Transmuting Cabal-Instated Barriers

dna2.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


In a recent chat I had with them, the Pleiadians spoke about the difference between the instated “veil of forgetfulness” humanity currently exists under, and the veils and barriers purposefully set in place by the cabals and by lower astral forces who have wanted us only to feed our energy to them so that they can sustain themselves with negative and dense energies.

Some would call those astral beings “Archons” but as I’ve said before, that term gives a bit of a “negative ET” vibe that could be more hurtful than helpful for the ET truth movement. There are genuinely positive and spiritual, evolved Galactic beings actively assisting us in our evolution but in my opinion, their image has been muddied with “Archon” talk.

However, I have no desire to separate myself from those with “Archon” beliefs and only bring them up because of the aforementioned veils and barriers being purposefully kept in place by lower astral beings (who I do not believe are extraterrestrial) and by some of the descendants of the cabal heads.

Again, there is a very real difference between those barriers and the “veil of forgetfulness” we have instated for ourselves to learn and grow under. What’s interesting about both of these veils is that they can help us along our soul growth.

Yes, the “veil of forgetfulness” is established for the purpose of aiding in our soul growth, but I’d imagine the cabals or the lower astral beings employing them didn’t imagine that the barriers they would attempt to put over us would eventually aid in our growth as well. They certainly are, and we can go out of our way to notice when extreme negativity is attempting to change our perspective and rightly put an end to it.

Absolutely everything that happens on this Earth is ultimately designed for our soul growth. Yes, the cabals have attempted to make the playing field unfair with the instating of barriers designed to feed and enforce negativity in as many souls as possible, but we the awakening public are now recognizing such veils and working to put an end to them so that all of humanity can find and feel the lightened vibrations making their way to us now.

I also wanted to echo what was said by the Pleiadians during our chat and remind us that those barriers, while having been established for the purpose of holding humanity back, do not have to hold us back or bring us down and like everything else, our own feeding of negativity will determine how strong of an influence they have over us.

Some may hear talk of instated barriers attempting to enforce negativity in the minds and hearts of humanity and assume that there is nothing they can do about them – that is not true!

Though an outside force has established them, the negativity-enforcing barriers that would attempt to change our perspective can only have as much power over us as we give them. Yes, they have been able to remain in a powerful position because too many unknowing souls have fed them with their negativity and hatred for so very long but as so many of us are beginning to awaken now, we can recognize the presence of attempted overwhelming negativity within us and affirm that it have absolutely no effect upon us.

The cabals and the beings who have employed them are quite desperate for the energy of the awakening humanity. I was lying in bed this morning having a conversation with one of my guides about this very subject. Our energy is becoming increasingly pure and more Lighted, and with this will come the fading lower beings on this Earth who only wish to usurp our energies from us and truly, they only can if we let them.

To say they are desperate is perhaps an understatement. These beings have fed off of the manifested lower energy of humanity for centuries and now, in the blink of an eye millions of starseeds and enlightened individuals are stepping forth and helping humanity to see that there is something better along the horizon.

Through our individual and collective actions, every one of us are putting a stop to the lower dimensionality that has run rampant on this world for far too long, and we can recognize that a necessary aspect of this mission is confronting and transmuting the barriers of extreme lower dimensionality that have attempted to enforce negativity in our minds and hearts.

The cabals have been aided in feeding those barriers with the distorted food and drinks they have attempted to replace our real food and drinks with, as well as with the lower frequencies being emitted from the various gadgets we use every day and a plethora of other things. They have set up so many aspects of our society intended to feed and enforce lower dimensionality and as has been said by plenty of souls, channeled and terrestrial alike; all one needs to do is turn on the television to see the enforcement of lower dimensionality in action.

So yes – the instated barriers attempting to feed negativity which we can easily transmute and get away from the influence of, are different from our veil of forgetfulness in that a malevolent force has employed them and tried to get us to feed them. However, even they present an opportunity for soul growth (though it was not their intention) as does the presence of the cabals on this world in general.

Again; we will come to find that everything has been designed by the higher realms to assist us along our growth (even that which was designed by lower forces to hold us back) and if you ever happen to feel the overwhelming presence of negativity or dense energy around you, you can recognize when a lower being or an aspect of the barriers of negativity being fed is attempting to usurp your energy, and rightly put an end to it with transmutation.

If any of you have this problem repeatedly, I would recommend making daily affirmations that only beings of the highest and purest Christed consciousness be with and all around you. Ask Archangel Raphael to be with you at all times, and to Himself help to act as a transmuter for the dense energies we have come here to do just that to.

Nothing established on this Earth to hold us back actually has to, and it’s important for us not to give our sacred energy to anything that is not of the higher realms we are growing toward. It’s safe to say that we’ll continue to be given lessons surrounding the theme of not giving our power away and when the influence of the cabals has been fully purged from this world, we certainly will not have to worry about any instated veils or barriers attempting to steal our energy.

Even the veil of forgetfulness will have stopped becoming necessary!

Wes Annac – Reminding you that your sacred energy is yours, and nobody else’s

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