Update #20 , #21 , #22 and #23

Update #20
By CM thru Hazel
May 24, 2010 - 2:15:17 PM

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Update 20

Christ Michael thru Hazel

You have noticed this day the drastic occurrence of earth movement in different parts of your globe. This is the mother's way of building the momentum needed. At this point in time I can assuredly say to you that she is choking below. I have asked her to unleash and she has concurred. The time frame given to you has not changed for as of this moment she wrestles with the energies. Our instruments show increased activity in her tectonic plates occurring in the region of Tonga, the seat of an earthquake today. It might be that she will have her first release here.

We maintain the imminence of this movement and have secured all fleet resources in place for immediate attendance. Once her initial movement takes place we will be in a more certain position to anticipate the effect that this will have on the subsequent movements.

My team are working around your clock monitoring her. She is ready to give birth and like a birthing partner I stand by her side giving her all the encouragement she needs to push. She has asked me to allow her to this the natural way. In other words she would rather I not interfere. So for now I hold her hands as she goes through the process. This is by no means an easy birthing for her for she is currently enduring a range of emotions. She knows it must be done.

I am not going to be redundant again by proffering warnings to you for I am of the view that this has been covered sufficiently. Do not underestimate the effects of the birthing process for it will be as none you have ever witnessed. Her energies are raging at the moment so expect this major move at any time.

I shall tomorrow provide a further update on how we are managing on your grounds. Other than that I only wished this to be a fleeting update. Be prepared I say for the moment approaches with haste.

This is Christ Michael Aton and I bid you to pay attention that you may hear the alarm

Candace: OK, This will be briefer than my previous attempt. There were NOT a lot of quakes today posted on the various sites. There may have been some that were not posted, as USGS does that, we often catch them removing quakes shortly after they happen. I was a slower day. And what ones that were allowed to show, they were marked way down, and I ask if you have not yet read the summary commentary I added thru the day to Update #19 and Ron's warning piece today, that you check there.

USGS is NOT posting quakes as they occur. This has been going on for several days at least. They are apparently batching any above a certain point, 5 and above for review. Today several of the 5 plus quakes were not reported for more than an hour, yet they were on Geofon as they apparently occurred. ALL were downgraded substantially to less than 5, most the apparently magic number of 4.7, even the 5.8 at the Santa Cruz Islands. I don't know if other quakes were not reported at all. This is the geofon site, please bookmark it if you like watching the action. The European site was usless, it followed with USGS. http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/db/eqinfo.php

I am a bit worried about this game. I am sure they do not want people to freak out. So I myself consider whether they should be posted as truth or not. Obviusly USGS folks are aware that something is impending, otherwise they would not do this. Most people don't visit these sites anyway. It could be that ignorance is bliss and it might be better for people to not know in congested areas and just be out clogging the highways.

I hope they do give tsunami warnings so at least some people can evacuate. I read someplace that the southwestern pacific tsunami warning system is offline. I have no idea if that is true or not. This would be a good time for all you creator sons wanna bees to ponder some of these ideas while we wait.

Now, despite what you are being told on TV, the "oil leak" exploded yesterday, tossing off the remaining BOP and is wide open with some collapse of the sea floor. The "leak" is massisve and man is not going to be able to put a cork in the thing.

This is a major disaster and at least one reason for us to move forward. Some of you have written that star fleet should do something to protect the animals and put a cork in it. There are too many leaks forming to cork. And please, those of you sensitive to the animal live, this is worthy, but please understand all the quakes, Tsunami's and volcanic eruptions do exactly the same thing. You must let your self look because you are on the fast track to universal management you know.

Man is NOT protected from his kharma and errors. Except we have actually, because the planet was going to roll over after WW2 and has been stabilized to allow man to grow, or not it seems, and give a chance to the starseeds to have this important experience. Please as you observe all that is going to come, or has occurred in the past, that you chose to come to learn, and be about that!

ALL evolutionary planets are cleansed periodically. Even if they have no people yet on them. All go thru pole reversals and hits from comets because this causes land change outs and renewals. These activities help FORM an evolutionary planet such as this. It might be worthwhile to be reading the Urantia Book on some of this. That is one reason the book was given, to remind the star seeds of their roots and the problems faced in universal management.

I wrote a piece on survival, which was lost, I didn't plan to write it, just happened as I went with the flow.. Perhaps I will try to reconstruct it later. I hope all of you ARE prepared, for you have been purposely given a long time to carry that out.

