Transmission From The Galactic Federation
Greetings, friends!
I've received a new communication from the Galactic Federation to deliver to you. I am delighted to share the following message with you:
"Greetings, we are the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds. We greet you in love and light. Many of you are experiencing tremendous upheavals in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies at this time. It is part of a process that many call ascension, where you shift from the third dimension to the fifth dimension.
The Galactic Federation, comprised of many benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations, is a federation of sentient beings from all over the universe who have come together to help humanity and Mother Earth on our journey into the light.
This message is part of telepathic communication from the Galactic Federation. It is being delivered through a number of people around the world who are communicating with us on behalf of their groups and followers.
We are pleased that so many people have responded to our message.
Our mission is to inform humanity about the changes taking place on your planet and encourage everyone to step into their own power in order to become true masters of the physical world—and ultimately, spiritual masters as well.
We understand that this transformation will take some time for most people. We want to offer you guidance about what's happening right now, so you don't have to figure it out alone.
We are all part of the same infinite Creator. There is no separation between us. In fact, there never was. We are all one.
We are here to share our wisdom and help guide you through the coming days so that you can enjoy your journey on planet Gaia.
We are here to help you heal and to help you remember who you really are--so that you can move forward with your life in a positive way.
This process is about your evolution into light beings, and we want to help you find your place in the great light family of the cosmos.
You are all magnificent beings, full of great love and compassion, courage and passion. You have come into this existence to experience life and all that you can be. We wish to help you achieve your highest potential as you move into the new age of enlightenment, which is now upon you.
The first step to having a clear mind is letting go of all the negative thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that don't serve you.
It's not easy. It's even painful at first, but you have to do it if you want to make any progress.
You have been through an intense purging process, and you have experienced multiple fears, anxieties, doubts, and feelings of being overwhelmed. Now you are experiencing many physical symptoms similar to when you were going through puberty.
Many people are being guided to eat more protein-rich foods like meats or take protein shakes or buy vitamin B or C supplements because they feel weak, tired, and run down.
The galactic gateway that recently opened is causing tremendous upheavals in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. It is ushering in a huge wave of cosmic energy that will continue coming in throughout this year and well into the next. The influx of energy is causing dramatic changes in your DNA that will help you ascend from the third dimension to the fifth dimension.
The fear you have of the future is based on the past. The fear you have of the past is based on a future that hasn't happened yet.
If you can let go of judgment, then there's no need for fear.
Have you ever noticed that many of the so-called "negative" emotions are actually quite positive? For example, anger is really a sign of passion or love. And resentment is often an indication that you care deeply about something.
The key to transforming negative emotions into positive ones is to understand that feeling something strongly does not necessarily mean being negative about it. It just means you feel it strongly.
And once you realize that, you can take action based on your feelings instead of trying to deny them and bury them deep.
Anger can be very good for you when it's channeled into doing something constructive, like taking action against injustice. Resentment can actually be a sign of caring too much—if you don't feel resentment toward someone who has hurt or betrayed you, then their actions might not have affected you as deeply as they otherwise would have if you had cared less about them.
And fear can be a sign of wisdom and self-preservation — it's just not always easy to see that when we're in the middle of feeling afraid or anxious.
The Divine Light will lift you up, out of the world of illusion, into a new reality of unconditional love and understanding. People who cannot let go of the past or forgive themselves and others will not find the peace that they long for.
Forgiveness is probably one of the greatest tools that we can give you at this time because without forgiveness; there is no true freedom. You cannot be free.
You can do it by getting in touch with your feelings and the cause of those feelings. Then you can forgive yourself and others too. Forgiveness is a process, but once you let go of the pain, you can move forward with love and light.
You are loved. You are beautiful. You are enough. You are powerful beyond imagination.
The war is over, and you won! You won! It's all over. The light has come in, and you're in the new world now! Say it with confidence: "I'm in the new world now!" "
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
A Call To All Starseeds & Lightworkers
Hello, fellow lightworkers and starseeds. I am writing to you because I feel that you are an important part of my ascension.
Our dear Galactic Federation contacted me yesterday and urged me to share this vital information with you.
They told me that if enough people wake up and start to realize who they really are, then it will help with the ascension process for everyone.
So now, I am reaching out to you in the hopes that you can share this message with others. Let others know that they can learn how to reach their full potential as human beings.
The key to enlightenment is knowing who you truly are: the creator of your reality. You are not your thoughts, body, or mind. These things are temporary vehicles that allow us to experience this lifetime on Earth, but they are not who we truly are.
When we realize who we really are behind our outward manifestations, we immediately become enlightened and free from suffering. We come into a state of grace where all is well, and there is nothing left to do or achieve because we have already arrived at the perfection of our natural state!
