U.S. headed for civil war as military mobilizes to take down cabal

The United States is headed for full-blown civil war or revolution, as the U.S. military has now mobilized troops and reserve units “to take down the Deep State,” Pentagon sources say.  “With 125,000 indictments, many will be unsealed, making for a bloody October revolution or October surprise before the satanic Halloween holiday.”  They note that “Melania Trump wore red on October 1 to signify Red October for a new fiscal year as the military mobilizes troops to defend Trump.”

The mobilization order can be confirmed on the U.S. Marines’ own home page:

The order authorizes Marines and other U.S. military units to take action inside the U.S. if “a Governor requests Federal assistance in responding to a major disaster or emergency,” or “When directed by the President,” or following “a Request For Forces (RFF) from the responsible Combatant Commander.”  The order further reads, “Marines with subject orders will execute orders… in order to respond to threats in the Homeland.”

Multiple sources, including Dr. Steve Pieczenik (who served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and James Baker) confirm that the mobilization is in response to an attempted CIA coup led by CIA Director Gina Haspel against U.S. President Donald Trump.  Dr. Pieczenik, by the way, is the son of Holocaust survivors and has gone on the record blaming Nazi Jews as being involved in the mass murder of their own people.


CIA sources confirm that Haspel is “a blood relative of the Rockefeller clan (Clinton, Zuckerberg, etc.).”  Furthermore, the sources state that Haspel “was in charge of ‘Cat’s Eye,’ the first secret black site for interrogation of alleged terrorists, set up in Thailand.  She also ran a secret black site at Guantánamo Bay prison after 9/11 at the request of GW Bush/Dick Cheney.  (This was totally off the books).  She travelled between Thailand and Cuba.  After her mission in Thailand, she was appointed Station Chief of the CIA London office.  She is overseeing the plot to …

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Zionists call for world dictatorship by rabbis, but face defeat instead

Faced with a loss of control over the Western world’s financial system and thus a loss of power, the Elders of Zion are publicly calling for a theocracy and death for those who disobey it.  Of course, nobody but a few fanatics is paying attention to them.  Instead, the Jews are about to be liberated from thousands of years of slavery.  This may be hard to digest for non-religious, rational people, but it is what the objective, real-world facts show.

Last week, the Sanhedrin, a group claiming to have a divine right to rule humanity, called for “a Bible-based international organization to replace the United Nations.”  This would be composed of a group of 70 nations which obey the Elders of Zion.  To inaugurate this, they are building the altar of the Third Temple and planning to make animal sacrifices on it.  They also call for Noahide Laws to be applied to all of humanity.

As Pastor Chuck Baldwin and others point out, “Noahide Law calls for the death of anyone practicing idolatry (defined as any type of worship other than Talmudic worship).”  Furthermore, he warns, they are calling for “the establishment of an international court based in Jerusalem that ultimately would be given the power to execute (via decapitation) anyone who commits ‘blasphemy.’”

To make this perfectly clear, they are calling for the execution of Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, etc. unless they submit to the Elders of Zion.  These are the people behind the thwarted plot to kill 90% of humanity.

The so-called God these people claim to obey, as written in the Catholic Bible, says, among other things, that anyone other than Moses or Aaron who tries to look at God will be “stoned or shot by arrow.”  Exodus 19:13

Their God also asks for human sacrifice:
“You will give me the first-born of your children.”  Exodus 22:28

Furthermore, “God” asks for:
“gold, silver and bronze;  materials dyed violet-purple, red-purple and crimson, fine linen, goats’ hair;  rams’ skins dyed red, fine leather, acacia wood;  oil for the light, spices for the anointing oil and fragrant incense;  cornelian and other stones to be set in the ephod and breastplate.”  Exodus 25:3-7

Okay, so we have a so-called “God” that threatens to kill people with stones or arrows, asks for human sacrifice, and demands gifts such as gold and “rams’ skins dyed red.”  I’m sorry, but I would think the almighty Creator of the Universe would at least use lightning bolts to kill people and could conjure up as much gold as he/she/it wanted.

A rational, scientific explanation leads us to conclude we are dealing with a group of sophisticated human slavers hiding behind a “God” image, and not the Creator of the Universe.

Anyway, after this request for treasure, the so-called “God” went about killing Jewish leader after Jewish leader until a blindly obedient group appeared.  Their descendants are the Sanhedrin, who claim and can recite an unbroken lineage going back to the time of Moses.  In other words, these people have been helping enslave the Jews for thousands of years.  Now, behind the nice words, they are trying to enslave the rest of humanity and promising to kill those who do not obey them.

Having been brought up as an atheist, I was completely non-plussed when Japanese military intelligence told me the group that invited me to join them in a plan to kill 90% of humanity (I have it on tape) was “the Elders of Zion.”  To avoid implicating ordinary Jews, etc., I have, for the sake of simplicity, been calling this secret group of human slavers “the satanists.”

The horrible thing about all this is that they very nearly succeeded.  It was only the Pentagon and the Asians, working together, who managed to stop this horrific plan.

So now let’s look at why recent world events would lead these Sanhedrin slavers and their ilk to think the world might be ending.  Let’s start with the events in the U.S.  Here, Pentagon sources explain, “the September 30th, 2019 fiscal year end (today) coincides with the expiration of the central bank …

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Many signs point to imminent, bigger than Lehman financial tsunami

Veteran financial market observers will tell you that anomalies in the financial markets last week point to some sort of black swan event on the horizon.  This could be—cross your fingers and knock on wood—the signs of the long-awaited implosion of the U.S. Corporate government.  It could also be the signal for a new Bretton Woods-style reboot of the world’s financial system.

