The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies
August 2, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
There is a subtle Disclosure occurring now that is quite promising in its ability to lead to the announcement that will be unmistakable for everyone on your planet. Watch carefully for its effects as it ripples out from the source.
We wish to lay out a likely scenario for Disclosure as it occurs on your planet. After the “Big Announcement,” there will be a time of several days to over a week where there will be little else said officially on the topic. It is during this brief time that the greatest fear and misunderstanding can spread. It is also during this time that all of you will be asked to do your part in maintaining your sense of balance and calm and instilling it, by example, into all those who would otherwise panic. While the official channels will relay bits and pieces of information during this time frame, nothing more of any impact will be released. However, that will not stop the media and others from speculating, conjecturing, and fear mongering. The initial announcement will make it clear that there is no hostility intended, but those who would whip up fear based on speculation will be hard at work nonetheless.
After that brief period post announcement, a timetable will be set by the leaders of your world for a meeting with representatives from the Federation. We have carefully selected a group to be the first to have open contact with you. This group will hopefully dispel much of the fear that the people will have regarding our presence, our motives, and our technology as it relates to your safety. This group will be presented to all media and will be available for any and all questions asked. There will be no topic not allowed, no secret to be kept, no ulterior motive. We simply wish that all have access to the truth of who we are.
It is obvious that the First Contact group will be of human appearance since this will carry the least impact emotionally and mentally on your species. Only later, when most people have come to terms with our appearance and purpose here will those of us who have different appearances come forth. We have no set timetable for this second group’s contact with you. Rather, we will assess your reaction to the First Contact before we decide when best to make this appearance.
Most likely, after the First Contact, will come our de-cloaking as we gradually allow you to witness our ships in a more open and unveiled way. These de-cloakings will occur at a great distance at first, but there will be none of the elusiveness necessary to evade the Illuminati’s attempts at take down. After this initial de-cloaking will come ever more closer fly-bys and, depending upon your reactions and state of mind, we may de-cloak some of our great spacer fleet. This will be a decision based solely on your progress, as we are quite aware that Hollywood has programmed your minds to associate craft of this size with hostility.
Once the initial contacts are complete, we will begin, slowly, to come down not to your leaders, but to your masses, as it is you we wish to contact most of all. We will do this first where we are felt to be most welcome, so that others, more hesitant and skeptical, can watch at a “safe” distance and take note of what occurs. We will then invite you aboard to view our technology, answer your questions about any topic (none are barred) and generally revel in our mutual friendship.
As further matters unfold with your leaders, and as the plans already developed for you, economically, legally, and socially, are put into place, our appearance will become more common place and we will begin to disseminate the truth about these times and what it means for your human species and the Ascension process. This, our true goal for you, will unfold as a natural consequence of this contact.
This information will be overwhelming for some, joyous for others, baffling for many. Truth on this scale will put some of you into states of near catatonia as you try to sort out what is happening. Naturally, we will assist anyone who needs help in adjusting, either spiritually, mentally, or emotionally. Our help is freely given with Joy and Love.
We give you this information so you may prepare accordingly. When the time comes, things will move very quickly and we wish you to be as prepared as you can. Just like soldiers in wartime, you can prepare as much as possible, but never be truly ready for the events that unfold. We stand ready to guide you, in Love and deep admiration for you, our brothers and sisters.
We wish to lay out a likely scenario for Disclosure as it occurs on your planet. After the “Big Announcement,” there will be a time of several days to over a week where there will be little else said officially on the topic. It is during this brief time that the greatest fear and misunderstanding can spread. It is also during this time that all of you will be asked to do your part in maintaining your sense of balance and calm and instilling it, by example, into all those who would otherwise panic. While the official channels will relay bits and pieces of information during this time frame, nothing more of any impact will be released. However, that will not stop the media and others from speculating, conjecturing, and fear mongering. The initial announcement will make it clear that there is no hostility intended, but those who would whip up fear based on speculation will be hard at work nonetheless.
After that brief period post announcement, a timetable will be set by the leaders of your world for a meeting with representatives from the Federation. We have carefully selected a group to be the first to have open contact with you. This group will hopefully dispel much of the fear that the people will have regarding our presence, our motives, and our technology as it relates to your safety. This group will be presented to all media and will be available for any and all questions asked. There will be no topic not allowed, no secret to be kept, no ulterior motive. We simply wish that all have access to the truth of who we are.
It is obvious that the First Contact group will be of human appearance since this will carry the least impact emotionally and mentally on your species. Only later, when most people have come to terms with our appearance and purpose here will those of us who have different appearances come forth. We have no set timetable for this second group’s contact with you. Rather, we will assess your reaction to the First Contact before we decide when best to make this appearance.
