Upgrade your Merkabah to a merkivahH

Merkabah to Merkivah - The Crystalline Waters of ShastaArchangel Metatron through TyberonnMay 16, 2008AA Metatron: Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you one and all.Dear Ones, we have told you that the human electromagnetic field is being stretched and pulled by the increasing energies of your planet. We have told you that in order to operate within the Quantum Crystalline Field that is forthcoming within the 144-Crystalline Grid, the human aura must be transformed into the greater frequencial capacity of the crystalline merkabic field.Merkabah to MerkivahWe tell you that the geometric potential of the Merkabah is now expanding beyond the eight-point star tetrahedron. It is now possible to transform the frequencial Merkabah into the Merkivah; the 12-pointed star and indeed for some of you into the 24-point star of Mastery. To do so requires intent, clarity and focal work. This occurs through several processes involving the trinity unification of body, mind and spirit. This involves achieving impeccability. But impeccability cannot be achieved without the purging prerequisite of trinity metamorphisis. The very build of the Ascension electromagnetics that are pulsing more and more powerfully through infinity points via the Crystalline 144 Grid are expanding your own electromagnetic field. This is occurring, Masters, whether you recognize it or not. So we urge you to take heed and recognize the need to understand the mechanics of this transformation. Indeed the energy differential of Ascension electromagnetic frequency with that of your auric field, must find equilibrium. That is basic physics, or perhaps metaphysics!Ascension ImbalanceDear Ones, how many of you are feeling the quickening of time? How many of you have trouble sleeping? You see the inner crystalline core of the planet is now spinning faster. The ratio of the earth’s outer torque on its axis has changed in relation to the increasing inner core spin. That is effecting the time continuum, and indeed all of your electromagnetic fields. Your auric fields are changing their skins. The process will intensify over the next three to four years. In the interim, your auric field can develop fissure cracks as it expands into greater frequency. This can create what may be termed ‘Ascension Imbalance’. You must understand this. It can create temporary energy loss, leading to sleep disorders and chronic fatigue.There are many tools to assist in this process. We have spoken of many of these tools, Mickel Therapy, gemstones, sacred sites, infinity points, phi cut vogel quartz, pure sonic frequencies, and indeed certain living waters.Living Waters of Shasta:And so in this gathering we will speak of the springs of Mount Shasta. Indeed the male and female, the white and red springs, located in the area currently termed Stewart Mineral Springs. Now do these living conscious waters take on a greater role, now do these springs offer themselves to play a role in the Ascension of the planet. This specifically through the projection of the crystalline field, and the acceleration of the transformation of the human electromagnetic field into its requisite expansion. And in so doing facilitate the transformation of the auric field into the greater frequency of the merkabic form.Mount Shasta:We have spoken to you earlier about the special mission that Mount Shasta, the most powerful energy complex in North America, has undertaken in the Ascension, that of balancing the overly masculine energy of Atlantis with the overly feminine energy of Mu. We have told you that the essence of Shasta is primarily of the Divine Masculine, primarily Atlantean, yet located within a feminine land complex of ancient LeMuria. In so doing Shasta then projects the balance of male and female within duality. You see the perfection, the mastery you seek cannot be achieved in either predominate male or predominate female, rather in the equilibrium, the balance of the two.Now, Shasta is energetically articulated in more placements than just the peaks and upper valleys of the sacred mountain, indeed the energy extends throughout the enormous massif in a self contained balance of what can be uniquely termed as a Gaic chakric complex. This is a special expression, but there are other such living vortex-portal complexes that are expressed in similar patterns. These include Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia, Lake Titicaca in Bolivia-Peru, Torres del Paine in Chile, Kilamanjaro in Tanzania, Bali in Indonesia, Mount Cook in New Zealand, Tasmania in Australia, Fuji in Japan, Mount Kaleish in Tibet, and Mount Araphat in Turkey to name other majors.Sun Disc at ShastaSpecific to Shasta are major satellites, or energy vector expressions within the Shasta field that significantly contribute to the overall energetic pattern of the activation of these areas into the 12-helix pattern, termed the Golden Sun Disc. These include Castle Crags, Stewart Mineral Springs, Glass Mountain, Dunsmuir-Hedge Creek Falls, Sacramento Headwater Springs, Panther Meadows, Squaw Meadows, Mossbrae Falls, McCloud Falls; McArthur-Burney Falls, Black Butte, and specific caves within Lava Beds National Monument. Each contributing a frequency, a singular frequency that combines to form a twelve-strand helix pattern at the crater and summit. The 12 strand energy helix is what you term the Golden Sun Disc, truly an energetic pattern as opposed to a disc, yet when observed can be interpreted to be disc like in appearance.Dear Ones, even greater expansions await you in this area . We have told you before that within the deep chasms of Mount Shasta lies one of the great Atlantean crystals. There was it placed before the waves flowed over the once great lands of Poseida, the heralded Emerald City of Atlantis. It sleeps in a deep crystalline