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Update #21
By CM thru Rubens
May 24, 2010 - 2:48:51 PM

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Update No. 21

Monday, May 24, 2010

CM thru Rubens

Rubens: Hello CM. Mood is strange, isn't it now?

CM: Yes, this is indeed I, Aton, and yes we are in a strange mood, if you could say that, due to the plight of Gaia; she is having some difficulties and we are aiding in the process so she could be relieved and get this going as it must. You have seen some minor activities occurring on the surface but, not at all yet, that we had anticipated. As more time elapses, more the push is going to be painful and violent. So dear ones, although it is kind of strange to tell you not to lose patience for what you are expecting as it will happen but, at the same time , in light of the number of departures that will occur, we are not really happy in making that statement.

This is an extremely delicate operation, if you will, and we are carefully helping Gaia to go the last mile and get it over with.

Again, we have made the necessary arrangements for the evacuation process; we have even fine-tuned the process so, once the geological events manifest on the surface, do not expect to have any pauses or periods of rest because they will be ongoing until it is done. Pray if you will or remain as calm as is possible at this point because we know that you are holding your breath.

That is all I am willing to say at this point.

My Peace be with you, dear ones.

This is Aton and I place my seal of approval on this brief update.

Rubens: Many thanks.

Candace: I was informed recently they are supplying assistance. Also I requested some "pics" inside my head of what is going on during meditation today and I was given some. There are more CME's coming, which I know, there was one earth directed yesterday, and another today about 20 hours later. If you are a watcher of Stereo, if a CME is earth directed, it appears usually on both Stereo A and B. To the right on B and to the left on A.

Also I was shown coastlines, which oddly in one was definitely EAST South America, which would imply that what we have been told that the Mid Atlantic Ridge may go. Also I was shown the size of the waves, quite huge, but I can't measure what I see on the "camera" inside my head.

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Update #22
By CM thru Hazel
May 25, 2010 - 8:23:50 AM

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Christ Michael thru Hazel


Update 22

The mother has been bleeding from within. This is as a result of her efforts to push harder in some places. She is sore as a result and takes a break to recoup her energies that she may have the strength to push again.

You will notice this day that there will be several other earth movements around your globe. She is being prepared to execute the big push. I am assisting her through this time through a combination of compassion and gentle encouragement. There are other devices being used to assist her onward for she has accepted that she is unable to undertake this on her own.

The warnings given to you previously remain and I exhort vigilance and alertness. It was our hope that by this time the grand movement would have taken place but as you can see this has not unfolded. Her current situation means that she needs a little more time and we are working with her to make the release as comfortable as possible.

I would now like to address the recent explosions which have exacerbated the Deepwater horizon oil spill. This is beyond correction so don't be fooled by their half measure attempts. There is no remedy available. Their attempts will all fail as has every attempt they made to stem the flown of the original spill. This additional damage is a further scourge upon the mother and her life forms and dictates even faster action in promoting this birth.

You may think these explosions to be accident please note they are not. I shall not at this time go through the details of what we know but just bear this in mind. This is another attempt of the dark to drive a spoke in the plans for the mother's ascension but this shall not manifest I tell you.

At this present moment in time we have added a few more dark ones to the line up in the dungeon for interrogation. Our plans have progressed to a limit where we are now required to take certain action that must be shown in your spheres. I have received my mandate from the SOURCE that this operation must be expedited for He wishes to see the ascension process begin in some earnest.

So what can you expect? First some more earth movements amongst which may very well be that mammoth one we promised would occur. In fact I can assure you that this big movement will take place so please do not lose your hope and faith. Thereafter all will flow from this.

We are sufficiently pleased with the current state of market activity and will admit to having a hand in this. Yes we are ensuring that all is in place so that when the mother gives that big blow the tumble will start fervently leading to the demise.

I am not saying more for now but please note that we continue to monitor the mother. It is her actions that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

This is all for now. I am Aton and will provide a further update later on.

Candace: This was sent 4 hours ago, but held up by somebody, as it didn't arrive in the mail until much later, it was not there 2 hours ago when I last checked.

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
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Update #23
By Esu, S333 and CM thru Candace
May 26, 2010 - 11:35:39 AM

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Update #23
May 26, 2010

Esu, S333 and Christ Michael

Esu: Hello beloveds, well the time seems to be fast approaching. Yesterday, CM reported of the mother hemorrhaging internally, and we were able to clear to blockage so the energy could flow where it should.