The problem is that many people think that their physical bodies are who they really are. They have the sensation that they are trapped inside their own skin and are unable to escape.
They think they are the voices in their heads, the thoughts that run around in their heads, and they believe they are the emotions that come and go in their body.
They do not realize that they are something other than this. They do not know that there is a deeper level to who they really are.
In fact, you have experienced this deeper level of consciousness before, but you were so young when it happened that you did not remember it. You were in a deep state of meditation or relaxation when suddenly you had an experience of consciousness where you felt very deeply connected to everything around you. You felt like you were part of everything around you. There was no separation between yourself and anything else. It was an amazing experience, wasn't it?
That feeling, that beautiful experience, actually represents your true nature. That feeling is who you really are, deep down inside of your being. But, unfortunately, most people grow out of that feeling over time because most adults teach children to separate from life instead of connecting with it.
I am talking here about a different kind of connection. It is your connection to the world around you, your connection to the universe, and your connection to the divine. When you are able to realize this connection, then you have entered into the Fifth Dimension.
The transition to the 5th Dimension has already begun. This can be seen in many ways through various supernatural occurrences, including UFOs and their occupants, crop circles, spontaneous combustion, and balls of light in photos. All of this is part of the cosmic upgrade that is taking place on Earth as we enter the 5th Dimension.
The 5th Dimension is a step beyond the 4th Dimension, which is what we are currently operating in. In the 4th Dimension, you deal with your emotions, and in the 5th Dimension, you do not need to because you realize that there are no emotions. You merely look at life as a dance and enjoy it from that perspective.
This can be difficult for many people because they have been taught to have fear by those who wish to control them—those who wish for them to be slaves.
These days we are living in an age where almost everyone is aware of what's going on around them, yet they choose to remain asleep and unaware of their true selves.
The power of choice lies within each individual, and although there will be more and more people awakening into the 5th Dimension, It's critical to awaken your family and friends so that they may realize themselves as they truly are.
How to ascend? How to enter the fifth Dimension?
The answer is that you don't need to do anything about this. You just need to watch your body, thoughts, feelings, and actions. This is the only way. There is no other way to enter the fifth Dimension. All your doubts will disappear automatically if you follow this simple technique. This technique is like an ultimate key that opens all the doors of the universe.
You can use this exercise in many ways:
Allowing yourself time to think without being distracted by your activity;
To get rid of the stress and negativity that has accumulated in your mind throughout the day by not being able to think about it for a period of time;
To connect with your inner self and thus bring out the best in yourself,
To feel the world around you more clearly, To rest from doing any activity,
And a lot more!
The main focus of this exercise is to empty your mind of thoughts for 5–10 minutes. You can do this exercise anytime you want and anywhere you want; there is no need for any special preparation or place. Just sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Then take a few deep breaths and relax your whole body. Let go of all thoughts, worries, ideas, or plans that come to mind.
The key is to watch your breath. Take deep, long, and very slow breaths in and out, then do nothing more but observe your breaths.
You may watch your body, actions, thoughts, and feelings but do not engage by reacting to them. Simply observe what comes and goes.
You have been imprisoned in your mind up to this point. You are living in a dream world that is created by your thoughts and feelings. Now you can open your eyes and see who is watching these activities. You can become free from this prison and be free forever.
Now I am giving you the good news that it is possible to live permanently in the Fifth Dimension. This is the place of supreme consciousness, or supreme blissfulness, or Godliness, which is beyond time and space. I have seen many people who have been there for many years with their physical bodies as they have done this exercise since a long time ago.
This technique can easily be learned by anyone at home, as it requires no money or other things too much to learn. Just watch your body, actions, thoughts, and feelings without reacting to them.
You are a being – a soul, spirit, energy – and not just a physical body. The body is just a temporary vessel, you are eternal and made of pure energy. Your soul never dies and never gets sick. It doesn't age. It's time to tune in!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
Ascension Is The Only Option Left Now
Dear ones,
I know how much you desire the changes to come faster because you want to ascend and be at ease with yourselves.
I know how much you want to be free from all the troubles, to gain relief and rest from all the hardship of this time.
But I will ask you again:
How much do you value your ready-made experience?
How much do you value the fact that your experiences, dear souls, are unique?
How much do you value the chance which has been afforded to you to descend to this wonderful planet at this very special junction of two epochs?
How much do you value the chance which has been afforded to you to participate in the transition actively and in every possible way?
Change is inevitable; the changes are happening and will continue to happen in the future. What is important is to "be" and "become"; enjoy every moment of your life and live with a great sense of the upcoming changes.
