I am about to leave but I got this message which I know this to be true...and I know Ngari...She is the twin flame of Ascended Master Kuthumi...We have shared in the past...Blessings and much Love...


Pleiadian Lilah
Saint Germaine, channeled
By Ngari
′′ Beloved brothers and dear friends ".
I haven't spoken directly to you in a while, through this channel. But today I was asked by our Ngari, to tell them exactly and much truth, what is going on right now on Earth.
As you know, PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing everything possible to implement NESARA AT THE INTERNAL LEVEL IN THE UNITED STATES, AND GESARA AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL, in the 209 nations that have signed that law.
It is also largely achieving ′′ DRAIN THE SWAMP ′′ in which America became, with the discrete help of:
💎 The Galaxy Federation of the Free Worlds,
💎 The Ascended Teachers,
💎 The Alliance - composed of BRICS countries: (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
North American troops are already in several countries to arrest elite members of the ′′ deep state ′′ living in those countries.
US military has also rescued more than 500 thousand children slaving those sick people from the world's satanic elite.
It has also restored the Republic in the United States, which thus ceases to be a private corporation, in the hands of a few Cabal families.
Likewise it is proving the return to the pristine, original U.S. Constitution, in wind and tide. HAS CREATED A NEW COIN, THE UST, which can only be EMITTED BY THE UNITED STATES Treasure.
For this reason, TRUMP HAS CREATED AMERICAN TREASURE, WITH RENO HEADS IN RENO, CASTING THE POWER OF THE FED, which federal had nothing, since IT WAS PRIVATE PROPERTY, nor reserve, either, and HIS TABLE OF DIRECTORS WAS appointed by LOS ROTSCHILD as well as issuing money as they please. All that will no longer be allowed, under no circumstances. And the new currency is fully backed by real wealth.
Soon the other countries will be deploying Gesara and then there will be a single currency, backed by real wealth. And it will be digital, because it will be part of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which is already working, although it has not been disclosed yet.
Although their evil plans are being disclosed with the intention of fearing them, don't consider it. QUANTIC COMPUTERS already being used are equipped with an ALIENIGEN TECHNOLOGY, UNKNOWN ON EARTH, moved by plasma and tachionic energy, as well as possessing Artificial Intelligence.
THE CABAL CAN NEVER HACK THAT SYSTEM, nor promote money laundering operations, or steal from citizens.
YOU ALL WILL HAVE YOUR OWN ACCOUNT, AND YOU CAN MANIPULATE THAT ACCOUNT FREELY. Because the quantum computer detects immediately and in real time, any attempted fraud, theft or whatever and automatically blocks the requested transaction. I ask you, my friends, not to be afraid or afraid.
I assure you both you and your families are safe. NOBODY WILL BE LEFT WITHOUT MONEY FOR THEIR SUPERVIVENCE AND FAMILY.
THE CABAL IS TRYING TO SAVE ITS POWER AND IS GIVING ITS LAST COLLETS, adapting a global ′′ BURNED LAND ′′ policy. OR BE IT, IF THE PLANET IS NOT UNDER OUR YUGO, NO ONE CAN HAVE IT. But their strength is running out, and they know it. Every day there is a new victory of Light. There are more arrests every day.
Most of that planetary elite is already behind bars at Guantanamo. Or under house arrests. We will no longer allow them their onslaught against humans, and we have eliminated any attempt at a third world war.
Galactics have neutralized all of Earth's atomic arsenal. Plus, BE PART OF NESARA and GESARA, THE END OF EVERYTHING AND ANY WAR ON THAT PLANET. Includes an international armistice. From now on all the peoples of that planet will live in peace and harmony with each other.
In short, there will be no more wars. Every citizen will have more than enough to have a roof, food on the table and health for everyone. Whether or not you have a job, there will always be money in your account.
The role of banks will be another completely different. With the new financial system, there will be the forgiveness of all bank debts. They already started cancelling the debt of the poorest countries.
Mortgage and credit or debit card debts will be forgiven anyway. It'll be a way to give people back at least part of what they've been robbed of all their lives.
Water, light, and heating accounts will be removed due to opening free energy patents, for example. Energy becomes free and free to all, no matter where in the world you live. Plus, income tax is being eliminated.
There will be a single tax of 14 % on consumer goods, excluding medicines, food, homes or secondhand cars, and especially whatever is first needed for life on Earth.
Earth will have a full-fledged galaxy society. There will no longer be people going hungry, violence, or anything that represents a low vibration, because the planet, which is a living being, is moving on to the Fifth Dimension, and you with it.
