Update #19

Update #19
By CM thru Rubens
May 24, 2010 - 6:47:04 AM

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Update No. 19

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rubens: Yes, dear brother, are you here?

CM: Yes, dear, I am here with the expected news that your shores are indeed going to be hit with extreme force and the result will be major loss of life due mostly to the unbelievable ignorance of the masses. You are about to see events unfolding from the pacific ocean as we said previously and from there, the cascading of geological events. It will start with a major slip of the tectonic plates which in turn will trigger the extreme earthquake well above the Richter scale; needless to say that other earthquakes will also be experienced in the Atlantic ocean and from there "all hell will break loose" as you humans term it. The good news is that Gaia will finally have some time to breathe, regains some strength, and continue with her process but, the bad news is that many will leave their bodies; SO BE IT, dear ones. We have done our best to prepare you for this unavoidable outcome and it is here now.

We are ready for evacuations. Please, one more time, heed the warnings whose purpose is to assure that you are not in harms way and also to prepare you for evacuations, should you be in those affected areas. No need to be sad, although it is inevitable but remember that one of the tasks of the ground crew will be to comfort and aid others as needed. Once again, center yourselves as much as possible and know that I am with you and many of your brothers and sisters embrace you with their energies that incite calm and composure in these dire times.

You have my blessings dear one and Gaia sends you her love and compassion despite her own ordeals.

This is your Father and Brother, Aton, Creator Son of Nebadon.

Peace be upon you.

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