Dear Ones,
There is only LOVE
Regardless of what you see playing out in front of you - LOVE reigns supreme.
Notice when devastating acts of inhumanity occur, LOVE rallies, shines and expands.
LOVE overshadows the darkness - it allows hearts to open wider than ever before, it allows humanity to embrace humanity and greater LOVE to pour forth.
You are witnessing LOVE at its finest unfold.
Feel the LOVE in your own Heart expand and notice it flow out exponentially throughout the Planet. The darkness has no place to hide when the LIGHT turns up its full potential.
Dear Ones, each of YOU play a role in securing the greatest LIGHT possible and it is glorious from our perspective.
You and your fellow “LIGHT” workers are bringing extraordinary LIGHT AND LOVE to the Planet.
LOVE is, and will prevail. There is no turning back now.
The Month of March, the Equinox and the Full Moon
This month of March continues to challenge you and that Dear Ones is because all that you were - no longer exists, and you are adapting to the New way of Being - nothing will be as it was in your old world - NOTHING!
The most intensified LIGHT is now permeating and this March Equinox will be life changing in so many delightful ways.
The LIGHT which is about to pour down upon you will open you up to so many new possibilities and opportunities. “Gifts” which have been hidden from you for eons of time will now once again become available - you will be astounded and delighted.
So many new possibilities will be presented to you and you will flourish with your newly remembered “gifts.”
Nothing is new, just remembered.
This will also increase the amount of LOVE AND LIGHT to flood your Planet and you begin to see who each of you “truly are” - and you will see beyond any contradiction YOU ARE ALL ONE.
ONENESS is your true Birthright.
These times are momentous Dear Ones and you have toiled for what is about to occur.
Keep your thoughts and intentions High and watch how your dreams manifest into reality.
Did we mention Magic and Miracles Dear Hearts?
And so it is
Channeled by Leslie-Anne Menzies <3
Count me in as next in line to reap the long hidden rewards that await us all in the newly intensified light that is.