Just in case there are those who are not quite clear about what the Cosmic Laws are, which maintain balance within Gods Creation, I give you the Universal Laws of God and Creation! These come from the Phoenix Journals. For those not familiar with them, I highly suggest becoming familiarized with them by researching and reading them. I am willing to bet there will be those who will chide these laws as ''too christian sounding'' or say ''there are no dos and don'ts in life'', but if you sit and carefully read through them, you will find these Cosmic Laws of Balance to be very sensible indeed. In fact, it is mans deviation from these Laws of Balance, and adherence to his own man made laws, that has resulted in the gross imbalance of our species, and the near destruction of our home planet, Mother Gaia. The ways of mankind HAVE NOT WORKED. Now it is time to adhere to the Laws of God and Creation, and come back into balance!
''Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.''
This means to seek and demand the TRUTH be shown to you so that you must develop that ability to discern and judge all information, actions and behavior with self and others which go against the laws of balance given forth by GOD and The Creation. This also means that when information is put before your attention, you must ask the FATHER within you to show you whether or not it is true and ask for the Father to give you the verification you need for understanding the TRUTH in all information and situations which HE puts before you. THIS means you must have the courage and the determination to conquer the fear, apathy and ignorance within your altered ego to ACHIEVE THE WISDOM OF KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH!
This means you must recognize that your soul existence and your life on this plane is only possible by the wondrous grace of God, your Creator. You must recognize and honor HIS HOLY PRESENCE within you AND ALL THAT IS, because it is by HIS HOLY GRACE that you shall be able to receive His guidance and instructions for WHAT your service is to God and The Creation to maintain the glory of light and love and life in constant unfoldment of the glorious mystery of the ONE. In other words, YOU will learn to understand and be always connected with the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS in Creation.
Now, to remember and understand this, THE LAW of ONE, you must realize that ALL beings AND creations are EQUAL OR EVEN in reflection of and importance TO THE ONE God, only that each is simply DIFFERENT in abilities, talents, and beingness as an EXPRESSION of THE ONE ALL THAT IS. Contrary to perhaps your own “opinion”, You as A HU-MAN(Higher Universal Man) are NOT superior or inferior in importance to the tree, the rock, the bird, or ANY other being or creation of THE ONE. You are simply ONE of THE HOLY FATHER’S vehicles of motion for expanding and experiencing the JOY of continuous unfoldment of THE CREATION. You see, there cannot exist any separation, ALL come from the ONE great Source of all THE CREATION and all will return to our source, THE ONE.
Also, you must understand the true nature of the laws of Balance given forth by our FATHER as it relates to HUMANS granted with the GIFT of FREE WILL. For example: If ALL humans were removed from this planet, do you think that the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms would remain in balance? The correct answer is MOST DEFINTELY YES! Because they belong to the kingdom of God which was created to maintain a wondrous Planet in Balance. You as humans who were given FREE-WILL and reasoning ability to choose to balance within the laws (or not), were also sent to God’s CREATION as Guardians. What have you done to her by choosing to live in the lie of destruction which is the ANTI-Christ? Are you proud of the pollution you pour into her waters, and soils and airspace? This is the very water, soil, and air-space YOU depend on for your physical survival. WHERE is the REASONING for this sort of corruption? Why do you crowd out and not honor the right to life of the others of God’s Sacred Kingdom, such as the trees, the minerals, and the animals? What have YOU CHOSEN with YOUR Gift of FREE-WILL? Most of the Mass Consciousness of humanity have chosen death and destruction to themselves and the planet because they BELIEVE and are blinded by the lies of the Anti-Christ. They are possessed by the blindness and ignorance of their own “altered” ego.
So now that you recognize that most ones have chosen, with their wondrous free-will, NOT to Maintain the Balance of the Laws of God and The Creation, you might ask yourself, “So what happens now?” There is a point which is reached when God must decide whether HE will preserve and RETURN BALANCE to a kingdom of His that is lost in the darkness and ignorance of the Anti-Christ, or whether He will allow the Anti-Christ to consume itself AND the planet it is sustained by.
We will give you the example of THIS kingdom of God, beloved planet Earth. She is called “The Emerald” of this universe; she is a most glorious creation and she is ALIVE, A BEING OF GOD’S LOVE. She is a part of the human experience, and the human experience is a part of her. All of the pollution of the thoughts, words and deeds from the humans here is now a part of HER, as well as existing within the humans who created them. She has been raped, pillaged, and plundered by those who were to be her guardians. SHE has ALLOWED you to make her your playground of HELL and she has CRIED OUT TO GOD FOR HELP AND MERCY. As have many of YOU who now KNOW your only HOPE will come from the LOVING Grace and Mercy of OUR Divine Father! And GOD has answered HER Plea in his infinite Love, Compassion and Mercy. The Promise: She will be allowed to cleanse herself from within and without of ALL the Anti-Christ pollution smothering her…SHE WILL BE REBIRTHED INTO A CHRISTED BEING OF PERFECTION! And so too, the humans WHO choose to align in balance with the laws of God and The Creation will also receive graduation into the Kingdom of God in the Higher dimensions of LIFE within the DIVINE CREATION. NONE will be spared the ultimate choice between the Kingdom of LIGHT and LOVE that is GOD’S kingdom, or to remain in the kingdom of THE ANTI- Christ…which is the desolate, hollow darkness of lies, deception and destruction.
What we are describing to you is that YOU each NOW have the opportunity to move your soul awareness from UNCONSCIOUS (Current 3rd dimensional experience) to CONSCIOUS ( New God 4th & 5th Dimensional experience) IMMORTALITY. Meditate on the meaning of that statement of Truth! May you wisely choose the glorious FREEDOM of the CONSCIOUS IMMORTALITY OF GOD, TRUTH, LOVE AND LIGHT!
This means that there is NOTHING in material manifestation for you to worship as your GOD. There are no temples or churches, deities or crosses that need be the places or images to worship in or of. Nor are there any priests, ministers, rabbis OR ANY OTHER HUMAN who may act as representatives BETWEEN you and God. You see, EACH and every one of you Human Beings carries with you the TEMPLE OF GOD WITHIN YOU! You are the temple. And so with this truth in mind you might ask yourselves, WHERE do YOU take God in your life journey?
So you must not place the attainment and hoarding of “worldy” treasures above the attainment of your spiritual wisdom and perfection lest ye “die” in the darkness of spiritual poverty. A good example of this false image of “worship” is quite prevalent now in your societies and that is THE WORSHIP OF GOLD. If you make the accumulation of gold (money) your first preoccupation for the sake of having more and better “things” and possessions, you are pushing God out of HIS temple and the Anti-Christ will become your constant bedfellow, urging you to consider ONLY your material desires, promising you greatness and importance ABOVE your brothers, so that eventually God within you becomes but a glimmer of what was once the flame of your eternal GOD EMPOWERMENT within. And if YOU allow your Altered Ego POSSESSION by the Anti-Christ to rule your being, the Anti-Christ will not stop until your flame of life is extinguished and your spirit is left ALONE and naked to stand before self and God in the agony of self-judgment of the transgressions against HIS HOLY PRESENCE.
So this means that you must become and remain “detached” from your “worldly” possessions, because they do not go with you to the kingdom of GOD, nor does the “amassing” of great “worldly” treasures bring you SPIRITUAL wisdom. Your preoccupation with “amassing” great worldly wealth brings you only the emptiness of spiritual poverty. You cannot serve your SPIRIT and serve The Anti-Christ. Serve only your SPIRIT WITHIN and the Anti-Christ will have no place to dwell within your temple.
This means that within the Christ circle of infinity, which is the Christ Consciousness of ONE, you must recognize the tremendous and Wondrous Love that our Lord God has for you to allow your experience in HIS kingdom of life unfolding. You and ALL THAT IS are but the reflection of HIS LOVE and JOY of The Creation before him. You are his co-creator in the infinity of The Creation and you are the co-creator of HIS jubilant Self-discovery within the unfolding manifestations of the mystery of the ETERNAL ONE. So when you despise yourself or another, you despise the very SPIRIT of LIFE ETERNAL and it all exists within YOU. You see, OUR Great Central Sun, The ONE Eternal Light is beckoning to you: I AM THE LIGHT, I AM THE JOY, I AM THE LOVE, I AM THE TRUTH, I AM THE ADVENTURE, I AM THAT I AM….AND SO ARE YOU! YOUR TICKET TO THE ETERNITY THAT I AM IS YOUR LOVE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LIFE WITHIN SELF AND ALL THAT IS!
Also remember that in your physical world, you have a physical body which you are given to use to house YOUR SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN. You must take care of the needs of the body with proper food, water, clothing, shelter, exercise and rest so that you remain vibrant, clean and healthy in order to perform with honor, the service of GOD. So too, you must not knowingly “poison” the body with the ingestion or inhalations of devastatingly harmful and addictive “drugs” whether they be of “legal” or “illegal” status by Earth standards. The spirit of God within you needs no “mind” altering to connect and commune with THE HIGHEST DIVINE LIGHT OF THE ONE ALL THAT IS.
This means you shall not cast BLAME against or curse another IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER in your thoughts, words or deeds. You must take full responsibility for your own errors or transgressions against self or others. And so when you blame, curse, resent and condemn another being you are ALSO blaming, cursing, resenting and condemning GOD your Creator, who exists as the flame OF IMMORTAL LIFE WITHIN YOU and WITHIN ALL OTHERS. So as you cast outward the blame of irresponsibility and denial, it must return to you UNTIL the lesson is learned by YOU who is the creator of the transgression in the first place upon THE ONE self.
