and so we wait patiently until they are ready.

As long as there is an either/or, should I do this Third-Dimensional thing or should I ascend? That is fine. But we respect that this is their decision for them to make when they find that Nowness within themselves.

SB: Can we return to this notion that there will be other Ascensions through out the universe, I believe? Can you tell us a little bit about how this will unfold.

I know that there is an Ascension for instance 200 years from now in the Seventh Dimension, but is it going to be that all worlds just suddenly ascend at once or is it going to be a kind of a wave?

SL: A wave would be the best way to describe it.

SB: Alright. And has it already been planned. Well I know that the Divine Mother will already have planned it.

SL: Well, also you are thinking in terms of time. And so you have to realize that we don’t think that way and so if we were to answer you in a human way it would not be correct. Because it is not something that would be a human event.

Let’s say a Third- or Fourth-Dimensional human event. It is a cosmic event. This whole quadrant is getting ready to raise into the highest frequency.

SB: [laughing] Then I come in and ask you when?

SL: [laughing] Yes. Of course it will happen when it occurs.

SB: Right. Okay. Well, those are my questions for you, I guess I’m part of Team Earth in this very large football game that we’re having.

SL: Yes.

SB: So on behalf of Team Earth I’d like to thank you for the work that you are doing with us.

SL: And thank you so much.

SB: . . .in creating a new vision for society, most welcome.

SL: Remember you are not creating a new vision. You are remembering the vision from whence you came.

SB: Now do you mean that as a lightworker that has come from another system or do you mean everyone on Earth?

SL: Everyone on Earth is a multidimensional being. Everyone. Even those that they say are the darkest of the dark. Everything is multidimensional. Everything has many levels of resonance.

SB: Right.

SL: So it’s not about learning. Learning is a Third-Dimensional term. It is about remembering what you always knew.

SB: Okay. You once told me that I had numerous lives around the cosmos. Are these lives all in the Third Dimension or are they in various dimensions?

SL: All of the lives were multidimensional. So if we called it a life, then it was an individual and it was all multidimensional, everything.

The multiverse is multidimensional. Just like you sit on your bench out in your yard and you look up into the sky and that’s just a sky, but there’s all these different layers before you get out beyond the stratosphere and the highest levels of Earth. And that is how everything is, everything.

SB: Hmm. All right . Well, you’ve given us a lot of food for thought. Do you have any word that you’d like to say to the listeners upon closing?

SL: We would like to say that we feel your beautiful intention and your great unconditional love that you put into what you are doing. And we greatly appreciate the service that you are doing for Ascension.

SB: Thank you very much. And I’ve been speaking to the Arcturians through Sue Lie. Thank you and it’s a pleasure working with you.

SL: It’s a pleasure working with you as well.

SB: Thank you. Goodbye now.

SL: Bye bye. And of course there is no goodbye. That’s a Third-Dimensional term!

SB: [laughing] Farewell. Farewell.

SL: We are always with you. Until we consciously meet again.


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