Dr. Hue? Dr. Who? Dr. You? What does a doctor do? Prescribe more laughter, more medicine of the Huuuumor? Is that what you do? Better to recycle the circle and spiral the dial, data is dating us all, but if you turn it to 0 then you can date all the data at once, past present future. Date the unknown, data the unknown. Un the no, just no, just Know, Justice just IS. Do you ever wake up laughing? Do you ever wake up knowing? The love you seek is closer than you think. You are complete. Alone all one, love IS
<3 > zzzzzs to the infinite power = love rules creation and is waking all those snoooozzzzzzzzzzers, aka sleeping beauties with the kiss of cosmic kisses or the kiss of death which are actually the same thing. Though you won't know til it's too late. Ha,...ha ha or Ho ho ho'oponopono says Dr. Huuuuue Len when? Now. Where? Here? Yes. And here too? Yes. Everywhere, every here, there a here, ever since, source of ISness had a farm of infinite twin pure light rays, and one twin would dive down and the other stay at home in case they needed directions back cause they forgot. Forgot everything in the darkness, and then... I AM ...the darkness come to light!
"✨🔭 I joined a local project that checks the sky daily for chemtrails, cloudseeding and other forms of weather manipulation. Individual observations, mostly by amateurs, are compared to actual data like weather forecasts, temperature, atmospheric…"
"LOL Drekx your such a negative minded person, when someone shows the truths, you fished for a negative emotion this time.. Jealousy gees that emotion isnt even in my make up dude, you really dont know me very well at all cos your so in your own ego…"
CIA Declassified More MKUltra Mind Control Program Documentsby Sean MillerJanuary 8th, 2025 10:57 AM These documents serve as hard evidence to anyone wishing to verify the CIA's activities related to the drugging, electrocuting and torture of…