
As I have blogged the old 3d earth created reality is a CONSTRUCT, that is it was deliberately created in order that the distorted frequencies would produce the manifestation that is presented to you as “human life” on planet earth.

As many of you are now fully experiencing this was never TRUTH, for TRUTH JUST IS and needs no justification, no defense, it JUST IS. At this time of the Equinox and SEPARATION of WORLDS it is vital that you begin to understand and to work with the New Earth reality.

For the New Earth reality is simply that WHICH IS LEFTwhen you DEconstruct the old 3d earth created reality.

Imagine if you will a snowglobe that has been wrapped in a dark heavy fabric, this fabric is stretched tightly around said snowglobe.

In this analogy the snow globe represents the old 3d earth construct. The dark heavy fabric represents the distorted frequencies that were deliberately implanted into the energy signature of planet earth in order to hold together this construct.

To incarnate (using this analogy) onto planet earth you would have to incarnate into the snowglobe (old 3d earth created reality), from outside the snow globe it is easy to actually SEE the tight fabric and understand the containment within the snowglobe but born INTO the snowglobe ( in this analogy) you would easy assume that the snowglobe was all that there was.

The heavy fabric PREVENTING you from seeing outside the construct.

The New Earth frequencies can be viewed as a diluting agent, which is slowly (but now rapidly) thinning the heavy fabric, in places the fabric is so thin that you can see through it, it is now allowing the LIGHT into the snowglobe.

Depending on where you are within the snowglobe will depend whether you can see through the fabric and also depends if you are allowing yourself to look up and even acknowledge that there MIGHT be something beyond the edges of said snow globe.

The heavy fabric is ALL that is preventing the expansion of those who are within the snowglobe, they have been TAUGHT to believe that to break out of said snowglobe that they will somehow perish.

A bit like being in a prison cell the ability to move out of your comfort zone (in this analogy the planet earth reality of the old 3d earth construct) will take some movement by you, depending on the experiences you have had whilst in said “prison” you may not believe that freedom is even an option, you may have adjusted so well to life in “prison” that your human logical mind cannot move to anything except the ROUTINE of said prison.

For the old 3d earth created reality LOVED to create ROUTINE. Many of you at this time are in chaos due to this part of the distorted frequencies breaking down, for many people NO routine = chaos and panic.

Nature is by design, the universe is by design and that design is within the VERY FABRIC of the universe, the fabric of the universe in TRUTH being the LOVE that IS, it is the LOVE that IS that holds everything together, that brings things together and allows for expansion, it is the LOVE that IS that radiates brightly at all moments of all moments.

THIS is the diluting agent in the analogy of the snowglobe and it is attempting at this moment to free you from the jail cell you were BORN into within the old 3d earth created reality. Your eyes so used to the dim light and the lack of colour that the heavy fabric provided around the snowglobe.

The separation of worlds is almost complete, this is felt at a human conscious waking mind level as much sadness and for some a sense of “loss”.

The “loss” is the routine, the lower dimensional frequencies, for you were TAUGHT that they were part of you and this is not TRUTH.

Much like walking along a road with a stone in your shoe and not having time to stop and take the stone out, you will adjust your walking so as to minimise the stone hurting you.

Take the stone out and you will notice the difference, even the stone being a “pain” will be registered as missing for you had got “used to it” even though you did not resonate with or like it.


The New Earth reality at a human conscious waking mind level is remembering the carefree attitude of a child.

Many of you at this time are still allowing the old 3d earth created reality to ignite feelings of guilt for being happy.

Life on planet earth is a SOUL choice, your SOUL did not send you here to incarnate to be miserable no matter what the old 3d earth tries to teach you.

Happiness is a CHOICE, it is a frequency and it depends on NOTHING EXTERNAL, many of you are “waiting” for permission to be happy not allowing yourself to see that the only person who CAN give permission is SELF, for only YOU are living this your human life experience.

NO ONE on this planet is going to turn round and give you a thumbs up, they are too busy trying to cope with the frequencies that they are running but the old 3d earth will teach you that this is not the case and that all sit in judgement of all.

At this time you are asked simply to BE, to enjoy BEing, to detach from the chaos and to FEEL, CHOOSE how you want to FEEL and then watch all unfold THROUGH YOU and around you.

ALL that is TRUTH is now solidifying and expanding, all that is not TRUTH is dissolving.

When you begin to anchor the LOVE that IS then it GROWS and expands, more and more LOVE pours through you, around you and within you and you will then find that you wish to SHARE this feeling with all who are in your life experience.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.

GIVE SELF PERMISSION TO LOVE SELF and allow the miracles that you SOUL is attempting to birth to illuminate for you and BREATHE into a new reality, a new way of living and new you.



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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7zZoXHqla4"
48 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily. https://youtu.be/C7zZoXHqla4?si=js1BfBJtle9FjPbK"
49 minutes ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"UFO investigative researcher Melinda Leslie joins Jimmy Church to analyze top-secret notes on a meeting between Admiral Thomas Wilson and astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis. Evidence shows the government has funded the reverse engineering of ET craft by…"
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"UFO investigative researcher Melinda Leslie joins Jimmy Church to analyze top-secret notes on a meeting between Admiral Thomas Wilson and astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis. Evidence shows the government has funded the reverse engineering of ET craft by…"
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"And of course the Deep State would do this. This is what happens when you have folks that should be in Mental Asylums or locked away in prison in charge of the country. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/01/despicable-joe-biden-relea..."
2 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Looks like maybe they are going with Bird Flu and M Pox at the same time. Knowing how ridiculous and desperate the Cabal is right now I would not be surprised if they tried bringing back the Covid narrative as well as other diseases to scare people…"
2 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
2 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
2 hours ago