Understanding the purpose of the Ashtar Command is important.
First to remember it is real and exists.
Not a club created on Earth,not a role playing group which over the years some thought it was.
The Ashtar Command or Ashtar Galactic Command was sent out to the multi-verse by God.
A loving ,light filled God of all creation.
From many planetary worlds of light.
Beacons of love.
In this multi-verse there have been over the eons of time and space many planets that have gone through similar lower vibrations and then when ascended higher vibrations.
You could look at it like a roller coaster.
The Ashtar Command is truly made up of men,women and children of divine love within there hearts.
The reason a number of Ashtar Command sites exist now on the web is to help people find there way back to themselves.
Each one has a different focus,but the main purpose is the bring all together to remember the basic foundation of truth that was always inside you to begin with.
Many come with preconceived belief systems in place to Ashtar Command.
Some with a pre planned agenda from the Mind verses the Heart.
The goal is to teach people to stop always responding to events and people from a mental perspective.
Now its time to learn how to respond from the Heart ,the very soul level of your being.
That's what we do as Ashtaf Commanders.
What is your purpose coming to earth now.
Are you a healer,work with the higher dimensional crystals,teacher,into the higher vibration sciences,ecology,musical creation of higher dimensional music,disclosure.
Sharing your mission with others allows you to be a spiritual commander,allows you to be who you truly are and live in the now moment each and every day of your life.
With a knowing and understanding of all that is around you.
The Ashtar Command represents the very best spiritual and cosmically of who we are in reality.
Its a waking up to the spiritual oneness with God's light.
I read how so many are seeking to truly remember why and what they should be doing now.
The first thing is to find yourself.The self that has been forgotten.
What is your agenda/ Do you have a list of things or nothing at all?
You will find your purpose in the Command if you stop going all over the place for truth.
Our purpose in the Ashtar Command is to help you in a loving way remember your soul purpose for being here now .
When you embrace the very foundation of love in your being without ego,earth based agendas,mental blockages,and just allow yourself to be a loving spiritual being to all on and off planet.
Then you are being a Ashtar Commander which = Spiritually Awakened Christed Human Being.
No one said it would be an easy mission to remember,but you are some quickly others slowly.
Some refusing to allow themselves to see who they are at all.
These are all choices now.
In the times ahead it will be important to recall your purpose as a Divine Being in Human form.
Having your Human experience has been a interesting journey for all of us in different ways.
Now we can come home as a community of divine light and love and remember our soul purpose and our connection to the Ashtar Command.
Enjoy each and every day of your life,don't let anything or anyone bring your vibration down and if your vibration is not yet where you want it to be .Know in your hearts that you can change that if you make the effort to do so.
I speak as an Ashtar Commander .A Cosmic Spiritual Soul here to assist Mother Earth in whatever way I can.
Many of you realize this as well and are stepping up into your Commanderships at this time.
Don't worry what others might think if you come out of the cosmic closet.
Its ok to be a Ashtar Commander.
Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,
USA/Global Ashtar Command Web-Site
Greetings all,
Since I have moderated this blog it might be a day or so before I get to add new messages here.
I will get to each one as I see them waiting .
Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,
Thank you CmdrAleon for this timely message. I give you my love, I give you my heart. I accept your love, I accept your heart. All is LOVE! We are ONE!
"The goal is to teach people to stop always responding to events and people from a mental perspective.
Now its time to learn how to respond from the Heart ,the very soul level of your being."
^ Love this, the most important part of the message.
"Cosmic closet" - LOL!
Ashtar command :)
Dearest Cmdr. Aleon,
What a PERFECT from the very core / heart essence of the Ashtar Command and Ashtar your message is here. THAT---bottom line--IS what the Ashtar Command is all about. THIS is the message that is to be given to all who inquire about us and our purpose with Earth and upon Earth. Bless you for your pure heart, staunch, unwavering loyalty, commitment and dedication, your guile-less persona and your truly cosmic vision.
With my-- and our-- deepest love, respect, appreciation and esteem, blessings,
Cmdr. Lady Athena
PS Absolutely LOVE that picture you posted at the head of this message.
awsom awsom awsom
such truthful words for all to embrace
thank you love lite always
Thanks for this post! Good reminder!