All of my Transmissions are Via Unity Consciousness

There is no greater gift than my love for you

I love you


The Twin Flame experience is painful. It’s gut wrenching, confusing and brings you to places that you never knew you could go. Humans outside of this experience, looking in, cannot possibly fathom what the Twin Flame phenomenon entails.

They don’t understand why you just can’t get over it. Why you just can’t forget about it. Why you just can’t move on. So we say, do you think that I would be suffering like this if I had the choice? I wish I could forget. I wish I could move on.

I wish that I could stop loving this person. I know it sounds pathetic. I know it sounds absurd. I know it makes no sense, but it’s beyond my control. This is the experience. It’s overtaking and powerful. It inspires such a great magnitude of love and an equal magnitude of suffering. Two sides of the same coin.

Let’s take a look at this. Because, logically, we know that the plan of the Universe isn’t to make us suffer. The Universe doesn’t conspire to put us through pain that we cannot escape.

We know that the Universe is always expanding and wants us to keep up with that expansion. Taking us to new heights of evolution and growth, wisdom and self empowerment. The point is not to become smaller, but to become bigger. A more profound expression of the divine. For, that is what we are. We are the divine.

So, what does all of this mean? We are only human and we can only see things from a human perspective, or can we? We are learning, we are changing, we are growing and with that comes new dimensions of thought. New paradigms and new understandings.


The Twin Flame experience is to help us reach new heights of evolution. So, therefore, it makes sense that the idea is for us to become happy and whole, no matter what. To come to a place where we are no longer dependent upon the outcome for satisfaction or fulfillment or joy.

That is the key, but how does one achieve that in the Twin Flame experience? How is that possible, when the desire and the connection seems so indomitable?

This is your challenge. Why do you want your Twin Flame? Let’s not romanticize about it.

Those of you who have been studying this and are well versed have been told again and again that the Twin Flame experience is not about romance. Establishing that opens the door to understanding the true meaning behind all of this and what we can ultimately gain.

The hardest concept to accept about the Twin Flame experience is that at some point, you have to be able to accept being without them. Let’s not forget that this is not a one size fits all. Every person and Twin Flame is an individual and everyone has their own journey. But, overall, you must reach a point where you can truly move on and accept life without them.

Many of you have come to this idea, but there is still a part of you that feels that your Twin Flame is the only thing that could ultimately fulfill you.

You move on in your daily life, but you still miss them. You still think that there is no one else out there for you and you still dwell on the Twin Flame fantasy. Part of you feels that little empty space which could only be filled by them. The one, true love.

Let’s think about this. The Twin Flame experience causes us to see all kinds of things about ourselves that we didn’t even know were there. The idea is to find love, which is only possible through self love. It all begins with your love for yourself. That’s where it’s at.

Self loving actions.

What is a self loving action? I think that if we become conscious and honest with ourselves, we know the difference between actions that are self loving and actions that are not.

Is it a self loving action to remain stuck on a person that is not recognizing our value? That is not treating us with respect and love? Think about this. The heart wants what the heart wants.

We want what we want. But, the greatest lesson here is to understand that loving a person who is not offering us all that we, as extensions of the divine deserve, is not an action of self love. It is ok to love. But, there comes a point where we must see that the Twin Flame that isn’t valuing us, is not the whole package.

Yes, it feels like the Twin Flame is everything that we want. We love them beyond description, but theres still a big chunk of the equation that is missing.

What we want is someone whom we love, but that love has to be mutual and mutually expressed and honored.


The difference between your Twin Flame and the person that you actually want to be with is that the person you really want won’t run! They will be just as enthused about you as you are about them! They won’t be so easily scared away. They won’t be wishy washy.

They won’t be indecisive and it won’t be a difficult thing! You want the mate that you see eye to eye with on all levels.

This is so important to understand! The one that you want is not going to question. They are going to be as sure about you as you are about them.

They are going to overcome every obstacle, no questions asked. They will follow their inspiration to be with you, and it won’t take months or years of deliberation, weighing the pros and the cons before they realize that they want to go the extra mile with you. When you find that person, oh, the joy.

Oh how easy it will be. Oh, how wonderfully a relationship can flow. The relationship that you want is easy. It’s easy and it all just falls into place. It’s not difficult, it’s a harmonious experience.

Like finding the glove that finally fits. You will not even believe how easy and fitting a relationship can be. That is the relationship that you want. Not one that is full of turmoil, games, tears, loneliness and pain.

The mate that you actually want is one who values you and demonstrates that they value you.

The Twin Flame experience is not about romance. It’s about learning to love the self. I cannot express this enough. The pain is far too great to comprehend moving beyond it. I know this, I’ve been there, I understand, but you must know that the point of all of this is not so that you can feel incomplete, it is so that you can feel complete. Until you can truly move beyond it, you are still not demonstrating self love and therefore, cannot attract the one who reflects that back to you.


Moving Beyond

The number one most important thing, besides loving yourself no matter what state you are in, is not limiting the Universe’s ability to bring you what you want.

To explain further… If you have decided that your Twin Flame is the only thing that can possibly make you feel complete and happy, you are limiting the options that the Universe has to bring you fulfillment.

