The divine plan is proceeding.......
In light
Update #8 By CM, S333 and Esu thru Solon May 17, 2010 - 2:31:17 PM | Email this article Printer friendly page |
May 17, 2010
Home 18:14 PM
Update # 8
S: I feel the presence of the Fleet's Command for an update message. I give myself in reverence to receive it. Follow in, beloveds.
CM: Here is your Father and older brother [grins]. Outside the time you know, these two qualifications have equal value, both for you and for all and any person who opens his intention in talking with Me. No restrictions. The only condition for this is the individual CHOICE of each of my sons.
Let's do an update number 8.The trench of Darkness is weakening.Those who have not passed on to our side are being continually pressed, and are seeing their support succumb to My Light. The Dark support is continuously being eliminated and the effects will be felt soon in the Light of Your Reality. The Main Stream Media manipulation will be taken in due time so that everyone knows the truth that still try to deny. A pity, because the evidence is there for anyone wanting to discover the reality behind the reality constructed by the Dark.
Jupiter has an important role in raising the vibration of the planet to accelerate the collapse of these old power structures. Politicians who will not cede, will get their fate sealed in the manner they choose. We are continuing the quiet Sun at the moment, because there are events in the political and economic arenas to happen. Giving sequence to my Divine Plan, the increase in CME's [Coronal Mass Ejection] of the Sun will start increasing the exposure of Jupiter out of the solar corona in order to advance the process of ascension of Mother
The Creation is scared, dear ones, very scared. (Candace: I have written Solon because I am not sure if he meant sacred, rather than" scared." I will get back to this when he writes back Ok, the intent was scared, as in frightened.) Especially on Earth, a stronghold of rebels for so many millennia. What humans have yet been able to perceive from the energetic point of view, their pets and wild caught long ago. The event of a whale attacking its long time trainer is just one of many examples happening around the world on how the animal world and Elemental already stepped into the 'Unknown', as stated in the previous message by S333. Humans have already entered into it unconsciously, and external events of their world will be in charge of bringing this knowledge to Light.
Although there is no reason to be scared to step into the unknown is not something comfortable. Anda there you have your Internal Guidance. Those connected with Me and all my creation will find the whole purpose of these events, where there is no 'UNKNOWN'. Only the 'KNOWN' of My Will of My Life as your Father in My Divine Plan being driven at full power.
While writing this message, we realize that some politicians have given the evidence of our presence on the ground of the planet, MY Planet. No refuge for those placed in our way. Politicians and Bankers, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! We are already infiltrated amongst you, and when your ROBBERY systems start to fail, you will see Our Savior hand for My Kids taking effect.
Our tactical squads are promoting at this very moment, taken important positions throughout the planet, whose missions are secret for now and aim to further weaken the ranks of Darkness. Even Dark children of your country are included in the list, to whom Divine Corrective is Underway.
My mate in command takes the word now.
CM Aton out.
Beloved, put the link on the message 'This is not the time for the faint of heart' on the words you write, because I realize that you are already thinking about how the followers of the Light will easily find the message. Keep the messages tailored for your content is always richer for everyone.
This really is not the time for the Faint of Heart. We are on the verge of explosive events in all spheres of your existence and to feeling LOST - for our Lightworkers dedicated to the cause - is NOT an option. YOU Long wanted this, and when ESU put options in the polls, the winner was 'set all on fire' in the process. This is what you will have. But not material fire, but the fire of God manifesting on Earth and burns everything that is old and should give way to the Light of the Father
Exactly. We needed your vote so that there was an agreement, a formal CHOICE of our representatives to implement the Earth Force increased from 5 to 8 in the ascension process. The Force has been increased. And everyone, without exception, is this sense Strength. It will literally disintegrate any waste dark inside all the inhabitants of the earth, and those who can not cope with the increase of vibration, will express his dark side, brought up to be lit .
This is and has always been the tactic of the Army of Heaven, and there is nothing in the universe that can combat its effects. Follow the Light, Bring the Light, Be Light, Anchor the Light.
The times ahead will require strength of ALL Lightworkers, our Power Transformers.
Namaste, Esu.
S: Namaste to all.I am honored by your deference.
End: 18:54
Candace: First, I don't know who did the piece, "This is not for the faint of heart," I suspect Vince, but it didn't come up in our lousy search engine, under his name, and I want to get this posted, so I will add it later. If one of you has it bookmarked, feel free to send it via the contact form!
We have at times before covered the concept of Finding the Unknown, which we are all engaged in personally in our journey's and collectively as part of this far reaching deal with the corrupt beings that have gotten a little out of hand in this new creation of Orvonton, it being the "youngest" of the 7 Superuniverses. Nebadon has had some serious problems as have a few other Local Universes, and it must be solved or the creation is in trouble.
Esu's comments relate above to a piece I did with him, gosh, maybe a year ago now, not sure. He polled all of you about whether we would come in strong or gently and I had the word on the tip of my tongue, in fact typed it and then this whole piece just disappeared on me, and I had to start over. OK, here it is, "Let it Rip." So the Let it Rip won the poll and some of you wondered when Let it Rip would start. Well, this is it, fasten your seatbelts! Alfter all, Let It Rip had to be approved and planned!" width=1>
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Update #9 By Esu thru Rubens May 17, 2010 - 4:51:47 PM | Email this article Printer friendly page |
Update No. 9
Monday, May 17, 2010
Rubens: Is there anyone here?
Esu: Yes dear one, this is Esu again.
Rubens: I am ready dear brother.
Esu: Good. This is another update and I believe it is No. 9. We are curtailing the evil ties of those whose purpose is to create havoc in your sphere of reality and as we said ample times, this will not happen. We are securing all those apparatus of control be it in the military, sphere of politic, finances, mass media and others so that we can move rapidly into denouncing the dark ones officially and have the world know of the end of their control over you is over. There will not be peace when those announcements hit the air; to the contrary, it is easy to see that many who would give their life for the system, so entrenched was their belief in such system, would become completely disheartened and feel much anger at realizing that they been duped and taken for granted.
This indeed, will not be for the faint-hearted and you must prepare for some turmoil when that occurs. We will do everything in our power to contain some of those and send much of those energies encouraging calm but, that will only be a form of panacea and not a cure. Some of the expressions of humiliation, desperation and utter sense of loss ought to be expressed as a form of catharsis and that it to be understood. No matter what happens, this world will experience societal changes never lived through before due to much energetic output from the sun in order to release much that has been hidden.
Much we anticipate but, some of it must remain hidden for now since we have a few more loose ends to tie up. In essence, we are gaining a lot more ground than before and it feels from the other camp that a fire is spreading rapidly and there is no help in sight for some relief; that is the way it feels to the dark ones since we are not giving them any respite no matter what they come up with. We are still marching onward with increasing force and those brothers and sisters of the dark are not at all in their comfortable shoes and are running mad. That was their choice and they must pay for the consequences of their awful choices. So be it.
As CM alluded, very soon, many revelations will appear on your TV screen and other means of communication to the shock of so many still sleeping not having as much as of little clue that their world is already turning up side down. It is a pity that so many are still in some sort of a comatose sleep and not much will awaken them but a really large cold bucket of freezing water.
This, I place my seal upon. I am Esu Sanat Kumara." width=1>
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