cavern far below the vast massif of Mount Shasta. It will awaken by divine plan on the 9th of September, 2009. It was called the Crystal of Multidimensionality and is of massive proportion. It is guarded by those of Sirius B, whose cavernous base is deep below the ridges of Stewart Mineral Springs. We will speak of this in the months to come.Activation of the Shasta Spring Crystalline and Magnetic Springs:Now the springs at Stewart Mineral are in an activation into their unique role that extends to all that visit them. We have spoken previously about the requisite expansion of the human auric field that is occurring in the Ascension. The planetary pulse is speeding up, and dear ones it is affecting you in myriad ways. In a very valid sense, what is occurring through the ascension energies is stretching your frequential capacities, as such you are required to grow a new expanded auric field ,much like a snake that annually outgrows its skin, and goes through a susceptible phase of fitting into a new one that can better encompass the larger body. Do you understand? Before the new one can become resilient, the old one is stretched and cracks, and during that transition there is a phase of metamorphosis that contains within it certain vulnerabilities until the new one is completed.The unique mineralogy and location of the crystalline and magnetic springs of the Shasta field are activated to assist in the adjustment, healing and expansion of the human electromagnetic field.The rare silica content of the white springs is one key. The springs are in essence, crystalline in frequency, silica being the base component of quartz, you see.We have made the channel aware of the special role of these springs. He was urged to prompt an analysis of the two waters, both the red magnetic and white electro-crystalline waters.Question to Metatron: I have always felt , since discovering that the red springs were not being utilized or recognized, that they were also to be used? How can the red, female spring be better utilized?Metatron: The two springs should be used in tandem, are meant to be used ion tandem.. Optimally the white elctro-crystalline waters should be used as the initial bath. This provides a deep purification as well as electro crystalline expansion. The detoxification achieved from the white springs occurs both within the body physical, and the etheric field. Emotional releases of blocked energy are accelerated.And indeed, the red iron magnetic springs, of the female frequency should be the final bath after completing two to three ‘rounds’ with the crystal springs. The red springs then as the final soak provides a soothing magnetic rebalancing effect that synergizes and completes the dual use of both springs.These springs, as we have said, have taken on a new role, an activation is occurring. They will uniquely be of benefit to both the physical, emotional; and electromagnetic fields of the body. This utilization will accelerate and assist in completing the expansion of the human electromagnetic field, and help what is termed “ Ascension Imbalance’. You see the requisite purging of the emotional blockages, will be accelerated within the energy of the Shasta vortex, and further accelerated by the bathing in these living waters. One is electrical, the other magnetic, both carry the crystalline energy.We will tell you that the red springs also offer many unique healings, those with arthritis, will benefit immensely from the magnetic therapy of these waters.Question to Metatron: The red springs are currently not set up for use in the bath house. Is there an alternative method in the interim for these to be used?Metatron: Despite the unfortunate non-use, non-recognition of the red magnetic springs, the benefit of the white spring, the electro-crystalline spring is considerable. As both the red and white springs overflow into the stream used for the cold plunge, the waters of the flowing creek can offer some of the qualities that otherwise would be obtained by bathing in the red springs. It can suffice, but does not offer the full benefit, you see, of the red springs. But in the now, the plunge into the mineral rich creek after the sauna is an important aspect of sealing the energetic and frequencial expansion brought by the crystalline springs. The flowing water themselves offer a hydroelectric energy that is vibrant. The flow of Park Creek is in fact a hydro-leyline, rich in akash, adamantine energy. A hydroline is very similar in benefit to that of a ley line. Around the two springs is the epicenter of a regenerative vortex complex that fills the small canyon of the grounds. Well to spend time in prayer and meditation at the well source of the two springs, honoring both. This can be done before and after the bathing, sauna and plunge routine, at the gazebo source of the springs.In terms of utilization of the magnetic red springs for bathing therapy, the seed has been planted. The spirit of place has pulled in enlightened caretakers who will recognize the call, and others are being drawn to assist. Optimally the red springs must be truly acknowledged, and then utilized in the format we have described. In truth , neither of the two are fully recognized or honored for their very special offerings and rare occurrence. The two combined represent a living, conscious field of regeneration, of fertility, of the combining and coupling of the male and female expressions of Gaia, within a unique field of rebirth.The recognition is beginning to take hold. After our prompting, an alter has been placed, and several times has the red springs been cleaned, lined in stones and prayer ties have been placed at its tangent perimeter.The concept of recognizing and honoring the two springs at their source is vitally important. Both the female and male component are to be recognized and allowed to