In this New Time, we are experiencing a lot of new information from various sources. Our team has put together an amazing resource that curates RSS feeds from around the world... all focused on UFOlogy related information. We are a Ufology-focused desktop, tablet and mobile personalized RSS (PRSS) reader. UFOlogyPRSS is designed to keep you up to date with all the latest news on the world of Ufology, instantly connecting you to the best Ufology news sites, blogs and podcasts on the web and more.
We debuted the website at the International UFO Congress conference, February 27, 2013. Dr. Lynne Kitie, producer of The Phoenix Lights Documentary, also included us as part of the festivities at the 16th annual showing of the film on Sunday, March 17. We have many supporters already, including, and our team is working to continue adding resources so that we have the most complete and up-to-date information available on the Net.
Not only do we include Blog, Podcast and Video feeds; we also include events around the world related to UFOlogy and the growing crowds of the curious as well as noted authors, abductees, contactees, investigators and researchers. We invite you to come and enjoy the content-rich environment created just for you.
Something our UFOlogy team put together to create a buzz....
We're all really excited about the feedback, too. Our deliverable is designed for the curious, investigator and seasoned - possibly the Web's most complete desktop, smartphone and tablet deliverable resource on UFOlogy today.
If you know of a resource we don't have yet, please let us know!
Please 'like' our page too!