Upcoming Festivals of Light


We are now coming into the next three-month period of deep acceleration with the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity through the months of April, May, and June. These energies help to set the stage for all initiates to fully step into the next phase of their initiation process.

The Festival of the Christ falls on April 4th, 2015 during the Full Moon in Sun Sign of Aires.

This festival represents the movement of “resurrection” for each individual. It is a time for each of us to go deeper within ourselves and remove the aspects that no longer serve our purpose as we move into the Wesak Festival.

There are three keynotes that represent this festival. The first is the keynote of “love”, the second is “Resurrection”, and the third is Contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is an opening of a doorway to work more directly with the Office of the Christ. Previously the Office of the Christ was represented only by Lord Maitreya, but now he has joined forces with Lord Kuthumi. This is due to the increased responsibility of bringing the Christ Consciousness to humanity on an individual basis within the planet.

The Forces Of Restoration are very predominant during this festival as it will help individuals to think and act through the spiritual level while helping others to do the same. This essence comes directly from the Will of God and is connected to the principle of Active Intelligence (Pink Flame). It will assist in changing the consciousness of the planetary structure and the way that we live with one another.

The Festival of Wesak occurs on the Full Moon of Taurus,                   May 3, 2015

It is at this time that the planet receives the highest frequency of Light. It is a living event based on current astrological cycles. It is the Festival of the Buddha, celebrating the anniversary of his birth, his attainment of Buddahood, and his ascension. He represents the embodiment of Light and Divine Purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  •  The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.
  • The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.
  • The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved.

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “force of enlightenment”. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

All of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light travel to Shamballa to celebrate Lord Buddha and the entire God Force during this powerful time of light. It is important to fully take time to allow the energies to enfold within each person’s full body system as it is an opportunity that should not be missed.

The Festival of Humanity occurs on the Full Moon in Gemini on     June 2, 2015.

The Festival of the Spirit of Humanity aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s Will and right human relationships. This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice. It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthumi, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda. It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

The Force of Reconstruction is very prevalent during this festival. It represents the Blue Flame of Will and Power, the Will aspect of Divinity, that is directly connected with Shamballa. This depicts the qualities of the three forces of Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction which expresses the Light, Love, and Knowledge of God.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals. Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded. Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

Walking Terra Christa will be holding tele-calls for all three of these festivals. We will provide more detailed blogs on each of the festivals prior to the actual date with information on how to join us.  Our first festival will be held on Saturday, April 4th at 10 AM Pacific.  Please see the details on how to join this call via Open Tele-Calls Registration.

Master Djwhal Khul shares a message on the upcoming energies:

The power of the Wesak Festivals is beyond what we can imagine and hope for within the planet. It is due to the changes that have occurred within the Earth so that more frequencies of light can be grounded into GAIA.

There are more individuals awakening every day but so many initiates need guidance to understand what it is they are feeling. The Mastery Pathway is not easy within a physical body, as each of you knows. Each initiate must go into the depth of their core essence within the Etheric Body to balance the old elements and ills that they have experienced in the many lifetimes upon all planetary life whether it is on Earth or another planet. The purging that needs to be done is beyond what any mind can fathom.

It is for this reason that the frequencies of light coming into the planet in 2015 are going to be substantially increased to assist humanity to wake up even deeper. The upcoming festivals are going to be quite powerful due to the moon activations and the alignment of the planets within the Universe so there can be increased activity within each individual to assist Gaia through this process.

I believe that we are hitting a climax within the festivals that is taking each initiate, ascended master, and light being into a new existence. This means there has to be more preparation to be ready for the exchange of light. The challenges are tremendous but the rewards are even greater.

Know who you are in each moment, utilizing your tools of perception within yourself to look deeply at what you are experiencing within the four body system and be aware when something needs to be rectified. If every person were able to achieve this process within his or her lives, we would move much quicker into the 5th dimensional Earth. But, it is going to take us some time.

I share with you, take advantage of the most powerful festivals of the year as you will be rewarded greatly for your efforts.

I look forward to working with each of you through this process of enlightenment upon Gaia.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul
Master of the Festivals of the Earth

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

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