Last few Months i was going to Tower Bridge in London and sitting on a bench by the river to see if i might be lucky to see some UFO,s....i used to take some home made Sandwiches and tea in a flask and have a little picnic and watch the sky.....but all i saw was Earthly Spacecrafts....still it was good sitting out there when the weather was sunny and mind you there were some beautiful ladies from abroad just visiting as tourists and i talked to some of them and gave them the internet address of this website and talked a little with them about 2012.
NOW RECENTLY UFO's SHOWED UP IN TOWER BRIDGE LONDON and i was not there to see them .....still i suppose i will keep trying
Please use your discretion and figure out if these are real UFO's as it is difficult to say if these are 100% real as a lot of false one's are on YouTube