You do not know better than the Universe. Period. That being said, it makes no sense for you to tell the Universe how to deliver something to you. This is outside your realm of comprehension.

You cannot tell the Universe that your Twin Flame is the only venue for which you want to be fulfilled. The fact is that the Universe is unlimited. That means that there are many ways for you to be fulfilled and your Twin Flame may be one, but it may not be the one at all. In order to allow fulfillment to come to you, you must come to terms with the fact that fulfillment can come to you through any number of venues. There is no such thing as only having one option.

There are infinite options, the Universe knows no bounds. From a human perspective, this is not easy to come to terms with. But we are moving beyond the 3rd dimension. We are moving into greater and greater realms of understanding and therefore, greater realms of possibilities for all.

Trust in the Universe

If you are believing that the only way to true happiness is through your Twin Flame, then you are not having faith in the Universe. You are not trusting in the infinite capacity of the universe to orchestrate the manifestation to bring you precisely what you want in ways that surpass your expectations.

This is possible. Do not entertain doubts in your energy field. All you have to do is say to the universe; I know that you know what I want and you can bring it to me through my Twin Flame or through some other person. Trusting that the Universe can deliver, because, it can.

This does not mean that you are not destined to be with your Twin Flame. There is a paradox at work here. The paradox is that you can have what you want when you do not need it anymore. This is very important to understand. Yes, I am telling you to move on. To become whole. To stop needing. The paradox is that the moment that you come out of the vibration of need, you will stop attracting more need. Instead, you want to be in the vibration of not needing, and that is when you can then attract what it is that you truly want.

When you stop the need, you release resistance to what you want. By doing this, you are actually increasing your chances of reuniting with your Twin Flame. By letting go and surrendering. This is actually the best chance that you have of reuniting with your Twin Flame, but there is one more certainty at play… That whatever it is that comes along will be exactly what you want.

You must live moment to moment, making self loving decisions that you know are good for you and that make you happy. Do whatever you must to live a happy life. You must trust the Universe and that it can deliver, without limiting the options by which it can bring it you. Without needing it a certain way. Let the Universe surprise you, and it will.


Love, Love, Love, trust, have faith and be super happy.

I have so much love for you. For you, I pour my heart and soul. For you, I hold nothing back. For you, I am willing to tell the truth, even when it may be difficult for me me to say and difficult for you to hear.

I do it because I love you and there is no greater blessing than that. I am so grateful that the Universe has blessed me with such great capacity to love. There is no greater joy. I am a loving being, an expression of the divine, I am blessed and so are you.

With great love.

If you would like a Twin Flame Reading, you may contact me at any time via
or via Facebook Page, Accelerated Ascension For The Twin Flame

We are all in this together, I am here for you.

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  • it depends on your twinflame completely and their intentions. i know all believe twins to be 100% harmonious but that is not always the case when your twin is the darker aspect of you. Twinflame relationships are the hardest. 

  • Eh the twin flame phenomenon is overrated lol At least here it is. Trust me, it's brought me nothing but agony and pain.

    First there's the twin flame separation. Right. When you get into this separation phase, where everything falls apart. Nothing put pure agony, the likes of which nobody can even imagine.

    Then there's the reunion stage. Right, when you meld together and become more One. I'm going through that stage now. You become more of your true and full self as you reunite with your other half. Then you have to look out at the world, and at people, and it's nothing but agony, because you suddenly can see how empty everything is, and everyone is, how they're literally half human. They're half human. Half of them is missing.

    And if you're someone like me, who likes to be connected to folks, it's agony. Because I feel them. And I can sense, spiritually, where they are, and how spiritually, they're empty. And it's very tough to deal with. It's tough seeing my fellow humans this way.

    So I've decided to postpone my own growth, my own merging with my twin flame, until everyone else gets with the program. Because I can't deal with it anymore. I've had enough of dealing with it. How much is a human being supposed to take.

    And the saddest bit is, I am not the problem. I would be considered a huge success, by every standard. I am literally one of the most evolved human beings in the world. There's nothing wrong with me, at all, I, myself, am a huge success.

    But I don't feel good. Why, because I'm connected to all of you. And your pain, is my pain. Your state of being, is my state of being. How can I be happy, unless everyone else is succeeding like I am. I can't. It hurts me too much to see how all of you are. Seeing you lag behind in your growth, hurts me. And I feel the hurt, and emptiness, of literally billions of people.

    How I wish I could just be alone lol Honestly. Just off one some island somewhere, with no one around. But I'm not here just for me. I'm here for you. To help you. Even though you don't deserve my help. But I'm still here, putting myself through hell, connecting with you, and giving you my higher energy which you need.

    And, I'll probably end up dying in the process. Wouldn't surprise me actually. That's how I've been feeling, like I'm taking on the whole worlds energy, trying to bring it to a higher level, and it's killing me. I've literally felt like I'm dying.

    Which is okay. I'll be like Jesus, I'll die in agony, for your sins lol I'll die, trying to upgrade you. Because you won't do it for yourselves. But somebody's gotta do it, or it might never get done. So I'll die, I'll achieve my Ascension that way. Giving you as much higher energy as possible, then overloading and fricken dying. Not a bad way to ascend actually, it's sort of like Jesus. Can't say I wouldn't be proud of that.

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