U are Me,, and I Am U

Hi Dear Ones

There is not any place of darkness U could go that I would Not be....

Cause U are the most Precious piece of Life there is,,,,,,,,,,,,, period.

I Will go where ever U want to go,, forever.

I Love U,,

so Much

I do.

I will be forever here with U,, forever,,

until U see Me,,,, I will be forever here and forever.

I Lub U

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  • You are basically right in everything you say here, but with one exception: I'm quite certain that you are not yet ready to go where I go for instance.

    I am currently exploring the "dark side" of meself (in a safe (for the world) and controlled environment of course, but in there you are certain to find horrors that could still freeze your soul.

    Have You explored your "Dark Side" yet?

    It's VERY teaching for as long as you keep it under control. :)

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