Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm. President Trump states it was an accident, and the formula for "accident" (Mars / Uranus) was thus used for symmetry with the Ascendant ("activities taking place in the environment") to get an idea of the time of the event that took place. I selected the time of 8:56:30 pm based on this use of Mars / Uranus, and one will see why in a little bit. The Uranian 90 Degree dial to be used is below:
And for all you math wizards, the Uranian astrology points is below. Note that the Descendant ("the area of open enemies") is very close to the star of Markab, known as "the star of sorrow."
Below is the points above plotted on the 90 degree dial. The Ascendant (As) will be the primary point to look at.
Below is the formula for "accident." This is less than 11' minutes away from the Midheaven (Mc) which represents "how the event will be remembered." The point of equality of Mars / Uranus = MC takes place at 8:55:45 pm, which is less than a minute of clock time compared with the As at the time of 8:56:30 pm.
The symmetry of Mars / Uranus with the Ascendant is below, along with my notes:
Politics may have had a role with this event, and this is disturbing. Because of the heated political changes taking place in Washington D.C. at this time, one has to consider the possibility of faulty electronics or probable sabotage of the electronics on either the Blackhawk helicopter or the airliner involved in this disaster. Let's look at Chiron, which represents "advanced technology not available to the general public."
The symmetry of Chiron / Hades/Zeus relative to the Ascendant is below. This is really disturbing; analysis of formulas involving the military did not pop up for symmetry with the Ascendant.
Wow. This implies a very powerful organization (possibly international-based) may have been involved with or manipulating the advanced technology of one or two of the flying vehicles in some way. SO THE QUESTION NEEDS TO BE ASKED: was this a murder? I did analysis of six formulas for murder, and Mars / Hades ("murder") popped up strong when paired with Hades / Kronos ("the kernel formula for the high level criminal") relative to the Ascendant.
The interpretation for the trees described that applied to the Ascendant reads as follows: "the activities taking place in the environment define an accident with a fire explosion. Involvement with advanced technology and causing fire damages may have been done by a powerful organization, possibly with government connections or an international type of organization. A high level criminal may have also been involved, possibly with the intent of commiting murder or creating an atrocity." Pray for peace.
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,