Also, you must not knowingly and purposely deceive or lie to yourself or others in the name of YOUR HOLY FATHER. So when you say, “I swear this to BE the total truth in the NAME OF GOD”, you had better KNOW that to be a factual statement or you have dishonored GOD’S SACRED NAME for your own selfish altered ego means. This does NOT mean that with the tyranny that exists with the INJUSTICE SYSTEMS of the world, that you must sacrifice YOUR LIFE for the telling of a truth in a court of the unlawful. In this case (as in all situations you encounter) you must use your GOD-given senses and ask for HIS guidance and protection in your circumstance. This in no way means you will not tell the truth as you perceive it to be, but you must TRUST THE POWER OF GOD WITHIN YOU to always give you what you need for guidance and protection. This is what Immanuel told the Pharisees and scribes about “oaths”:
“Woe unto you, you blind leaders of false teachings who say, ‘If a person swears by the temple, that does not count, but if a person swears by the gold on the temple, that binds him.’ You fools and blinded ones, you are the offspring of evil; why do you let people swear knowing that an oath is not binding and is a worthless act? How can you say that if a person swears through sacrifice, that is blinding? You blind and false teachers, who gave you the right to demand an oath or to wear, since the Laws of The Creation state that oaths should not be given? Your speech should always be yes, or, no. Therefore he who swears by anything on Earth or the Universe, swears by something fleeting, which is without any substance and therefore, an oath is of no substance either. Therefore, he who swears by anything commits a crime with respect to the truth of his word and makes it doubtful.”
(Isn’t it interesting that in a court of “law”, ones are required to hold the “false” Bible and swear an oath of truth to the court? Where do you suppose that requirement came from? Perhaps from Freemasonry?)
It is important to remember that ignorance of the Truth is acceptable FOR A TIME, but remember GOD within YOU will give you many opportunities to turn your ignorance into THE WISDOM OF KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH. And if you are truly a servant to the ONE ALL THAT IS, you will ALWAYS welcome THE LIGHT OF TRUTH to shine within and before you EVEN if you find the truth to be abhorrent within your very being. This means that you cannot hide behind the BLIND ignorance which rules you by fear and denial of responsibility. THIS is NOT acceptable ignorance in God’s Kingdom because you thereby become the servant of the Anti-Christ and have therefore GIVEN your life into the hands of evil.Here is an example of unacceptable ignorance: (This FALSE BELIEF applies to many who consider themselves part of the “so-called” New Age movement.) Ones are given the wisdom of TRUTH that says yes, “YOU are GOD and so you create your own reality.” Many ones have falsely interpreted that to mean, “I can now ignore the reality I have ALREADY contributed to the creation of and it will no longer be my responsibility because I am God.” This is a prime example of how the Anti-Christ will twist and alter the truth and maintain his playground of deception. Just because you choose to IGNORE the disease and corruption within your government, for example, that does not mean YOU are now exempt from responsibility. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS TO ALL THAT ENERGY OF ALL THE THOUGHTS, WORDS, DEEDS AND ACTIONS YOU HAD BEFORE YOU BECAME (In YOUR perception) A “MASTER” OF “POSITIVE” MANIFESTATION? Do you perhaps think that POOF! GOD JUST EVAPORATES IT FOR YOU AND YOU ARE NO LONGER RESPONSIBLE?!? Or do you think to yourself, “Well, this government corruption and war and economic crises and possible food shortage is all just Doom and Gloom Ugliness that others choose to acknowledge and it’s not my fault, so as long as I don’t bring it (doom & gloom) within my reality, it’s not true and doesn’t exist for me.” We have news for you ones, if you believe that nonsense, you have become a tool of apathy for the Anti-Christ POSSESSING YOU! ALL are connected to the POOL OF MASS Consciousness of Manifested ILLUSION on this plane. If you choose to only SELECTIVELY accept the “truth” which is comfortable for you and doesn’t upset YOUR illusion of reality, then you have also DENIED THE HIGHEST COMMAND OF THE LAW OF THE CREATION: ACHIEVE THE WISDOM OF KNOWLEDGE INASMUCH AS THIS WILL ENABLE YOU TO WISELY FOLLOW THE LAWS OF CREATION.
Now within the “so-called” Christian Bible, this law has been interpreted as “A” day and the day that was chosen by HUMANS was the one called SUNDAY and also called “The Sabbath”. This was the day which HUMANS said that NO work could be done and you must go to THEIR Church and pray, repent and give thanks because this was God’s day. We must tell you this is not correct because ALL days in the Kingdom of God and The Creation are HIS. This means you must keep ALL of your Days HOLY in reverence to THE DIVINE HOLY ONE PRESENCE OF GOD WITHIN ALL OF THE CREATION. EVERY day you must, as a part of your prayer, acknowledge and give thanks and HONOR unto God and The Creation for ALL the blessings of abundance, Wisdom and LIFE which THE FATHER WITHIN YOU has bestowed upon you. Remember this about the true purpose and POWER of Prayer and Meditation. PRAYER is Asking for guidance from the Father within for WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN IN HIS SERVICE, “AND IN ALL THINGS, FATHER, NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE WILL BE DONE.” MEDITATION then is RECEIVING that information from the Father within to sustain in HIS service. Eventually, YOU will ALL be in a constant state of meditation and communion (mutual participation or sharing) with the Divine Father within.
Now, Sunday has also been called God’s day of rest. This is not logical. What about the farmer who has animals and his fields to tend? This is not to say that you cannot rest. But your rest may be on a Monday or a Wednesday or maybe just an hour or two each day. It will be different for every human depending on the condition of his service to God. WHEN the cycle of time comes when all is returned to the ONE of THE CREATION, there is a period of what might be termed as “rest”. This means that life as you know it in this illusion will cease to exist. It is one of the Great Mysteries which measures in cycles the ebb and flow of THE ONE DIVINE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS. Until that time, GOD within you will guide you as to when the necessary times of rest are for you.
This wondrous law has most often been taken only in the quite literal sense. AND it is true, you must honor the ones who were the vehicles for your SOUL being sent here by the Grace of God, THE SAME AS YOU WOULD HONOR ALL THE BEINGS OF LIFE CREATED BY OUR CREATOR GOD AND THE CREATION. This means that as a babe and child you are dependent upon your parents, or others, to sustain you physically in the very least. There is also the tremendous responsibility that those who choose to be “parents”—defined as “A Father or Mother; or any organism that generates another; a source or cause” have. THEY are also choosing to be teacher and guardian for you, one of GOD’S CREATIONS. They are also entrusted by GOD our Creator (whether THEY know it or not) the responsibility of giving YOU the tools to become self-sufficient and sustain in HOLY GOD’s service for the remainder of this life-time. This is why in the more spiritually aware Kingdoms of God, ALL beings are NOT given the responsibility for the pro-creation of the species.
Firstly, it is an honor that is EARNED by the parents who completely understand THEIR responsibility to TEACH the laws of balance of God and The Creation. Secondly, Pro-creation of the species IS TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY by your more spiritually advanced brothers on other planetary systems. (See Law #15.) The reason is that THEY recognize and honor the TRUTH of the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION. You see, THEY HAVE LEARNED THAT THE SPIRITUALLY WEAK WILL PASS ON THEIR DIS-EASE, APATHY, IGNORANCE, AND MISUNDERSTANDING TO THEIR PRO-GENY, thus spreading the insidious cancer and DESTRUCTION of THE ANTI-CHRIST throughout their species. THEY KNOW THAT THESE CHILDREN OF GOD ARE THEIR PROMISE FOR THE BALANCED CONTINUATION OF THEIR SPECIES. So it goes that the pro-creation responsibilities are monitored VERY carefully to maintain Balance of the species within the laws of GOD and The Creation. EVERY child is LOVED and carefully tended and instructed by ALL who have EARNED this, one of the most important responsibilities of any HUMAN, THAT OF BEING A “PARENT” FOR GOD!
Now the other purpose for and meaning of this law is that you shall honor the Mother and Father Principle of ALL THAT IS IN THE CREATION. A very wondrous example is that you must honor THIS beloved Planet Terra who represents the Mother “principle” in that she nurtures and sustains the lives of All Creatures of God who exist here. And you must Honor our Father GOD who gives forth the seed of the Spirit of ALL life within the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS. Of course God IS the Mother/Father principle in HARMONY, BALANCE AND MOTION and so there exists the Mother/Father UNITY and BALANCE IN ALL FRAGMENTS OF THE DIVINE CREATION.
The literal definition of adultery in your dictionary is: “The voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with someone not the spouse”. Now, the reason for this law, which still applies now, was that well before and at the time that the Commandments were presented by Moses to the people, they were mostly simple-minded, ignorant, illiterate and God-FEARING because of their previous false teachings given by the religious/empire leaders of their “time”.
The problem was that (throughout your “past” history) many young men and soldiers would lustfully spread their fertile seed in the sexual act to MANY various young, willing women whom they met within their daily lives and in their travels from village to village. (Times have not changed much, have they?) The obvious result was that many women became pregnant, and usually by that time the man was long gone, to war or to the next village. So she would be left alone with the responsibility of birthing and raising her child. Many women could not “handle” this unexpected responsibility AND the desertion of who they usually thought to be THEIR man. Many women, overcome by the horror, shame and guilt of the circumstance, killed themselves and their unborn by trying to abort the child. Many women were left on the streets, unless they had friends or family who would take care of them. And many women abandoned their birthed child, sometimes at the doorstep of a church or orphanage, but also some would leave the child to die in some dark and desolate place. So thus the necessity of this law, “You must NOT commit adultery.” (See law #15. “You must obey the wisdom of God for the responsibility you have of BALANCED Pro-Creation of your species.)
