Everybody worships God, in one way or another, even atheists and all kinds of deluded mockers.
So here are the types of God worshippers - starting with the lowest and ending with the highest:
- those who worship themselves as one with the Supreme Lord (monists)
- those who concoct some form of the Supreme Lord and worship that (these are demigods worshippers, like Śiva, Śakti, Sūrya (the sun-god), Gaṇeśa, Kali, Durgā, etc)
- those who accept universal form - viśvarūpa - of the Supreme Lord and worship that (they consider universe to be supreme organism or enitity. The universe is also form of the Lord).
- those in search for knowledge of the Absolute
- the inquisitive
- those financially destitute (desirers of wealth)
- the distressed
The highest:
Mahātmās - great souls, fully conscious of God, they do not know anything other than God, the Supreme Lord, therefore they're forever in bliss of the highest order.
Folks: your soul's goal is sat-cit-ananda!!!! (eternity-knowledge-bliss)
Reference: Bhagavad Gītā as it is 9.15, purport
Geonic-form: no, the highest means the highest consciousness. And what are they conscious of? They're fully consicous of God and them-selves. Those who are so high, they know it all and fully from the very early age clearly, because consciousness for them is not lost. Very very rarely you'll find such personality incarnate on Earth.
That means that we (you and me and all on AC) are all here due to our different karmas and not because we "fell" from full consciousness but are actually 'highest'. That is not true, this is self-deception which can drag you very very low. That is also called megalomania.
Is your kundalini awaken?
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Learning is not finite, it is infinite. :)
what about the highest at the lowest for more learning? or is learning finite, hehe