Tree Consciousness

Tree Consciousness

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 12/04/10

We stand in your presence, so peaceful and strong, no words pass between us, very few acknowledgements are made and yet westand as a supportive energy for all on the Earth. We are the energy of theCreator in manifestation on the Earth; we are the aspects, consciousness andqualities of the Creator, standing tall, ever growing and evolving, holding allthat is sacred and holy from the Creator's soul. We are akin to pillars of lightnurturing and maintaining the vibration of Mother Earth but we are also here toassist humanity and hold a wealth of wisdom and knowledge to share with you. Weare the tree consciousness with the prominent presence of the mighty oakconsciousness. We honour you dear friends of the Earth and ask that you devote asmall amount of your time to listen to us now as we share with you our energyand love.

Within every manifestation of a tree on a physical level you will discover different vibrations and consciousness of the Creator's soul. Indifferent areas on the Earth you will notice our energies vary in order tosupport our surroundings and maintain a balance in the Earth's energy. If youwere to hold in your hands a branch, leaf or touch our trunks or roots you wouldfeel a current of Creator energy flowing into your being from our manifestation.By learning to notice and sense our current of energy you will then be able toaccess the consciousness and wisdom that we each hold, linking directly into theenergy of the Creator.

You may discover that our energy feels rich in wisdom as if it is from a period on the Earth that was long before you placed your feet on the soilof the Earth. The tree consciousness which is integrated with the Creator'slight holds wisdom and insights which extend from the birth of the Earth andhold the numerous truths of the universe and the mighty Creator's soul. Byconnecting with our energies you can grasp and accept these truths in order toexpand your awareness and develop your understanding of the larger picture ofthe Earth, your soul and the Creator's soul. You will discover within our energyand light a map of the Creator's universe and that we are able to transport youto different realities, dimensions and civilisations. We have so much to sharewith you and yet we feel that although each person understands this deep withinthem they do not have the courage to step forward and connect with our energies.We must explain that in order to connect with the pure and truthfulconsciousness of our energy you must come to us with an open heart and mind thatis filled with love and a radiant peace.

We have many levels to our energy as do you, this is because we are in physical form; the lowest or slowest vibration of our manifestation can benoticeable as the lower or sometimes negative qualities of the Earth. This isnot our truth nor is it yours, we are each high vibrational pure beings of lovebut when energy is slowed it can become stagnant and so create the appearance ofnegative qualities, but these are simply extreme or exaggerated energies. Whenone is able to find their centre then they are able to connect with the truth oftheir being and the truth of the Creator, bringing forth peace, love andjoy.

We are asking you to come to us with your truth so that we may share our truth with you, come to us in a state of peace and love and we willopen our peaceful, loving and wise energies to you. Let us link on a level thatallows us to unite our Creator's energies, heightening our vibration andascending to greater states of freedom, expansiveness and bliss. We are here toassist you in any way that we can and to share with you the ways and methodsthat you can help in the positive development of the Earth and ascension ofhumanity.

There are many methods that can be placed into action by humanity in order to bring peace, harmony, balance and love to the Earth and this can beaccessed from our energy, because in truth these ideas have been in theconsciousness of the Earth for much time, it is just that humanity is choosingto ignore what is essential and needed on the Earth. We, the tree consciousnessare calling you to connect with our energy either in meditation in your ownspace or to go forth and connect with us physically by touching or linking witha tree of your choice.

We wish to prepare you for the changes that will and need to occur within you and on the Earth. We wish to enhance your connection with the Earthand the Creator so that you may exist in a similar way to us; as holders,beacons and anchors of the sacred light manifestations that exist on the Earthand the Creator's universe. We wish to act as a support network, as anchors ofthe Creator's light and as healers to all.

All that we ask of you is that you take time to link with our energies and allow yourself to experience our light, sensing its influence onyour being. Below is an invocation that can be stated if you wish to connectwith the tree consciousness while not in nature.

`I call upon the protection, light and love of my personal guides and the Creator; I ask that you assist me ingaining a state of love within my mind and heart while adopting an existence ofpeace. I am love, I am peace.

I now invoke the light, love and wisdom of the tree consciousness of the Earth and the Creator's soul to anchorinto my being allowing the most appropriate vibration and level of energy toflow through me. I ask that as I open my truth and love to the treeconsciousness, that I am able to sense and experience the trust and love heldwithin the tree consciousness. Allow me to receive the wisdom and energy that Ineed and is essential to my growth now on the Earth. Thank you and let itbe.'

Then allow yourself to sit peacefully in a state of acceptance and peace.

If you wish to connect with our consciousness in nature then we ask that you first allow yourself to activate from within you a state of peace andlove, radiating this abundantly from your being. Allow yourself to be drawn to atree as each tree holds different vibrations and so you will feel a greater bondwith some rather than others. Sit or stand near the tree sending your energy ofpeace and love and notice if you feel a bond or blending of energies building.You may find that the tree, experiencing your energies, extends its light toyou.

When you feel ready move forward and place a hand on the tree or lean up against it. Ask for your senses to be open to experiencing the light,energy, love and consciousness of the tree. It is important to follow your ownguidance and to also be alert to any thoughts or insights that you gain from thetree. You may speak with the tree; trees are naturally receptive to the sound orvibration of your voice. Ask the tree to allow the united consciousness of thetrees to flow through you or you can ask the tree to align you on a deeper levelwith the soul of the Creator. You may even ask the tree to assist you inconnecting with the energies of your soul deep within you. With practice anddedication a connection will build and as a trust develops so you will receiveneeded wisdom and enlightenment to aid your connection with the Earth and theCreator and to assist you in supporting the ascension of the Earth andhumanity.

We also wish to remind you that even when you hold within your hands a branch or leaf, dead or alive you will be able to access a certain levelof consciousness during meditation.

We hope that we have inspired you to hold the courage to connect with our energies and to honour our presence as we stand alongsideyou.

With deep Creator love,

The Tree Consciousness

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light,

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  • As I take steps with my own intentions,

    I move toward the tree of consciousness.

    My heart begins to beat with a peacefulness 

    it has not felt in a long time.

    With each step, I take a breath 

    rising higher and higher 

    to feel the energy of love that surrounds.

    When I gaze upward, 

    my being is bombarded by purple clouds 

    and a blue sky that tickles my soul.

    And as the tree of loves arms open, to greet me,

    I smile expanding my mind to remember.

    Remember that I am God force,

    expanding to return to my own truth of worthiness.

    My own truth of oneness with all.

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