So in his loving mercy and infinite wisdom, God created the commitment of Marriage or Wedlock defined in your dictionary as: “A legal contract by a man and woman to live together as husband and wife.” (In the higher realms it is a very serious and joyful commitment and is called DIVINE UNION.) In this way HE planted the seed of JOINT responsibility of this husband and wife to each other AND to any offspring they produced. This is why Marriage is to be considered one of the MOST serious and SACRED commitments TO GOD!
Now we will quote some of the actual teachings given on this subject of THE FATHER’S WORD given by The Master Teacher Jesus, Esu, Immanuel from the book (now in print, as part of The Phoenix Journal Series) entitled AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL; I AM SANANDA. Nearly y2000 years ago when the Master Jesus, Esu, Immanuel was asked about the commitment of marriage and the rights of men and women. This is what he said:
“All good things were given unto you and you received the Laws according to which you are to live. You should adhere to these and additional laws, so that you shall prosper on Earth and have peace in your families; remove the power of the old law that women shall be subject to man, since she is a person equal to man in spirit respect, and has equal rights and obligations. There are many distortions in the laws since they were given forth by God and the Celestial Sons, for men have built them to be suitable unto themselves.
“When a man marries a woman, he shall pay to the most trusted steward the handling of her possessions, as a price of security, lest she suffer from lack of her necessities. The price should be calculated in such a way that for each year of her life one hundred pieces of silver should be the basis, measured according to her knowledge, her ability, and her strength, provided her health is not lacking. The price is not to be considered as that of a “purchase”, for no person may be sold or bought, but as security for the woman lest she suffer lack. (Amount and type of financial security for “modern” times will be adjusted accordingly. For further clarification of Immanuel’s statements read PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS VOLUME 1 & 2 pages 34-40.)
“The bond of matrimony between man and woman should be permitted only if both are of mental competence and capable of leading a marriage in accordance with the law. (Note: that is GOD’S LAW).
“If, according to the predetermined agreement, no price is paid, the law applies: the man must supply the needs of the wife regarding all of her necessities.
“The inability of a wife to bear children, or a man’s inability to sire children is no reason for divorce, nor does she or he deserve other opinions or actions.
“The only reason for divorce is that of adultery, that is the destruction or endangering of spirit, the body, or the life of the members of one’s own family unit. If a person is divorced by his own actions of adultery, he should be sterilized, for he is unworthy of life and its laws for he has responded to the selfish lustful drives of pleasure-seeking and has cast aside all responsible behavior.” (End of quoting.)
Now, in the literal translation in order for ADULTERY to occur, then one or the other or both of the two adulterers would have to have made the vow of marriage. In God’s Kingdom of Truth, this vow of DIVINE UNION made between two, a man and a woman to live together as ONE, is taken most seriously indeed because it is a commitment made to THE FATHER WITHIN, EACH TO THE OTHER for that entire life-stream. It is a contract with GOD rather than a legal contract of the human experience. This means that a man and a woman who cohabit together as “lovers” without a “so-called” legal contract must make THE SAME COMMITMENT to God as those who have the “so-called” legal contract, whether THEY realize it or not. It is NOT necessarily always a contract made to God to PRO-CREATE the species because many who choose DIVINE UNION may not choose, be able, or be qualified to fulfill that (pro-creation) service to THE ONE FATHER. (RE-READ Commandment number 6 where we discussed the responsibility of PRO-CREATION.) But both “lovers” STILL HAVE THE SAME RESPONSIBILITY (as a “legally” married couple) for the offspring they may produce. If they only choose cohabitation because of sexual lust or other selfish reasons, they have, thus, denied THEIR responsibility to GOD, and they will suffer the consequences of their actions at the hands of evil. (See law #13, “As you sow, so shall you reap” also know as, “The Law of Cause and Effect.”)
Does this mean that DIVORCE, defined as: “1. Dissolution of a marriage bond by legal process OR accepted custom. 2. Any radical or complete separation”, goes against the laws of God and The Creation? YES AND NO! You see it depends on the TRUE circumstances experienced by the divorcing couple. For example: Since your commitment in life is always FIRST IN SERVICE TO GOD, then ideally, your chosen partner in marriage must support YOUR commitment as well as his/her commitment to THE HOLY FATHER.
If, for example, your partner batters you and/or your children physically or emotionally and thus does not support or honor either his or YOUR commitment in service to GOD, then you are no longer bound by your contract/bond of marriage. Why would GOD bind you and your children to a commitment of SUFFERING and PUNISHMENT? It is not logical. But, if your partner decides that he/she wants to divorce you because you are just no longer attractive to him/her physically and sexually, THIS IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE REASON FOR DIVORCE. Let’s take that example further. Say your partner is no longer attracted to you and decides to find sexual satisfaction elsewhere; he/she has committed ADULTERY, (re-read above quote by Jesus Immanuel) and if you choose to do so, it IS an acceptable reason for divorce. The reason is that not only has your partner broken his/her commitment with YOU and HIMSELF, BUT in the act of Adultery he has broken his commitment TO SERVE GOD…because by the act of fulfilling his lust he has invited the Anti-Christ within his temple. Of course, the choice you make about whether or not to divorce an adulterous mate will ultimately be made BY THE FATHER WITHIN YOU.
This Law does mean literally that you must not steal, defined as: “1. to take (another’s property, etc.) dishonestly, especially in a secret manner. 2. to take slyly, as a look. 3. to gain insidiously or artfully: as he stole her heart.” And this law also means, you must not steal the trust and good faith of another by lying to them about your true motives and intent. You see, malicious LYING and STEALING are opposite sides of the same coin.
Here are some examples of various forms of lying and stealing: If a man falsely tells a woman who is a virgin that he LOVES her and wants to marry her, but all he really wants from her is a sexual encounter, he is misleading her. If she in good faith falls “in love” with him and also falls for the trap of his “false” promise to her and succumbs to his pressure to express “their love” physically before the marriage vow is made, and then he abandons her, he has essentially “stolen” her heart, her innocence and her chastity for his own lustful, selfish intent.
Even if the woman wisely refuses his sexual advances, and finds herself rejected by him, he is still guilty of lying to her WHICH IS STEALING FROM HER EMOTIONALLY. The big difference in these two scenarios is that, although she has been robbed emotionally, at least she doesn’t have the “guilt” of dishonoring herself by breaking the laws of God and giving away her chastity to an unworthy man.
Here is another example of STEALING the innocence of another. Innocence defined as, “1. Free from sin, evil; not guilty of a specific crime. 2. harmless 3. knowing no evil 4. without guile or cunning 5. an innocent person, as a child”. Now stealing in itself is a “sin” against God’s laws upon only the one who steals, BUT when one succeeds in stealing the innocence of another, what he has essentially done is WILLFULLY AND BLATANTLY lied to them, so thus he has enticed and manipulated the other to also BREAK THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION! So in order for innocence to be “stolen” from another, the person “stealing” must be doing so knowingly and blatantly with the INTENT of manipulating another to fulfill his own selfish means and the victim has to guilelessly trust the person.
For example: The Leader of a country sends the young men off to a WAR (which also involves MURDER) in a far-away place, and tells them, “You are fighting for freedom and defending your country,” and they believe this lie. So they go to the war and realize in horror that they are slaughtering innocent people and protecting and defending wealthy Sheiks and their oil fields and money, NOT defending their country’s freedom. That is when THEIR INNOCENCE has been stolen from them, when they realize that they have been LIED to and USED by one/ones they trusted-to perpetrate EVIL.
Another example: Say you are a child and you discover that your Father has a girlfriend “on the side”. (That is adultery, friends.) When you face him with this, he TELLS you that you must “promise” him you will no tell your Mother. He still loves her and doesn’t want to hurt her and the family etc. If YOU tell her, she will divorce him and…and…and. Well, as a child, you are devastated in your heart because YOUR FATHER has asked you to LIE, but you “promised” him and so, somehow, it would be YOUR fault if you told your Mother and you certainly don’t want to cause your parents to divorce! This is emotional blackmail and the Father has stolen the innocence of his own child by making her promise to LIE and making her feel responsible (for HIS irresponsible behavior) for what “could” happen if she told her Mother the truth.
Another perhaps more repugnant example: Any adult man or woman who willfully indulges in the lustful coercion and manipulation of a child who trusts him/her to perform ANY form of sexual activities has most definitely stolen the innocence of that poor child.
Here is another example close to the hearts of AMERICANS: Your Forefathers of the wondrous United States of America were inspired by GOD in the development of a most sacred CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS in order to maintain PEACE and BALANCE and allow you FREEDOM and the pursuit of happiness. Although not perfect, with the addition of certain amendments abolishing Slavery, for example, it became the most important and protective set of standards for HUMAN rights, decency and freedom in your current History on Earth. Now, every person you elect into the offices of leadership such as the Presidency, Vice-Presidency, Congress, and Senate, has taken an “oath” to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. You, the people have elected these “leaders” on the trust and good faith that they will HONOR your Constitution and Bill of Rights. You now have a President, and a Congress who mostly support him, who has essentially nullified this U.S. Constitution by HIS Executive Orders in order to pursue “THE ONE WORLD ORDER” which has a new “so-called” Constitution for ONE WORLD DOMINATION! THIS IS CALLED STEALING YOUR FREEDOM, AMERICA, AND MAKING YOU SLAVES. Are those so-called “elected” leaders who support this infringement on YOUR U.S. Constitution HONORING the OATH that they gave to you and TO GOD? They are stealing your freedom and worse than that, they are taking an oath that they KNOW THEY WON’T HONOR! THAT IS CALLED LYING TO YOU THE PEOPLE FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH MEANS.