THERE WILL BE NO HOSPITALS, NO VACCINES, NO EVEN SICKNESS. Almost there until MEDBED'S, or medical beds are released to the public, which in a matter of minutes, will heal all and any pre-future illness.
Every human being will regain their freedom and live a prosperous, rich and happy life. And all of it is just around the corner.
So pay no attention to the catastrophic view of Cabal's plans. They won't be fulfilled, I assure you. I ASK YOU ALL TO START CELEBRATING THE FREEDOM OF ′′ BEING ′′ AND THE VICTORY OF THE STRENGTH OF LIGHT, FROM NOW!!!
## Compartido de Peter Graus
GESARA !! Haga clic en traducir en la esquina superior derecha. ¡El dinero colocado por el conde Saint-Germain hace 250 años y el dinero robado por el Cabal se redistribuirá a todas las personas!
IMPORTANTE LEA SEGURO !!!!!! ¡La revaluación de la moneda está en marcha!
Este dinero proviene, entre otras cosas, del Fideicomiso de Saint-Germain, que se fundó hace más de 250 años y que desde entonces ha generado intereses durante este largo período.
La cantidad es enorme y hay suficiente para hacer millonarios a todos los habitantes de la Tierra, incluidos los bebés.
Este dinero se usará primero para reconstruir el mundo y su economía para mejorar el destino de sus habitantes.
Otra parte también vendrá de bienes incautados por miembros de la camarilla que nos han robado durante siglos.
Todas sus pertenencias serán confiscadas en virtud de una Ley Patriota de los Estados Unidos después de los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001, que Trump corrigió en diciembre de 2017, poco después de su elección (la incautación de bienes obtenidos de manera fraudulenta para los traidores a la nación y para delincuentes).
Estos bienes serán redistribuidos a las personas en un segundo paso.
Todo este dinero debe ser liberado al mismo tiempo; El mismo día en todo el mundo.
Ahora entiendes por qué tardó tanto.
Esta distribución tuvo que organizarse en todo el mundo el mismo día.
Eso significa, transferir estos fondos masivos a todos los centros de distribución global (los Centros de redención), garantizar la seguridad de estos fondos, de los centros de distribución, y encontrar miembros de Cabal con los bancos que querían retirar su dinero, y ellos inofensivo en todo el mundo.
Esta es también la razón por la cual los datos previamente anunciados fueron intencionalmente incorrectos.
Estas personas tuvieron que ser engañadas para lavarlas y arrestarlas.
Estamos listos para liberar este dinero.
No sé si las fechas son buenas o si vuelven otra vez.
Todos los participantes firman un NDA, un acuerdo de confidencialidad.
Esto significa que ya no tenemos información sobre estos pagos por la noche.
Esto no significa que ya no existirán.
Simplemente se les pagará y nadie tendrá derecho a hablar al respecto, incluyéndome a mí, bajo severas sanciones.
Pero será una gran noticia para el mundo.
Judy Byington para Dinar Chronicles ¡El dinero colocado por el conde Saint-Germain hace 250 años y el dinero robado por el Cabal se está redistribuyendo a todas las personas!
El algoritmo de lanzamiento final se ejecutó el jueves por la noche del viernes 10 de junio al 11 de junio y las verificaciones se completaron con éxito.
Los retrasos de la semana pasada se debieron a problemas con los equipos de seguridad que trabajaban durante los disturbios, asegurando centros de socorro en los Estados democráticos como resultado de los disturbios, levantando las restricciones de viaje a nivel nacional e internacional debido a que la pandemia y Trump pudieron reunirse El ultimátum de China en otros lugares publicará la revaluación de la moneda (RV) antes del jueves 11 de junio de 2020.
Trump pudo cumplir con los términos del ultimátum del jueves 11 de junio, y la publicación se realizó.
Estas condiciones son:
(1) Más de 3.000 arrestos de cabalistas y
(2) Trump anunció sin problemas el dólar estadounidense con respaldo de oro (USN) al mundo financiero el jueves 11 de junio y luego a las 11.11 a.m. (hora de verano del este de EE. UU.). una mesa redonda a las 4:00 pm (hora de verano del este de EE. UU.) jueves 11 de junio.
Los tesoreros privados de Hong Kong asistieron a reuniones privadas el jueves 11 de junio por la noche, confirmando que todo el dinero para el RV fue liberado del nivel más alto al más bajo.
