Another update from Christ Michael

In light


Update #12
By CM thru Hazel
May 19, 2010 - 3:51:34 AM

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Christ Michael thru Hazel


7:15 am

Update No 12

This is going to be a brief update with more to follow later. As part of the infiltration talking place within the military we also targeted various ranks in the navy. We have had much success here in cordon in off various assets for use in the future should that become necessary. Let us say that various ranks now appreciate that there is no where for them to go to. It did help that we had a presence here before.

Back now to developments with your politicians. Since your last update there has been some marginal breakthrough. There are some tough cookies here . Some too far gone I am afraid. The puppet masters have these well secured within their evil clutches. Never mind it's not as if I expected co operation from all. I knew that this would be the case so I am preparing to execute an alternate strategy. Their failure to see the light has not affected the outcomes we project it has only pushed them further away from me and sealed their inevitable fate. They still don't believe dear ones and have been very recalcitrant and downright cynical about our presence.

I have approached directly a few puppet masters now and one has agreed to give support begrudgingly. The others remain cantankerous and loyal to their master Satan. They do not recognise me as their Father. One has accused me of being a "bastard alien" with no earthly rights and ask me to "piss off". Beloveds they know not what they do. So soon shall they meet their end but face me they shall first in the nakedness of their soul and then I shall see what they say

Apart form the apathy shown by some in your "high" places, plans are progressing. I can say that a new stream of powerful energies are being released through your planet today and that shall have the effect of creating greater openings for us. More of your population are going to find themselves becoming alert. These new energies should also create further breakthroughs within the various spheres of those in authority.

Now you see what is going to happen is a series of mind boggling events that will once and for all show those in authority that we are real and we are here, for many still believe that they are seeing and hearing things. Some speak openly between themselves about our presence yet others are too embarrassed to, for fear that they would be accused of being "mad". Many of them shake their heads or rob their ears when we speak to them in disbelief that they are hearing right.

A massive earthquake is due and I ask that all be prepared. This shift in the earths crust is going to create a shift in man's outlook.

That is all for now. More to come later.

This is your Father Christ Michael Aton who walks amongst you and is here to clean the debris of darkness clouding your world and impeding your ascent. I place my divine seal hereto.

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