Most likely, after the First Contact, will come our de-cloaking as we gradually allow you to witness our ships in a more open and unveiled way. These de-cloakings will occur at a great distance at first, but there will be none of the elusiveness necessary to evade the Illuminati’s attempts at take down. After this initial de-cloaking will come ever more closer fly-bys and, depending upon your reactions and state of mind, we may de-cloak some of our great spacer fleet. This will be a decision based solely on your progress, as we are quite aware that Hollywood has programmed your minds to associate craft of this size with hostility.
Once the initial contacts are complete, we will begin, slowly, to come down not to your leaders, but to your masses, as it is you we wish to contact most of all. We will do this first where we are felt to be most welcome, so that others, more hesitant and skeptical, can watch at a “safe” distance and take note of what occurs. We will then invite you aboard to view our technology, answer your questions about any topic (none are barred) and generally revel in our mutual friendship.
As further matters unfold with your leaders, and as the plans already developed for you, economically, legally, and socially, are put into place, our appearance will become more common place and we will begin to disseminate the truth about these times and what it means for your human species and the Ascension process. This, our true goal for you, will unfold as a natural consequence of this contact.
This information will be overwhelming for some, joyous for others, baffling for many. Truth on this scale will put some of you into states of near catatonia as you try to sort out what is happening. Naturally, we will assist anyone who needs help in adjusting, either spiritually, mentally, or emotionally. Our help is freely given with Joy and Love.
We give you this information so you may prepare accordingly. When the time comes, things will move very quickly and we wish you to be as prepared as you can. Just like soldiers in wartime, you can prepare as much as possible, but never be truly ready for the events that unfold. We stand ready to guide you, in Love and deep admiration for you, our brothers and sisters.
Be at peace.
Channeler: Wanderer of the Skies
Thank you so much, Jon.
It is really a nice piece.
In Love and Light,
Dear 1 Happy kelly,
Is it possible to continue your very interesting and complete comment because it stopped abruptly, perhaps due to an
interruption of the internet Service.??
Many thanks in advance.
Are we moments away from a New Earth?
It seems as if the end-game for the Illuminati is quickening. On 7/27/11, present and former military officials and government officials met in Washington, DC and gave a historical press conference that is going unreported in the Mainstream media. Basically, they admitted that there seems to be an extra-terrestrial presence currently engaging Earth. They used such occurrences such as the shutting down of airports and nuclear sites as evidence. At the same time, various insiders are reporting that the Chinese have officially called in their debts. It has been suggested for years that when the Chinese finally decided to do this, the Illuminati will be finished. It seems as if the time is finally right for this blow to be administered. Also, Ron Paul released an urgent warning on his website recently stating that at some time in the near future the U.S. dollar will crash. This is all evidence that the U.S. Dollar, which is controlled by an Illuminati-controlled organization, the Federal Reserve, is crashing and there is nothing that can solve the problem. All of these different occurrences would explain the relentless coverage of the debt ceiling by the mainstream media. The media is trying to keep us distracted for as long as possible. Complete UFO disclosure along with a new financial system is next. This could be coming in the next few weeks or even days. I seriously doubt that it will be months before any changes occur. It is almost August of 2011, that leaves us less than 18 months to prepare for our Ascension into the 5th dimension.
For years there has been an on-going chess match behind the scenes between the Illuminati and the White Knights. The White Knights are a group of military and government officials from all around the world who strive to end the reign of the Illuminati and promote light on Earth. They have been aided substantially through the years by the Galactic Federation of Light which is a group of extra-terrestrials from various star systems from all over the Galaxy. This galactic organization has been responsible for the various shutdowns of nuclear sites that have been reported all over the world. They’ve also are the ones responsible for the increased number of UFO sightings. The Galactic Federation has been monitoring Earth since humans created the nuclear bomb in the 1940s. They have been active behind the scenes since the early 90’s. The first major blow came to the Illuminati when their former masters, the Reptilians switched sides in the mid 90’s. Apparently the Reptilians understood that it was hopeless to try and keep Earth in the dark because of her impending crossing of the Galactic center in December of 2012. This is a natural cycle that cannot be stopped. Unfortunately, the Illuminati refused to step down and their reign of power continued.
As time went on, the Illuminati eventually split into a few different factions. The two major ones are the Illuminati who are based in Europe and the New World Order which is the American version. In the last few months this organization has basically disintegrated. Although, they still have the power of mass media to keep most of the public in the dark. Yet, as we have gotten closer and closer to 2012, awakenings have begun to occur in mass.
Pretty soon new governments will be announced, followed immediately by a more publicized UFO disclosure, possibly done by the Galactic Federation them selves. After the settlement funds are released around the world, and the public is given some time to digest everything that has occurred, there will be first contact. The first extra-terrestrials to come to Earth publicly will be humans. As we get used to the idea of humans from different galaxies, the non-human races will make themselves known. These races include the Greys, the white beings, our former masters the Reptilians, and others. They w
They make this sound soooo easy. Okay, let's do it already! :) The Arcturians have said they monitor our thought waves... can't they smooth things over with a little post hypnotic suggestion? Oh yes, that would be wrong, wouldn't it?