No habrá lanzamiento chino el martes, ya que el RV ya se lanzó.
El USD / USN será de $ 1 = $ 1 durante al menos 90 días, si no 12 meses, a medida que las personas de todo el mundo intercambien (atesoren) sus dólares por nuestra nueva moneda. (¡Cambie el dólar federal fraudulento USD por el dólar del Tesoro Nacional USN garantizado por oro!)
Todo lo relacionado con intercambios, reembolsos de divisas, Zim, CMKX, PP y otros solo concierne a gobiernos, algunas instituciones, grupos, pero también a personas de todo el mundo que alguna vez han invertido y que pronto pagarán sus deudas.
Por ejemplo, los CMKX son quejas de agricultores estadounidenses que han sido saqueados y que eventualmente serán compensados por lo que les debemos.
Otros fondos van a otros grupos.
En general, todo este dinero se reinvertirá en proyectos humanitarios en todo el mundo para sacar a la humanidad de la pobreza.
Conde de Saint-Germain
## Shared by Peter Graus
GESARA!! Click translate in the top right corner. The money placed by Count Saint-Germain 250 years ago and the money stolen by Cabal will be redistributed to all people!
IMPORTANT SAFE READ!!!!!! Currency revaluation is underway!
This money comes, among other things, from the Saint-Germain Trust, which was founded more than 250 years ago and has since generated interest during this long period.
The amount is huge and there's enough to make millionaires to all Earth's inhabitants including babies.
This money will be used first to rebuild the world and its economy to improve the fate of its inhabitants.
Another part will also come from goods seized by clique members who have stolen from us for centuries.
All of your belongings will be confiscated under a US Patriot Act following the attacks of September 11, 2001, which Trump corrected in December 2017, shortly after his election (the seizure of property fraudulently obtained for traitors to the nation and for criminals).
These goods will be redistricted to people in a second step.
All this money must be released at the same time; Same day around the world.
Now you understand why it took so long.
This distribution had to be organized worldwide on the same day.
That means, transferring these massive funds to all global distribution centers (Redemption Centers), ensuring the safety of these funds, distribution centers, and finding Cabal members with banks who wanted to withdraw their money, and them harmless all over the world.
This is also why previously announced data was intentionally incorrect.
These people had to be tricked into washing and arresting them.
We are ready to release this money.
I don't know if the dates are good or if they come back again.
All participants sign an NDA, a confidentiality agreement.
This means we no longer have information about these overnight payments.
This doesn't mean they won't exist anymore.
They will simply be paid and no one will have the right to talk about it including me under severe sanctions.
But it will be great news to the world.
Judy Byington for Dinar Chronicles The money placed by Count Saint-Germain 250 years ago and the money stolen by Cabal is being redistributed to all people!
The final launch algorithm was executed Thursday night from Friday, June 10-June 11 and the checks were successfully completed.
Last week's delays were due to problems with security teams working during the riots, securing relief centers in democratic states as a result of the riots, lifting travel restrictions nationally and internationally due to the pandemic And Trump were able to meet China's ultimatum elsewhere will publish currency revaluation (RV) before Thursday, June 11, 2020.
Trump was able to meet the terms of Thursday June 11 ultimatum, and the publication was made.
These conditions are:
(1) 3.000 y arrests of cabbalists and
(2) Trump smoothly announced the US dollar with gold backing (USN) to the financial world on Thursday, June 11th and then at 11.11 am Eastern Summer Time. U.S. ). a roundtable at 4:00 pm (Eastern US summer time) U.S. ) Thursday June 11th.
Hong Kong's private treasurers attended private meetings on Thursday, June 11th, confirming that all money for the RV was released from the highest to the lowest level.
There will be no Chinese release Tuesday as the RV is already released.
The USD / USN will be $ 1 = $ 1 for at least 90 days, if not 12 months, as people around the world exchange (treasured) their dollars for our new currency. (Trade the federal fraudulent dollar USD for the USN National Treasury dollar guaranteed for gold! ))
Everything related to exchanges, currency repayments, Zim, CMKX, PP and others only concerns governments, some institutions, groups, but also people around the world who have once invested and will soon pay their debts.
For example, CMKX are complaints from American farmers who have been looted and will eventually be compensated for what we owe them.
Other funds go to other groups.
Overall, all this money will be reinvested in humanitarian projects around the world to get humanity out of poverty.
Count of Saint-Germain

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  •   This all wonderful news a few years ago I read about St.Germain's Prosperity  Plan. Thank You for sharing Amparo Alvaro

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