helix. Both the electric and magnetic should be used to fully optimize the unique benefits being offered.Ultimately a new gazebo, a sacred geometric patio of sorts, should be constructed that encompasses both springs within the form of the Vesica Pisces. On the outer circle of one should be the raised pool, walled in opaque snow- quartz stone for the white springs, in the other outer circle, the raised wellhead, walled in red stone or granite to contain the red springs. Overflow drainage should be designed in each pool to allow for a water overflow to helix into a common pool that blends the waters of both. Neither spring should be covered in solid hardcover, as is currently utilized to prevent obstructing refuse, coins or offerings being placed in the white springs. Better to use a thin gauge stainless steel mesh or amply perforated acrylic, which allows the ionic plasma produced by each spring to flow freely upward. This then allows the natural entwining of the energy of both springs to join and helix. It is the natural pattern, the desired expression of both.We will add that taking water from the red springs and pouring it over the body after the process, would be beneficial, although cumbersome within the current set up. Optimal use is the full bathing.Question to Metatron: Because the lands were once part of the Native American sacred grounds, some have suggested there is an energy conflict upon the land of Stewart Mineral Springs. Is that the case?Metatron: There is no conflict on the land. None ! The lands, because of the flowing waters and sacred energy of the springs, keep themselves cleansed of conflictary thought form energies. In regards to human conflict around use of the land or ownership of the land are quickly disseminated by the energy of place. The purification sweatlodges that are regularly conducted also imbue a pure energy into the land. But then again, so does the energy of those savoring the tranquility and rejuvenation of the spa imbue itself benevolently to the land. The land, the spirit of place is quite aware of itself, and of its role and purpose.But although the lands are kept conflict free in human terms, there remains the need to acknowledge and utilize both springs. So we will say that the land of the springs is offering itself for greater utility, and is calling to those who will hear, so that the optimal purpose and need for honoring recognition be acted upon. Until this is completed, the land is not fulfilled, and indeed this may be what some interpret as conflictary energies. But this is an interpretation, a misinterpretation, the springs call for unified acknowledgement in order to complete their role, you see, and that energy will be felt until the utilization of the land, of both springs is fulfilled. So the land is not in conflict, rather in a phase of incomplete recognition. Do you see the difference?Now, the owners and caretakers of the springs are to be commended for their stewardship. We will say that in current times it is difficult to maintain the required overhead and necessary financial returns to keep the healing spa functional. The waters are meant to be used, the grounds are meant to be shared and available to all. The temptation to over commercialize and convert to a private high dollar resort must also continue to be avoided. These waters must not be restricted. Indeed the owners have accepted the guidance of deliberate under development, yet it is important that the red springs become a recognized and utilized part of the spiritual and physical healing therapy. To do so will require financial energy. The best means is to develop a nonprofit fund to raise monies for the ‘Vesica Pisces Alter’ housing both springs as described.. The intent should be expressed for a landscape architect and attorney to volunteer assistance.The installment of the bath facility to utilize the red springs for bathing will follow suit. Indeed will it bring greater financial reward to the facility. Indeed a reasonable abundance exchange for the access is appropriate.Question to Metatron: Can you expand on how the crystalline springs assist in the Ascension?Metatron: As we have said, by providing a unique crystalline vibration that is synergistically imbued with akash and a rich mineralogical alchemy, which when absorbed with the human body and field, is capable of detoxifying, contracting and then expanding the field into greater crystalline capacity.By the combination of female-male, of electric to magnetic is the balance obtained that greatly benefits the chakric and glandular systems. The waters themselves , the energy of place, the spirit of place assist in the removal of blockage and the revitalized energy field expanded and renewed within crystalline balance. Do you understand?This is one of the very rare silica waters on the planet that can be used in this manner.Now, the planet contains many sources of springs. Not all of these are within infinity points such as Shasta. Not all springs are truly self-aware. Living springs carry great electrical energy, being pulsed through the earth’s strata somewhat in a jacuzzi manifold fashion that imbues great energy and minerals into them. Such springs are very beneficial to the body and emotional fields.Just as many now recognize that the consumption of living , raw foods allows the body to take in energy fields from the living plants, so does the same occur when the body is soaked and bathed within living electromagnetic waters.A similar capacity exist with Banff National Park in Canada, but there the waters are treated and diluted, such that the potency is somewhat lessened, though still beneficial. Because of the more natural aspect of the twinned springs at SMS, and because of their location within the field of Shasta, they are far more potent. Living Springs occur in every part of the globe. These