Please do not confuse the ones who act by willful guile and deceit in “stealing” the innocence or possessions of others with the ones who truly believe a lie to be the truth and then pass on their false belief to another/others (for example their children or students). This is simple ignorance of truth and, although it may or may not be acceptable (to God), ignorance is not a willful act of stealing the innocence of another.
Here is something else that is very important to remember and understand clearly. If one tells what he knows to be a “lie” in true self-defense, privacy or for the defense, privacy and protection of another, this is not against God’s laws. (THIS does not mean lying to maliciously deceive about EVIL SECRET oaths or activities such as in the evil cult of FREEMASONRY). THIS IS ONE WAY THE ANTI-CHRIST TWISTS GOD’S LAWS TO CONDEMN OTHERS by ones telling you YOU MUST NEVER “lie”, which means: 1. To make a statement which on knows to be false. 2. That which is intended to produce a false impression.” YOU can literally be made the tool for the harm or destruction of yourself or another!
Let us give you some examples to think about: Let’s say it is World War II, and in compassion you are hiding a Japanese/American family in your basement to protect them from being put in the “camps”, so the police come to your door and ask you if you have seen or know any Japanese people. Are you going to tell them the truth knowing it will endanger YOUR family as well as the ones you are protecting?
Next example: Let’s say you go to war and are captured by the “enemy”. They require you to appear on the television and make a statement to your leaders which you know is false, but if you do not they will kill you. Are you going to do what they ask?
Here is an example given several times by Hatonn: Let’s say our beloved Jesus Christ, Sananda comes to your home and the “authorities” come looking for him and you know it is because his persecutors do not want him free and alive. Are you going to tell them where he is?
We will give one more example which may become reality for many. Let’s say your government institutes a “draft” requirement. Well your son, father, or friend refuses to sign up for the draft and decides to become a “conscientious objector”. Now if the “authorities” call you and ask you where this person is, will you tell them?
Now when it gets a little sticky with God is when, for example, you witness a murder, you know the murderer and because of your fear of being a witness and perhaps threatened yourself, you lie to the police and tell them you saw nothing. Think carefully about this because there are crimes committed daily against GOD’s LAWS of Balance of which there are witnesses who are “too afraid” to tell the police. The criminal remains free to continue his crimes against GOD. Remember you must understand the difference, we are NOT talking about witnessing the breaking of MAN-MADE laws, which may or may not be just and change continually with the times. We are talking about the breaking of GOD’s LAWS which do not change and are eternally The Laws of Balance within THE CREATION.
You ones also have something called “little white lie”, defined as: “A false statement made with the intent of being polite or kind.” This is also called the “social” lie. Now most of you ones do choose to politely lie to retain your privacy. This is one way, but there are ways to not lie and retain your privacy as well, for example, If someone asks you how much money you make or what you do with your time, you have several ways to respond. You can lie, or the considered direct but harsh response is, “That is none of your business.” But for those of you who wish to honor yourself and be polite to the other, you can say simply, “Please do not be offended, but I prefer not to answer that question as it does not concern you.” There are situations which do fit the criterion of the white or polite lie, although many of you ones do try to stretch the limits of those criterion. The key here is INTENT.
Oftentimes, rather than honoring your true feelings, you will hide behind the “white lie” in order to keep your job, for instance if you perceive your employer to be narrow-minded and tyrannical and YOU are afraid that by being honest and direct with your ideas and feelings, you will be fired. You see, you perpetuate the perceived tyranny against yourself by being “polite” and allowing it to continue.
An example of a truly polite lie is this: When you know your Mother spent hours preparing a meal for you, and you do not like ham and she asks you how you like her meal and you say, “It is excellent.” Although it is not exactly a true statement, your true intent, in kindness and appreciation, is to HONOR what you know to be her feelings of love for you.
So, if you lie and your intent is to manipulate someone in order to selfishly achieve or receive something from them you desire, rather than acting with integrity and being direct, this is not a “white lie”. Remember this, you can lie to yourself or to another but you CANNOT ever lie to God. You see, God always monitors and records your TRUE intent in all situations he presents to you.
Let us define the words “covet” and “envy”. Covet means: “To long for something belonging to another.” Covetous means: “Excessively desirous (of something); greedy.” Envy means: “1. A feeling of resentment or discontent over another’s superior attainments, endowments, or possessions.”
So the literal meaning of this law is that you must not, because of your own insecure/inferior feelings and lack of self-worth, long to have something another has, such as money, a new car, a skill or talent. And then on top of longing for this “object” another has, you must not then resent the person who has attained that which YOU feel you desire, but have not created, exactly because of your insecure/inferior feelings and lack of self-worth. (See also “Recognizing The Anti-Christ Within”.)
What transpires when you become covetous and envious is that you become wrapped up in your greed and resentment, and you will not be taking “personal responsibility” for YOUR manifested illusion. You will continue to create the perceived “lack” and eventually you will be consumed by the effects of covetous and envious feelings, which most often result in the various manifestations of “SELF-punishment”, ie., anger, guilt, criticism, jealously and depression.
This law was given forth by God so that the free-will and soul-evolution of each fragment would not be infringed upon without permission from GOD WITHIN, especially by the adversaries of God with more awareness of their power. This is each fragment’s GOD-GIVEN protection so that there is justness in their individual process of God potential unfoldment toward THE ONE.
Also, it prevents even your benevolent brother from interfering or assisting, without PERMISSION, from THE HOLY FATHER. You see, during each lifestream of each fragment there is present the opportunity and the potential for Divine Choice through the free-will experiences of each fragment. The “young” souls begin to unfold their GOD-NESS through the lessons they learn in each lifestream experienced. In other words, they learn by experience TO KNOW GOD within them, and what thoughts, words and deeds keep them in the darkness and ignorance of what their true God Potential is.
Now you may be asking yourself, “What about the tremendous EVIL influence upon this planet. Why is it allowed by God? The reason is this, even the “satans” or adversaries of God were not only created creatures of God but were also given Free-Will. God is simply giving his “adversary” creations their opportunity to grow into their potential of Godness and Divine Holy Light. But because of their “limitedness” in behavior, meaning ego-selfish separation from THE ONE, their reality or playground of experience was also “limited” by God. They are bound BY THEIR OWN CHOICE to the lowest levels described as the 1st-5th physically manifested experiences. You see, the “fallen” ones have self-imposed limitations by THEIR CHOICE to be adversarial and separate from their CREATOR. But they are always given “opportunities” to see the light of Truth in THE ONENESS OF ALL. The rules are strict and the fallen ones KNOW the “rules” to remain ego-separate from GOD but remain in their game of manipulation and deception.
For example: IF you feel the whisperings of the ANTI-Christ within you, You can DEMAND IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY FATHER GOD AND/OR JESUS CHRIST SANANDA THAT ALL DARK FRAGMENTS AND ENERGIES LEAVE YOUR SPACE IMMEDIATELY! They MUST go. But they can “hang around” the periphery of your energy field and wait for a weak spot in your protective shield. This is why the importance of asking GOD for His “white Light” shield of love, protection, guidance, power, wisdom, integrity and courage. So you must ask THE FATHER WITHIN YOU to please SHOW YOU that which YOU NEED in order to serve HIS WILL. Hence the importance of, “Not MY will Father, but in all things LET THY WILL BE DONE.” This sincere invocation is what keeps you on your path of SERVICE TO GOD and THE CREATION and out of the folly of ignorance and perceived separation where exist the Dark Brotherhood or Anti-Christs.
You may begin to see that many of you ones here now have experienced many, many thousands or even millions of lifestreams on these lower levels BY YOUR CHOICE to be or remain ignorant to your own GOD-POTENTIAL and connection to the ONE ALL THAT IS!
Here is a wondrous description of this “process” of discovery by our beloved brother, Germain:“All dimensions of THE CREATION exist simultaneously. You simply have only your conscious awareness in this, the “3rd” dimension. As you work and live in this dimensional experience, you, with the help of your spiritual “teachers”, are stretching your awareness to 4th, 5th, and sometimes even higher dimensional levels. It is not a vertical stretch as you perceive things linearly, it is an EXPANSIVE all-encompassing stretch of awareness. Your awareness expands to the level of your UNDERSTANDING-when you have learned a or some particular lessons, when you have OWNED the lesson-it frees your awareness just a bit more, stretching, moving, growing within the “MIND” of the Universal I AM, The ONE ALL THAT IS.”
Now the reason that your benevolent brothers, “THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN,” have been sent to assist you is that many of you have prayed to GOD for freedom from the bondage of your self-imposed ignorance. They are sent here in answer to your asking GOD for his DIVINE GUIDANCE and assistance. They are YOUR brothers of higher awareness in service to LIGHT of God and THE CREATION. You see, some of you have recognized the “folly” of the Anti-Christ within you and the influence that mass consciousness has ALLOWED the “satans” or “adversaries” to have over you and this beloved planet Earth. You are tired and frankly bored with this illusion, with being the adversary of Godness. You want your freedom, you want to claim or reclaim HIS HOLY LIGHTED Presence within you. It is time for graduation, friends, to higher levels of LIFE. You will each now find or awaken to YOUR DIVINITY OF ONENESS, OR (and this is very important to understand) you will remain BOUND to these lower levels for perhaps another millennium before another opportunity is granted by the expanding awareness of the GOD-self within by THE ONE.
