Dearest beloved's,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time on the wings of the extremely important and Powerful gateway the 6:6 portal.
Many of the astute ones among you and who are vibrationally drawn to these messages, will be aware that the Earth is currently being bombarded with an unprecedented level of photonic light particles. Dear ones, these bombardments are set to increase in intensity, and for your information this current portal is truly beyond anything that Earth plane has ever known.
Although time as such does not exist at least not in the 3D linear sense, please be reminded that certain agreements have been made by the collective Consciousness, that certain dates would be considered more potent than others, here we are referring to the numerous wheel of the year dates such as solstice, beltane, equinox, full and new moons, and eclipses, and we are also referring to the double digit dates in the yearly calendar.
Collective agreements have been made that these dates would attest to a definite spike in the photonic light energy bombardment, that the collective Consciousness may be continually upgraded at a level that is sustainable and unlikely to blow any ones fuse.
Many many on the front line of this planetary Ascension will be aware that a huge number of genuine twin soul partnerships are manifesting into the physical realm during this gateway of the 6.6, and this is very much connected to the energetic intensity of the masculine solar rays that will be climaxing on the portal date of the Summer Solstice 2018.
Our beloved channel is now receiving many many messages from the dear ones that she has been working with for many years, that they are finally after jumping over an inexhaustible number of seemingly insurmountable obstacles now coming into recognition and indeed Union with their genuine divine counterpart.
The transmissions that are now being facilitated in “The event is happening” Facebook group are crucial in terms of a focusing the collective energy on vibrationally aligning the collective consciousness to be able to maintain this higher dimensional frequency, that the earth's consciousness is able to hold these incoming Twin Soul Unions, and therefore it is crucial that as many beloved as possible come forward to be part of the 6:6 transmission.
Please see below for full details on how to sign up to be part of this transmission. The more of us that come together in our soul/ ascension groups the deeper everybody is supported exponentially to stabilise in there higher dimensional frequencies, that they may be the vessels and conduits, to allow the twin flame frequencies to Anchor onto the earthly plane.
Dearest ones, we cannot stress this enough, but these times that we are living in are truly truly unprecedented. The event has already begun. The preliminary waves that are being dispensed from our galaxies central sun that is known as Alcione, and these waves are currently hitting our solar logos.
Please understand that it is the sun that is receiving the almighty upgrades and these are being sent forth to those of us on the earthly plane from the photonic light particles that are emitted from our own sun.
Many many of you are beginning to become aware that the sun consciousness is in communication with you and many of you are feeling a deep and profound sense of presence and protection emanating from the sun. This is all due to the deeply upgraded frequencies that are being sent forth from the heart of our central sun in our Galaxy.
Indeed the vibration of the Sun Has Changed, and is set to transform on a deeper and more profound level as the days and weeks and months of 2018 role on by.
Dear ones, yet again we stress to you all the importance to stabilize in higher dimensional frequencies also known as 5th dimensional frequencies also known as Awakened consciousness. It is imperative that as many souls as possible are able to hold a consistent positive vibration long enough, so that all who come into your energetic field are immediately affected by your stabilized positive frequencies.
We urge you all to make this a priority even more so than uniting with your divine counterpart at this time.
Please know that the more stable in your higher dimensional vibration, the swifter you will be able to manifest your holy divine sacred Union partnership.
Everybody is doing so well, and we wish that you who are reading these words could see what we from the higher planes see. We observe that many of your vibrations have transformed now at an unprecedented level and many many of you (due to the great love and support in this most sublime Ascension group) are able to deeply hold, love, and support each other as we rise as a collective consciousness stabilized in the 5th dimensional frequency band
We are so overjoyed to be Gathering with so many of you on the 6:6 portal transmission. please know that again we will be working with our pleiadian Star Family and we are truly blessed to be receiving pleiadian attunements that have been created in order to specifically assist in the transformation of our DNA structure from carbon based to crystalline based.
Please know that all of you who you sign up to add your energy to this highly auspicious gathering will receive a personal blessing from the pleiadian fleets Who are currently surrounding the earth plane at the moment…
We truly are the ones we have been waiting for and these truly are the times that we have been praying for .
Dear ones please prioritize maintaining a high vibratory frequency at all times and actively work on reprogramming your subconscious mind to come into balance on all levels
all is well in eternal love and light
Matahariji and the white wolf tribe
The next transmission will be held on the 6:6 portal (6.6.18) at 6:06 p.m UK time.
Again we are being called to work with our Pleiadian Star Family through Queen Diana Spencer and her divine consort. We are being bought together to receive The highly auspicious Pleiadian golden Rose attunement.
This is a powerful upgrade which is being dispensed at this time in order to assist in the earthing and physicalization of the many genuine twin soul unions that are anchoring at this time.
This is a highly favorable blessing/attunement to receive, that will assist the Earth collective Consciousness to be able to anchor the waves of Divine Grace and Bliss that the great Rapture has already begun to deliver, as well as assist in the anchoring onto the physical plane the next wave of divine unions
This transmission has already anchored and the reverberations are being experienced by the sensitive ones among you.. The work that we are being called to do on the 6.6 portal is energetic preparation for the Solstice gateway on the 20th June.......
This really is a profound blessing that will deeply accelerate you on your ascension path.. we will also be working with the energy of the ascension wave Divine grace ensuring its swift arrival to Gaias sacred shores
Dear amparo,
Yes, we are near to fifth dimensional energies...
It is going on...