are especially potent in New Zealand at Silica Springs Tongariro, the Yucatan area of Mexico, Montezuma’s well in Arizona, Caldas Novas in southern Brazil, Termas de Araxá in Mineas Gerais, Hungary, Bath, England , Italy, Turkey, Japan , Peru, and in Hot Springs, Arkansas.But we must add, it is not simply the springs, it is also the consciousness of the living springs themselves, and where they are located. Not all springs carry potent aware life force. Not all living springs offer themselves for mankind. Those of Yellowstone and Lassen serve different purposes for the earth itself. Accordingly Stewart Mineral Springs are quite unique and of the highest benefit for mankind at this time.Now, at Stewart Springs, the routine of utilization, should occur 3 to 4 times within a 7 day period. Well to do this at least twice per year. Optimally once a month. The modality of bath, sauna and cold plunge is correct. It can be repeated as often during each day, as wished. Because of the high alkalinity, pH, the user must discern when it is time to stop, lest skin irritation occur.We will add that utilization of living springs on a weekly, monthly or even quarterly basis can extend the life span of the human. Any usage is of benefit.Question to Metatron: Are these springs aligned to the Chalice Well & Swan springs in Glastonbury, England?Metatron: Absolutely. Not just the springs, but Shasta is aligned in full to the greater complex of Glastonbury, to include the Chalice Wells, Tor, Wearyall Hill and Abbey. Glastonbury embodies the Christ Consciousness of the true King Arthur, indeed of Camelot. Shasta expresses the Christ Consciousness of that termed the White Eagle, and indeed of the Ascended Masters and Saint Germane.The red and white springs of both locales have a very vibrant axialtonal connection. Considerable exchange occurs. You may note that the red springs are recognized and utilized in Glastonbury, while the white springs, male, are not. Paradoxically the white springs are utilized in Shasta, and the female red springs are not. Does this help you to ascertain why they are especially in harmonic communication?The channel has asked if the springs in Shasta are meant to be drank, as are the two in Glastonbury. The answer is no. One need only review the chemical analysis to understand why. The springs in Shasta have a high pH, approaching 11 in the undiluted state. This is excellent for the detoxification and expansion of the auric field in bathing, yet far too alkaline to consume orally. Additionally the waters of the springs in Shasta are somewhat colloidal in nature and the solid content of the suspended particulate is too high for consumption. Thus the waters of Glastonbury are for drinking; the sister-brother springs in Shasta are for bathing. Both are greatly beneficial for the body and expansion electromagnetic field.We will add that the charge springs of the Sacramento headwaters are extremely beneficial for drinking, as are the spring waters of Panther Meadows. Yet in your current environs, both should be filtered before consumption. A portable filter, such as the Brida type can be used, and does not decrease the life force within the waters. However, the electro-magnetic energies within the waters will decrease quickly in stagnation and storage. Best to drink immediately after filtering, and within one week if taken to the home.Closing:And so Dear ones, as the resonate magnetic and electrics of your earth are increasing by design, so do these upsurges effect the energy of your human EMF. While some of you will experience this differential with comparative ease, all of you must be aware of its effects. The differential can create temporary fissure cracks in the Human EMF and can lead to energetic bleeding, termed Ascension Imbalance. The expansion and recreation of a larger merkabic field is a requisite metamorphosis of the auric field to the Merkabah, and indeed of the Merkabah to the MERKIVAH. The Merkivah expands to the 12 point star, the 24 point star, and in time well beyond. The fabric of your universe, the matrix of higher dimension is sacred geometry within a crystalline field. You cannot, will not experience its heights until you become crystalline. It will not happen by itself.Dear Ones, the electo-magnetic field of your physical body must be understood and maintained. It interfaces much of that you term the soul memory, emotions, feelings and spirit to the physical experience.All of you are in a crucible that will offer you the opportunity to purge the imbalance, remove the obstacles and allow you to expand beautifully into the Quantum Crystalline Field, within the 144 Grid. You must consciously work for this! That is why you are here!Please understand that if you are feeling irritable, out of balance, fatigued, and overwhelmed, you are not alone. The duality of your plane is a great teacher, a growth cycle that you have waited eons to complete. Understand what is occurring, and see this as a great opportunity. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Seize it! There are tools to ease the process. The living waters of Shasta are one such specialized source of assistance. Indeed they can assist you in achieving the crystalline MERKIVAH.Love yourselves Masters, and love one another. Be gentle with self, and be kind to one another.Hear these words.I am Metatron and I share these messages of Light to all of you. You are not alone, we know each of you by name, and you are Dearly Beloved!...and so it is.Copyright © 2008 Tyberonn This Tyberonn channel is copy-righted to Earth-Keeper.Com It may be distributed and shared with acknowledgement of author & copyrights. It may not be reprinted without expressed permission. For further queries contact : Tyberonn@Earth-Keeper.com or Tyberonn @hotmail.com
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