Remember though, that the “Lighted” Hosts of God may assist you and give instructions and TRUTH through the maze of lies and deception, BUT they cannot DO IT FOR YOU!! You each must reclaim your own power of the DIVINE ONE within you. NONE can do it for another. So it is wise to pay close attention to your instructions for conscious immortality! You will either serve GOD or you will serve your “altered” ego-self. It is up to YOU.
And JMMANUEL wisely told the people: “JUDGE NOT FALSELY LEST YE BE JUDGED FALSELY. For with whatever judgment you judge, so will you be judged, and with whatever measure you measure, so will you be measured. Therefore judge according to the logic of the Laws of Nature, which are from The Creation, for they alone are true and accurate.”
“What do you see but the splinter in your brother’s eye, and are you not aware of the sliver in thine own eye? You hypocrite, first, pull the sliver out from your own eye, and then see how you can pull the splinter out of your brother’s eye.”
“First, learn the Laws of Nature and of The Creation, their logic, before you judge and want to see the mistakes of your fellow-man. First learn through the Laws of Nature and of The Creation your own mistakes, so that you can correct the mistakes of your fellow-man.” End Quote: AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL.
Exactly as it is written, no one must ever judge another to be lessor or more than he, especially because the other one is of different color, race, creed or sex (or planet) than be you. BUT understand this carefully, you MUST wisely judge the behaviors and actions by any ONE including SELF which You KNOW are against LIFE, meaning against or contrary to the laws which maintain the “balance” created by God within The Creation. And so you must honor ALL of your brothers and sisters as equal fragments of THE ONE, but you must not, accept, tolerate or “allow” behavior and actions to continue, in your space, which you know break the laws of balance.
But you must not think harshly of another and call him STUPID or NOT WORTHY because he is different in personality and behavior than you are and understand. EACH IS EQUAL IN REFLECTION OF GOD, ONLY DIFFERENT! Celebrate and honor the unique differences of others: they, as are you, are expressing THE FATHER WITHIN THEM in a unique and glorious way. Remember GOD allows ignorance of THE Laws only to a point, and then he is pushed out of the “temple” of any of HIS fragments who continue with THEIR blatant disregard and honor for LIFE.
Now this is the law that most choose to ignore or misunderstand when they do not want to take personal responsibility for their manifested experience, perceived “good” and/or (especially) “bad”.
God created cause and effect so that each soul fragment would recognize that when he did a specific act, say stole a car from his brother, that there would be an “effect” to his transgression, such as perhaps going to jail. But the nature of the effect is produced in a way unique to each individual fragment which will bring the greatest opportunity for the UNDERSTANDING of the lesson for that soul fragment. Unfortunately, for many the repeat and repeat of similar/same “errors” has continued over the course of some thousands of years. Yes, it is by choice that the soul would refuse to take personal responsibility for this thoughts, words and deeds. The catch is ALL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WHICH OCCURS WITHIN THEIR MANIFESTED ILLUSION whether or not one WISELY chooses to finally recognize and accept this Truth is entirely up to each. They will still “suffer” the consequences of their actions which are contrary to God’s laws, and/or they will also reap the Divine benefits of understanding and obeying God’s laws.
Now in your “Eastern” religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, they have a term called “karma” defined in Funk & Wagnals Dictionary as: “1. The Spiritual force generated by one’s action which determines one’s reincarnated situation. 2. Loosely, fate. 3. Vibration.” Karma, even by this definition does not accurately describe the same purpose or meaning of simple “cause and effect”. The term “karma”, loosely believed by many implies you must do this or that, or this or that has occurred because it is your “karma” implying that it is also your “fate”. One can fall in the rut of blaming all experiences on their “karma” and therefore not adequately learning the lesson to release this perceived “karma”. The definition of karma implies that yes, there are consequences to your actions, but that you are doomed to “pay-back” lifetime after lifetime, and does not take into consideration the release of “pay-back” when the lesson is truly learned by the soul fragment. Remember this: AT ANY INSTANT WHEN THE TRUE UNDERSTANDING AND RECOGNITION HAS OCCURRED regarding the ERROR and effects of one’s actions, THAT ONE CAN, THROUGH SELF-FORGIVENESS, RELEASE any repetition of A TRANSGRESSION AGAINS ANOTHER, SELF, AND GOD.
For example, let’s say that the one know as “Hitler” who was responsible for the deaths of millions, truly recognized and understood his transgressions AGAINST GOD in the moments before he made his death transition. (All things are possible, friends!) And in those moments before his “death” from this lifestream, he prayed to the God within him for FORGIVENESS of self and all others and that HE then put HIS will into GOD’S WILL to be of service ONLY unto THE FATHER. Now for ones who believe in “karma”, they would say that the soul energy that was Hitler would be doomed to the same persecution he committed on others, as well as at least a million deaths at the hands of a tyrant such as was he. And if “Hitler” refused to see his folly, then undoubtedly his SELF-judgement before GOD would be severe. But, depending on the level of his understanding or learning of the lessons, his “pay-back” could be that he becomes ONE who devotes his entire next reincarnation lifestreams to THE SERVICE OF GOD by helping his fellow brethren overcome their “spiritual” starvation. Do you think then, that it is not possible that God would not welcome HIS servant back within HIS fold of Truth, Love, and Light?
One must never forget that even the “victims” of Hitler’s hatred chose their victimhood. If ones choose NOT to become “victims” to any one or any situations by always honoring GOD within self and all others and thus, living in balance with the LAWS OF GOD and The Creation, THEY would no longer create “victimizers” such as HITLER. It is really so simple. If THEY learn their lessons of how and why THEY created their victimhood, then they would ALSO FORGIVE themselves and ALL who they perceived victimized them, so that they, too, could release and be free of the bondage of “karma”. And on top of forgiveness, their release may involve actually being ever THANKFUL to THE FATHER WITHIN for bringing the lesson to them and thus helping them recognize THEIR self-transgressions and becoming now FREE from the BONDAGE of victimhood. Do you see the picture now? The responsibility for all manifested experiences lies with ALL who share in and exist within the experience!
Now let us describe what commitments are made in service to GOD verses commitments of this manifested illusion. Your MOST IMPORTANT commitment in service to GOD is to WISELY understand and obey THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATON which we are unfolding for you here. This is THE excellent way for honoring self and GOD within ALL others in service to God and The Creation. Simply, UNDERSTAND AND OBEY THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION. You ones have made this commitment difficult unto yourselves and it needn’t any longer be so. YOU NOW HAVE THE LAWS BEFORE YOU and you need not any longer claim ignorance or misunderstanding. DO YOU SEE?! Claim YOUR DIVINE HOLY GODNESS NOW! WE ARE ALL ONE! THE TIME IS NOW BEFORE YOU TO KNOW AND OWN THE TRUTH!
Now let us discuss the “other” types of commitments made by first defining what “commitment” means in Funk & Wagnal’s Dictionary: “1. The act of committing (to devote oneself unreservedly), or the state of being committed. 2. An engagement or pledge to do something.” Other commitments which are made in service to GOD include marriage, parenthood, feeding and tending the physically hungry, poor and ill, and SPREADING THE WORD OF TRUTH ABOUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD AND THE CREATION to ALL of your spiritually ignorant and starved brethren who will listen.
Now a commitment you make to “buy” a house or car on “credit” to be paid by FUTURE income, is shaky at best for both parties agreeing to these terms. “Credit” in this circumstance is a promise to pay later at some designated future time. Many families are now finding and many more will find that they cannot honor this promise to pay because many have lost or will lose their jobs and thus do not have the “income” to pay. This is an example of a commitment which is NOT in service to God. TRILLIONS of credit “dollars” have been made BY FEW by the manipulation of “credit” and so, too has TRILLIONS been LOST by the MANY who have become trapped in obligations they cannot pay for. There are thousands of examples of “commitments” made of this type.
So if you make a promise or commitment to a fellow brother or sister to help them in some way such as pay them for a service performed for you, or to feed their pets and take care of their home while they are away, then you WORD represents your integrity to honor to the best of your ability ALL promises made to the other. Your personal power is in direct relationship to the integrity of your soul. This means that if your word of promise or commitment means nothing, then you dishonor yourself, your brethren and GOD and become “powerless” and thus a tool for evil. So the moral of this story is: think very carefully about ANY promises or commitments you make BEFORE you GIVE YOUR WORD. Do not give your word for some future “promise” unless you are CERTAIN you will be able to keep your word. And be certain you completely UNDERSTAND what any promise, oath or commitment, that is asked of you on this plane, MEANS before you give YOUR WORD to it. Because if you are not careful as in the case of many so-called “secret” organizations, societies and “Mystery Schools”, your commitment to them may mean your inadvertent commitment TO EVIL. A Commitment made to EVIL or Satan is NOT a commitment made IN SERVICE TO GOD and therefore is not recognized BY GOD!!
We have written about the Commitment of Marriage by A MAN and A WOMAN To God as being one of the necessary components to also becoming a PARENT for God which means procreating your species. (SEE Law #8 “You Must Not Commit Adultery).”