Candace did a work with some friends above, about the location of this fault, and if you have not yet found it, you might like to take a look so that you can see where this event will start. All energy flows in rings similar to what occurs when the pebble hits the water, and so it shall with this, plus it will reverberate thru the planet and cause more quakes, releases and probably some volcanization.

We know many of you will be shocked, but you must rapidly come into quietness and let your self help the others around you. Again, any of you living in dangerous areas will be evacuated if need be along with many others.

Candace just disturbed me to send some advice to Mother Gaia to remind her there are evacuations plans. She has been working with Momma as she likes to now call her. Over the hours to days after the first quake there will be many more, and as we have suggested the Mid Atlantic Ridge will have a massive quake, likely in about the same latitude as this quake coming and thus both sides of South America will be hit.

There will be much destruction in all the South Pacific Islands, and Hawaii. Tsunami's will take a terrible toll around the world. The energy from the affects on South America will travel north and set off many quakes on the coastal areas of North America also in at most a few days time.

We still expect LA basin to collapse into the sea as the Tsunami's from the first event will cause sufficient "loosening" to cause that. Hopefully some Californians will evacuate after the first tsunami.

This should also upset the volcanoes in in the Pacific Northwest of North America. When the Mid Atlantic Ridge quakes and shakes, a lot of damage into the gulf of Mexico area will occur as well.

The coastal regions of Europe and the east Coast of the United States will probably fare fairly well in this initial set of events. The west African coast will see some damage. The Indonesian area will be devastated.

We think that the New Madrid fault will be affected at some point, due in part to gulf area issues that will work themselves backwards thru the Mississippi Delta.

This will be a very big and devastating week or so until things settle. We do hope to get on TV and radio before stasis. Stasis will take place when it has to take place, and if there is too much damage, particularly volcanism, we will have to move to it without becoming public. This is why we are supporting Mother Gaia to get going, so the damage is less and does not force our hand into stasis before we can become public.

There will be food shortages very rapidly. We hope you have set aside some food. The banks will be folded for at least a short time. We will install something to get them running again as soon as it is possible. The dark ones still in residence in various sectors such as the money and media sectors are going to be removed during the initial events so they are out of our way completely. There is no hope for these ones coming to serve, many would try to merely shore up more wealth as they cannot imagine any other way.

Candace: Understand with these affects in the ocean and atmosphere, there WILL be a huge loss of ability to deliver food and supplies and that may well include gasoline also. You have had the upper hand knowledge, so prepare if you have not already.

Esu: Now, some of you near the events may be lifted and then put back on the ground if there is ground left for you. You must assist in areas where there is survival and you will come back until stasis begins. We will not put you back in areas where you have no means to communicate with others, so do not worry on that. You will however be conscious and won't find yourselves back without your memories. So you may learn a bit while on the craft and you will be expected to help aboard the craft until you are returned, if you are returning. There will be many people evacuated who have NO idea of us and you will be helping us make them comfortable.

Those going to other worlds in body will obviously be lifted. And likely a few that aren't going to other worlds, we will not hugely "sort" whoever comes to the beams. Anyone will have some benefit from the experience and some could after the fact choose to go to other worlds. We can maintain "extras" for some time, on craft.

Candace has in the past placed links or photos of large evacuation craft. These hold many millions of people so some are going to have quite an experience.

Ok, I will leave now and hand the microphone over to S333. CM may or may not join us shortly he was called to attend to a problem and I must go help out also.

S333: Alright beloveds, Here I am. I will but lecture you a bit. No matter how shocked you are and some of you will be shocked, again, you must maintain your composure, and very rapidly. Long ago, it has been said on AH that you must be ROCKS. And so it is. We can anticipate what we think will happen, but we can't know what fully happened until it is done ourselves.

Since there will be shortages, some of man, when his tummy is empty may become very restless and in fact dangerous. AVOID THESE PEOPLE. If you have saved up some food, do NOT let others know of it, as they will have no trouble relieving you of the food. We will as needed actually put fleet members of the ground to take some control and beloveds, please understand, by control, some of these ones will send troubled out of control individuals to the "other side". We will not allow certain ones to become gang leaders.

We will get on the air ways when we can. But rumors will fly. Those of you that have guns, keep them handy, and although you must help out, do not shut yourselves totally behind closed doors in fear. The coming CMEs plus the energy disturbances created by large quakes, will cause communication problems and we hope to repair a lot of this as areas settle down so WE can use them.