To understand, take a look at these two graphs from September 19th.  The first is the Repo market, and the second is SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate)—the replacement for Libor.


The Repo market is basically a market where banks etc. use long-term high-quality financial instruments like U.S. government bonds as collateral to borrow here/now cash.  The second is the rate at which banks lend to each other.  The jump from 2% to 10% in the Repo market in a single day either means insiders think U.S. bonds are about to become worthless, or else some huge bank is about to go bust and so nobody wants to hand any cash over to them.

The second, SOFR, moved 282 basis points, in a market where people typically freak out over a move of even 20 basis points.  The SOFR move, at the very least, indicates that a mega-bank or several mega-banks could not get money from other banks.  This sort of move was last seen at the time of the Lehman shock.

The privately owned Fed has been trying to calm things down by offering to dish out $75 billion per day between now and October 10th.  That’s interesting timing, because the U.S. Corporate government has a payment deadline on September 30th and would be given until around October 10th (or the 17th at the latest) to come up with the money if it failed to pay up on September 30th.

A British Royal family member explained, “The financial industry has been bankrupted by …

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Eric Hollerbach of Highway Diary interviews Benjamin Fulford, October 1, 2019

Eric Hollerbach of Highway Diary interviews Benjamin Fulford, October 1, 2019:


Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview September 21, 2019 with Prepare for Change

Here is a link to an interview where Fulford discusses the latest in what is happening to this lovely but endangered planet of ours.

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  • AA your welcome and thank you for posting this, now that there are 2 of us posting about this it seems a few more are waking up to this possibility of a coupe and civil war. Of course nothing in the MSN. Lets hope Trump stops it in time,so that it doesn't  develop into a civil war because the military is half positive and half negative. The same with the two major parties and the people themselves are in great confusion and may turn on themselves and others as they are heavily armed. Or a combination of all the above. So lets pray for peace and prepare supplies just in case, huh. Remember we are all one. Adonai

  • Well this is the back-up I needed to verify the blog I posted a few days ago from Mike Adams and they are both saying pretty much the same thing, they are consistent in that. They are not exactly the same, all we need now is a 3rd report and this thing should go viral. I was able to finish the post from Ben and put it below but the vid didn't go tried to post the vid again but only got the pic below of keenan. I guess the powers that be are trying to keep this coupe a secret and there are many reasons for this but our reader's and members should know this ,so that they can prepare themselves, if it does really take place but so far they are not picking up on this big Event,huh ! Adonai


  • Here is the rest of the blog from Ben and the rest of the whole blog should be in a few days.

    She is overseeing the plot to remove Trump, but she is acting on orders from her handlers.  Gina Haspel is not her real name.”

    Haspel went into action and triggered the emergency response after Trump fired National Security Council head John Bolton and began a purge of fifth columnists located there, the Pentagon sources say.

    The other big trigger for the emergency is that “Wall Street is under assault,” Pentagon sources say.  In particular, they say, “JP Morgan is being prosecuted as a criminal enterprise under RICO for drug trafficking, fraud, terror financing, sanction violations, and other racketeering activity.”  An attack on JP Morgan, of course is an attack on the Nazi Bush clan.  The Rockefeller “bloodsucking vampire squid” Goldman Sachs is also being taken down for its involvement in the Malaysia 1MDB scandal, the sources add.  This scandal, of course, then links them to the Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 mass murder incident.

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    Many other mega-banks are also now being investigated as organized crime organizations in Europe and the U.S., multiple sources confirm.  The most important of these investigations concerns raids by Vatican Police to “to acquire documents and electronic devices from certain offices of the First Section of the Secretariat of State and the State Financial Information Authority” related to complaints about “the Institute for Works of Religion [Vatican Bank] and the Office of the General Auditor, regarding financial transactions carried out over time,” according to a Vatican press release.



    This is huge, because the Vatican Bank is where bribery accounts for hundreds of so-called world leaders are kept.  The raids were related in part to requests by Trump to find out who has been financing the various “witch hunts” against him.

    However, Vatican P2 Freemason sources say they are opposed to the “Trump religion” and will fight against “the [Trump son-in-law Jared] Kushner group and their aims of world power.”  The P2 say they want “a federated world, not a world of religious fundamentalism in power.”

    Closely related to these raids is a fight going on in Switzerland over control of the world’s gold reserves and thus control over a new gold-backed financial system, thus control of the world.  A lot about this war is revealed in this new “Neil Keenan video” made by the people who murdered the real Keenan.

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RichRaelian commented on AshtarCommand - The Great Awakening's blog post Ashtar Command Report – “The dark side of the moon”
"Hi! Thank you for posting this message I learn a lot from it."
48 minutes ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dt0Ked6dvU"
7 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://youtube.com/shorts/3dt0Ked6dvU?si=zTtvZa1Fx1nLc3kO"
7 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXQ4DnQMLhw"
7 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://youtu.be/lXQ4DnQMLhw?si=GwxxhmIXyF2p4LTL"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our great pleasure to welcome God.GOD: My dear children, there is so much light in your world now, so much goodness, and a brand new level of excitement! Life on Earth is…
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