Now the DIVINE and SACRED “act” which was created by GOD for the pro-creation of the species you ones call “sexual union”. God created THIS DIVINE UNION to be performed between ONE man and ONE woman specifically for maintaining the balanced level of the species for each given planetary system. Now the “fallen” ones or adversaries of GODNESS have completely perverted and maligned this once “sacred” and “divine” act that at one time was DONE with complete LOVE and DEVOTION to THE FATHER within each partner, so that it (sex) is now called “a birthright” to be done often, with impunity and with MANY partners of either sex and without consideration of LOVE or responsible pro-creation. How we and THE FATHER weep for you! This ONE abuse of God’s creation has nearly destroyed your species! Let us quote once again from, “AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL: I AM SANANDA” – Pg. 55:
“The act of marriage and procreation must have the highest degree of pure intent and preparation, for upon these bonds and restrictions will rest the preservation of mankind as a species upon the planet. If everything is done and adhered to, justice and peace will come to all mankind, and life in the human form can be preserved.
“If man continues his selfish and imprudent behavior, he will sound his own death tariff. There reaches a point beyond which a planet cannot support the unbalanced system perpetrated by mankind. And yet, so shall it come to pass (Read this carefully!) that man will not listen and bring destruction upon his own species. It will come about in some two millennium that man will have reached the point of self destruction. (This is 1991 friends, have you fulfilled this prophecy of Jesus the Christ Immanuel and OTHER prophets before him?!?) And so is it projected by the prophets and shall it come to pass in its time of fulfillment and in my time of fulfillment.” End of quote.
Let’s begin with God’s directive about marriage and Pro-creation between A MAN and A WOMAN. It is very clear that this DOES NOT say, marriage and “the sexual act” is OK between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, or TWO men and ONE woman or THREE woman and ONE man, or etc. Again, the laws of balance are LOGICAL, meaning they were created specifically to maintain BALANCE within The Creation.
Because of the various degrees of deliberate, systematic and malevolently lewd and lascivious sexual behaviors, which are the corruption of this DIVINE UNION, and which have been and are practiced by most on your plane, the WARNING given above by our beloved Jesus Immanuel is transpiring before your very eyes in this time frame!
The sexual “act” was specifically designed to be performed by ONE man and ONE woman who had committed THEIR DIVINE LOVE AS ONE in the union of marriage, ordained by GOD. Through this union OF LOVE, the act of sexual intercourse between a husband and his wife for pro-creation was a most sacred and honored responsibility , an extension of their LOVE and COMMITMENT TO GOD in his service as PARENTS of HIS children.
Now remember the law of “Cause and Effect”. The EFFECTS of breaking this one directive of GOD are all about you today. Over-Population and the spread of fatal venereal and blood-borne diseases, such as Syphilis and AIDS, are proving to be YOUR self-punishment to the point of creating the nearly complete destruction of your human species on Earth.
Please understand that it is this PREOCCUPATION with behavior of lustful and lascivious physical pleasure that YOU must each CHOOSE to avoid and rise above spiritually. The corruption and preoccupation with sexual thoughts, words and actions has become hypnotizingly OBSESSIVE and also terribly degrading to THE SPIRIT OF LIFE OF THE ONE! THIS IS NOT LOVE BY ANY DEFINITION. Can you not see this TRUTH before you and within you? Your sexual obsession MUST STOP if you are to reach beyond your mortal body and into THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
Many of you, by now, are probably wondering about the act of masturbation: “Stimulation of sexual organs by oneself.” First RE-read the above paragraph. Masturbation is a self-pleasure sexual act upon SELF AND it is also what most of you couples are doing when you have “sex” together and call it “making love”. The only difference is that it is the “sharing” of MUTUAL Masturbation with your partner. Mutual Masturbation IS NOT DIVINE SEXUAL UNION FOR CELEBRATIONG PROCREATION. When on is an “adult” and does not wish to have children, the seeking of sexual pleasure by self or with another is a transgression upon self simply BECAUSE YOU ARE DENYING AND LIMITING YOUR SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN.
The sexual desire, in this time on your place of extreme sexual preoccupation, begins for many youngsters at puberty. Many will have sexual release or dreams while they sleep. With the CAREFUL and LOVING guidance of the parents well before and during this time, the child will not be frightened of the changes in his/her body and will most likely occasionally indulge in masturbation for either curious exploration or release of the physical body. Moderate or occasional masturbation done in privacy by any, either child or adult, is not harmful to or AGAINST life UNTIL it becomes an obsessive preoccupation. Also masturbation can be a means of self-punishment and this is most harmful to THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN. Remember this parents, it can also become very harmful to a child if through his “training”, he is taught to fear or despise his genitalia, or be made to feel guilt for self-sexual exploration or masturbation. He must learn about his personal responsibility and must understand ALL THE LAWS OF GOD including those governing pro-creation. But if you make the child feel fearful, shameful or guilty about his own personal sexual exploration, you may actually be creating for him OBSESSIVE PRE-OCCUPATION with sexuality. If the child is not exposed to constant “sexually stimulating” media, he will quickly lose interest after initial self-exploration IF HIS CREATIVE potential is encouraged, nurtured and supported by HIS PARENTS and TEACHERS. The more spiritually aware children and adults will either not have much interest in, or gradually lost interest in sexual exploration of any kind. It is much healthier for the spirit if this process of becoming detached from sexual feelings is natural and BY choice because of true spiritual UNDERSTANDING and awareness.
What you ones have labeled “sexual energy” or “libido” is actually a corruption of the creative and nurturing potential of The Spirit of FOD within YOU. LET US REPEAT THIS: YOUR “SEXUAL ENERGY/LIBIDO” IS ACTUALLY A CORRUPTION OF THE CREATIVE AND NURTURING POTENTIAL OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN YOU! Let us see how your Funk & Wagnals Dictionary defines Libido: “1. Sexual desire or impulse. 2. The instinctual craving or drive behind all human activities.” Did you read that clearly, friends? INSTINCTUAL CRAVING OR DRIVE BEHIND ALL HUMAN ACTIVITIES! The catch is, precious ones, SEX is not the INSTINCTUAL craving or drive that was created by GOD, THIS was your CREATIVE, nurturing drive TO KNOW and CELEBRATE GOD WITHIN YOU, TO CO-CREATE THE EVER-UNFOLDING EXPANSION AND ADVENTURE OF LIFE! The truly loving DIVINE UNION, that of male/female experiencing their creative potential through the sexual act for PROCREATION, was created to be a UNION OF DIVINE LOVING DEVOTION and CELEBRATION OF THE GIFTS OF ONENESS SHARED…AND OF NEW LIFE CREATED FROM GOD. Rarely do ones feel TRUE LOVE, caring friendship, affection and intimacy toward their mates on your plane. Most have simply forgotten what LOVE is. You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the “rare” exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you truly give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you?
To please yourself? You ones think your sexual orgasm is ecstasy? YOU EVEN LIMIT ECSTASY!
You see, you are not your desires, you are not your emotions. YOU are THE SPIRIT of LIFE of GOD, and your spirit IS the MASTER over your desires and emotions. Don’t you see that you have simply chosen, in your illusion of ignorance and confusion, TO MAKE your emotions and desires the MASTER over your SPIRIT…YOUR GODNESS?!?
This corruption of your creative potential WAS CREATED, CONDITIONED AND MOLDED BY THE ANTI-CHRIST. YOU SIMPLY BOUGHT THE LIE AS TRUTH AND HAVE BECOME ADDICTED TO YOUR DESIRE FOR “SEX”. You don’t believe your “sexual” desire is created? Look around you today. Your Advertising Media as well as your Magazines, Television and Movies ARE CREATING YOUR DESIRES FOR YOU by conditioning and molding you through false “IMAGES” of what is beauty, what is “sex appeal”—in other words, by directing your attention constantly to “how” you look physically, your athletic prowess, your sex appeal and attractiveness. Why does and has this “desire”-creating worked? Because the Anti-Christ first molds the “false images” and then plays upon your FEAR of being too unattractive, unworthy, unpopular and simply rejected BY OTHERS who YOU allow TO JUDGE YOU AS A HUMAN BEING! The ANTI-Christ keeps you BOUND by the “false” promises created by your desire TO BE WORTHY of LIFE so you are too busy trying to fit the “false” mold and therefore do not develop your creative spiritual potential within! How dare YOU feel UNWORTHY because of believing the nonsense of false “IMAGES”! PLEASE REMEMBER THIS TRUTH! YOU ARE GOD’S TEMPLE!
Advertisers are always selling “their image” of what you ones call “romance” and you are encouraged to think it means passionate “sexual” fulfillment. Your dictionary describes romance as: 1. A love affair. 2. A kind of love between the sexes, characterized by high ideals of devotion, and strong ardor. 3. Adventurous, heroic, or exotic nature: romance of far away places.” When you crave romance, whether you know it or not, it does not mean “sexual” affair, dear ones, it means LOVE AFFAIR, you are craving to experience within you GOD’S LOVE OF LIFE, you crave to feel “ALIVE”, ie., warm and intense feelings, eagerness and zeal. WHY? Because you are bored and spiritually unfulfilled with the self-created “limits” of your life. (Limits which the “controlled” media has set you up for in the first place.) You are out of balance and you are seeking to ignite your CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN. ROMANCE is the promise of ADVENTURE and JOY for experiencing THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, OF GOD, within you. You see, ROMANCE is not sexual adventure or a place to go; it is your desire to feel and KNOW GOD within you. You can experience romance through the sharing of devoted and adventurous LOVE of LIFE with your mate. Regardless of what your media “hype” tells you, remember this, your desire for romance is your desire for CHANGE from a limited and spiritually unfulfilling existence, to recognizing and EXPERIENCEING your UNLIMITED Creative Spiritual Potential within.