Cables running under oceans may well break. Some of you may not be able to reach the AH website, and you must be on your own, standing in your shoes, and not running to read what you must do here, because that kind of advice is not going to be here anyway. Some of you are too dependent on channeled material.

We will however, do everything we can do to assist keeping the AH website online. It's servers are state side. We do plan to have full coverage publicly as the mess settles down. We hope to have Candace herself on that broadcasting team. In fact during this time, there will be lots of new people who will visit the site for information. It will probably get congested so all of you don't necessarily need to be glued to the site, let others have a chance.

The TV coverage will not be huge. It is too late to cover some of the dark deeds, but the main ones will be covered, such as the 911 event for example. Most of the time will be given over to some teaching about God, and about the coming stasis events and what to expect. We may before stasis even give some folks opportunity to choose to board craft to explore other options. We prefer to give the public knowledge for the forthcoming events and our roles, so those that ARE returning after stasis, will remember this, and able to except star fleet members on the ground and in your skies when they awaken.

We have not made final decisions yet about uncloaking and when it should be done. There are simply too many people, who will be already scarred out of their wits. These will have so much fear they will pass this plane. These last few weeks are important to the soul growth of those here before stasis that survive the events forth coming.

After the initial events which should hopefully be over in a week, then the earth will feel exhausted and having vented will settle down a great deal for the remaining time.

We will be working during night times to help restore communications, fix some water line breaks and those kind of activities. There may be quiet a few who will wonder if god is working miracles. No not miracles, just restoration to prevent some of the ugliest problems that man is capable of when he has not food, water, or shelter.

NOW I REPEAT HERE, watch out for some strangers and their actions. If people do no want to hear you, shut up. This is a time to serve basic needs and no tell religion of any sort. Scared people who do not know truth can attack you as DEMONS.

In fact during this time we expect some battles between religion with certain areas. Man does not understand God. Many will however come into service of helping their neighbors, and this is needed and desired. But some will become very dangerous. If you are operating in any sort of shelter that springs up, and you have ones who are dangerous, you do NOT try to help them. Put them outside to the elements and SHUT THE DOORS. There are people who will develop very abnormal minds and you do not allow them to harm others. You have to look at the highest good. And the highest good in some cases will be to close the doors and shut dangerous people away.

Fear in these ones will likely cause them to quickly succumb and be out of the way. There will be many deaths dear ones, simply due to fear. The body will put out many chemicals and people will drop dead. LET THIS HAPPEN and put your efforts with the living. You must use "triage" per se.

Candace: for those doing translations, "triage" is the sorting of people into 3 categories: those who have no hope, those who need attention NOW and those who can wait a bit.

S333: Too many of you are too nice sometimes, and this will be a time for clarity. You must keep yourselves under control, because otherwise you will not hear the advice of your guardian angels. It will be them informing you, not us generally in these conditions. HEED your "instincts" thusly.

Ok I release the podium to Christ Michael

Christ Michael: OK, beloveds, I left a bit to attend some details needing my input. Candace took a short walk and when I dinged her head, she was just entering her driveway and remembered where she was once on it, when I contacted her from a craft some years ago now, the day of the 2004 presidential elections in the United States. I had come down in a craft, right over her home, part of my giving support to her at the time, making this "real."

The pressure is strongly brewing now in the "unknown" but now known to you fault line. There is already subtle movement and small waves being generated. Most of you should KNOW when the quaking gets serious. The preliminaries are mostly from movement of magma right now. Pretty soon the fault will start its big slip and the energy will be carried also to the Tonga Trench which should experience a lot of movement also.

There is not much more for me to speak on at this time. Please do read Don Hines message today. It is important. Do not forget I am much more than the body who called himself Hatonn for a time. I AM my whole creation. This body is but a tool for my return at this time.

During stasis, those of you attending will be coming into a lot of memory about how this works. It can be explained largely by science in fact. Your "string theory" is hitting on this concept and we notice it has been largely shut down the last few years from publication in the western world.

The Russians already remember and know much. They have explored this entire solar system in craft and taken many measurements. During stasis, much of this will be translated into English and put on the web for all to study, as they have time and interest while they build the new world.

We move forward now. Be prepared, be brave, be honest unless you need to lie to save a life, and come into full service and listen to your inner self in all situations. Checking out now, it's back to work. I AM Christ Michael/Aton of Nebadon.

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