Accept gladly all the hardships and difficulties that you have to endure during this period of time. Be glad for them as well, for it gives you an opportunity to learn about yourselves, about your strengths and weaknesses, about your fears and hopes.
The changes are so huge that not everyone has or gets a chance to be born at this junction of two epochs and watch the evolution of mankind from one dimension to another.
You are great, chosen souls!
You have been afforded the unique honor of descending to this wonderful planet Earth in order to gain experience that can be found here only and actively participate in the transition by helping others have a smooth passage through these turbulent times towards the New Earth.
Enjoy every moment of this great event, feel all the grandiosity of it.
Truly, there are no guarantees in life, not even in Immortality, because it is challenging to break free from the wheel of karma, but by living with Universal Law and by fulfilling one's destiny to ascend, then Immortality becomes much more possible.
There are many challenges in the ascension process for those who came here on assignment, including learning to be an individual again after spending lifetimes as a group consciousness or soul family unit, learning how to make decisions as an individual, and learning how to navigate emotions again after having spent so much time on the non-physical side of life where emotions don't exist to the extend they do on Earth.
Thousands of years ago, the Earth was visited by other advanced spiritual civilizations. It was a time when the Spiritual Hierarchy chose to expand humanity's consciousness by entering into an agreement with other intelligent life forms.
These great beings were known as the Great White Brotherhood and were the Ascended Masters that gave us our first teachings on how to live in harmony with each other. They explained the principles of ascension and how it would affect the Earth and humanity.
The Great White Brotherhood is now working with the Galactic Federation together with humanity to help raise our consciousness so we can follow them into this new dimension.
This is a time of great opportunities for you to ascend, but it is also a time when the dark can try and hold onto their control. You must not let the darkness make you angry or sad. You must remain calm, loving, and compassionate. Even if something bad does happen, take it as a learning experience, but do not be discouraged by it.
Treat others in the same manner and only seek to help them. Always remember that you are here on Earth to do great things and to help others do great things, too.
Be at peace with all that happens around you and allow yourself to go with the flow of things happening in your life. The more you try to control things, the more trouble you will get into. Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition and live each day as an adventure in wonderment.
It is natural for you to feel compassion for those who are so hopeless that they have lost control of their lives and cannot see a way out. You can help them by teaching them how to overcome their fears, change their attitude and accept life as it is. They will appreciate your presence and be grateful to you. This is a great contribution to the current chaos on Earth.
But compassion must not become your weakness, as it could make you vulnerable too. The Forces of Darkness are using this very feeling of compassion in order to gain access to your emotional field. They know that they will not be able to reach you with their fear tactics if you do not feel compassion for them. Therefore, do not allow yourself to get involved in the situation of other people's suffering; remember that every person must find his own way out of the situation because they are responsible for what is happening in their life.
Do not believe that you know better than others what they should do—no one knows how it feels to be in another person's shoes in this or that situation. Only the person knows about it; no one else can "get inside them" and feel exactly what they feel at this moment.
The time is coming.
There are many signs of it.
The time is coming when you will have to make the most difficult choice in your long and eventful lives.
The time is coming when you will have to take sides in the battle against the Forces of Darkness.
The time is coming when you will have to decide what to do with your lives, who to be, where to go, and how to serve the Light.
The time is coming when you will have to choose your path, on which you will ascend to the next level of existence.
The time is coming when your decisions will determine not only your future lives but all life on this planet, which badly needs a spiritual revival and a new impulse for further evolutionary progress.
The forces of Light treat all people equally. They do not judge them. They do not hold grudges against them, no matter what mistakes they may have made in their previous incarnations. However, they cannot allow themselves to remain blind and indifferent towards those whom they can reach out and help so that these people do not make the same mistakes once again.
Tensions between people are growing. Furthermore, they are all more anxious due to the growing uncertainty. The world is changing on an unseen level; events that were considered impossible are becoming a reality. People try to keep their old way of living, often unaware of the consequences it may bring.
The only option for mankind during this period is to undergo an evolutionary process known as "ascension." It is a transition from the physical world of matter into a new state of being—a spiritual state where you will be able to feel the presence of God in your life and receive his blessings.
All your problems and worries will be solved at once, and you will gain eternal joy, freedom, and harmony.
Essentially, you are being asked to separate your emotions from the bigger picture. To see situations objectively and not to let the negative or positive emotions of others affect you. You are also asked to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions and accept that, whatever happens in this process, is a result of your own inner processes.
The most important task for you at this time is to learn to understand yourself better and realize that even if many things around you are changing, you need not be afraid — there will always be a place for you here on Earth as long as you remember who you are.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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