The next time you have a “sexual” urge, look around you, what have you been watching, reading or participating in which created this desire? Men, when you see a physically “beautiful” woman, is your FIRST thought admiration and appreciation of this GIFT of loveliness and do you wonder about the loveliness and beauty of HER SPIRIT? OR, instead, do you first wonder about the pleasure you would receive if you could have “sexual union” with her? And the same holds true for you women who call yourselves “liberated” which usually first means, “sexually” liberated and same equal “rights” as men to have many “casual” sexual encounters.
Recognize that this “sexual urge” is really your UNFULFILLED creative potential screaming to be released from the self-imposed “limit” or boundary of THE physical sexual ACT. Act: “1. To play the part of; impersonate. 2. To serve temporarily or as a substitute. To PRETEND.” The sexual act is limiting, substituting and impersonating YOUR CREATIVE AND SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT TO KNOW GOD. When you truly understand and recognize this truth, your creative spiritual unfoldment can no longer BE FRUSTRATED AND LIMITED to the repetition of a silly and truly spiritually unfulfilling “sexual act”.
Does this mean you are expected, by self and GOD, to STOP all sexual activity NOW? ONLY if it is YOUR choice made with the JOY of TRULY understanding and thus having the freedom of detachment from this “ADDICTION” and no desire to procreate. For most of you, especially adults, “sexual behavior” has now become addictive, so you must treat it is as such. Remove as much of the “temptation” from your presence as possible, just as the alcoholic must remove himself from “bars” and carefully abide by the list of TEN items above which are “STRICTLY FORBIDDEN” sexual behaviors (including Adultery). If you are single or married and have addiction the “sexual act”, use occasional masturbation as the lessor of the evils “if you must” If you are happily married and both have “enjoyed” your addiction to the monogamous mutual masturbation of your sexual act, both partners will need to become detached for the addiction to be gone.
So be gentle with self and your mate, but be aware and responsible to “consequences” (such as pregnancy) and persistent in your goal (to self) to release and detach from ALL things of Physical Manifestation. Simply RECOGNIZE without punishing self with guilt and shame that this is a transgression against the Creative spirit of life within you. For a time accept that you will have desire because you are “addicted” and many of you understand it as an “extension” of your love. Do not punish self or other, let the “desire” dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the “sexual act” is longer appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it!
The GOLDEN Rule. How true it is that if ones would really think about how they treat one another, and consider that they are ALL ONE, that most of your petty “perceived” differences would dissolve. Ask yourself how you, when you honor the spirit of God within, truly like to be treated by others.
Here is a start for you: With respect, with reverence, with honor, with worthiness, with enthusiasm, with patience, with tolerance and understanding, with forgiveness, with kindness and courtesy, with caring, with appreciation, with generosity, with interest in your conversation, with love, with consideration, with honesty and integrity, with trust, with friendship and with harmony.
Now, do you treat others in the same ways described above, HOW you would like to be treated? Do you even treat yourself in the same ways described above? If YOU do not even HONOR yourself, how do you expect to receive HONOR and respect from OTHERS? Treat others honorably and with integrity, kindness and tolerance and EXPECT that they will treat you the same. If they DO NOT treat you with the same respect, HONOR yourself enough to recognize their transgressions, call it to their attention and then leave their presence.
And Jesus Immanuel told the people: “Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For he who asks of his spirit, receives, and he who seeks through the power of spirit, finds and he who knocks at the door of his spirit, to him it will be opened.”
“Who is there among you who, if his son asked him for bread would give him a stone? Or, if he asked you for a fish would you offer him a serpent? Therefore, if you, even though you are being wicked, can still give your children good gifts, how much more will your spirit give unto you if you request it?” (End Quote).
The spirit of God within you always gives you what you need if you but put aside your “altered” ego and humbly commune with YOUR SPIRIT. All the power of The Father exists within you to give unto you that which YOUR SPIRIT needs to lovingly sustain life and give joy, fulfillment, and inner peace. You only need but ask the FATHER WITHIN to show you, to tell you, to give you that which YOU NEED to SUSTAIN in HIS SERVICE, that of LIGHT, OF LOVE, OF JOY. IN ALL THINGS THY (HIS) WILL BE DONE!
There is a saying, “Be careful what you ask for, YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT.” Ah, this saying gives recognition to YOUR power of manifestation, and how, when you selfishly view life from the FOG of the “Altered” Ego, you may not truly understand what your SPIRIT within needs. You may be unpleasantly surprised at what the “altered” Ego conjures up for you as consequence of denying THE WILL OF THE FATHER WITHIN YOU!
One of the biggest “signs” of the evil ones is their HYPOCRISY: “1. The pretense (pretending) of having feelings or characteristics which one does not possess, especially deceitful presumption of virtue. 2. One who pretends to be pious and virtuous without really being so.”
Immanuel spoke to the people in “AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL: I Am Sananda” and said: “Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites who keep cups and bowls outwardly clean yet inside they are full of rapaciousness and greed. First you must purify that which is inside the cup so that what is on the outside also becomes, and remains, pure. So you, too, appear Godly and good in front of people, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and falsehood and violations. Woe unto you hypocrites who build tombs for the prophets and adorn the graves of the just, and speak: ‘If we had been at the time of our fathers, we would not have become guilty with them, in the shedding of the prophet’s blood.’ …Therefore, you fulfill the measure of your fathers, since you end your life without understanding, and you will have trouble learning in the future. You generation of vipers, how can you be great in spirit without having any understanding? All the just blood which was shed through you, on Earth, will come back to you, beginning with the first prophet whom your fathers and forefathers murdered, to the blood of Azcharias, the son of Barachjas whom you have killed between the temple and the altar, and therefore, all the blood of the future which will be shed will be of your own accountability. Verily, verily I say to you, all this shall come upon you, and upon your race, for a very long time yet to come and pass.” (End Quote).
So you will find that hypocrisy does not belong to the kingdom of GOD. The ones who declare their spiritual wealth, piety and richness, who declare themselves chosen simply because they belong to this or that religion or race are fools and they are hypocrites because what they outwardly say they are and believe in, and what they actually “secretly” think and do are most often quite different.
And Jesus the Christ Immanuel gives us more “signs” to help us recognize the evil ones:
“Beware of false prophets and scribes who come in to you in sheep’s clothing, but inside they are like raving wolves, and preach to you humility and shrines, false deities and gods, and preach to you of humility to idols and false teachings.
“You shall recognize these ones by the fruit they bear. Can a person gather grapes from the thorns, and figs from the thistles? Therefore, every good tree brings forth good fruit, but a bad tree brings forth wicked fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth wicked fruit and a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit. Therefore, BY THEIR FRUIT SHALL YOU KNOW THEM.” (End Quote).
You ones who faithfully have believed your “Holy” Bible to be written in purity from God will, by now, most undoubtedly be, at the very least, curious about “how” and “why” this sabotage of THE Truth has been allowed to occur.
So we will tell you: it occurred that even at the time when the one known as “Moses” lived, that the religious/empire leaders became most jubilant when presented by Moses with the Commandments given by GOD. The reason: because THEY became the self-appointed CREATORS and ENFORCERS of THEIR interpretations OF GOD’s Laws. You see, they discovered that by the careful manipulation and interpretation of these “laws” (such as removing any references to “reincarnation” from the scriptures) they then could maintain a much more effective level of control and discipline OVER the people they ruled. In other words, THEY would stand between GOD the Father WITHIN and the people, which left them (the people) powerless and at the mercy of these cunning and deceitful “leaders”. These malicious deceivers are still among you and through their greed, treachery and manipulation, THEY control much of your world socio-economically, politically and even geo-physically…even this day.
In addition to the signs to look for in the words and deeds of others you must first also recognize the “signs” of the Anti-Christ within you. Please see the document, “How to recognize The Anti-Christ (Against God) Within You”, within this Journal.
Remember this, you ones who are “faithful and true”, with your sincere commitment to the development and trust of your HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN, will be given the knowledge of Truth and the Spiritual Wisdom of God and The Creation in order to sustain you always in balance and service to THE ONENESS OF ALL.
This means you must not DEMAND by force and fear to control, confine, use, or manipulate another human being to do any service or work for you, against their will, without giving them FAIR compensation. This also means that you cannot BUY or SELL another human being as if he/she were a product to YOU own. This includes YOUR CHILDREN. Babies and children are not “products” to be created, such as by “in-vitro” fertilization, or given to be birthed by a “surrogate” mother. If a couple are unable to physically pro-create, then they have a choice: they can ADOPT a homeless or unwanted child, or they can choose not to be parents at all. ADOPTION of another’s unwanted or parentless child is one of the most LOVING and UNSELFISH acts any competent and caring couple could do in service to GOD. Not all couples are or were meant to pro-create! It is not punishment from God. It is the responsibility of any “barren” loving couple to recognize that pro-creation is not their function at this time. But if they desire children, then they must understand what HONOR it is to accept the nurturing care of one of GOD’s children who has no one else to love him/her!
One of the most painful and degrading terms you humans have labeled those children who are born “out of wedlock” is “bastard” (which means illegitimate according to HUMAN LAW). YOU must now KNOW that in GOD’s kingdom THERE ARE NO BASTARDS. These “born out of wedlock” children are as precious to God as any other child born with “married” parents.
Then there have been many of you humans who have throughout history claimed superiority or inferiority because of color or race. The feeling a human has of so-called “genetic” superiority exists within the mind of the HUMAN who wishes to control and dominate and enslave other humans of different race or color than he is. For example, many of the Germans under the one called “Hitler” believed that the “pure” Caucasian was far superior genetically, mentally, and physically to ALL other races. They believed in keeping the race pure by not interbreeding with other so-called inferior races. Also, many of the so-called “Jews” are taught and believe that their “race” is CHOSEN of GOD over all others and so they believe that they are superior. In America as in Europe, “black” or “dark” humans were believed inferior and were made SLAVES to the “whites”.
Don’t you see, “the evil powers that be” are CREATING and ENCOURAGING prejudice of others who are “different” than they are in culture and skin so that they can CONTROL the perceived “lessor” ones. Throughout the world through your media and government policies, the seed of racial unrest, dissension and prejudice is specifically planted, nurtured and allowed to bear the bitter fruit of hatred and resentment and is thus continually perpetuated so that YOU people will not BECOME UNITED! By keeping you separated, by creating for you suppression of various groups, THEY keep you at war with one another while THEY execute THEIR plans for TOTAL domination over ALL of you.
So, is it against THE LAWS OF GOD for a man and a woman of different races or colors to marry and bear children? OF COURSE NOT! THE GENETIC CORRUPTION OF YOUR HUMAN SPECIES OCCURS SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE OF THE DIS-EASE WITHIN THE SPIRITUALLY WEAK AND CORRUPTED BEINGS WHO PRO-CREATE, NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR COLOR! Each SOUL is a fragment of God. Whatever race or color of the body that the soul chooses to incarnate in makes NO difference whatsoever to GOD. Only Human falsely chooses to create and delineate “features” or “traits” of racial superiority/inferiority.
Now we will discuss the personal responsibility each of you Humans has toward harmonizing with and maintaining The Laws of Balance given forth above. Since you have been gifted with Free-will and reasoning intelligence by Your Creator, then so it is true that balance is a CHOICE made by each human, NOT the same as an “instinct” of maintenance and balance given by Creation to your animal and bird kingdom.
Did God therefore make you Lord over this his Creation? Yes, but not to improve this perfection, dominate, eliminate, and destroy. He gave you a physical kingdom to experience the wondrous and beautiful varieties of life. This is a place given for you to attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following The Laws given forth by God and Creation. Also, this is a place of learning through THE DIVINE SPIRIT WITHIN YOU how to HARMONIZE with all of Creation which you choose to experience in, including beloved Mother Earth. Unfortunately, with your free-will reasoning minds you selfishly thought that to “modernize” and “improve” upon this wondrous creation, you would make this a better place FOR YOU to live upon, with total disregard to the rest of the Earth, the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.
So as example, we will give honor to many of your “native” cultures who are known as the “ancients” or “Indians” who have existed throughout your world, throughout your planetary “cycle”. These ones understood, because of the “richness” of their spiritual growth, that they were a part of this world, but not OF this world. They honored and blessed the Mother who gave them beauty, food and shelter. They honored and blessed the animals which gave them food and clothing. And they honored and blessed THE FATHER, THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, which gave them their life experience. They knew that they OWNED nothing, but that of the SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN them. THEY lived in harmony and balance as a part of the whole, NOT the dominant part, but complimentary to. This was their CHOICE by wisely following the Laws of Nature given of GOD and CREATION.
And so then came the ones who arrogantly felt superior to ALL because they were “civilized”. Civilization defined: “1. A state of human society characterized by a high level of intellectual, social and cultural development.” What about the development of true “spiritual” wisdom and perfection? Well, of course the intellectual ones judged the importance of having a carefully prepared set of “religious” (not necessarily “spiritual”) doctrines to guarantee for THEMSELVES the necessary degree of control, power and dominance OVER their brethren in their created “civilized” kingdom.
The “native” ones were despised, called “primitive” and so were either forced to become “civilized” or be destroyed. Many of the ones who refused to surrender to the WHORE of The Anti-Christ were simply destroyed. The ones who survived were sorry to live in the spiritual poverty of “modern” civilization. Now, many of the “survivors” have retained or regained the “ancient” spiritual teachings of balance and are working to reclaim their spiritually starved and lost brethren within this “modern” civilization.
So with the communion of THE SPIRIT OF LIFE WITHIN each of you, you must first wisely understand and follow the Laws of Balance AND secondly, you must wisely know where YOUR responsibility begins and ends within THE CREATION upon this wondrous orb.
For example, are you responsible for the instinctual nature of the wild animal, reptile, and bird kingdoms? Of course not. Are you responsible for the nature of the natural minerals, grasses, shrubs and tress? Of course not. But are you responsible to those in the animal kingdom whom you have domesticated either for food, clothing or pets? OF COURSE YOU ARE! Is it wrong to have domesticated these animals? Not necessarily, IT is just a fact that YOU have done so. Therefore, YOU are responsible for the care and personal tending of the domesticated animals, such as cows, sheep, horses, chickens, birds, cats and dogs which you possess.
Is it wrong to kill an animal for food? No, but why do you kill creatures, call it “sport” and then brag to your brothers about what a wondrous KILLER you are? We would call this selfish, malicious killing…do you see? There is a difference. Right now, if you have plenty of domestic animals such as cow, pigs and sheep available for food and clothing, then why need you also kill the “wild” creatures? Often, in these times, because the human has stolen THEIR kingdom for cities, suburbs, agriculture and golf courses, he has then offered them a small “reserve” and when they “cross” over or “over” populate their reserve, he must then bring balance and “kill” these excess animals. (Just as was done with your “native” brethren. You civilized and destroyed their kingdom and then offered them undesirable (to you) “reservations” to live upon separate from “civilization”.)
You must understand that God gave you the animals for food and clothing if you so choose and need them. He gave you the wondrous vegetables and herbs and plants for food, medicine and wonderful “taste” for your survival and enjoyment. Do you give THANKS and HONOR and APPRECIATION EVERY DAY to the animal, the plant, the vegetable and GOD for sustaining you physically and spiritually? Do you give THANKS, HONOR and APPRECIATION EVERY DAY to this wondrous planet, Mother Earth, for bringing you the gifts of beauty and survival she has so abundantly supplied?
Let us discuss the care and tending responsibilities of humans to their domestic “PETS”. When you have a pet animal such as a cat or dog, this cat or dog is dependent upon you for his love, his care, and his food. A cat or dog or any animal for that matter, has the group spirit of his species from THE CREATION within him. He possesses the “instinctual nature” of his particular species. The animal, contrary to what many of you would like to believe, does NOT possess FREE-WILL and the same degree of reasoning ability of human beyond his instinctual behavior. Animals are extremely responsive to LOVE as are all creatures within THE CREATION. They make wonderful friends and companions, and bring lightness, fun and humor to the human.
Because of the domestication of these pets, there has been created an interruption of the natural balance mechanism for these animals. They have over pro-created. Many irresponsible “owners” of these animals have allowed this to occur and have not always wanted to care for the offspring. Many are left to die, spread disease, go wild, or to ultimately end up within one of your “humane societies”. Fortunately the ones responsible for creating such “humane” societies understood the need to take care of THIS EXPLODING population of unwanted animals, especially dogs and cats. It is an orphanage for lost, stray or unwanted animals, and is most sad indeed, because although the animals are offered for nominal charge to humans who might “adopt” them, most are not adopted and therefore are destroyed usually by euthanasia. It is truly heartbreaking, but surprisingly enough, many of the ones who choose to work for “humane” societies do so because of their LOVE of animals. Also, most of these “humane” animal adoption homes require all cats and dogs be sterilized as part of the adoption policy. Wouldn’t you say then, that it is logical, dear ones, that sterilizing these pets is much more humane and responsible than allowing the continued over pro-creation to occur?
So you must now think and reason, dear ones, how can you maintain your life in Harmony and Balance with the rest of this CREATION?
You begin with the pure desire to KNOW Truth. In order to come into knowing, you must recognize that your conscious “altered” ego is limited in its perception of Truth and that GOD KNOWS the best way and the path for you in His service. So you must then surrender your WILL to that which is GOD’S Will. In your daily prayer you must ask GOD for the LOVING LIGHT of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, Truth, integrity and courage in order to best serve HIS will and not YOUR will. Then, dear ones, you must WAIT upon the Father to give you that which you need to sustain in HIS service. Do you see? Your will and HIS will must become ONE again.
For you ones who now SEE the Truth and find your cup is full of the knowledge and wisdom given of THE FATHER, you now also have the RESPONSIBILITY to pass the cup on to your brethren who will accept it. You will find that for you to move on in your service, the cup must be passed. You, therefore, cannot hold it unto yourself, for it is full and must be emptied to again become full. You cannot sprinkle it haphazardly on all who come in your presence; it must be passed and it must be accepted by the choice of EACH one. It is not your responsibility to try to give the cup where it is not accepted. You pass the cup, and ones will refuse and ones will accept, but it is not your concern who does and who doesn’t accept. Your responsibility is to pass the cup to those who accept and release the outcome TO GOD who exists within each. So too, those who accept the cup of knowledge and wisdom and drink of the Truth will be nurtured and filled with the JOY of Truth and then they will pass their cup as well. All will be given opportunities to take the cup, if not from you then from another. It is yours to offer it to them and WAIT UPON THE LORD. Your cup will again be filled and you will again pass it on, and in this way will you SERVE THE FATHER WHO IS WITHIN ALL.
Funny, John, I was just saying that I wanted to make more people aware of the Divine Laws, but I have to say that I am not a fan of the Phoenix Journals, I don't know why- haven't analyzed it... sorry.
But this is a good post, I hope it gets the attention it deserves, though it may be a bit long for some people, I enjoyed it nonetheless.